Inches and nun 111, PATRIOT AND TUB Hl'V. at the window with a drawn revolver, the officer gave Uie order to fire When the war broke out, and the and the spy foil dead. Later tho men in the little European village troops of his own countrymen retook went to tho front, there was one who the town and the Patriot was res waB unable to Join the colors. Ha cued and honored for his bravery, was a young married man, the pat- With James Cruse and Marguerite riot of the story, v ho had been in- Snow at the Palace today. Jured i nan ucclilent. Among the townspeople who marched away was1 DAILY WKATHKIC ItKI'OItX. one, who had beoa the unsuccessful: 0. S. Weather Bureau, local office suitor for tho hand of tho patriot's- Roseburg, Oregon. 24 hours ending wire. j.or years ho had nurBed his 5 a. m.. September 10, 1915. nairea, looking forward for revenge. JIo dlBtliiKUlshcd himself in bnttle, but one duy, ho waa captured by the enemy and sent to a prison camp. Whllo there lie was offered his free doin If ho would become a spy. He agreed and was sent to his own vill age. Hero ho deceived the patriot Into believing that a large force of the enemy was marclhlng toward the town, and that It was his duty to blow up the bridge over which tho troops must puss. Tho patriot was captured with the explosives, and the officer gave orders that he ho hanged from the bridge, but the rope broko and he Bwam to the shore. Later he arrived at his cottage where he accused tho spy of treach-, ery. Seeing tho figure of a man Precipitation dredths: Highest temperature yesterday 80 Lowest temperature last night 45 Precipitation, last 24 hours 0 Total precipitation since first of mouth 35 Normal precipitation for this . month 1.04 Total precipitation from Sep tember ', 1915, to date 41 Average preclpltntlon from Sep tember 1. 1877 .42 Total deficiency from Sep tember 1, 1915 01 Average precipitation for 38 wet seasons, (September to May Inclusive) 22.00 WILLIAM DELL, Observer. Panama-Pacific Exposition Is the Most Wonderful ' The Most Beautiful The Most Important in History It Is artistic, It Is symetrlcal, It Is world wide, It Is complete. Only throe months more will It be opened. No Intelligent person can afford to miss tho opportunity of visiting this exposition. Low Round Trip Fares to San Francisco on sale dally from all points If you contomplato a trip East you can travel through California In one direction at small additional expense. 10 DAY'S AT SAX FltAXCISOO and 10 DAYS AT IH ANGELUS and 10 days at El Paso are allowed on all tlckots to tho East reading ovor tho ) SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lot o,nr nenrest Agent outline a trip for you. Our folders "Wayside Notes" and "California Expositions" will be of Interest Thoy aro freo. Tolm M. Scott, Renoiul Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. PHOIIIHITIO.V In "Prohibition, picture fans will soon have an opportunity of seeing a picture as stirring as a "Hilly Sun day sermon". Free from platitudes It toll the story In six Intense reels. In this big attempt to put over the story of King Booxe, tho author has symbolized the guiding Impulses of our big and little selves, and calls them Demon Hum, The Angel f Prohibition, Mephlstophelcs, and In telligence. These symbolic figures appear and disappear upon the screen as the minds of the drink en slaved men sway under the Impulses of good and evil. In the story the father drinks like the proverbial fish. His friend, a talented lawyer, goes to the gutter, The rlnwn of a new tomorrow breaks upon him; he conies to the top like a rubber hall. Tho father has two Bona. Both love the same girl. The loser, Jealous demoniac, determines to work upon ills younger brother's in herited weakness for drink and fin ally landB him unon the physical and moral rockB. But love and Intelli gence trlumpu In tho besotted minds of both father and son and they swear off. ' There Is conflict all the way through conflict with tho spirits within, with the spirits In the bot tles and