THE EVENINCi NKVVS miii'o.n' j. hmokm.vkiih C'AHIj i. kiiok.makkk SAM .1. KIIOKMAKIIll Kilitoi-K ami l'iil)llslii'is. 0MginDnA Cartoons Of The Day Health Talks QTRini'Awn vr mnnw DY WILLIAM BRADY, M.D. V issrim iiaii.v i:.vci:i'T si xnw Subscript io:i Hull's Kuily Per year, by niull $3. Oil Per month, delivered KomT-Weekly. Per year Blx monlhs . 1.00 Entered as Bocond-clafis matter, Novemlier 5, 1009. at nosobtirg, Ore., under net of March 3, 1879. MONDAV, KKITKMIIKK 111, SCHOOL DAYS AlllI IIKKK. Thc bt-Kliinln of a now school vnr in nlwnvs of treat Interest i:i a Nnw f,,.,,,.,,,,,,.-! nrnntiL'' , ,, i 1ml h ntudonls an:l teachers, vl..le: many will ho mimed who linlulied ! their emirfic last year. There Ik a; buzz of curiosity mid excitement un til the prc-arranti-tl rvbLoiii well under way, and all got nettled down to tho work for which t!i" are there. Perhaps the most Intensely Interest- ( ed of all aro tho little newcomers with their first experience away from the parental -ontrol, which now raf:se3 for certain hours lnloi tho ImndH of others. It Is here: Where the skill and pajlence and; understanding of tho teacher Is j brought out in tho fulloHt deurc. Wei aro all familiar with the old Haying.! 'as tho twlff Is bent," and thin hnx' a peculiar meaning as applied to the Hi I Id on Its first entrance Into school j life, for here and then Impressions j are formed, likes and dislikes made, which remain Indelible ruid are to change. No other function is of ! Biieh Importance to a community ns ' tho opening of tho public schools, for In so mo way It conies dope to tho heart of every citizen, either through personal lien, or lis tu mid , Jur 3 j,,, , l;rli..0 j iinisliod. filgnlficnnce as lifrci-ting thn future .sih.Oo tr'on ditto, welfare of the slate. Much is said j I" re.M trees are divided Into flro und written about the pnlillc srlmol ' '.o '. n!:d lunilier. Hundreds of Hvstem. but while It undoubtedly line, -Ji'.illn may 1 hoard dividing BOlne defects, while It may have some Tls hard to get out of. there Is "!. .,.-,i0 .,.,, fl,re;trv c: ciuestlon about lis Improvement year ,ervn,,)nst!1 havo'i't been careful by year, nnd It Is graduiillyMrr.wIng 8IlViiiE tiial sort of timber It is toward t hut summit of efficiency ! ,mt g("i;l f fir anything except fur where criticism may be looked for , i-ri:;s, to ;:et the dead wood on each oulv from the uninformed, or tho i-'her. nabltual fault-finder. Like the road' tm... heavy hearers .,, ;:: 1 hrin:; fotih a variety of fruit. HyRtem f a pioneer country. ,. will. r(i)iiUtr ,f )lui fn)m bavo emerned from the blazed trail ; h ,t t, l(0r0 no,ilinf; Imt through inieeosnlve Ht:m.-r. to tb.' ' it:, li.. y ure Just as likely to bear crude roadway, the gravett-il jiike i.ii'l t n hui- ler crop of rubber coals or the hard surface boulevard. t-iatii's or hi.i.d-utchehi. 1 li.'es nr.1 grown only by tho WW VIM WOUKS. In anotlier cuoin will be I'mirrl nn article nn municipal water vo: l.. written by one of t he heM I miv;i citizens of the city, .Indue Kulh'rion AVhllo o)inions wilt v;iry :n i t'u proper time when this sub.i'ct shoiilil bo taken up with eaiiU'sini-.-t, there will be but little dlfiVrenre To the vlt-ws regarding the eventual munict pal ownership of the water and light plants of tills city. mam: mii,i,io smokks a hay TAMI'A. Flu., gar ludust ry ben t)ve?- S.OoO.OlMI t I.RTt cases jir Sept. 1.1.--is n'W at it; The ci ; height. Ivars or more than lielnc turned out weekly. This makes ner a million "smokes" a d;iy. Tax receipts for one day week s!iove,i over fS,- tiun worth of stamps sold. AlVI-:itTISKH MA1U Kollowlng Is a list of !ete cards remaining um'.tlh I i. i Itoselnir-r pnstn' fire: Arvin. I, t ; lietty, Haldwin. I'lareiieo; kv ' 1 t'J); ChrNtepherton. I,, c . c, Kied; I.jine. Mr. . 