The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 16, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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caul J. kiioi;m.iu:u
i ,
Kdltoi-K and IMibllsherH.
Subscription 1 tut es lttily
Por yoar, by mail $3.00
Per month, delivered GO
Per year 2.00
8!x months 1.00
Entered as second-class matter
November 5, 1909, at Hoseburg, Ore.
under act of March 3. 1879.
A skkii:m: VIKWPOIXT.
The Capital Journal of Salem, is
a dGinrirrnlic publication, but It
takes a Utile different view of Hie
change In the ttdminiHtratiun of the
Soldiers' Homo In Ibis city, from
that of tho Portland paper of the
Hnnin name, and some otln'rs
throughout tbe slate. In commont
lnn on the removal of lOIder, the
-...em paprr pays;
"The Portland Journal nnd sev
eral other newspapers of the state
of demornttlc leaning are maklne;
- Mr: f .'rn over the removal of Com
mandant Kldcy. of tho State Sol
diers Homo at Kofieburj!. They bave
little or no reason for complaint,
however, when all the facts facts are
considered. Klder was no doubt a
good official, but he had held the
impt twelve yenrH and quite UIc1'" -ot
er might discharge the duties
just as efficiently. Llfo tenure oT
nffifn in not altogether desirable in
this country and an administration
Khould havo tho right to plare it
friends in the offlres providing they
nro good and jeapnble men. We
noticed that preceding democratic
governors have followed this .rule,
nnd while n mnjority of their ai
polntees were republicans they were
nlways supporters of the administra
tion. It would have been far more
becoming on tho part of Mr. TCldor to
have placed his resignation In the
governor's hands Instead of waiting
until tho hoard wns forced to re
move him In order to mako room
for ono of the administration sup
porters. Tbo policy of distributing
tho spoils among the victors In not
altogether bad because it also com
'pols them to assume full rosponsf
hlilly for Uie conduct of public ut--falrR,''
The enormous losses of one yeifr
of war, and such a war as has been
waged (luting tho past year, is best
told In (ho order promulgated
throughout France todny, calling the
class of 1017 to tho co'.s. This
moans that the boys of seventeen to
eighteen years of ago must report
at tho training camps and prepare
themselves for Bervico at tho front.
Prlvnto advices from Oormany nnd
Austria indlc:itn that this has al
ready been done in tbose countries.
If this Is the result of one year's
fighting, what will It bo should tills
war b( prolonged to the extent of
two or tnreo years, ns fconio predict?
Which will Kfvo out first, tho hone
and sinew constituting the younir
manhood of tbo nation, or the fin
ancial resources?
Did any one ever see any more
Ideal weather for a fair than has
been given to Koscburg tbls week,
imt warm enough to be pleasant and
cool enoimh to be comfortable, with
hut Utile dust and no rain. It
should bo favorable fur record at
tendance. .Iftney drivers should use tra
cire In driving (heir machine toj
and from the fair grounds. There j
Is plenty of news cli minting a uundj
w having to recor.l v Ml
accidents made posn'.'V :l,-j
Ibrourh undue hfisle nnd eagerness
to m: ke the qulcUert trips.
The f:i Ir board nude no mistake
tn seenrim: the sorvi.-c" of lb. ''u
vciiUe bind during f'ir wod. ii
(In. !". nr furnlsh'Mi .excilcnt
music loll' f ! the streN of the cltv,
and at ilie p rounds. The money
iImv receive for tVclr playlnt?
u i i I r n o In v cry 1. v m u t hv
are needing rn-w niwsi.- i nd munt'r
u'i 'Y ' iirticlc riii-'rivji- t inent
of tlii.. I'm! N aPi-veciated by t'-en.,
and H'ics them all the more p-m!'-to
romo out In the evening wiih
lie cussed me, called me many a
Hut I remained cool and sedate.
Von may believe me wondrous game.
To stand for all this billingsgate.
Yet why did I not blush for shame
When he reviled me at such rate?
'Twas not that I was wondrous
I knew 'twas mere Josh-billlngs-gate.
Chas. Lou is Turns Horse With Ills
J I end
Tho horse belonging to Charles
Iscwls became frightened by some
unknown causo Friday und broke
looso from tho hitch-rack, sideswip
ing George Adkins hurdwaro store,
and literally tearing tbo buggy to If it had not been for tho
level bead ot Charles Lewis in turn
ing the horse from the way it start
ed, it would havo run Into Mrs.
