CHAXtiH IX ROAD IIISTliK 'IS (Continued from yesterday.) That new .Road District No. 17, Dquglas County, Oregon, Khali be bounded and described uh follows, to-wlt: lUwd District No. J 7. Beginning at the Northeast corner of Twp. 29 8., II. 3 W South 0 miles. West 2 miles, South about inllo, to the Southeast coiner of Sec. lion 3, Twp. 30 S., R. 3 V., West 2 miles. South 1 mile, West 2 miles, South about .14 mile to the Southeast corner of Sec. 12, Twp. 30 S U. 4 w., wost about 1 H miles to Southwest corner of Sec. 11 30 8., R. 4 W., North 14 mile, West X nillo, North nillo, West Y, mile. North 1 mile to the Northeast corner of Sec. 4, Twp. 30 S., It. 4 W., West 3 miles, South to the South Umpqua River, down sulci Btronm to its Intersection with the West line of Twp. 30 8., R. 5 W., at tho Southwest corner of Sec. 7, West 2 miles, North 2 tulles, Wesl 4 Imlies, South 2 miles. West fl miles, South I mile. West 1 mile. South 3 miles, West 2 miles, South 6 miles, East 14 miles, North .1 mile, Kast 7 miles, North 2 miles, East 11 miles, North about 3 miles to tho Northwct comer of Twp. 31 S., R. 2 W., Bust nhotit 2 tulles to the Southeast corner of See. 33, Twp. 30 H., it. 2 W., ' North mile, West. mile, North Vi mile, Kast Yi iiille, North on tilt! section WRIGHT'S SCHOOL OK SICKIC ! S. B. WRIGHT Teacher of Band Instruments .MRS. S. E. WRIGHT Teacher of I'iano. Correct Instructions Given. Terms Rcasonuble. 029 S. Pino street. INCHEST IiABV EXPECTS NEW PLAYMATE AND STOKK WILL BRING IT TO HIM. Br Oakland, East on the North boun dary line of tho Cityof Oakland to tho East lino of Sec. 4 Twp. 25 8., In0: It.. 5 W.. North Vi mile, to the West Twp-1 uuarter corner of Sec. 31. j Twp. 24 8.. iR. 5 V,-.. I East 2Vi miles, South miio Kust 1 Vi mile, North 1 'A miles. East 1 ! mile, North mile, East 4 miles, j North 114 miles, JOaBt 12 miles. North 4 Mi miles to tho placo of be ginning. That now Itond District No. 27. Douglas County, Oregon, shall lie bounded and described as followt, to-wlt: Howl District Xo. 27. Beginning at tho East quarter cor ner of Sec. 25 T. 23 S.. R. 1 W., W. about ',', mill's to West quarter cor ner of Sec. 30 Twp. 23 S., R. 1 W South 4 Vi miles, West 12 miles, South 1 '. miles, West 4 miles, South U 'miles West 1 mile, South 1 A nilleB, West 1 Vj miles, North A mile, WeM 2 miles, South to the North- : 4 if. II srnrw if 1 4 JJW I EJ- t'i - BOY lino annul 11 miles to the" North! ro",or ot 1,10 l 01 "i"nu, line of Twp. -20 S., It. 2 W West ' We"n, ,y "lons "10 Nor,h' houndary about 3 miles to the placo of begin- l'of' "", Clly of Oakland to Its inter ning, excepting the towns of Can jonvlllo and Iliddlo. '' ' BABY VINSON McLEAN, "RICHEST BABY IN THE WORLD," IS FINALLY TO HAVE A NEW PLAYMATE. HIS PARENTS HAVE 8EARC1IED THE WORLD OVER FOR A PLAYMATE TO AMUSE 1 HIM AND NOW THE STORK IS TO BRING ONE AT CHRISTMAS! TIME THAT'S SURE TO PLEASE THE BABY THAT HAS HAD EVERY SORT OF TOY IN THE WORLD TO PLAY WITH Better Corn FiaHes made by a braad new process mighty tasty and always ready to serve. Toasties It It fnrllier ordered that nil of old Road Districts Nos. 17. 13 and 4 4 which nro embraced In said new Dis trict No. 17, he, and snino are, here to' Abandoned and abolished togeth er with tho 'office of road supervisor in each of Bald road districts thereof on and afler tho (Uh day of October, 11)15. , I That new Road District No. 19, 1 Douglas County, Oregon, shall lio I bounded and described as follows: I Itond District Xo. I Beginning at the Northenst cor ner of Sec. 13, Twp. 32 S., R. 4 W., West 6 miles, North 3 miles, West 0 miles, South 1 milo. West 24 miles, South to tho South boundary of Douglas County, thence easterly along said boundary to a point duo south of tho place of beginning, thence North to tho placo of be ginning, excepting therefrom tho City of C.lendale. It Is further ordered that old road Districts Nos. 1!) and 45 embraced within said new dlslrlet No. 10, be, and same are. Iierehy nlmndoned and ftbollhlied together with the of fice of road supervisor in each of ffnld rond districts thereof on and nf- tcr the nth day of Otcober. 