ita, IT'S A FACT, BARE LEGS ARE GOOD FORM' .. tiiio riftiinpn inn iumiwtK. Miss Nell Voorhics, who has been on the sick Met for some time is im proving. Miss Alice Bostlck is spending a week with Mrs. Perry Foster at Hock creek. Mr. and .Mrs. Cllngenpeel were in Roseburg Monday. Miss Irene Mundt Is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Selgle at her homestead in Camas Valley. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Beard, of Yon calla. are visiting Mrs. Beard's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Spaugh. George Marsh is sowing a cover crop of vetch, oats and rye in all his orchards. Mrs. MorrlB and daughter, Effie, and Mr. Perry, accompanied Rev. Morris to the preaching service Sun day when Mrs. Morris sang a beau tiful solo. The ladies aid will serve ice cream at the school grounds Saturduy night, u gust 28. Proceeds to go toward painting the church. All are invited lo attend. Set a Yew wood gate post while you are living. Dearer memories will cling around it than a tombstone set arter you are dead. Leave orders at Page's, or write for prices to H. J. Robtnett, Nofog, Ore. 869-a25 NOTICE OP SHEHIFF-S BAMS OX ATTACIDIEXT K.VECfTIO.V. $yU0 G0 A-sWIMMINO CO WITHOUT THEIR STOCK-' flNGS. TUB 'BAREFOOT GIRL" IS NOW TUB BELLE OP nm 4BKACII IN .HOST CITIES SHE'S EVEN CAPTIVATED T v pEACH POLICEMAN AND HE NO LONGER INSISTS ON STOCKINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY NE WS RIDDLE The flHh and gnnio commission love revoked the commission of K. U. Harrington ns deputy gai,;o war den. It is understood that h:s suc cessor has not Leon appointed as yet and Riddle is hoping that they may gain receive tho honor of havms the appointee chosen fron this town. A meeting of tho school fair com mittee wus held Thursday ut the iome of Mrs. N. I). Ilurgoyne. There seems to bo a mlsunderstandm.; among some of the children In re Bard to entering things for tin fair. Svory child who attends school Is en titled to try for the prizes from the primary grades up to the senior! of the high school. The prizes are alt cash prizes. Miss Alma Bates, dnughlc of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hales, and Eur' Simp were married in Roseliurg Tuesday, Augusta 24, by tho county Judge. Bain Abel and family are moving this wock to Dole where they will ro-J aide In the future. P. A. Wilson and wife and ni' returned last week from a trip by automobile to San Francisco, where' they ivlslted the fair for several weeks. J. W. Kerns anil family are enjoy ing camp, life for a week or so on Shoestring creek. Miss Pearl Pnlrlrk, of Reselling, was a guest of Miss Alia Wilson, for eovernl days last week. Tho Itlddlo band has received tholr new uniforms which are very Itont, tho boys expect lo don them for tho first lime on tho day of the barbecue. N. I). Iturgoync Is spending sev eral weeks at Albany. Or., on busi ness, j Sunday wns a busy day down on ho grove where the barbecue Is lo lie held September 6. All the men In town turned out and donated a day's work on the big dance pavilion which tho gun club Is erecting. I The regular meeting of the I'nrent Tonchers Association will be held next Friday ariernoon. August L'7 at tho school house. This Is an Im liortant mooting, as business in con-' Jieoilon with the cafeteria supper j end tho school (air will be brought' tip. Premium lists for the fair can bo secured rrom the fair connnliiee: HI. II. Bronsou. .Mrs. A. C. Scurr.' Mrs. X. I. ilurgoyne, Mrs. lien F. imcnois. l.oo. Robinson. Miss Hi la Welch. Several fine bucks have been sent down from Tiller to the l:ir!dlj Hod and Gun club for the barbecue and have been sent on to cold storage In Icoseburg. The younger set club gave one of their Invitation dances Suturduy ev ening nt Stuller hall, where a de lightful evening wns spent by about 70 young folks and their friends. Mr. anil Mrs. L. w. I). MeKcel en tertained at dinner Sunday at their country home, Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Ilionson and family. .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and baby. Mr. and Mrs. .Mm Crlpps and daughter. In Hie afternoon swimming was enjoy ed In tho cool waters of the Azalea river. Mrs. O. A. Ilouser returned Sun day from several weeks vacation In Portland and other points. Mrs. C. (Jazloy, .Miss Claire Gazlev. Clydo (lazley and Huron Clough, of I anyonvllle, attended the dnnce of tho younger set club Saturday even ing. Miss Esther Sargent returned Sat- ( unlay from Buck Fork where she vis ited Miss Gladys .lacksonror a week. i Irvln P. Gardner came down from nbovo Tiller and spent n couple of I "lays in town tho lutler part of the I week. Mr. Gardner states that he has been pretty busy fighting fire for the last week. I Mrs. Freelnn Cornutt and daugh ter, Miss Inn, nr0 visiting relatives In Portland. I L''e Gurley, of Oakland, Cal., who Is visiting at tho homo of Mrs. C Gazlcy, or Canyonvllle, wns n guest at the club dance Saturday evening