iWS WANT ADVS" GET RESULTS V A.WEI) A fund plain cook, 14!: S Kane street. .1 U-tf ARE THEY MARRIED PROFESSIONAL CARDS THE IIIOINLINE SCHOOL OF PIANO MUSIC Mrs, Charles Ilcinliiie, Director Mrs. Max Combs, AtvuU Teacher. 4 Beginners a Speciality; Concert Pianists Developed. Morning clusses In Klnderg&r- ten; children called for and taken home. Studio 433 Ella St. Phone 33-R. MUSIO TEACHER MISS MART D. SYLTA Teacher of Violin, Cello, Mandolin k G-iUr 707 W. Moeher St DR. II. It. SHOEMAKER Physician and Surgeon Office rooms 219-220 Perkins Building Phones Office 194 Residence 319 FOR SALE Several head at fresh mtlch cows, for prices and partic ulars call phone CF15. 911sl(ip WANTED-To rent a farm, capable of taking care of from 25 to 50 cows. Let us know vjai you oave. Ad dress box 772, City. 913-tf M TbM.rVWsV's HUBBY 13 OUT W THE. Back Vard-whS Pont Nousive him A QUARTER AND cix HIM.TO HELP SoO LIFT THAT pox OUT OF THE. BASEMENT f W-U FIMD HIS LAZY WHERE IS FOR SALE) One largo heavy horBe, wagon and harness. Page Invest ment Co. Roseburg. 589-tf THAT MAM OF ONES ovrr IM Pt YARD UNPE14 DVT BIG TREE WOOD WANTED Trie news ll gladly take on subscription wood for office and residence use In any amount. Call at The News FOR SALE Dartlett pears 25c per . bushel at the orchards. Fred Fisher, Edenbower. Phone 26F2. 922-slO FOR SALE A nice milk cow, near ly fresh. Can be seen 1 mile south of city. Price 50. Call or address H. M. Heber. Rt. 1 Roseburg. WANTED Men to clear land on contract. Seven miles northeast of Roseburg. No boys need apply. Sunshine ranch, phone 1F2. 904-B9 'i I ll I J THAT a T00D WHCH, I jcTf I'LL PO THAT ( 1 939-sl5p FOR SALE OR TRADE About 4 acres of level building property, 4 blocks of city limits on Edenbower road. E. C. Benson, 401 Perkins bide. 938-o8 FOR SALE Registered and unreg istered Delaine rams, both polled and horned. AddresB J. G. Barnes, Ten Mile, Ore. 902-olp FOR SALE A Barnes foot power engine lathe with scroll and twist drill chug; hand and other tools complete. For particulars address box 33G, city, or call on News. 936-sl3p FOR SALE Young pure bred Jer sey bull, eligible to register. Will sell for J85, if taken quick. This is as good an animal as can be had fer 3 or 4 tliuos the money. Address Wm. Vinson, Urapqua. Phone 10F22. 694-tf FOR SALE All the 711 brand of cattle belonging to II. L. Acker at Tiller. S throe year steers, 10 cows, and salves, 12 dry cows, 7 two year stoers, 10 yearling heif ers, fifty In all. Price $2000.00 H. L. Acker, Tiller. Or. 899-sSO FOR SALE Angora goats bred from selected stock of superior quality, heavy shearers and hair of good quality. Males and 15 head of fe males, all registered. Call on or write to J. I. Chapman. Wilbur. Ore. 903-s30p FOR SALE OR TRADE For cwcs. one fine grado Shropshire buck, weight 170 lbs., one pure bred Cotswold, extra good, each one year old, also some choice Poland China hogs. E. A. Kruse, Rose burg. 921-slO WAXTKn. WANTED A girl for general house work Jn small family. Inquire News. 910-sirp Com meal, of course! THERE MAY RE 'GREATER HARDSHIPS Than to lie Obliged to Go Without IOOI) WHOLESOME MEAT FOR V.VKS OXK MEAL, HUT WE CAN'T THINK OF AXY JUST OFF HAND. DON'T DO IT! IT ISN'T NECESSARY! WE SELL THE Iil-ST OF MEAT! THE ECONOMY MARKET Phone BS OEO. KOHLIIAGEN, Prop. Neely & Neely Cass Street plAMOfiu Flour and Can ned Gouds Our Specialty All Fresh Goods in v eason MISCELLANEOUS WELL DRILLING Experienced. R. E. Hlnselman, Roseburg, R 1. 704-tf FOR RENT Furnished room at 312 B. Cass. Phone 3 lb-J. 900-sUOp FOR RENT Modern small house. Inquire ot J. H. Clark, at Clark's Studio. Sll-lf FOR RENT Furnished rooms with bath. ' Inquire at 323 South, Stephens St. 867-sl9p NEW APPLE BOXES Nailed at he each. Apply People's Supp! Co. scu-tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeep lng rooms just papered and paint ed, 217 Chadwick street Phone 246-J. ' 935-tf CARPENTER'S NOTICE I want to exchange rent of small house for carpenter work. Leave address at News office. 941-S22 FOR EXCHANGE Portland proper ty exchange for Roseburg prop erty or acreage. What have you Address 849 News office. 