1015. That new Road District' No! 20. Douglas County, Oregon, 'hnfl be Imuhded and described as lollovs, to-wlt: Road District Xo. no. It Is ordered Hint Hnnd District No. 20 slinll be and constitute tho old Road District No. 20. eicept to cAi: Innte therefrom the Incorporated City of Drain, i! j Thnt new Road District No. 20, Douglas County, Oregon, shall be bounded and described as follow?, to-wlt: Howl District Xo. iiii. Beginning t the East, iiuartep comer of Sec.. 25, Twp. 23 S., R. 2 W.. West 12 miles, South 114 miles. West 5 miles North 1 mile, West 1 mile. North V, mile, West 1 mil,.. South 14 mile. Went 1 mile, South 1 mile. West 2 miles, south li miles m i ainpnoia creek, down said st. 10 ine conn line nf tbo H I "Ht'l .1 1, -A TT 1 1 A CT J OX. As a special fair- week (induce- ! ment the Majestic today offers a 7- section with Calapooia creek, down anld streani to Its Intersection with I the North and South half section line' of 800. 14 Twp, 25 8. R. i! W., South Rlmilt 13' lullna in thn nlt ..,,. comer nf Sec. 23 T.n on s i, a rccl shmv wllh !" three-part W., East nbonit miles to tbo West line of D. L. C. No. 58 Twp. 25 8., Tl. 0 W., North ulong tho West houndury of said CI. No. 5S to tho feature, The Terrible One, also three comedies, featuring Chas. Chaplin : I ntlie Star Border, a Geo. Ado com edy and a Vitagraph comedy will- South line of See. 13, Twp. 25 S.,l R. (I V.. thence East about miles to tho Southenst cornor of said Sec. 13, thence North mile, thence East to tho intersection with the boundary line of tho City of Suther H 11. thenco easterly and northerly along said boundary line to the Southwest corner of tho SE'A SEW of Sec. 0, Twp. 25 S., R. 5 "W., North '4 mile. East y, inllo. South Vt mile, East nillo, North mile, I East yt mile, Soulh mile, lOsstj Vi milo North Vt nille.Hnst Vj nillo. North 's nillo, Enst to n point where the Northenst lino of Lot 20 thnt he has alwuys been In sympathy -NOTICE TO SCIIOUIiS AXD TEACHERS To every scholar in Douglas C County averaging 85 per cent or over in his or her Btudtes will bo given a certificate which will admit him or her free to with those who cry, but not wlllu every Saturday matinee In that those who laugh. Therefore, he hu? made this an all-laugh show as ueu. as possible. CALL roil SCHOOL WAIUtAXTS. Notlco Is hereby given that all Bchool warrants of district No. 4 Douglas county, Oregon, to and In cluding No. 411, endorsed March 5th 1915, not paid for want of funds, hnd prior there to, nro this .day called for payment by the under- ninetr Q. Plnl n f O T n i,f i BIK"VU, mm ail UlLUrCHl lliei'eon Will Co., extended Intersects the South lino of Sec. 1 Twp. 25 S., R. 5 W., thenco Southeasterly to 'tho most northerly corner of said Plat D, thenco Southerly and Easterly along tho North lino of ris.t R and Plat D or too s. 1 i'BATTERINO RAM" SeH AFTER RIGA. , 3 F: l v v - v ii .Si i . . i & W. Co., to a point duo Soulh of the center of Sec. 8, Twp. 25 S., R. 4 W., North to tho center of Bnld Sec. 8, East mile, North 1 Mi miles, East 2 miles, North 1 mile, East 2 j miles. North 14 nillo, East about 18 miles to the East quarter corner of Sec. 25, Twp. 24 S., R. 1 W., North 0 miles to the place of beginning, excepting the City of Oakland. That now Road District No. 28, j Douglas County, Oregon, shall be bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Itond District Xo, UH. Beginning at tho Northeast cor ner of Twp. 2(1 S., R. 5 W., thenro West 5 miles, North 11 nillo, West 1 mile, North V, mile, West 1 mile, South I mile. West 1 mile, West 2 "j miles. South 2 miles. East 2-li miles, Soulh to the North Umpqua river, up s:il,i stream to Its Intersection 1 Willi the South line of Sec. 11. Twp. 20 S., It. 5 W., Eatt to the South east coi ner of