Incarnate spirits who are ,iandy with, their fists. It is a picture all should sec. It Is a picture no one will forget. Those who have seen It exhibited pronounce it one of the strongest films ever "reduced. At the Antlers 'tomor row and Saturday. I' A WOMAN LEADER IN WORLD OF LABOR. life ts$i i 8HE'S LESS THAN 30. Ul'T ACNES . NESTOR OK CHICAGO. I A H1K1Y1UEK OK THE FEDERAL j COMMISSION ON VOCATION L : TRAINING IS ALREADY I (LEADER IN THE LABOil j WORLD. SHE'S AN AUTHOR- ITY ON LABOR LAWS AND SHE ' , HAS SECURED MANY LEGISLA- ' TIVE REFORMS IN ILLINOIS. I OUR POLICY We aim "0 employ the most capable and responsible mechanics wo ran secure. They cost more money, but are worth it, to do thorough and skillful work without loss of tlmo or material. It Is our desire to furnlBh export service at a minimum cost, con sistent with good business practice We guarantee our work and lmilorluls to be first class In ovcry re spect, and will consider It a f.ivor to have you ndvlso us any tlmo it provos othorwlso. HHP.MH WOHIt filVHM SPECIAL. ATTENTION Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. Res. Phone 64-J. C. W. Hughes, Prop. 220 W Oak. Phono 161 you go on a picnic or a camp ing trip you'll want canned table supplies. No matter what you buy at King's Cash Store It's pin ity ami wholesoinness are guaranteed. Nothing is offered for sale that has not withstood the most rigid test to determine its reliability. "THE CASH STORE" tt'K HAVE YOU MONEY 11W CASS STREET SIIEltllF'S SALK OF itliAL PROPERTY. In pursuance of a decree of fore closure and order of sale rendered In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, on tho 21st day of Juno, 1915, In the suit of J. J. Henderer, plaintiff, vs. Mabe C. Hlnkson, A. II. Hlnkson, A. H. Bossen and A. II. BoRBen, adminis trator of the estate of Edith Bossen, deceased, for tho recovery of $3408.20 with intorest thereon at sevon per cent per annum from June 21st, 1915, until paid, the further sum of $100.00 as attorneys fees and the sum of $24.25 costs and disburse ments, and of an execution upon said decree duly Issued out of said court on the 2d day of Sept., 1915, I will expose for sale and sell at pniillc auc tion as the law directs at tho court house door of said County In the city of Roseburg, Ore, on the 5th dav of October, 1915. nt 10 o'clock a. m., the real property situated In the County of Douglas, and State of Oregon, des cribed In said decreo and order of sale as follows, to-wit: The north half of the Donation Land Claim of Wm. Hancock and wife, being claim No. 4 5 In sections fifteen, sixteen, twenty-one, and twenty-eight In township twenty two South of Range seven West of Wllllnmette Meridian In Douglas County, Oregon; nlso the North half of the South half and lots ono, two and three of Section 10 In Bald town ship Twenty-two South. Range seven West, containing 503.74 acres more or less, excopt that part lying and being on the West sldo of Elk Crock containing 160 acres more or less, tho said Elk Creek running through Sections Sixteen and Twenty-one, that part being deeded to A. II. Hlnkson. Raid salo will be for cash In hand and will bo subject to confirmation by Bald court. Dated nt Itoiebiirg, Oregon. Sen-' tember 4th, 1915. OEO. K. QI'IN'E, Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon. 929-o4 be accepted, the party bidding will amy enter Into and execut-' the con tract. Should the Bucc?',sful bidder to whom the contract Is awarded fall to execute the same within ten days (not including Sunday) from the date of the mailing of the notice from the County Court to him, ac cording to the address therewith glv en, giat the contract is ready for signature, such cash, bond or ce'rti- riea check shall bo forfeited to Douglas county, and the same shall be the property of tho county. All other cash, bends and certified checks will be returned to the unsuc cessful bidders who submitted the same. , A corporato surety bond will be re quired for the faithful performance of the contract In a sum equal