Let Us Furnish Your Home A. J. Lilburn & Son THE COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS FRENCH AIR MEN ON SECOND RAID PARIS, Aiitf. 27. French avia tors renewed their raids against the positions of the (iennans again night and today, attacking half a .dozen railway stationB and factories, the war otrico announces. Tim raids were principally In the Wovre uls-t-W and along the railway used by the enemv for transportation o." their supplies. Much damage wan inflict ed. jm. jioick itKcicivKs COMMITTKU APPOINTS! UNT According to a diBpatch received this morning from Salem, Governor Wlthycomhe In his appointments for the executive committee of the state organization of the National Security Leagues, named Dr. George K. ii.a .iv. When Inter viewed' In regard to the appointment Dr. Houck Bald that he had not yet received notice of the appointment, but that it might he received tomor row. Tho security league was organized In the east and Ib for tho purpose "f training citizens In the art of war fare so that In cane of war the United Btatos would have trained men to full back upon. Eighteen appointments were made altogether on the execu tive committee, the governor retain ing the position of chairman. The members of tho committee are select ed from all over the state and nncrly every section Is represented. CITV NKYVS. Mr. Giithorle, of the legal depart ment of the S. P. Co., and Mr. Unt, of tho tax department, ro In this CH oiiecking over tho assess ments against the railroad company MAJESTIC "IT'S DlKI'HltKNT" Amateur Night A Laugh Every Minute. New Jokes, Song and Musical Acts. The Romance of Elaine Tho sritMAItlXK ll.AlthOlt Ono f tho bent ones yet. Pathe News See It hi re First. Chas. Chaplin IN A Jitney Elopcmeut Wo packed tho himm laH ni!it with lhln funny film. Auk the ncUliluir.-!. Pressing His Suit An American I'onietiy with all tho tears taken out. 6 Clear Bright Reels ritori'titi.r I'muix-irn 5c 10c TOMORROW ItOltKHT WARWICK in A l-'iir-o In the Moonlight Special music by l'rof. Diirnniu, llw Mutter PhotoplayiT. A tVntlnuous IVi-foniiaiirej no SKpnor IX'biyd. . Wnyne lloylra 1iUf 0Mrntir. Mr. and MrH. W. I. Jones, of Myr tle Creok, are visiting In this city today. Miss Kalherlno Paul and Mastc Milton Hhociuaker, who have been at Newport for the past ten days, will return this evening. Archie Jackson, a former resident of thlB city, Is reported to he quite III at a hospital In Kansas City. Mr. Jackson left here several years ago and entered the ministry, holng pas tor at Medford, Miss., for the past few years. He has been 111 for about a month or Blx weeks and yesterday underwent an operation for appendl ciliB. According to a telegram re ceived this morning the operation was successful and unless compli cations set in he will recover. According to the local weather ob servation, today has shown the high est temperature of any day in Aug ust, and the highest for the closing days of this month since 189-1, tho thermometer registering this after noon 98 degrees. In 89t tho same date was 99. and In 1S94 It was 104. Attorney Fulton, of Astoria, pass ed through this city today In his auto on hlB way home aftor having at tended tho exposition at San Fran cisco. Ho was accompanied by his Bon. The new ferry boat recently put Into commission by tho S. P. Co. Is causing n number or the north hound i trains to run behind schedule on nc t rains to run behind schedule. On ac- j erated only at certain stages of tire tide and many times the trains are made very late on this account. Train No. 14 due In this city nt 2:05 has been made late a number of times during the past few weeks. Today! the train was about two hours hr arriving in this city about four o'- i clock. 1 WAIt news Oh' one year .;o Ton.w Preinlem Asquith reports heavy losses by llrltlsh In op- eratlotis along Mclglun border. Sinking of two German cruls- ers and two torpedo boats re- ported by llrltlsh. German scouting parties seen ns far as Arras and Calais. Itusslans continue advance In East Prussia. SIX-YEAR-OLD IS BUSY' LITTLE FILM STAR. LITTLE VIOI.KT UADOLIFFK. S-YKAK-OLll MOV1K STAR, WHO THINKS MORK OK HBR WORK THAN SHK DOES OF HAVING A GOOD TIM K. i "I WOlU.ltN'T THINK OF TAK 1NO A VACATION. FOR 1 WOl'LD PF. WASTING 80 MlTtt TIMS AND EXPKKIENCE," SHK TOLD HKR MOTHER RECENTLY. . If JV'V iA I ; I v I ; 1 1 -f"f : !i! rjf -AW k H 1 h If .ft i I . -,.11.11. 1 M HERE SHE IS, THE GIRL WHO T0SSE- THAT RECORD BREAKING BALL t' 1 ! I III 1,11 , I i I. 1 1 J i ;i mnni j in I : rJr feA AS ' 1 x g?H - ' GLKNN WIIITK OF JOLIET. ILL., 15-YEAIt-OLD GIRL WORLD'S CHAMPION HALL THKOWliH. WHO RECENTLY TOSSED A HALL 210 FEET TOP PICTURE SHOWS LEFT ARM WHICH JTIIREW THE ItECOItlJ-BKEAKING HALL BELOW, AT LEFT THE CHAMPION IS SHOWN IN PITCHING POSITION. AT RIGHT THE CHAMPION SMILE JS PICTURED. We- want l.ailh's to (-all at -llai-th's Toggt-i-y and see the Im'sI Indies Stockings ever shown. A new pair free If they don't, H-ear longer (hint any you have ever worn. Harth's Toggery S PHOTO INSURANCE i"ur kind of Amateur Fin "'ishing is the sort that gives the assurance of the Lest results possible to get. There's a knack in film and plate dev eloping and picture printing which comes only after long experience. We have the knack. Argo Paper, which we sell, is used exclusively in our fin ishing. Could we recommend it more? Nathan Fullerton Til K HKXAI.L STORE lVrklna ltlilg. Itoscburg, Ore. P. S.