Sec. 12, Twp. 20 S., R. 5 W., North 2 miles to tho place of beginning. I It is further ordered that all of r,H 1 old Road Districts Nos. 28 and 29 . niluaeed wllhln the new district No. J -S. be, and same are, hereby aban j tinned and abolished together with I the office of road supervisor In each of said road districts thereof on and nfter the 0th day of October, 1915 That new Road District No. 29 Ueiivbis County, Oregon, Jibuti vie bounded as follows, to-wlt: Road DUtilci Xo. Town of Riddle. Douclas County. Orecon, as Incorporated. Saemtk Infants and Invalida HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED EV1ILK 4 month. All teachers will be ad- mltted free also. Tuese tickets can be had at the Majestic theatre either by calling or sending for them. tf 4 The Food-Drink for a3! Ages Rich milk, malted grain in powder form. For infants, invalids and growing children. Purenutrition, upbuilding the whole body. cease from the date of this notice Dated tills 15th day ot September, 1915. ' - ROSCOE N. GREEN. Clerk of School Dlst. No. 4. 9GC-S21 JITNEY SEKVlCb City and eountrv. Calls answered until midnight. Three car service Phone 155, Grand hotel. 917-lf resulting from years of practice and study, are the inner sweet meats of choicest Indian Corn skil fully toasted to a crackly, golden-brown crispness By a new process the true corn flavour, un known to'corn flakes of the past, is brought out in every flake. As you pour Toasties from the package, note the little pearly '"purls" on the Hakes a distin guishing characteristic of these New Toasties. Another point they don't mush down when milk- or cream is added. Insist upon these distinctive corn flakes the New Post Toasties. They're New and Different and flighty Good! sold by Grocers eveiy where. FREE DKVELOl'lXCl I'RHE Your films if bought of us, East man or Ansco Films and Packs, un til further notice. CLARK & CLARK, 953tf Fotographers. FREE DEVELOPING VltKE Your films if bought of East- '"an r A"SC0 ""'S PaCkS, tin More healthful than tea or coffee. Unless you nay -HORIIOITS-' you may got a substitute til further notice. CLARK & CLARK, 953tf Fotographers. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE-by condo., Cltv -am j of 1 T fcf ,e.s tl c . i I" 1 1 r d CKn. VON BICSF.I.FR, CON Ql'KltOR OF ANTWERP ANT KNOWN AS THE "11A1 'pimCV ( Conclml, d tomorrow.) : i i;i:t: diaeloi-ixo Your films It bought of us. East I '"" " Ansco Films sud Packs, 1111 I "I further notice. I CLARK & CLARK. Fotographers. 95tf CHICHESTER S PILLS i ;"ir Urn 1... r-150 Ms A LITTLE V wwr- sj2&l&&teYtk Yoo'Ra down Don't' I , ' TWIWli I tilltt A I' ' TO Be too 7:'-;.ui"f f ' W'x rr - dl ! . Sr !' V..J,'i..'lAAn,,A"..',',.iW a Cliiropractics Licensed Chiropaactic Physicians Graduates and Post-Graduato of the Carver College, Oklahoma City, Okla. Consultation and ex amnatlon free. Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phones: O'frico 260; Residence 355-J. 421-423 Perkins Duildlng ltosebui'R, Ore. Headquarters for School Books and School J Supplies Ask for Free List and Course of Study. Children's Eyes If your child is backward in his studies does not 110 to study, or has symptoms of headache, you will probably find that there Is some little eye trouble. There may be no outward sign of a defect, yet the eyes should be exam ined to make sure there Is no fault in them. Or. B. W. Whitmer OPTOMETRIST Kjvsislit Specialist. Suite 81 1 Perkins lildff. Tako Klevntor. r.OSEliVHR, ORE. fcmwir,TP.fetMiri3hiaaaaa8aBMma S W " 0 Corn meal, of course! TIIKRi; MAV UK 'CRFATER HARnSHlDS i Than .0 lie- Obliged to Go Without -l) WHOU:st)ME !K T R KVr.X OXK )EIL I IUT WE CAX T TliIXK OK Axv JIST OI K 1IAXI). IHIX'T DO IT! i IT ISVT XECESSARV , WK SELL THE LEST ni ..-,. RAM. 13 TIIH MAN SE. tl'TEl" frsLT.v imiu , i:,5". II Y THR KAISER TO TAf Tiia ft T,. n., I'l."er. ,Ti mm Marsters Drug Co. ,-..,w...1,..:;,;;''l,;;.,,;i"' iOlDDifKlSeiSlSLVtlRiiBLia: 1 3 ...jSi