The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 16, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    Let Us Furnish
You Home
T 1 11C CO M PL12TE . 1 I
The Nows office has a splon-
did quality of bond paper put
up In pound pnrakages (200
sheets to the pound, size S'x7)
ut 25 cents per package, tf
Let us repair it, we'll
doit well, fast and cheap
or not at all. As an ounce!
of prevention is worth a!
pound of cure: We'll ex
amine your Kings, Chains, j
Brooches and Watches!
FREE. We'll reset that'
oldfasliioned piece into:
something up-to-date, and
use the same material so as'
not to lose the sentiment. !
'I he Hall Mark Store
Read This!
4 1 1 IF"jrJ LtKC!iV
It is against
the law in Ore
gon to adver
tise something
you haven't
got or cannot!
We dare you
to arrest us
of course
tarn & Son
0 USET tl U N I S 1 -i 12 R SJ
my honors
Has Perfectly Trained Corps
of Mastiffs.
Uotli Austrian and Iliily Rmploy
Iogst mid Many a llI'MxIy
Fight llcfiiills When
They Meet.
Ily Alleo Itolio.
(United 1'resB Stnff Correspondent.)
KO.MU, Aug. 22. (By mall.)
Itono Is a real dog of war not one
of those symbolical dogs of war
which typify tho destructive on
nluught of conflicting enemies. Yet
rteno hue dono some protty stren
uous work against the enemy and as
n result ho Is wearing a medal about
his neck suspended by a trl-color
Reno saved his master Lieutenant
In a hand-to-hand combat
in Cadorc. In consequence he Is tho
pet of regiment
Italy's dogs nro playing an Im
portant part In tho fierce strugglo
which U going on at tho frontier.
Austria has mobilized her canine sol
diers with great success and today
when dogs In thoso mountainous con
fines of Italy's old provinces thero
are conflicts which would mnko dog
history for all time.
Tho Italian war dogs are largely
mastiffs. Itono Is a big white "mo
Iohbo" (mastiff) and Is typicnl 0r nil
these faithful four-rooted soldiers.
The dog's are turned loose, unleash
ed and go forth scouting, beating
Special Fair Week IVognuii.
Chas. Chaplin
Tine staii 1 1 1 . i: i i : it
I'lrect from tho l.nugh Factory
The Terrible One
A Mexican llorder Ilrama In 3
parts with W. K. Parsons, (leo.
lioutli, vnnu V.'ir.iman and I..
C. Shu m way
Hearst 5elte News
I Tile world before your eves
They Loved Him So
A Vitagruph 'oinedy with Flora
The Fable cf the" Man
at the Women's Cfub
A Comedy by llccruo. Ade
T!i! only theatre In the city hav-Ini-
n complete ventilating svn
I' mi, and runniii.i; a continuous
pli'lure mlRit two roJectrs. with
direit current.
7 Majestic Reels 7
1'ifU i:ki.v I'lionx ti:i
5c -----10c
S;ii-cl::l miivlr by Cnif. iHirnnni,
Master I'boloplnyer.
Wnjim lloyle, thief ()l(rillir.
All Ihe I'.ix Ones, why Kp.Ml-inetil?
about In the brush and woods sceut
dns the enemy's approach, when It
happens that they run afoul of Aus
trian dog scouts, doing eimllar dutv,
there Is warfare of the wildest kind.