Frank O'Hrlen's rig which contained
two children. Neto Holland Leader,
J"innf;fii Filosofy
Tlrrokon hcarrls hnrrts worrser
than a sore too, but yoz can't. make
tli' mon wid a sore too an' no other
troubles bolave ut.
Stry Of A Once Cireiwy Tenderer
Years hack when our genial
pfiiiro nnd vendei er of peanuts,
Georgo Uarringcr, used to he located
in Piketon, bo was h hard worker
nnd also fl, Bcrapper of renown.
Squire used to work in a woolen mill
located In that villago, and was tho
man who handled tbo word while it
wes in procos of preparing for tho
cplndlcs fnr tho weaving machines,
li tho course of his work it wan
necessary for him to coino hi con
tact with the wool frequently; tho
ie:iult waa that tho Squire wan moat
generally covered with tho oil from
the wool from this ho derived tho
i.i.uio of "Greasy Cat." However,
sinco coining to Waverly and engag
ing in tbo mprriano and peanut busl
no.; tho oil has worn off and
"Greasy Cnl" has been replaced by
"C-n'k," t!.o namo tho Kquiro is
known by all over tho county, and
bcyci;:! its lima, too. Waverly, O.,
V.'atcli i.ian.
Not Fi:l!y liidlovcil Yet
Tho EaHt Itinggold correspondent
o" tiio Ashvillo, O., Home News
fci.Vb; "Our now merclmnt, L. O.
M;.y, will relieve H. It. Grnnt, Mon
Lut Mr. Grnnt will hold onto
the ico-houso."
Obsceno Hurspshnos
The use cf vuVar r.nd ohsccr.e
hn.guage on tho school-yard by you
l-.yi, horseshoe nnd other games
i:.'::. , ceac, or you will find yov.r
fcoives In trouble. Citizens who live
dowii there. A'cw Holland Leader.
The lytler Coiivictcil Ono
"Tlioy'vo always told mo a man
cm do nnything he tries," said tho
frostily sentenced prisoner, In a bit
tor tone. "That applies to that
Judge, all right. Ho tried mo, nnd ho
ccrtuinly done me!"
Why Tho Cheerful Idiot Changed
Hoarding Places
"Why is that fly," asked the Cheer
ful Idiot as ho watched tho unswnt
tud wading bowlldoredly about In ttio
fx-ntre of the highly fragrant butter,
"like Athens?"
Everybody went on eating.
"ItecRUse," ho joyously answered
himself, "it's lu the midst of ancient
Mistaken Diagnosis
They called her mouth a Cupid bow
That label was a flivver.
I watched her closely, and I know
Her lips wero all a-quiver,
To A Vaccination Mark
Twinkle, twinkle, little ecar!
How I wonder If you nro
As effective as the do'i a
All declare agaliiht siuull-pci?
Abas Tho Serins!
"Did you know tho Germans had
tal:en Prznsnysz?"
"Huh uh! Hidn't even know they'd
been exposed to It."
The Vr.'ieltcal Hu-dnn
"O If wo only had arms!" com-'
plained tlio di.iuisti d U'u-:,tan sol
i.. r, ns he :::nv the enemy odvancin'-T.
"Well, we've pit l'-rovitch," ro
rlbd lni ivtre practical comrade,
"and wiiTI Jiibt uio what wo huvo."
Tho young lady across tho way
says she sees a good deal in the
paper about cluts In tho fruit
market, but if there are only plenty
of peaches and pears she doesn't
care much about the imported tuiut'S.
Eminent Medical Authorities
AGRKAT Blilbboleth of the fol
low who has a food, a drink,
a remedy or an appliance to
soil Is the statement that the arti
cle Is approved by eminent medical
authorities, or that certain ingredi
ents or features which enter into
the construction of the article are
praised by these same eminent
We suppose this must lnfluenco the
lay-reader, elso tho advertiser would
not waste printer's Ink telling about
it. Hut for tho llfo of us we can't
see why the layman should "fall" for
arBuments of this kind when "eml
norit medical authorities," volun
tarily or Involuntarily, can bo quoted
to uphold almost any foolish idea
you caro to mention.
