NE WS WANT ADVS 1 ' 'M. j.-. , , a GET ULTS RES HELNLINE PIANO SCHOOL REOPENS SEPTEMBER 0. ' Mrs. Charles Helnline begs to announce that having returned from further Btudy In California she will re-open her studio on September 'c. While In Cali fornia Mrs. Helnline studied pi ano technic and repctorie with Ernest Kroeger and children's work at the University of Cali fornia. , Using the "Helnline System of Musical Kindergarten," follow ed by "Effa Ellis Keyboard Harmony" and "Progressive Series of Piano Lessons" the same high standard of efficien cy will be maintained In all grades from kindergarten to advanced study. : Morning classes In Kinder garten for - children under 7 years of age. Arrangements have been made to send for the children and take them homo. , Mrs. Helnline suggests that all former and .prospective pu pils call or phone her this week If they wish convenient hours. Studio 423 Ella street. Phono 33-R. Dta'itifully situated suniirban lot . li-weuiirg must be sold to an R'-t-i'e. A barsain for some ,r. inquire ni W. II. Richardson, 725-tf FOR SALft. OR SALE Several bead of fresli milch cows, for prices and partic ulars call phone 6F15. 911slSp FOR SALE One large heavy horse, wagou and harness. Page Invest ment Co. Rosehurg. 689-tf FOR SALE Young Jersey cow, Just fresh with cair, selected stock. Ad dress John Nachter, Melrose, Ore '.. gon. 948-sK FOR SALE Registered and unreg istered Delaine rams, both polled ' and horned. Address J. G. Barnes, Ten Mile, Ore. 902-olp FOR SALE A nice milk cow, near ly fresh. Can be seen 1 mile south of city. Price ?50. Call or address H. M. Heber, Rt. 1 Roseburg. 939-sl5p FOR SALE OR TRADE About 4,4 acres of level building property, 4 blocks of city limits on Edenbower road. E. C. Benson, 401 Perkins bldg. 938-oS FOR SALE Charter Oak heating stove, medium size, in good condi tion, for sale cheap. Phone 231-L ' or can be seen at 120 Brockway 952-sl7p FOR SALE Young pure Dred Jer sey bull', eligible to register. Will sell for ?35, If taken quick. This Is as good an animal as can be had for 3 or 4 times the monoy. Address Wm. Vinson, Umpqua. Phone 10F22. 694-lf ' FOR SALE All the 711 brand of cattle belonging to H. L. Acker at V '.'!& Tiller. 5 three year steers, 10 -: - cows, and salves, 12 dry cows, 7 ' two year steers, 10 yearling heif ers, fUty in all. Price $2000.00 H. L. Acker, Tiller. Or. 899-s30 FOR SALE Angora goats bred from selected stock of superior quality, heavy shearers and hair of good f quality. Males and 15 head of fe males, all registered. Call on or write to J. I. Chapman, Wilbur. Ore. 903-s30p WANTED. WANTED Housekeeper, write C. H. Arundel, P. O. box 703, Roseburg, Ore. 949-tf Neely & Neely Cass Street Flour and Can ned Goods Our Specialty All Fresh Goods in Reason WANTED To rent a farm, capable 0 taking care of from 25 to 60 cows. Let ua know wuat you nave. Ad dress box 772, City. 913-tf WOOD WANTED Tne- news will Kladlr take on subscription wood ' for offtaa find residence use In any amount. Call at The News I I I. MISCELLANEOUS WELL DRILLING Experienced. R. E, Illnseinian, Roseburg, R 1. 704-U FOR RENT Furnished rooms at 312 E. Cass. Phone 216-J. 900-s30p FOR RENT Furnlslied rooms with bath. Inquire at 323 South Stephens St. 867-sl9p NEW APPLE BOXES Nailed at fie each Apply People's Suppi) Co. SiMi-tf FOR RENT Four modern furnish ed rooms, pantry and bath. 530, N. Pine. Phone 207-R 950-sl7p ROOMS FOR RENT Nice for stud ents, also suitable for light house , keeping. . Modorn convenience-". IHG S. Pine. 9G0-O17I FOR RENT Two sets light house-1 keeping rooms, 3 rooms In one set, two In the other, at 120 N. Steph ens street. 95G-sl7p CARPENTER'S NOTICE I want to exchange rent of small house for carpenter work, Lenvo address at News office. 941-S22 FOR EXCHANGE Portland proper ty exchange for Roseburg prop erty or acreage. What have you Address S49 News office. 849-tf MANDOLIN, Violin and Guitar les sons private at home. Pleasant and careful instruction by A. W. Ferguson. Call Parslow and Boll. 90S-s30p FOR RENT Fine large apartment house of 1C rooms, close in and in first class condition. Snap for $25 per month., See Perrlno and Mnrs- ters. 959-tf FOR EXCHANGE For a good home In Roseburg, Ore., a fine 7-pnssen-ger Rambler Special touring car in fine condition and nearly new. Bargain for some one. For par ticulars see Perrine & Marsiers. 