KHrco and bloody It lasts (Ml one of
'i":u ha5 his life for his coun
try. ,
Tho Italian war dugs are pcrfect
'' trained. They follow io columns
on tho march. When a conflict oc
curs tho dogs become ,'half mad
vlt h ferocity, buying and jumping
and leaping as though they would
teur the enemy to pieces.
rteno, following the column one
dry, beside his beloved 'raster, saw
a hand-to-hund combat berv.ven the
lla'lan officer and an Austrian. The
officer was struggling bravely but
It was duo to Itono that ho was!
saved. Leuplirg at t lie Austrian's
throat the mastiff dragged' I tm to!
the ., -round piercing his juelar vein'
with 1.1s sharp teeth. j
From thut day on Heno has never'
loft his lieutenant. He sleeps with
him, and eats mess with hir... When1
he Is not In service ho plays with
the soldiers, deporting himself as!
any dog would who did not have n
grea.t world destiny hargin,; over,
his head. . I
The war dot" beside f-co'it duty!
end actual fighting ure of especial j
i-fc in tho Italian campaigning for
they carry flasks about their necks I
and in tho mountain p-isses are firstj
uld to many an injured soldier.
Croselonl Mlrholo who recovered
his speech and hearlnr through the ! at 1001 Winchester street, received
joy of seeing his lleulennnt again, I lmlnfHl Injuries late yesterday after
and Saturnlno Roulllacciotti. Kenpol-j noon when he lost trnl of the mo
Han, who regained his speech tor-'cl wlSc he was riding. He
through hearing a r.ouume of Cho-1 na1 rldtlon t0 tne to" ot the hi" on
pins, offered two Incident? amenf' ,'"na 8treet antl while descending
the nm'iv strar,-. oii.o'ionnl happen-' ,he macnlne became unmanageable
lngs rcir 1 d In .Italy's va -..ire nni1 rnn I,,to t,ie rear 'ar(1 of Jmlse
. , Hamilton's lot where It struck a:
Tho Italian temperament seems to , . ., ., , .
. . , , ,, ' , 'raised sidewalk. The mpact of the
bo giving dally proof of Its actua ty. , . .. , , , ' .
1 shock threw young TIsdalo from the
Cresclonl, Infantryman, 'was not machine and he landed on his head'
actually wounded but was thrown to nmi right arm. !
.u., ,, t,,iK,. a sueii,
bursllng near him. lie lost lifs ;
lipfirini; ami bjipocIi and was tnkt-n;
(o tno nospitai at I oronto. All Known . to care for the unfortunate voung
means proved fruitless to res'ore him mnn. Ilo wng nnrrled to Mercy
to Jil normal condition. One (lay l,0s,)ltal where is was found that he
It was learned that his lieutenant had a dislocated right wrist and a
had been hrouRht to the hospital. . number of cuts about the head He
Thinklr.R to Klvo him pleasure tho j was taken to his home this morning.
.Infantryman was taken to the of- Mr. and Mrs. Tlsdale only recently
"-or, whom he had shnr j moved to this city from Medford anil
iocs and sorrows of warfare. Th( at tho present time the father is em
two threw themselves in each other's r-lnyoil by the Standard Oil Co.
-rms overcome by emotion. Kelens-1 gg -iuiij '.'
t l,l,anlf l.In t l. I 1,... I
covered with tears, tho unfortunate
soldier hepsn to movo his lips. Wtlh
a sui'ienm effort ho forced strange
ii"n?tnr:il seundi from his lips. I!u
next (!!( he rcnlned his speera
and hearing.
The c,.si. one of the stranRenl re
corded nt tho Toronto hospltnl, is re
irnrded as havliiR been a c ivp due to
deen emotion.
Tiie case of Corporal Squlllacdott
bnrs out the well known theory of
Ihe curatve power of music. The
Neapolitan like all his race Is a lover
j of music. In violent com! at he
i n:ro ruddenly mule. Tnknn to'th"
j hospital of Modena he failed to re
j nnond to treatment. One evening a
: doctor knowing of the corporal's
oapslnnte love for music began play
, ing a Chopin nocturne on the hos
pital piano. ;
! The soldier niter the doctor lnd
the music for several minu
tes suddenly began to tremble. Then
""rani; to his feet crying "Bravo-:
ancora." i
I His cure had been effected. ;
! KHKH 1FVFM1'I! VliKF. ,
Your films If bought of us. East
man or Ansco Films and Packs, un
til further notice.