1.... . .V . M Iss Tersa ; Koie, I . ; . . : . Theo CJ,; Wade, .less 1! . S: i AY all; Mgr. Vlrginiu Minl-els Can!. cner. Mrs. .1. O : Can-. Mrs I, W.; Poollttle, Mrs. C. I.. (2: Pye. . m; ieniieuy. a . it . itiin, .miss l.obta; llolund, David: V.ixy. Mrs 'has. D.: ltuch. Miss T.caor.i; S. befter. K J. ; West, John A ; AYenr. Itussell; Youktim, li. V.; lUne- Iturg Canning Works. L. v. m:i:M:sTi:!. Pestnia; , j VIX-1 MUMS 1 1 I Ul Leaving A Call I left a call Ab I souitht my stall, la the little town, at Hotel do Ptimiue. I Bald: "At seven, l'"or the love of Heaven, Please wake me up, for I'd pack a trunk." At half-past five I came alive Wbcn the help In the ball held a conference. T'jen a cockerel know rbat my sleep was through, And ho told me so, from the barnyard fence. I tried again, But the hired men Within ton feet of my window low, fiegon to Josh Of a last-night's Bosh, And my faithful nannybegaa to go. I was up by six For my rest was nix. And I've known since then 'tis just as well To have no fear, ii you pound your ear, That you'll oversleep, In a hick hotel! Motor Car Convincors Tiio man who thought of buying a '.r. road thn advertisements. ('r' car "llils tlie r:'nt of WnV 'Jo rar near tt. ..,.; i IlH quality first, its Another half dozen wore ration of the motor world." the sen- pother Holeninly told him In laro uUcrs thai there wasn't "even a on putative value," In tho wholo Ti another had "act the standard p.- ..... .. tnw nil llin nMinm fnr d .r. f W,.!IT of years." .;rir-. .-W(UnK' all the advertise- m-n;:' lie conic find, he hurst into , iJf'-ic t'ar:i am! went and hom;ht a HT.f! lui'iL'.v that he was person- sJ r.JO,uuinted with. i-wiifVHiy J list iliable Con fits mi tty brother tells me he works on hnuse-oiL'ap. Yet he has had no . us in music, whatever. How he do it? As houses are much . t as cottages, are house or ..: r.nd cniti-o organs anything , t ti-(i Amelia, Iowa. jN0i nijr d. Trees 1 rr.ev arc of nine general chuon: f'riilt, ri.ado. forest, family, hall, ' s!r.i:. tlouble rind Beorhohni. '.( :rc-s divided into nil to ( ij.iM-s oil know about, and oi.t'r m". -tides tho ones Lute ! Ha-Lank l.f.'outing this nilmilo ft- ( I a1 )..ivi ic.-idv lor nu lil I c!i t Inn ti?.n, wherever forests have been. -.'i-do prople, and do not :'.,r! -1) on pi 'or soil Hlioes kept 0. . t,-, ' l; of nUhts think their own-.- 1... w. v'dcu legs from bcdtiuio iruii.rt ;i:d double trees grow n. . .i v here teaming is done. Or-!'fc-.' ti..y ure by no meais al- . . ir in'- i T horse-t he-; I lints. LeerNdi!;; '.I grew In Knuland, ;.;, i.; not elsewhere indige- 1. ii.-. .'hi never this tree came to ..,::;ci it was always nearly time tcuving. The Mt.g-s Suit "I uc'U saiit the veterinarian .-t.r I ad (arefully examined the d.-g'B iroutli. "that be has a thick cent en his t- nue." "Ah, then, his coat and bis pants ewfne. together, don't they ! " ex c..v".rd UiJ ilea's anxious mistress. l'hcoung Lady AxrossThe Way J f f Ttio young lady across the wny i-vb she undcrs:neds that mutton is ' i'i favorite meat tn f:m;ind tuit la liiiH countiy i.he kuoshua mnt of tho tf j umst bo killed (or their wgwL s and I-' .-0A ' t th.. y, j) A Brand New SINCR old Hen Franklin first promulgated the thought that so-called "colds" were catching, (hat is, transferable from the Blck to the well, considerable knowledge has accumulated supporting that Idea, In this Interlude of Inquiry we have occasionally dwelt upon the sundry and divers microbes that aro known to cause such illnesses. The pneu mo coccus king of the cold bugs near ly everybody carries always on tap. Then there Is the Influenza bacillus, the diphtheria bacillus which 1b present in not a few apparent "colds" In children particularly, the micro coccus catnrrhalis, certain Btrepto coccl and staphylococci and other cocci till you can't cock your eye any longer have all been rather suspi ciously associated with "colds." Hut the worst Is yet to come. And from a woman doctor this time. Dr. Kuth Tunn (cliff has found a new and thoroughly competent cold microbe tho bacillus rhinitis. Rhinitis, you know, means Inflammation of the proboscis, or nose, the Inside of the nose particularly. Dr. Tunnlcliff's new microbe does a neat and work manlike job when planted on the field of