Ucor, brewers, tobacco manu
facturers, sawdust breakfast food
manufacturers, divers and sundry
petroleum oil purifiers, all sorts
and conditions of patent mcdiclno
oxploltcrs, patent or mail order
"systems" of excrcleo, diet or mental
eymnostics, "Institutes" flitting
from town to town 11111 their fly-by-nlKiit
oxport "specialists" all of
these can quote you tho most con
vincing words of eminent medical
nulhnritlcs to support their various
A criminal court trial with emi
nent medical authorities scrvh'g as
"expert witnesses" on cither sldo for
pay oujrlit to pliow tho thinking per
son how much reliance In to bo
placed in tho testimony of "eminent
Suggest tiny doubtful question
bearing upon health or hygiene and
wo will iMiderti'.ko tn show you emi
nent medical authorities supporting
each sitlo. '
No nrtlclo so worthies but that
eminent medical authorities cm bt
willy-nilly, made to cay a pleasant
word for it, or made to secrm to
say a pleasant word for It. The way
Bomo eminent medical authorise:!
uro misquoted to suit tho require
fJr. ltrady trill unsuer all i, :i, -ci.'ojia votaininu to Health. If ymr ques
tion is of general interest it tr.'.'l bo answered through these columns; if not
it will be answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope is enclosed.
Dr. Brady will not prescribe for Individual eases or make diagnoses. Ad
dress all letters to Er. William Urady, care of this newspaper.
TUB Falkland Iidnndsnre located
about 2.r0 miles of tho
coldest part of South A.aorica
and nro about tho south lu
civilization on this liemls. here.
There are about 100 of them, but
only two are large enough to balance
a sheep on with nny great success.
Theoo two contain about 1 i much land
as Connecticut. The lr.nd is eacuui
bored with low njuntalns, weird
geological fonv.utlonj nnd
r.r.J wouldn't b.-inj over ?2 an ncro
if it wero located cu an American
railroad v'th, m enterprising l.'irl
nge-t pushing: it.
The cHmato of the Fx!!:!nmia i)
"civ Me." Tins means that it U
eiuully bad at all times, Tho torn
pcraturo averages 47 lu lliu tLl'.ir.'.c
and U7 in tho v. tutor nnd the win. I
, .jlyn ( C ? y?;r ,1-jJ,
It Is n b!o.:k, nt: ty, gloom, burr.; 1
land and very few animals, birdj cr
injects livo tiiero. They have ill! l.a 1
sense enough to emigrate. lUit men
live thcie.
They li'-o there, two thnt:.-.-.nd of
tl"Mii, nnd raise sheep. And they
will probably do so i.util tho hutnano
society objects. Y.'i'.h South America
only ;:o miles away and a ship to
England onen a month they live In
tho l-'nlklands, whore the rain fall3
L'f.O days in the year and heat can
l.o obtained by blowing on one's
fingers. And yH residents of New
York nnd Chicago nnd other para
dises of climate complain bitterly,
ami go to tho seashore in the
Poor us tho Falkland:! are. nations
hevo quarreled over thorn. They
. The Dying Ra;
TUB talk about tho North
American Indian representing
n dying race is not a myth. A
government census of the Indian
population of the United States and
Alaska has just been completed. Tho
f'liures will slunv n reduction as com
pared with the census of 1!10 when
tho total Indian population was
"Gr.(!s:i exclusive of Alarka and other
insular possesions.
Of tho total Indian population,
7l,S"t, or CS per cent., were fouutl la
one state, Oklahoma; 1G0.107, or 110
per cent., in tho live states of
Oklahoma, Arizona. New Mexico,
South lnkotn and California.
in density of population Okla
homa again led with ICS Indians per
Fiiunro mile. The proportion which
Indians formed of tiie total popula
tion was, however, greatest In Ari
zona, where it was 14.3 per cent.
Tho most Important tribe numeri
cally wns tho Cherokee, with 31.4S9
members when the flcures wero
taken, while those next in order
wero the Navajo, Chippewa, Choc
taw and Tolou Sioux.
ments of some fakers is scandalous.
Beware ot the eminent specialist
who Isn't named and definitely iden
tified. Also look askance at the
quotes which are slapped onto certain
remarks attributed to well-known,
medical men. You know, It is pos
sible to make a fool out of most any
man by quoting only selected ex
cerpts from his sayings or writings.
Neuralgia Or Neuritis?
Please explain the difference bc
twecn neurahjia and neuritis.
Anstccr Often it Is a difference
ot about a hundred thousand dollars.
A'car means nerve; aUiia. means
pain; itis mean3 inflammation.
