RAILROAD ENGINEER PICKED BY JUDGES AS? UHAMnUN dAoloALL "BUli" Or UDUNIRl. A ,1, Vnr Against Substitutes RLICK'S Get the Weil-Known Round Package f5! Caution v-im- or car- w w nm 0 HO m m i FRONTIER DAYS Walla Walla, Wash September 1(1, 17, 18. A Revival of the Old frontier Days. Low Round Trip Fares From Stutlons on SOUTHERN PACIFIC Ask nearest agent John M. Scott, Clonorul Passenger Agent, Portlm.il, Oregon. mm r.- .' I V . J: I) . V 11 IK I A (. That film that you want to have especially good let us develop it for you. , We don't do this work like a mach ine, but every roll of film, every dry-plate gets the individual treatment it requires. Defender PhotcvPure Chemicals are used in all processes, and AKGO, the "No-Trouble" Paper, in making the prints. This combination of finest materials and expert workmanship insures best results for you. REASONABLE PRICES AND SERVICE AS PROMPT AS THE QUALITY OF OUR WORK WILL WARRANT Always a fresh stock on hand of Defender supplies for the Amateur, VULCAN Film and Dry Plates, AKGO Paper and PHOTO- PURE Chemicals. NATHANJFULLERTON ,"i THE REXALL STOREJ PerKins bldg. Roseburg', Oregon I you S on a Pnic or a camp- 1 1 .$521 vsw fJU ing trip you'll want canned tahle supplies. No matter what you buy at King's Cash Store It's pmity and wholesomness are guaranteed. Nothing is offered for sale that has not withstood the most rigid test to determine its reliability. "THE CASH STORE" WE SAVE roc MONEY VM CASS KTKKET ij'h fir 1 " iU p3? ... I n Mini n i , Lv-1 bs3 , mm 9 CAMAS VALLEY Miss lief ley and Miss Ilc!rick have come and are ready to boRin thei; sehool duties next .Mondav. Iiort IlnilimlnKWay Is visltlnsr llh ins rattier on Coos Hay this weel; Edna Smith has goiio to Fu-iiand to spend the winter with her amit. I'rof. Solve bi'Ran school In iiiiner Camas last Monday. C. M. Wilson Is finishiiiK his new residence. ...r. Coffee is doini: tl.c carpenter work. U G. Halter bought an automobile last week. We understand that J. r. Denu and L. O. Haker sold horses last week. Tho horse buyers aro gathering up tno surplus horses. The sewing machine agent who was in our valley last week succeeded in selling several sewing machines. xoTiru to senoians a.i ! TK.HIIKISS 4 To every scholar In Douglas County averaging 85 per cent or over in his or her studies will bo given a certificate which will admit him or her free to every Saturday matinee In hat month. All teachers will be ad- mltted free also. These tickets can bo had at the Majestic theatre eilher by calling or sending for them. tf GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS i;i:k Di:vi:i,oi-ii riii:n Your films If bought of us. East man or Ansco Films and Packs, un til further notice. CLARK & CLARK, 0 5 3 1 f Fotographers. XOTICK OK fJKXKKAL CITY KMOOTIOX. Notice Is hereby given that a gen eral election will be held in the City of Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday, October 4 1 li, 191!, between the I hours of 9 a. m. and 6 p. ni., of said If Your Hack Hulls or Itladder' day (provided however, that tho Kullieis You. Drink liols of Water. DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING IF "Onyx" fp) Hosiery tury Kind from Cottoo to Silk, For Men. Women tni CbildrtD Any Cn!(ir and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair .Sold hr AU CuuJ tXnlera. I tMik (or tlio 1'ru.te klarkl w holesale Lcu'd jf Taylor M'.W YORIC KEEP COOL Roseburg Electric Company Judges shall have the power to ad journ for one hour at noon) at which sMd election the following of ficers shall he elected, towit; When your kidneys hurt a:,,: yorr 0n Mayor to serve for two years, back feels sore, don't get ! and One Recorder to serve for two proceed to load your stomach with ajy0.lr!, lot of drugs that excite the kidneys! ami irrltale (lie entire urinary tract. One Treasurer to serve for two Keep your kidneys dean like you' 0m, rn(.i,nan rom Pa(.h of the keep your bowels clean, by flushing for w.ln!s of c ritJ. t0 sprve ror inem wnn a nill.l. tiarmless salt wnich removes the body's urinous waste anil stimulates them to their; normal activity. The fnnctbm ofj tho kidneys is to filter the blood 2 1 hours they strain from it two years. One Councilman from Ward No. 3 of said city to serve for one year. Said election will be held in Ihe ! In following named voting places and will be conducted bv the following grains of acid and waste, so ,,,) judges and clerks, or their j can readily understand (he vital lm-(duly selected substitutes, to-wlt: portnnce of keeping the kidneys at-; KlrM Ward. j "vtv rolling Tlace Court House. Iirlnl; lots of water you can't . .iu,iKPs: ,.