action; there can be no doubt that It starts things about as promptly as any of the old established germs of coryza In our standard lists. There need be no alarm, nor even surprise that n new cold .germ has been discovered. Hcyond question there will be others Introduced from time to time as occasion warrants. We're going to keep thr contagious ness of "colds" In tho public nostrils at all hazards, nnd we shall discover as many new microbes us may bo necessary for tho purpose. Ono "cold" is as much unlike nn other "cold" in its symptoms and ef fects as measles is unlike the r.y cKoiici- i-itch I.'OiSE NOISI2 is a disturbance in t!:e atmosphere whi'-h conri.sso-i tl'.e ear-drum and causes tho owner thereof to siidi lor a pie.t.;..:u home in a town which hai.n't a i:(.;n mercial club. Noise is produced by don, locomo tives, machine guns, hahiei, eolh'ue students, cheap ureluvl ras, poli ticians, locomotive v histV:;, w.-.i o head newspapers, volcanoes ami other thing:;. It is usually disagreeable and In ventors oiten work r.i 'J.i tryim to produce uoi.seh.M iinli'mi-ii ; of one kind or another. They havo made the automobile as quiet a:; a tombstone, but have net been able to do anything as yet for the auto matic piano or the self-mndo man who Is trying to adve'tin r.he fart, A fw noiseless pnli! iri:m ! i.ave been perfected in the !a.;t century, but as a rule they have been mo:-1 fatal t ban the reverherat inr; kind. A politician siiould be compeile.l to wink with cov.heMs tied on him. About live year.; ago the noise was strained out of the Fourth of July with great sueeos-.. We now have a perfectly quiet IV-irth. nnd cle hrato our national birthday by clos ing the banks. Some people ar ' naturally quiet and ran remove an eMir- tim i: store in a one-horse wa;-m w il !i louse poh.-s witliout avalvoiiini, (1" poiiro- - while' ot her people arc :o ih.isy that they cannot read a r -li-.'fmis pa it w itlioiil h,M ;)i:ig t!n I'eii'hbnvhoed awake bv eMing iTt qii et. This nation is fond of i nnd uses it at times villi great r;:c cess as a subs! it ute fo;' niu.-ic , Views Of A mcrica s Ss. MeM.r:;i:. e i:tor of Mi Inn's, ba-i written i signed editorial for the Setr York Mini, concerning the attitude of tho i nited States toward Kugland. Mr. McClure says: "I am departing from a good and almost universal custom by writing a signed editorial. 1 am doing this because 1 need to draw upon my own observation to a certain extent. "In a letivr to the Times. It. Horo witz, associate professor in Colum bia, says: 'If, then, one asks the question. Why Is It that so many Americana are ardent surp ters of (he Allies' we may answer that tiie primary rea son is the existence of a common bond of sympathy for Filmland and what it stands for-its people, its history. Its culture.' "Where was the common bond of this country In 1 St I as between the Northern and Southern States? Such a common bond as M Horowitz re fers to did not prevent one of the most terrible wars in history the American Civil War. Furthermore, every generation of American youth was brought up to recard Kugland ns the enemy. The War of the Kevolu tion was followed by the War of 1S12, nnd, to still further embitter our people, the acts of Km;land dur ing our Civil War brought feelings of hostility to a white heat. How everybody felt then many of the old timers feel now. Ask C.en. Horace Torter! Our history text-books im planted these feelings year nfter year in our country schools and city schools. "Tho response of the people to Cleveland's Venezuelan message was Indicative of this inanlnious iiitf. burins U.c flo -Vax ; io :Vtfi "Cold" Microbe wliooplng-couKh. That Is Just why we havo Kiven this fine notice to Dr. Tunnlclifr's new bug to em phasize the unhappy truth that a "cold" la a "cold" only until you And out what Is the matter, and then It is something definite. Measles and whooping-cough and diphtheria and pneumonia and various other dis eases are "colds" at first, In the com mon parlance; pretty nearly every acute illness