Mrs. O. W. Kiddle and daughter, Miss Adeline Stewart, left last week for San Framlsco. and are enjoying Ihe sights of the exposition. Mrs. II. II. Hammond, of Los An geles. Cal., visited last week at the Inline of her sister. Mrs. A. It. Marsh. II. A. Crow returned .Monday from n vacation of several weeks spent at Crater lake and In Weed, Cal., where he visited his brother, Sam Clow. Mrs. Chus. Ransom, Harold and .lohn Ransom, of Aunisvlll e.nre vis-' Iting at the home of Dr. and Mrs.' J. W. Ransom. i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the cir cuit court of the State of Oregon for Clatsop County, Oregon, on the 15th day of July, 1915, on a Judgment rendered in said court on the 2nd day of July 1915, In favor of Lewis St. Dennis and against W. R. Bauman for the sum of $479.35 with Interest thereon at tho rate of eight per cent per annum from the 2nd day of July, lsia, ana tne rurtner sum of f3S. 40 costs and disbursements, in which Judgment it was further ordered by the court, that the property attached In said action, and hereinafter de- For flash lights see the Electric Bcr" De 80l the satisfaction of Store. 861-tf judgment In the manner pro vided by law, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the clerk's office of said court on the 2nd day of July, m5, and said execution be ing to me directed and commanding me, the Sheriff of Douglas county, In the State of Oregon, in the name Tf tho Slute of Oregon, In order to satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac cruing costs, to Bell the following described real iproperty being the property attached In said action, to-wlt: i ih in be heard, either before inexpen-. ----'. .. ... Jad salts is narn,.e. "" on appeal,.lf you fall .ive; makesa dellghtfu ' fU.T .h,. office within twenty mma-waier urnm u"" - , . P0,,RTH publication should take now and then to Keep . - answer, under oath, specifically re sponding to these allegations ot con- .. ...14k .I., nranl thnl thfir kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist s.': . , t0Kether with due proof that a wen-anuwu lutm . te3t, togemer wuu iu,. he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks you haye serve(1 tt copy of your ans .k. haiiava in overcoming kidney, .n),. -nntestant either In trouble while It is only trouble. )erson or by registered mall. You should state In your answer the name of the postoffice to wnicn desire future notices to be sent ASSESSOR'S XOTICK. The unobtrusive companion that keeps the picture story of your va cation Is the kodak. We have them n all sizes and prices, also Eastman Photo supplies. Tho Roseburg Book Store. dsw-810tf Clin. F. II. Vlncll toilaV rereled nn order from Commander In Chief George E. White, assigning him as captain of the Roseburg sanitary troops of the coast artillery. Dr. Vincll received his appointment as captain several days ago, but was not assigned to his position until to day. WRIGHT'S SCHOOL OF .Ml'SIO S. E. WRIGHT leacher of Band Instruments MRS. S. E. WRIGHT Teacher of Pinno. Correct Instructions Given Terms Reasonable. 029 S. Pine street. .NOTICE OF CONTEST. Contest :r.8. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore gon, August 3, 1915. To Walter 11. Illicit, of Hoaglln, Ore gon, Contestee: You are hereby notified that By ron Bidwell, who gives 207 W. II Mil St., New York City, X. Y as his postoffice address, did on August !915. file In tiiiu nffi his ilnlv Cor- Southeast quarter (SEy of Sec- roboratcd application to contest and tion Six (6), Township twenty-one , ,, ., ,, n ... secure the cancellation ot your Home- IZl I Smith Runva lnii. I A t'n n9 the Willamette Maridlan; South half (S',) of Southeast quarter (SE'A), Southeast quarter (SE'4) of the Southwest quarter (SW'i): South- cast quarter (SE ) of the Northeast Notice Is hereby given that on the you econd Monday 'In (September the to you Doard of Equalization will attend at( 'he Assessors office In the Louri House of Douglas County, Ore gon, and publicly examine the assess ment rolls and correct all errors In filiation, description or qualities of Inml Ims nr other nronertv assess ed by the assessor, and it shall be the duly of persons interested to appear at tho time and place appointed. Dated this 17th day of August, 1915. F. L. CALKINS. bw-845-s!3 Assessor. J. M. UPTON, Register. Dato of first publication, Aug. 19. Dnte of second publication, Aug. 26. Date of third publication, Sept. 2. Date of fourth publication, Sept. 9. i THE WHITE IS KING The best all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both Ro tary and Vibratory styles. The Kotary makes' both Lock and Chain stitch. The latest no to the minntn sfci'l attachments with each ma- hme. Sold on easv pay ments. Send name and ad dress for our beautiful 11 T C!;rnlnrmr frnn White Sewing Machine Co i iou Market fet. San Francisco, California LOOKING GLASS T. It Stokes has shipped about .Ton boxes of fin,, peaches and has nearly as many more