CLARK ft ri.AKK.
f rt t f Fotogrnnhers
WANTED Prune pickers lit Sunny
wood farm. Call 4F12. fillil-slp
NOTICE No tresi'assliiK on the
Moore property in I'detibower.
!U!7-n1 rip
FOR KENT Furnished lmusekeop
Ing rooms iut pninted and paper
ed. S"crl:t r::tis for idudeiUs.
II Chi'dwlck streit. Phone
2 t -T . 9r,-tf
'NTi:l'i --Man v illi'iy wants
to work farm e:i i';nv. cr for
w:ur.s. Kane In;; of nnvkiml, work
ei'.ir.intfij. Fred MarsV
"ld. O-e. ?.s2t.
llHltlF.ST S X V IN TOWN -. r.-roo:il
modern house and 3 lots, street
Improvements in and paid; Price
Sll'r. ft! on cash, balance terms.
See Pat. ;t-,"-1 7:
LOST-Order bock and account
slips pert.linlpi; to business of IV
M. F.-rrv R- Co., 0,-trolt. Mirh.. on
I'meqiia river-Wilbur road. Find
er wl'l receive liberal reward by
returning to S. W. Trary, enre
lintel Vmpqua, Roseburg.
Properly Fitted
Popular Prices
Roseburg Bocterie
Shoes Thut Satisfy
Perkins Illd. lloscburg. Or.
John, the 15-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Tlsdale, who reside
when Judge Hamilton reached
Tlsdnlo he found Mm
and Dr. Shoemaker was summoned
A Prologue and Five Acts
A -Fascinatiiig: Feature Dealing with the Greatest Question of the Day
with a Beautiful Love Story Running Through It " '
This Photoplay is Packing the Houses
You owe it to yourself and family to see this great lesson picture
At the Antlers Theatre
Tomorrow and Saturday
September 17th and 18th
Two Shows Nightly at 7:15 and 8:45
CHILDREN 10 Cents ADULTS 20 Cents
The Simplex S-day Alarm Clock Is Perfection if you want time
and alarm. Wind it once a week, set it at tho hour you to
v.-ak- up and It needs no. more a.t.ntion. It v.111 cad you ocry
warning. Price $3.00. Big B.'ns and llal.y He,. at V.M each uro
all O. K. also the Hulls Eye for 1M and the l.a Salic '"' I I,U
A!', guaranteed for 1 year. WAKE I' I'!
G. VV. Young
For jhe Largest and
School Text Books
Misvatsy lit
Pencils end Inks
Call at
The Roseburg Book Store
The ladies aid society of the Pres
byterian church Is holding a regular I
meeting this afternoon in the church'
At tho annual meeting of the local
W. C. T. U. yesterday afternoon, a
large number of members were pres
ent and a most enjoyable as well as
profitable session held. Officers for
the coining year were elected and
plans evolved to carry on the work
wit.lL renewed vigor. The subject of
caring for the visitors of the na
tional W. C. T. U. to be here on Oc
tober 17th, was taken up, and It was
made certain that the visiting not
ables will be cared for. Mrs. S. K.
Collier was again elected as presi
dent. A dainty lunch was served by
tho hostess. Mrs. Shoemaker.
and Company
Mist Complete tine of
Hoseburg Thursday, Sept. 16 and
Friday, Sept. 17, to buy horses
and mares, any color except gray,
15 to 16 hands high, u to 8 years
old, weight 1100 to 1500 lbs.
Horses must be sound and iu gojjl
flesh. I also wish to announii
this will be iny last .trip
through this fall. EARL S. Mc
NUTT. 970-slti
LOOK One pair of fine mares for
sale, 0 and 7 years old, weight
1250, new 2?i spindol wagon, new
harness, 711 S. I'ine street, Rose
burg. 972-s21p
A BARGAIN- Will trade 3 '4 spin
del wagon even for 3 tons of baled
hay. 7M S. Pine street, Rose
burg. 71-s21p
. - ...t