Is a "Lad cold" at the beginning; anyway, the average patient will stand for such a diag nosis for a day or two. All "colds" are as Independent of weather conditions and exposure and dampness and drafts as measles, whooping-cough or soft corns, but not all human beings are as yet dis abused of tho great delusion. QUESTION'S A.ND ANSWERS Intestinal Indigestion In Children Will yon kindly write something about intestinal indiiicstion in chil dren under tent I think you said some time ago that most cases of 'worms" arc in reality due to this trouble. Answer We have a letter all ready to send you if you will fur nish tho stamped, addressed envelope, v Iloalth Talks Saved Her Dcuuty Following ono of your suggestions I had tho emetine treatment for iyorrho?a some months ago, and it did wonders. My general health is greatly improved and my friends are remarking on my Improved com plexion. Thank you ami long life to Health Talks. Answer And mind, the lady had already spent four or five cents for postage and packing on tho loiter of advice. theology, statesmanship, advertising and aigumeiit. Of late yearn it has Iconic i::i;io..sibIe t' feed in public witliout biing assisted b-y noise. 'J here are lew stranger siias than 77k scl'-wu'c man who is iry'nj to advert is' the fart that of a Xew Yo-k r.:::n yelling jdeasantly at a guest across a table, while rh;" behind him a reformed boikT-shnp worker is committing per son il jn-aiilt on a snare drum, a tri angle, a I': s drum and a xylopluvte. Anti-ncifo societies uro row hei::g fo:t;iL'il a!l o'er tiiC country, and if they succeed in their crusade we may have to i ay tifiy cents a day to see the home team play ball i:st(,ad of ctnuding outside the fence and keep ing the run of t!,e .-a:no by the lis- fall of the mad house chorus inside. The Pres: A tilludc ing of dislike to F.nt;Iand was in creased. The natural tradition of the American people lor more than one hundred years was instinctive hostility to Kngkind and instinctive friendship for Germany. "All American sympathy was with Germany in t he Franco-Prus-Pian War of IS70-71. Tho old em peror and the Kmperor Frederick were admired nnd beloved generally in America, and Von Moltke and Koon took their places beside Grant nnd Sherman in the popular mind. The present emperor grew continu ally nnd generally In the admiring n flections of the American people. Such was the condition up to the close of the nineteenth century. "More nnd more American pro fessors had studied in German uni versities. Few men commanded a greater affection of nil our public men than Carl Schura. "Are the American people the idiotic victims of nn insidious propa panda on tho part of Great Uritain, nnd is the talk of the American press stupid and renal? "England nnd the English press were regarded by the American peo ple with a calm and contemptuous hostility. Tho change came at the time of tho Spanish-American War. One morning New York City was nmazed to read a short editorial tn tho New York Sun speaking of Eng hind in an admiring and friendly manner. "Gradually this feeling of friend liness grew, until much of :he tradi tional hostility disappeared. ?;b t ic opinion in thf 'Jnited Mates -jt regard ;o th war mis treat; '- .hf unfold ir.f fteuftjc cf event," ( rfh rail 'j.(:. ' uH - f - " ; 4V Iff- hi if :,rV..'?4? -ir - 1 -Jt WS The Auto .Itist Go Q. Crn a jjk ji's f'-m il 7 an!') he taken t,r tteht in California.' That is to s-u, if a v:;n iioes b-inkrutit in his h;i:ii-itss. can his cr ( take his fair, it y ant a or is it cx,injtt bit California lair A. lL is not exempt. Moi,;;,.i,;o Holds Goo-.l Q. ff I mortaane a tram fur a si"'' ifi- -I nitir,i:i! of nvrne; anl am I'hli-j-'l to earn ,u ii H ith S'.m- has the jutrtti holi nj the moriyaae on the team the riolit tn far -rla-r u:i we if I fnt to make ;, , :t the r.r j;ired tinir. thm-ah unaroi-lahle rir vmnst'tnees on my part Can I force him to renew the viortyuje. or am I vornereC A. He has the richt to foreclose, rerlvp yon cuil l get n nnw loan, to take the place of the old, when the mortgage expires. Pnmerty Held lly .Man-it .I Couplo Q. If a man end wifr hn-l a p'u ee of property jointly, a mariaaae u- ino c!tar.:.i-,! to sr. me, ('.' cHhtr om-1 sell u lihaut the ( nnsent of ot!"T.' A. No, l:i the proper ca;e. he, v. ever, n partition proceedi:;;; c..;;i.l he hi uu::!it. .: 7"e'il'n Of (ra::e:- h'p (K J had occ;.;;-n rr'-ent'ij in in. V ...v,c ,':. ttff to si,,.c I,;-'. t. Tl.