Neuralgia means pain in a nerve;
neuritis means inflammation of a
nerve. Neuralgia Is commonly a
mero name for a pain which Is lo
calized, hut not duo to anything
wrong with the nerve as "neural
gia" of tho heart, or tho stomach,
both ot which are bad guesses.
Facial neuralgia, however, is a com
mon condition of the facial nerve.
In neuritis there is much tenderness
along the involved nerve trunk,
much pain which is present for
weeks instead ot hours or days as
In neuralgia, moro or less weakening
or paralysis of the muscles supplied
by the nerve, atroihy and shiny ap
pearance of tho skin.
After A Iuuion Operation
"Would it be dangerous to leave tlic
hospital end t;o home in an am
bulanee three tlais after an opera
tion for the removal of bunion?
Answer No, not if tho foot or foet
bo properly bandaied and no effort
ij made to step on tho feot.
Not Absolute Alcohol
7.s '.'0 pure aleohol good to rub
a baby's bael;
Answer No, use ordinary dilute
alcohol (about 70).
have nearly caused two wars and
once jarred the understanding bo
tween the United States and the
PIAfc oto
Falkland island;
Lr..-'.i! looks as food as a $fM0 a year
appointment t'ors to a Democrat
utter o twenty-year drought
Ar!?nthie. Four nations havo owned
them, l'ngland being tho present
Tho Falklands havo served for
"(Hi years ua a re-jcuo station for
Capo Horn. After a Fhlp has weath
ered the Cape this land looks as pood
to it as u ?t!0O a year appointment
does to n Democrat ufter a twenty
year droupht.
T!io;-o people who aro Interested
only In lung llfo will be thrilled to
know that the Falkland. aro remark
nhly healthful and that, the l.ihnbi
tmits havo nreat difllculty in dying
- 2i3Mn
Tho cc tnkers found that ns
compared ..ith whites and negroes
In tho l'n;.'d States, Indians marry
somewhat .u'ller in llfo and tho ex
planation O 'J'.o tendency is said to
lie In part '1. tho fact that the malo
reservation ;-dl.m is frequently as
assured of a livelihood at the ago of
fifteen as ho le later In life. It was
found that practice of polygamy
still exists ir. flight decree.
Of tho totu' Indian population in
tho United S-.:i:?s in 1910. SC. 5 per
cent, were roy.ted ns full bloods
and 35.2 per as mixed bloods.
The progeny of Mixed rvirrlages. It
was found, simlves bolter than that
of full-blooded Indian couples. This
destroys a belief that there are none
sturdier than ths trueblooifed In
dian and shows that the red man has
r.ot only gono back in numbers, but
that serious physical deterioration
has actually set In. llcforo many
generations tho real Indian, like the
bison of tho great plnins of the west,
will be a memory. Scranton Timet,
1 - V HM
1J S I 1 1 tJ..l: 1 i
"tot IVance nnd
For Korvlrca r.c:i(lercl
0. TfTt'e on wi loots an oil ac
count a'mivsl a eertain man for pro
fessional s-rri:es. l'he.-:e inform
me uhen this arcouut ull become
void at lii'fj.
A. In your state ( Illinois! , It will
be barrel In five years from the time
your cause of action accrued.
When She Marries Again
0. Where a man and lis xeifc are
divorced, and the custody of the
children is nlven to the uifc, and
she cflerxeard marries again, will
she then lose her right to have such
A. Not necessarily. The welfaro
of the children will ho the control
ling consideration. The fact of her
second marriage will make no dif
ference, unless her former husband
c?.n show that s'a.o is no lender a
fit person to have the custody of the
children. '
Duties Cf .In Employes
Q. Js it the duty of an auctioneer
to follow the instructions of Hu
man who employs him If he fails
to do so, could the employer bring
a suit against him for loss resulting
from such disobedience?
A. Yes, to both questions.
Ohio Law Will Hold
0. A man whom I knew and who
resided In this state (Ohio) died,
without leaving a will. He hail soma
furniture and other personal belong
ings in this state and owned some
other personal property in Pennsyl
vania. Will the property be dis
tributed according to the law of
Ohio or the law of Pennsylvania?
A. Tho descent nnd distribution
of this property will be governed by
the !;.w of Ohio,
Master At Least In Xamo
0. Please inform me whether the.
husband is everywhere recognized as
the legal head of the family.
A. Tho husband is generally roc
omized as tho legal head of tho fam
ily, except where life Is insane or is
nbsent from homo for a prolonged
I eriod.