lo dispose of. Tender, Excellent Flavored Meats Are bound to please the most critical. Always the best qual ity at tho most reasonable prices. Prompt Delivery. Cash Meat Market Opiosite Hamilton Drug Store Jackson Street, Phono t I I. Free delivery to all parts of city j quarter (NE4), and the Northeast .quarter (NEft) of the Southeast quarter (SEV4 ). of Section two I1 j and the East .half (EH) of the I Northeast quarter (NE'4 ) of Section Sixteen (Id), In Township 22 South of Range 5 West of the Willamette Meridian; North half (N',4) of the Northeast quarter (N'E'A) nnd the Northeast quarter (NE4) of ithe Northwest quarter (NW4), of Sec tion Thlrty-five (35), In Township 22 South of Range 6 West of the Willamette Meridian; Southeast quarter (SE'A) of tho Southeast quarter (SEJ4) of the Southeast quarter (SE), of Section 9, North half (Ni4) of the South half (S'A) and South half (SV) of South half (S4) of Section 10; West half (W!4) of the Northeast ouartev (iVEV4), and the East half (EV4) of the Northwest quarter (NW14), or Section 12; and Lot 7, In Section 22, all in Township '22 South of Range 6 West of Willamette Meridian, to gether with all and singular the tene ments hereditaments and appurten ances thereunto belonging, or In any wise appertaining. NOW TI1EIIEFORE, In the name! of the State of Oregon, and In com pliance with said execution and or der of sale, I will on Saturday the 28th day of Augusa, 1915, at the! hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at the front door of the County Court Houso in Roseburg Douglas County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell for ensh subject to redemption nil the right, title and Interest of the said defendants In and to said premises above described. GEO. K. QUINE d-fri-800-a27 Sheriff stead Entry No. OS317, Serial No. 083 17, made September IB, 1912, for Lots 3 and 4 and SVi of SW '4 of Section 2. Township 20 S., Range 2 W., Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said entryman has abandoned the land for over eighteen months last past. You are, therefore, further noti fied that tho said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your said entry will be cancelled without fur- lligh and Grammar Grade work Is hard on the eyes. The children's eyes should be taken care of Dr. B. H. Whitmer OITOMET1HST Eyesight Specialist. ! Suite 811 Perkins llldg. Tako Elevator. HOSEIIURG, ORE. This May Jar the Public But It Is a Good Jar at That When canning fru.t use the Mason or Economy jars. We cany a full lint? of all sizes ot each. WRIGHT & RIEDEL The Square Deal Grocers Cor Lane and Sheridan Prune 103 Douglas County Creamery Products Fancy Creamery Butter and Ice Cream err, Ml fll 1 HUE KIDNEYS Wo Kut Too Much Mont AVlilch Vhigs Kidneys, Thou Tho Hack Hurts. IT TOK HKs THE SPOT Every spoonful goes down with unfailing delight. It is tho same cream we've sold you for years. The quality and flavor is absolutely un excelled. There's Ho pos sibility of producing better at uoiilile our wo buy the and makj ICE CREAM, Several Flavors Our Own Mahe Delivered to any part of the city Roseburg Confectionery Phone 414 Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged nnd need a flushing occasion ally, else we have backache and dull misery In the kidney region, severe NOTICE or FINAL 8ETTLK.MEXT. headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid In the County Court or tne State of I N1'01"' ar'11 s'""aeh, sleeplessness and , Oregon for the County of Pouglas. a11 8or,s of bladder disorders. In tho matter of the estate of You simply must keep your kld- Wtlllani illvers, r.eceased. neys active and clean, and the mo Nolle - Is hereby given that tho un dersigned Administratrix has filed In the above entitled Court her account In final settlement of said estate, and ihe Court by order duly made has fixed Monday, the 20th day of Sep tember. lSir., at 10 o'clock, a. for hearing objections. If any there be. to said final account and the set tlement of said estr.te Dated at Hose hurg. Oregon, this the Hth day of August. 191B. MARY SILVERS, SO-slS Administratrix FOR BREAD PASTRIES Gojo THE ROYAL BAKERY We give "Scrip" with every purchase WM. PARKER, Prop. :.: 110 JACKSON ST. ment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes ami, lemon Jnlce. combined with llthla.j and Is harmless to flush clogged kid-' neys and stimulate them to normal! activity. It also neutralizes Ihe acids' In the urine so It no longer Irritates,' thus ending bladder disorders. 1 we do OUR POLICY : arr0,Tney -hanles thorough and skillful .rt JT'l are wor,h to It Is our desire to furnish exper le am.nT ma,er,al sistent with good business practice. minimum cost, co- We guarantee our work and material. . .. .. . . spect, and will consider it a f, . . ' ,r" clasa ,n "r ,i uave you it jiiutcB uiuerwise. re- advlse us any WKPAlIt WOHK GIVEN SI-EQAL ATTENTION" Roseburg Plumbing- & Heating Co Reshone 64-J. C. W. Hughes. Prop. 220 W Oak. 16,