849-tf MANDOLIN, Violin and Guitar les sons private at home. Pleasant and careful Instruction by A. W. Ferguson. Call Parslow and Bell. 908-s30p FOR RENT Very reasonable. 10 acre fruit tract, pears, cherries, apples, prunes, bearing. House, barn, chicken house, good place for poultry. E. W. Morgan, Ed enbower. Phone 9F11. 937-sl.'i FOR RENT Furnished raoni' with bath and light housekeeping rooms with gas, light and bath at 112 Brockway street, opposite Rose school, terms reasonable. Mrs. C. P. Shields, proprietress. 916-sll STRAYED OR STOLEN From the Marsters ranch in Happy Valley, one light bny horse, tight years old, weight 1000 pounds, height 14 hands, small white spot in forehead, left hind foot white, branded J. F. on right stifle, U. S. on left stifle. Suitable reward will be paid for any information lead ing to his recovery. A. C. Mars ters, Roseburg, Ore. 745-tf I.ODCE DIRECTORY. ' LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSK Rose burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets In Eagles' ball on Jackson street, every Friday evniug at 8:00 o'clock. Visiting brothers invited to attend. F. G. Stewart, Dictator; H. O. Pargeter, Secretary. UOSHIlUliG NEST No. 1117, Order of Owls, meets first and third Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Eagles Hall. Visiting brothers always welcome Rosa Goodman, president; C. W Horner, secretary. A. F. tt A. M., Laurel Lodge No. 13, Regular Communications 2nd and fourth Wednesdays each month at Masonic Temples, Roseburg, Ore. Visitors welcome. R. H. C. Wood, (V. M., W. F. Harris, Sec. O. E. 8. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8 holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in each month. Visiting members In good standing are respectfully invited to attend. Grace Elder, W. M Free Johnson. Sec. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Oak Camp, No. 125, meets at the Odd Fellows ball In Roseburg, every first and third Monday evenings Visiting neighbors alwara wel come. C. T. Tipton, C. C; M. M. Miller, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Assembly 105 meets at the Maccabee ball every first and third Wednesday even lng. Visiting members are always welcome. Alllne Hoffman, M. A.; Emma Faulkner. Secy. I. O. O. F. Rising Star Lodge No 174, meets In Odd Fellows Tempi. Jp HEY THeRE HENR,, WAKE UP ! , ' PO SOU WANT TO f- VMM NPE ' MM ' EARM A QUARTER.? mM V 6oX .- - - l J ' I - -T-.ftU- J I every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. A. S. I i Hunt, N. G.; J. D. Reese, V. Vrv G.; Carl W. Ohman, Rec. Sec; If M. Fickel, Fin. Sec. Iff v ltl.'lll.:K A IIM T?,,u,i.iir,r ftoltolrnh Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F., meets . in Odd Fellows Temple every ; Tuesday evening. Visiting sisters nnd brothers Invited to attend, j Ella Stewart, N. G.; Tillie John-1 unn Plnrn PaWn,. IT1 Sec; M. Fickle, Treas. WOMEN OF WOODCRVIT Lilac Circle, No. 49, meets on first and third Monday evenings of each month In the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members in good standing are invited to attend. Elma Lewul len, G. N.; Clara Cawlfield, clerk. II. P. O. K. Roseuurg Lodge, No. 326, hnlds regular communications at their temple on second and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regularly and all visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. A C. Seely, E. R.; I. B. Riddle, Sec. Brotherhood ot American Teomen. Mt. Nebo Homestead 1828. Meets at Maccabee hall every 2nd and 4(h Wednesday. Visitors welcome. Mrs. Blanche Krohn, foreman; S. E. Krohn, correspondent. EAGLES Roseburg Aerie meets in their hall on Jackson street, 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting hreth in good standing always welcome. J. M. Donohew, W. P.; B. F. Goodman, W. Sec. Phone 183. I. O. H. M. Umpqua Tribe No. 4 4 holds stated councils the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at the Eagles Hall, N. Jack9on street. Visiting chiefs always -welcome. W S. Howard, Sachem; (. H. Tei'cin ski, C. of R.; W. C. Giddls, K. ot W. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Meets ev ery Wednesday In Odd Fellows Temple. Visiting Knights welcome C. F. Hopkins, C. C; E. E. Wlm berly, K. R. S. . O. O. F. Union En-'amument No 9. meets In Odd Fellows Tempi -every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. D. C. Humphrey, C. P.; J. B. Bailey, R. S.; James Ewart, F. S. L. O. T. M Roseburg Hive No. 11, holds regular reviews on second and fourth Thursday evenings In Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting in the city are cord ially Invited to attend our reviews May Patrick, lady coin.; Jessie Rapp, R. K. I. O. O. F. Phlletarlan Lodge, No 8, meets In Odd Fellows Temple corner of Jackson and Cass street: on Saturday evening of each week. Members of the order In good standing Invited to attend. Wm Sponagle, N. G.; P. E. Turnell. V. G.; J. B. Bailey, F. S.; M. M Miller, R. S. j. H (TL. kfLAg, oLot O-At v. zaXj, JuLl&.(&t p-i. Wtlf y&ACrCn aw tuj&rjy&jC tucC, Xo-dtMt S ' 444444444 DR. N. PLVLER Office II oil i-s 0 to 12, a to 5 liiroprnctor SpKial Treatment 222 V. Lane St., Roseburg, Or. IMioiio 132. DR. SEKLY, S ETHER & STEW ART Physicians una Burgeons Suit of offices. Rear Douglas National Dank, Ground Floor, Phone :t7 Roseburg . Oregon DR. S. L. DELAPP Osteopathic Physician RuoilLS 8I7-:1IH Perklllft IIII.lt;. Ofilce Phone 431 Residence Phone 270 DR. GEO. E. HOICK Physician and Surgeon Office Perkins Bldg., Phone 3. Roseburg, Oregon It. F. JONES Attorney at Jaw Will practice In all the courts. Fjt-Rcglster U. S. Land Office. Office In Masonic Blldg., corner Cass and Jackson DR. I). E. SNELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Phones: Office 119, Res. 138-L. 2'17-H Pi-rMns lliiildlng IlOSEIII'ltd, ORE. L. (1. HICKS SURVEYOR 22:1 Perkins Itulldliig Itonrhurg, Ore. llionn 131 -R Surveys Estimates GKHION) A FREAR Civil Engineers and Huneyors RfM;liirK, Oreffoa Rooms 1 and 2 Masonic Blldg.-- Phone 387 CI1AS. F. HOPKINS Attornoy ar Tiw L . !i 42(1 Perkins Ul(l. Roseburg, Oregon. 4 Especial attention given to con- veyanclug and the examination of titles to real estate. Prnc- tices iu ull statu aua loiiuiul V 4 courts. 4 I WANTED: A j j Bright Young JkM cm A lung estobliilied and j g lWlClil teputal.le house 40 g years in bus in cm has 1 an opening In this city (or a resident H representative. His time will be largely j his own; the work is pleasant and 1 agierable ; his profit averages more titan Ji 33 ' on the business done, attd p previous experirnce is not essential. f This is an ideal opportunity or a young man of good appearance, wide circle of g acquaintance and a genuine desire to fj 3 make good in a profitable field of work, gj 5 The earliest reply will receive fust s considerotion. 3 1 FOSTER GILROY y 301 Lafayette Street A f3 New York E3 lllll!!lll!llll!ll Real Estate City and Farm Property GEORGE RITER 111 West Oak Street. PUREjFOOD GROCERIES Wo stand behind all of our Grocery's as to their PURE FOOD QUALITIES. Pure Food Groceries at REASONABLE PRICES, to gelher with a PROMPT DE LIVERY SERVICE Is our motto. It brings and holds ev ery customer tlhat ever gives us a trial. Won't you try us and bo convinced? Phono us your order today. We are ever ready to serve you as boat we know how. A. T.Marshall Mrs. F. D. Owen Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bo queta, etc. JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF FERNS OF ALL KINDS Roseburg, Oregon. STOP ranrTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG The Cleaning Problem has no worry for wo aro prepared to do all your cleaning and pressing In a superior mannor, proSuptly and at a modorate price. The character of our work Is a splon dd cxnmplo of the superiority of (his establishment "over tho ordi nary", Imperial Carers 342 N. led h r, Srt. Phono 277. J, I will teach you DooltKooiilng and Business Methods, elllier a Complete Huidiicas Collego Course or a Special Course, based upon the needs of your own farm or any other business. K. RAV JOXMS, Malinger. RoKeblirg, Oregon. Prompt Service For freighting, moving, bag gage, piano, lumber, wood and coal hauling . NEW BUSINESS CONNECTIONS Wo are sales agents for the Roseburg Sand & Gravel Co. Washed sand and gravel. WE SELL Mt, JXahlo Cement. Imitcrifil Idrno Kan Juan IJnio Arricit 1'Insicr JiiMt ( all 124. H. J. DENN TRANSFER it STORAGE (X) Offline Pliono 128, Ren. IOI-L