Hagsago On Trains
0. What does the law consider as
V hritimate lagfmac of a t:r.velcr?
That is, in ease of loss of 'baggage
through the railroad company's
fault, does it make any difference
what arlules he carried with him as
A. A p.lssenTor is entitled to tako
with him as baggage such articles us
may reasonably be considered essen
tial to his personal comfort and con
venience, as Judged by the standard
of I is habits of life and having re
gard to the purposes and objects of
the journey.
Pepper Talks
IjY Gkorcb Matthew Adams
Havo you ever noticed that It Is
tho nlain. Kimnln tl. (.... ...... i . ,
' ' ' imiiw up III
quality, that cost tho most? Co into
a furniture store for some favorito
piece, pick out a fabric for your
clothes, select a pieco of jewelry
The fact is there tho plain thincs
cost the most. The reason is this
Quality loaded down with Tinsel
Is cheapened. Qunllty always car
ries tho highest value.
Into nearly every crack and
crevice of life, tho crave for Tinsel
exists. The Unreal Is evervwhere
offering Itself for the Real, 'imita
tion stalks abroad and is bold. But
the Genuine bereft of Tinsel can
not bo mistaken. It is recognized on
Have tho courage to be what you
are. and to livo happily on what you
have. For when you leap bevond
this, you acquire Tinsel-more
Sham and Counterfeit. Stronc char
acters never bother nbout cheap Tin
sol-more trapping to their already
biR holdings in tho Genuine
Truth nnd Fact travel aina'vs with,
out concern. ISrass cannot long pas,
for Geld. Nor can a man long be
what he Is not. At night Tinsel may
Clow, but In the light of dav it will
show for what it Is. And cxolana
lion will not avail. "fana-
'ilvv vV i."4
Itussla !
A Testamentary IV.vlIeso
0. ?Jnu a vmn, 1n h$ r:77, dirrct
Jiis c.rn-utnr to eonvjt the business
in u hi' h this man luis 6-th ennnnrd
end provide for the support of the
family? .1
A. Yes. Such provisions are fro- n
quently inserted.
When Is A Contract Illegal?
. Q. Docs the law of a state ever
make a conirnet illegal t j
A. Yes. Certain classes or kinds"
of contracts arc illegal. It may bo
said, in general, that wherever a
compact is based on an immoral con
sideration, or is opposed to public
policy or tho law of tho jurisdiction,
it will be illegal.
Hack To Tho "Notions," Mabel
Q. Where, a husband leaves his
vifr, in consequence of her own
fruit, and a divorce is granted, tvill
the wife be allowed alimony f A. No.
Ton can't estimate the amount of
money n man has by looking at him.
Ihit a view of his wife will enable
you to come close nine times out
. of ten.
ou, doubtless, will be glad to
lain that a new record for the dis
cus throw has been established. The
old record was generally unsatis
factory. The men who runs along on an
even keel never stage manages a
A r over ia..u may also be de
scribed r.3 one who doesn't have to .
chango his necktie after every meal.
The P'-kbg priro for a dog is telling price Is $5.
If a feat is unimportant and use
lens you nea-ly always can get good
money for pen'orming it.
Where credit is due, credit,.-should '
bo given. A woman cherry
pie. '
"Ho Is abort my age,"' said E;:rt
Wiley yesterday, referring to at
acquaintance. Eph Wiley is M
years old. The man of whom ho
was -talking Is 3"i. After a man
passes 40 he Is reluctant to admit
there aro younger men.
Tho Kansas Agricultural CoIIego'f
.courso In table manners may help '
the girls, but you . can't teach table
manners to a man.
If a candidate for oillee wears long
whiskers ho is running for
Justico of the peace. If he lias a
fo?VsyherUf:tiIC,'B " '3 a :
Current Poetry
SweeteniniT Thi r.,
I met her at a lawn file, and sho
shyly smiled at me.
When ce spoke, her voice was ecu-
tie: and her face was good to
And her 'eyes had lingering 8v,0ft.
.ess , at she'd brought along
I'Oni heaven
Such a little maldeni-maybo
six and maybe seven. 5
With a confidence entrancing the
haddc stormed the marts 1?
... ,,'13 filing lemonade
I only had two lemons ti,
tided Fv,-i ' ,T"US con-
"y Graf A Imnje,. in Th
buru Dispatch. a Th" '