- We jike to develop Vulcan Film. You will Lie to use it, once you begin. Sctfetmilk Infants and Invalids HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK The Food-Drink for all Ages Rich milk, malted grain in powder form. For infants, invalids ud growing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding the whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers nd the aged. More healthful than tea or coffee. Unless you say "HORLIOICS" you may get a substitute "TJZ" FOR ACHING, SOU jp FEE! Good-hye sore foot, burning feet, swol len fwt, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good-bye coma, cullousea, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tight ness, no more limp ing with pain or drawing up your fiioe in agony, U magical, iicU right off. '"TIZ" draws out nil the poisonous exudations which l'Ulf up the feet. I "e "TIZ" ami for- , . , , P"1 your foot misery. .Ah! bow eniniortnl.to v.,..- feel. (Jrt a 2.'i cent bo of "T!Z now at any druggist or dei.artim'iit htore. Don't suffer. Hav. good l.vt, L.ilt feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, n.-ver get tired. A year's fiv.t comfort guaranteed or money -cfunded. Anderson's New Fall Samples Are now iu and are on display. 500 different patterns to choose from Made any way you Jike NO CHARGE FOR EXTRAS FIT OR NO SALE New Oregon City Mackinaws are in and Lots to Choose from, $5.00 to DUDS FOR MEN Protect Your Eyes by Wearing Crookes Lenses There has for many years been a demand tor a lens that would filter the rays of light enlorinfi tho eye so that only such rays as are an aid to vision would rca eh the retina while the Injunoii.-, irri tating rays would be siopped o r absorbed In passing through the lense. At last after inueh exp erimentlng Sir William CiooUcs, of England, has produced a lens w hieh effectively stops the Injurious ultra-violet rays, yet la soothing to Irritable eyes and Klvia better illumination than ordinary lens. Crookes lens are for universal wear, Indoors and out, for dlBtanee and near vision, and will often bring relief to the patient wa ere all else falls. If you have eve trouble let us examine your eyes and have your next prescription ground on Crookes lenses. QUALITY SERVICE G. W. Young and Company JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS PHONIC TWO-ONE-FOUR ROSEIllRG. OREGON POHTKH-SALMO.V The G. J. Bacher home on East Cass street In Overlook was the scene of a very pretty wedding last night at eight o'clock when Frederick Port er and Miss Anna Salmon were unit ed In the bonds of holy matrimony. The ring ceremony was used and the officiating clergyman was Rev. C. H. Cleaves, of the M. E. Church South. The beautiful home was tastily dec orated for the occasion. After the ceremony a, Bplendld wedding supper was served consisting of two courses. The happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful pres ents. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Bacher, little Helen B.icb-j er, Baby George W. Bacher, Mrs. J Mary Wilson, Mrs. B. F. Lohr. Miss! Lohr, and Master Arthur Porter. The! bride has made her home for several years past with Mr. and Mrs. Baeherj and tho delightful wedding wim a; splendid tribute to her wor;h and sterling character. Mr. and Mrs. I Porter arc well and favorab' - I' In Roseburg. and a host of 'ncmls HAUMCS C1R I S OliKMXAI.ITY. -Many substantial claims can be made about the originality and gen uine merit of the Al G. Barnes big 3 ring wild animal circus. While al most the entire performance Is given by trained wild and domestic ani mals, the show has retained all the pomp and splendor of the old time clrcuR. Instead of the usual, the very un usual prevails. Big, startling, thrill ing acts done by the ferocious wild nnimais are shown In the big steel barred arena In the center of the tent. On either side of the arena are saw dust rings in which very kind of j domestic animal is prefipnted as an actor. There are over 600 of these ani mal actors with the Barnes show and I I 1 I join In wishing them great happiness. They will make their home in this city. Protfessional Qualifications Are necessary in applying glasses for the relief of Eye strain and all errors of vision. Inferior and poorly fitted glasses are likely to injure eyesight. To protect the public optometry laws have been en acted. Avoid injury to your eyes J getting glasses only from a registered A. S. HUEY CO Cass Street among them are jugglers, aerial per formers, acrobats, bareback riders, high divers, dancers and musicians. Lions, bears, leopards, goats, dogs, monkeys dive from the top of the big horses and ponies, seals play musical instruments and juggle different ar ticles with 'their noses, dogs and moskeys dive from the top of the big tent, elephants stand on their heads, high school horses and ponies do dances and brilliant military drills. Sixty-five different groups and en sembles of the animals are presented during the show's program. A glittering, four-band, mile-long parade is presented to the public at 10:30. Performances are given at 2 and S p. m. Doors are opened at 1 an di p. m. The date for Rose-' burg Is Tuesday. August 31. they are Beauties $10.00