- -. imi.nrd. nattle llannn, : drink too much: also get from lry'w. R Thomas. Clerks: Lloyd Cole, pharmacist about four ounces of jad Celia McClallen. Salts: take a tablospoonful in a glass ,.r ...... n .nr..p.. l.,nl-fn. l , , . . ,,.! rolling riace Caro bu d ng cor- morulng for a few days and your, " ... ,,, . ,r, i , ner Washington and Jacuson streets. RIUllC.'S Will HI L 11IH-. IIIIILU'13 salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla. and has been used for genera tlons to clean and stimulate closed kidneys; also to neutralize the acids Soc"nl Ward. Judges: .1. M. Fletcher, I,. L. Spencer, Maurice Moore. Clerks: Florenco J Grlustead, .leanle Rulck. Third Want. Tolling Placo Koseburg hotel. In urine so It no longer is a source ofi Juoges: jnmes jicrvay, s. j. Jones. irritation, thus en 'lr.g hl..dder weak ness. Jad Salts la Inexpensive: cannn" Injure: makes a delightful effer vescent ltthla-water drink which ev eryone should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean and srtlve. try 'his. also keep up the water rirlnlt Ing, and no doubt you will wor.dor what beeamo of your kidney trouble, and backache. K. C. Henson. Clerks: Adith Abeene, Ultima Chambers. Fourth Wnnl. Tolling Tlace City Hall. Judges- C. I lladley, Minnie Sprague Graf ton Worthlngton. Clerks. Klsio Bene dick, Ana Cordon. By order of the Common Council. K. L. WHITTLE. Recorder of the t ".' of Koseburg. Oregon. !H3-s20l ANDfAyEljg "(!CflSlMALIEOMIltO' "cim,vtii.,u.5.. WW WE ORIGINAL MALTED IWILK We do not rnaU ''milk Products Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc. AskForllORLCK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made from clean, full-cream milk and the extract of aelect malted grain, reduced to powder form, soluble in water. Best Food-Drink for All Ages. Used for over a Quarter Century Unless you say "HORUGICS'' you may get a Substitute. Take a Package Home 'h If f makes it i k Mv you to easiSy 14, mum ssres oessres ,4 if you save money.1 Don't travel the thorny path cf lifethe rosy road to comfort is open to you. Make up your mind to start a bank account and save a little of your earnings each pay-day. Don't wait until next pay-day to begin. You can start right now. We will be glad to help and advise you, if you will consult us. $ 1 .00 will start you. Roseburg National Bank Roseburg, Oregon ' -V.t-.'---' Let me send you FREE PERFUME Write today (or a teiting bottle of ED. PINAUD'S LILAC The world's most famous perfume, every drop as swwt Fine aller shaving. All the value i, In the perluni.-yoi. dilTt pny extra for. a fancy bottle. The ....alltv U wonderful The F.,ic?n0IllvZ'5c' ' ,S7d "": httlc bottle-enoush lur 50 handkcrchiels. Write today. PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD, Department M. ED. PINAUD BUILDING - NEW YORK Just Arrived A Big Carload Lot of CHAMPION & MCCORMICK BINDERS, MOWERS, HAY RAKES.tTEDDERS We get our machines direct from the factories and always have the latest machines made at the VERY LOWEST PRICES J. F. BARKER COMPANY .. Implements and Vehicles. ROSEBURG :-: :.: OREGON 1 1 U UEKOUK COOKING AjYOCXXX our meats look almost tempt- Scfrfjil. II 11 Iiik enough to eat as they ere. rtSfca H I After cooking they are slm- 1 "V l ! Jj ply Irresistible. Sounds like rXVWffl I ! a big claim, but a trial of 'TJT A ti r" II I the meat will prove It justl- V VilmS Is li fled. Favor us with an or- VXeij'ii' II 5er just to let us prove that J'kr'"::(wl II IN our meats are very different If Tl II and very much better. i j! CASS STHEET 3IAUKET " lWjl II II' nil