958-tf STRAYED OR STOLEN Prom the Marsters ranch in Happy Valley, one light bay horse, eight years old, weight 1000 pounds, height 14 hands, small white spot In forehead, left hind foot white, branded J. F. on right stifle, U. S. on left stifle. Suitable reward wfll be paid for any information lead ing to his recovery. A. C. Mars ters, Roseburg, Ore. 745-tf LODGE DIRECTORY. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOS15 Rose burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets In Eagles' ball on Jackson street, every Friday evening , at 8:00 o'clock. Visiting brothers invited to attend. F. G. Stewart, Dictntor; H. O. Pargeter. Secretary. ROSEBURG NEST No. 1417, Order of Owls, meets first and third Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Eagles Hall. Visiting brothers always welcome Ross Goodman, president: C. W Horner, secretary. A. F. & A. M., Laurel Lodge No. 1.1, Regular Communications 2nd and fourth Wednesdays each month at Masonic Temples, Roseburg, Ore. Visitors welcome. R. H. C. Wood, (V. M., W. F, Harris, Sec. Q. E, S. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8, holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays In each month. Visiting members In good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. Grace Elder, W. M.; Free Johnson. Sec. WOODMEN OK T1IK WORLD Oak Camp, No. 123, meets at the Odd Fellows ball In Roseburg, every first and third Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors alwavs wel come C. T. Tipton, C. C; M. M. Miller, clerk. I NITKB ARTISANS Assembly 105 meets at the Maceabe hall every first and third Wednesday even ing. Visiting members are always welcome. Alllne Hoffman, M. A.; Emma Faulkner. Secy. I. O. O. F. Rising Star Lodge No 174, meets In Odd Fellows Templj ARE THEY MARRIED i ' THlS 15 THE CHOKER COUAR--II I L THE. VERS NEWEVf 1 I in ki rz, u v iS nri : A RIGCM' Do VOW '0,;5 IN r ( THATa THE TROUBLE - I CANT SEE WITH MN Hat oh j every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. A. S. Hunt, N. G.; J. D. Reese, V. G.; Carl W. Ohman, Rec. Sec; M. Flckel, Fin. See. TiEIlEKAllS r.osaimrg Rebekah Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F., meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Tuesday evening. Visiting sisters and brothers Invited to attend. Ella Stewart, N. G.; Tllllo John Bon; Rec. Sec; Clara Carter, Fin. Sec; M. Fickle, Treas. WOMEN OF WOODCKIFT Lilac Circle, No. 49, meets on first and third Monday evenings of each month in the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members in good standing are invited to attend. Elma Lewel len, 0. N.; Clara Cawlfleld, clerk II. P. O. E. Rosemirg Lodge, No 326, holds regular communications at their temple on second and fourth Thursdays of euch mouth. All members requested to attend regularly and all visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. A C. Seely, E. R.; I. B. Riddle, Sec. lirotnernooa or American Teomen. Mt. Nebo Homestead 1828; Meets at Maccabee hall every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Visitors welcome. Mrs, Blanche Krohn, foreman; S. E. Krohn, correspondent. 1 EAGLES Roseburg Aerie meets In their hall on Jackson street, 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting breth tn good standing always welcome. J. M. Donohew, W. P.: B. F. Goodman, W. See. Phono 183. O. K. M. Umpqua Tribe No. 44 holds stated councils the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at the Eagles Hall, N. Jackson street. Visiting chiefs always U'alcome. Vv. 8. Howard, Sachem; ( . H. TeiCln ski, C. of R.; W. C. (laddia, K. of W. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS leots ev ery Wednesday' In O-dd Fellows Temple. Visiting Kulijbta welcome C. F. Hopkins, C. C; E. E. Wlra berly, K. R. S. I. O. O. F. Union En -ampment No 9. meets In Odd FoilowR Tempi" every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome.. D. C. Humphrey, C. P.; J. B. Bailey, R. S. ; James Ewart, F. S. h. O. T. SI Roseburg Hive No. 11. holds regular reviews on second and fourth Thursday evenings In Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting in the city are cord ially Invited to attend our revlewB. May Patrick, lady com.; Jessie Rapp, R. K. I. O. O. V. Proletarian Lodge. No. 8, meets In Odd Fellows Temple, corner of Jackson and Oau streets on Saturday evening of each week. Members of the order In good standing Invited to attend. Wm. Sponagle, .V. O.; P. 73. Turnell, V. O.; J. B. Bailey, F. 8.; M. M. Miller, R. 8. AW FACE 15 ALL COVERED pj I)H. N. I'LYLER Office Ilnui-s O to 13, 2 to n I Bilropructor Spiaul Treatment 222 W. Inne St., Jiuseburg, Or. Phone DR. SEELY, SETHEK & STEW. ART Physicians ana SifrKiwiis Suit of offices, Rear Douglas National Bank, Ground Floor, Phone 8(17 Rosebuii! - . Oregon ' DR. S. L. DELAPP Osteopathic Physician Rooms 317-318 Perkins Illicit;. Office Phone 431 Residence Phone 276 DR. GEO. K. HOUCK Phj-slf-iuii and Surgeon Office Perkins Bldg., Phone 3. "Roseburg, Oregon l. V. JONES Attorney at J,av Will practice In all the courts. Ex-Register U. S. Land Office. Office In Masonlu Blldg., corner Cass and Jackson CHAS. HOPKINS Attorney at Tjiw L. 420 Perkins lllilg. ItnseburK, Oregon, EBperlal attention given to con veyancing and the examination of titles to real estate. Prac tices In all state hnd federal courts. DR. I. K. SNELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Phones: Office 119, Res. 138-L. '-"7-H Perl.liix Building ROSEIIL'ltO, ORE. 0l LOOK I PIMP Mn.iD 7 1 1 i r-v. I ; ? COVERED OP? iptvcK aminP I 7S1S W ? TAKE ! ! ( L. (). HICKS SURVEYOR 823 Perkins Building Hnseburg, Ore. llione 4 Surveys Estimates CERMOND & FREAK Civil Engineers anil Surveyors Itoheburg, Oregon 4 Rooms 1 and 2 4 Masonic Blldg. Phone 3fl7 WHAT ARE VoO 6RUMBUHG Arwr OUVIr". r THAT COLLAR LOOKS AIL RIOHT OM SOU '( COMB OH.PUTNOUi- HAT N J -CANT Nou TAKE A JoKE f Oilropi-aetors. 421-422 Perkins Bldg., Roso- burg, Oregon. Phones: Office, 200; Res. 355-J Consultation and Examination I-'rs-e, Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tender, Excellent Flavored Meats Aro bound to please the most critical. Always the boBt qual ity at the most reasonablo prices. Prompt Delivery. Cash Meat MarRet Opposite Hnmillcm Irug Store Jiukson Street, Phono 1 1 1. Frno dolivery to all partH of city Real Estate City and Farm Property GEORGE RITES III Wt Oak Street. PUREiFOOD GROCERIES We stand behind all of our OrocerHos as to their PURE FOOD QUALITIES. Puro Food Orocerlos at REASONABLE PRICES, to gether with a PROMPT DE LIVERY SERVICE Is our motto. It brings and holds ev ery customer that ever gives us a trial. Won't you try us and be convinced? Phono us your order today. We are ever ready to servo you as best wo know how. A. T.Marshall r ! a 0 K. P. BRADFORD AND WIFE PROFESSIONAL CARDS THE HELNLINE SCHOOL OF PIANO MUSIO Mrs. Chm-lcs Ilulnllne, Director Mrs. Max Combs, Asut. Teacher. Beginners a Speciality; Concert Pianists Dcvoloped. Morning classes in Klndergar- ten; children callod for and taken homo. Studio 423 Ella Si. Phone 33-R. MUSIC TEACHER MISS MARY D. SYLVA Teacher of Violin, Cello, Mandolin ft Q-iUr 707 W. Mosher St. DR. II. It. SHOEMAKER Physician and Surgeon Office rooms 219-220 Perkins Building Phones Office 194 Residonce 319 Mrs. F. D. Owen Cut Flowers, Potted Plnnta, Funeral Designs, Wedding lu qneta, ec. JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF FERNS OF ALL KINDS Roseburg, Oregon. STOP HTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG The Cleaning Problem has no worry for wo aro prepared to do all your cleaning and puosslng in a superior manner, prjiiptly and at a moderate price. The character of our work la a splen did example of the superiority of this establishment "over the ordi nary". Imperial Cfcarers 342 N. Jetlff n -St. Phono 277. I will teach you Bookkueplng and Business Methods, cldii-r a Complete ItmduoKS Oollego Course or n Special Conine, based upon th0 needs of your own farm or any other busluoas. K. RAY JOMM, Munnger. Ilmoluirg, Oregon. Prompt Service For freighting, moving, bag gage, piano, lunihor, wood and coal, hauling NEW BUSINESS CONNECTIONS We aro sales agents for the Roseburg Sand &, Gravel Co. Washed sand and gravel. we SELL Mt. Diablo Cement. Inicriiil Lltnn San .limn Llmo Arilmi PlaNier Just ( all 12H. H. J. DENN TRANSI-'ER & STOUAfJE Cf Office Phone UN, Ri. 101-L fo& :J'fe''''',;'-''it twtliU. ltd.': . .' 1 .v.-,t. -J