to one-half of tho total amount of the bid. Plans may be seen and forms of specifications and contract may Le secured at the County Clerk's of fice, court house, Roseburg, Oregon. The right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals deemed best for Dnnglas County. County Court of Douglas County, R. W. Mnrst.ers, County Judge, E. H. Plnltston. County Commls'r, II. F. Mchols. County Commls'ner, E. II. Lenox, Clerk of Douglas County. Roseburg, Oregon, September 7th JaJi- 342-sSO mfmr y ,( $- m&.iime r5 W V JZ- .A ' It, 1 you to W JL fulfill life's 5 - easily desires if you save moneyt Don't travel the thorny path of life the rosy road to comfort is open to you. Make up your mind to start a bank account ana save a little of your earnings each pay-day. Don't wait until next pay-day to begin. You can start right now. We will be glad to help and advise you, if you will consult us. $ 1 .00 will start you. Roseburg National Bank Roseburg, Oregon This May Jar the Public But It Is a Good Jar at That When canning fru.t use the Mason or Economy jars. We carry a full line of all sizes of each. WRIGHT & RIEDEL The Square Deal Grocers Cor Lane and Sheridan Phjne 103 NOTICI-; TO CONTIIACTOUS. KEEP COOL Roseburg Electric Company Sealed proposals, nddresscd to the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and endorsed " foi Constructing n Tli-idge In Douglas County, Oregon, over Cow Creek near the town of Riddle." will be received by tho Courtly Court of Douglas County nt Its office In the court house, Roseburg. Oregon, until 12 o'clock M., on the Oth day of Oc tober, 1915. and nt that tlmo ami place will bo publicly opened and read. All p-oposals must be made upon blank form to be jMMned from the County Clerk, at his office nt the court house, Roseburg, Oregon; must: give tho prices proposed, both in writing and figures; and must be signed by the bidder, with his address. Each bid Is to be presented under sealed cover, and shall bp accom panied by cash, a bidder's bond made payable to Douglas County, or a certified check made payable to the County Judge of Douglas County, for an amount equal to at five per cent of the amount of the said bid. ond no bid ahnll be considered unless such cash, bond or check Is enclos ed therewith. Such bidder's bond shall bo conditioned that It said bid NOTICK OF I-'INAI, SICTTLKMKNT. Ill the County Court or the State of Oregon for the County of Douglas In the matter of tho estate of William clivers, deceased. Notlc . is hereby given that tho un dersigned Administratrix has filed in the above entitled Court her account In final settlement of said estato, and me ( ourt by order duly mado has I fixed Monday, tho 20th day of Sep-! lemuer, jja. nt 10 o'clock, a. m., ! for hearing objections. If any there bo, to said final account and the set-: tlomcnt or said estato. Dated nt Rose-1 burg. Oregon, this the 14th day of! August, 1915. I MARY SILVERS, ! FOR BREAD $ PASTRIES Goto THE ROYAL BAKERY We give "Scrip" with every purchase WM. PARKER, Prop. :-: 110 JACKSON ST. snn-sis Administratrix. A WOMAN WHO WONf HER WAY. - kw I F Just Arrived A Big. Carload Lot of CHAMPION & MCCORMICK BINDERS, MOWERS, HAY. RAKES, TEDDERS We get our machines direct from the factories and always have the latest machines made at the VERY LOWEST PRICES I. F. BARKER $ COMPANY .Implements and Vehicle NUSfcBUKG OREGON MltS. F1SHKH ANDREW OF TRKNTON, N. J.. CAN MAKK PltKTTY GOOD lilt BAD HUT SI1H CAN MAKK 11KTTKU AN VILS AND K NO INK WHKIOLS. THAT'S WHY SHK DEVOTCS I1KH TIME TO KVNN1NO A MO in, pni-NIlllV IN THKN'TON hlltS. ANPHKW MA OK MOST OK THE ANVILS I'SKP IN HLll.K 5lNQ THK PANAMA CANAL. BEFOUK COOKJXG our meats look almost tempt ing enough to eat as they are. After cooking they are sim ply IrreslstlDle. Sounds like a big claim, but a trial of tho meat will prove It justi fied. Favor us with an or ocr just to let us prove that rur meals are very different and very much better. and very much better. J! i----aj( III CASS STItKKT MARKET v rl Jgi.j.t 4i 1