( re seems to some .;,'! a!, out the matter. aUhtatah t'.-.e p, rsn: irin the deed : the r.nmc n-i:ne an the per-inn rro, as I hnp;) t to knnn in!'! S' ire ttne previous!;! a-:ii-r,f the t tit; h-.t do iou think aUoiit the cai.e A. Wiiere tin name of t!ie craiirej j. tij,. scae ;,s f;.;.t (1f j; ijvi.iu.ii who had pT-v;,,M.-iv .,... t tith. th Xvi! b" t' t he con vn. ance we; ma le by t!: 1 rirh! fill owner. Cn'rss ih.ore ai e fa ejs tendim; lo t'.irow considerable doubt on the transactioi. no furth"r evidence will bo essential. Pepper Talks ISy Ci:ouge Matthi-w Adams S'op There is a wealth of Power to bo gained in learning just When and liow to Stop. It seems a part of human activity to travel too Fast at times. Also, it has been a Fault of Nations. History tells all about it. Stop. Fauso and Think then Co Ahead. It is comparatively easy for Forceful and Energetic characters to keep going ahead, working nnd willing their way along. Hut the ability to Stop at the right time, no matter under what circumstances you may bo placed, becomes a dis tinct mark of decision and Control. Stop. Pause and Think then Go Ahead. How many a time the busy man or woman learns the value of this little word all too late! How many a giant enterprise has been snuffed out, like as a candle is snuffed out, for no other reason than that the little lesson of knowing Just When and How to Stop had never been learned. Stop. Tause and Think then Go Ahead. Measure your steps as you go. View your Work calmly and with satisfaction. Stop to take involco and to meditate on the meaning of w hat you propose to achieve. Stop to gather and accumulate Stre.igt' and Nerv arr Iiear. Stop ; y.y- m:o luitr. G. A b People's Legal Friend VY I", it. BKANSGN Jiyth. Jiso!vi:i" I'ariner-h: Q. Fay thn e men -re ' ; a business. : rant:i a a t The others do not , t !o J,-.. l cttn he yet out.' I .'i. -j- third of the stock tnn -my ,tn -i debts ayainst the fi-,n. in I h done with h.lls ...e.i.,; 'he . v The firm is not in oi,,n-itt ,!. A. Where a j.artners:.',: N i- r .- for n (lelhiite period et t'-i -, ..(:.' o, partner vihes to 1 1 i t ti.e ' I efore the expiration o.' ?.!; the usual p! aci ice is to , o .:,u eo rml ask for a d.-cr.v cf . uiiu:--If there lias oen any f:;.iul t- j eoit, or if t ii-j i is ,iny other t-in :: stance making i . out Iniiam e .-l u partnership r. laiion i.ndnsiia:.!-, that tlie common .nd u, :,...- .,!. the partnership uas io:r.icd :;iu be attained, the court wul J. . dissolution. Current Poetry ricn'.y cf Company I.ittin Mis.Tft T1-..-0 rti;-c a r Am ::,t t .w 1 ,. .;,.. u.-r. I .11 - l-j'i I In :. ' ;- 5 I' : i- . D.. Xot all f tlie l,i:iv.. ,.., u.,n t v.:-r Sumo cf ihei whiiu tio isurs ij cuiintry iu n-i. IMot of tlio won viiif at--.n V-';: -3 l:i done by the lain , !-..-. c man. ngod to retain their hair. A well drcs.-;i il woman is (! scenery. Tliere is always some re:.,a FUspect tlie (lesiraliilKv ,,r ,, , which can be hail nn casv ;..iv::i.-.p Tlie man who plavs ib.. bide It in his pock'.'!. I.'it' t;..,' bono soloist is toriul- l b ' world. '"" . iHn Ui Tho trouble wit), ,;,0 m . owns a diam.,1,,1 is thai be Vs a-tu wear it in bis shirt. otherwise be devou.i"io lol nobert W. rs.imVr, r...r, father of the .u ro.r.e " . - : s l is at tne latter thro'i i s .difficult, bat ex'-er-feat, we s'..otiU . v llatner T'llclc Klliv w i u l i U r.J "He r,-, v c., ;:t;.': Hli'3 bcr t-, ,"('.'; '"' '":,"-" Mrsu.i et loo'V 'i"r"", " '" Hj. al.f j...".'," '" lioso. narrar t V J" the rawitei Si.' - '..., .t ' tw; ;.-'f tsr wt' . -i "t-uii -'. cL ,C ' --'Jt' ' a v. i i t - .t-r-