THE EVENING NEWt Vfi7FoTj7hrH()i.i.K i:it caici, i). smn:iAKi:it sam .1. kiioi:.maki:i KWII'th iiikI l"nl1islit i . ISHIKI) DAILY KXl'KI'T SlXDAl Subscription ltuti l'l' Per year, by mail IJ.Ot Per month, delivered 6' Hi-ml-WVekly. Per year '2 U' Six mouths 1 "' Entered us second-class matte November 5, laoa.'at I'tosenurg, Ore. under act of March 3, 1 7 a. j 'in:siA Vvr(ii st ji. im.i. Til 10 TAKT SMII.K. Much has been said about the "Tart smile" and it was certainly evident last night, when on the re quest of a largo number of admirers nf ihiR nltv. the former president up geared at the vestibule of his car and cordially greeted Ills tcnow cm xens. The cx-presldent was undoubt edly pleased at the reception, as there was not tho least hint of poli tics In the informal meeting. Just the assembling of men and woi ion who were there '.o pay their re Bpccts to him as a strong represenla ( niiiznn nf our common country. Mr. Taft looked well, there wa no aemulanco of worry, hut his face 'toon on a serious meln, and his voice be came grave, ns ho sounded a warn ing to bis fellow citizens that we nniBt prepare ourselves, not lor war. iMit to prevent war becoming por.slb'.c. Mr Tuft Is not an alarmist, never was one, but between the line!' of his printed addresses during th-3 pan ,iek. and behind his carefully cn wordB last night, ore can but per ceive the serlousnesB of the situa tion confronting this cuunlry, and the true meaning of ills words of admoni tion that we become prepared, l-'.v-ery man and womnn who heard the calm dlBpaHSlnnalo words hie' nlghl. are better, more loyal rltlzei.s tod ly from having listened to the former head of our nation. AM. KOADS 1.KAI) TO KIDKI H From comments in the dully press exchanges, It would appear that the barbocuo to be held in our nelahbor Inir I own of Kiddle on Labor lUy. Is lecoinlng widely hernliVM a the lies' thing to come off in southern Oregon hi. 'full, nnd it will be up to the cHlzenB there to prepare for a grar..l rush of participants. And mere ui bo no disappointment, for tho ar rangements are going along mnoolh ly and steadily, and there' will be no bitch in the program. It Is I'ndcr Btood thnt already fifteen big bucks are in cold storage here In Hosenure which will be roasted for the o" ns lon, and more to come. No men typical spot in all the stale could bnvo been selecled for an event or 'this nature, It is In the very heart of probably the best hunting sec tion of Hie stale, and Is the home tho most enthusiastic Hod and tlun clubs. It is safe to say that all roads will lead to Riddle on "the sixth d o or September, nnd that they will all bo traveled. That was a smart coroner's Jury In tleorgin Ihst found the deal!', of l,oo Frank was caused by unkii"n persons". COSTA RICA MINISTER ARRIVES IN WASH INGTON, Wt. MANUEL castuo yn. RADA. THE NEW REPRESEN TATIVE OK COSTA ItK'A. WHO ARRIVED IN WASHINGTON UK CKNTLY TO TAKK CIIAHOK OK HIS I'lH'NTKY'S DU'L-OMXTU' AFFAIRS. li Is! v l?flf UMQinDnAoiri RICKLANPJLGILULaM In A Village Hotel The man in that next room Is shoo- lug flies I bear his febrllo languago and bis step I am a Bherlockholmes, and might surprise This shooing gink should ho know I uui beii! Though not a blacksmith, yet be shoos them still He hopes lie may exterminate their race. I have no grudgo against my neigh bor, till With bis new shoos tbo flies walk on my faco. I have a swatter, which I use with vim My BwatH sound like tbo thud of mufilcd drum. Dut every time I hiss "That settles HIM" A score unto tbo dead one's funeral come! In A Manner Of Saying "What Is the family crest of tlio Hanluppos?" "An empty contribution box." "Sort of coat of alms, eh?" rinnlgln l'ilosofy Whin a mon ain't got much V 8a ay, he Ba-ays ut loud! Cantaloupes About one cnntnloupo out of every bo many is edible. It Is harder to tell a good canta loupe, from looking nt its weather boarding, than it Is for a green hand to tell a toadstool from a mushroom. Cantaloupes would come under the head of games of chance were it not for tho fact that there is bo little chance. When a cantaloupe is good, it Is a dream. When It's bad, It's a nightmare. There is an old proverb about something's depending "on whose ox Is gored." But you can tell by studying the faces of any herd of breakfastors, whose cantaloupe is gourd. Wo once saw a grocery sign in Memphis, "Roquefort Melons." And when we Btopped and guf fawed loudly at it. an anxious clerk came out and mndo Inquiry as to our merriment. Next timo wo went by, it said "ftockyford." Tho Itockyford melons raised on clay soil In Indinna from squash reed are of a different flavor from tboso raised In Colorado. Kansas City cantaloupes assay a very high percentage, nlso. Wo are a good cantaloupe soloist, nnd ore tho guy that put tho Bob In casaba. Can fiive No Enlightenment If you had a young lady daughter with a tendency to bent tho whey out of a harpsichord thnt needs tuning, nnd If tho people who lived below Btalrs, in tho next netwnrd flat, were to leave a largo Blx-pound double-bitted Llpplncott nxo bosido your door, said axe bearing a card reading "Try This on Your Piano," what would you think? A. P. L., Dubuque, la. The Chnngo A rtlp Van Winkle nf to-day awoke and said: "I am In luck! When I dropped off to my long sleep, tho magazines were raking muck!" O You Jinld! Our old friend Judd Mortimer I,owls of tho Houston Post once perpetrated this: "I wish I wero a wooden pier A-Btretchlng out to sea. For then a lot of pretty girls Would come and Bit on me." Yeah. Judd. You'd bo stretching out to Bee all right! Bcripturo itrversod Suggested sign for a fashionable tonement: "If Yo rtecome ns Little Children, Ye Cannot Killer." That's one rea son why such places are bo much less like heaven thnn like the other place. The legillmnto business of the pres ent generation Is to supply and to rear the next one. No Outdoor Or Indoor Sports Left? With the Czar cutting off their vodka-drinking nnd von Hlndenhurg restricting their retreating, the Uus alans bid fair to bo left none of their popular pastimes with which to amuse themselves. Wo ftf.kiHl the youns laily across the -way if her father was employing moro men as business Improved and she Raid sh guessed he was, as she ow hoard him say that It looked as If ho'd have to have an assignee ap pointed fur the first Uuu In his life. TljeYoungLfldii AgossTfieWfli) HEAUTJrl 1aL1c5 (S WILLIAM Why Fumigate? EIGHT or ten years ago Dr. C. V. Chitpin, Superintendent of Health, Providence, It. I., con cluded that fumigation after con tagious disease was useless, and lie discontinued the practice in Provi dence. f Without going Into statistics ve may simply add that the rite has never been resumed. In October, 1914, the practice of fumigating premises after contagious disease was discontinued in the bor oughs of the Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn, In New York City, with the exception of smallpox. And it has not been resumed to date. The truth of the mattor Is, that If cases of contagious disease receive ordinarily good nursing and medi cal treatment, as the community is bound to supply for its own welfare, then there is no good reason why tho premises should require fumigation. Indeed, actual tests have shown that the customary method of fumigating rooms with formaldehyde vapor falls to kill known cultures of disease germs placed In the rooms. If that is true, what a futile effort fumigation must be. Hut even if the horrendous odor of formaldehyde wore enough to kill disease germs in the room, there is no good evidence that thero are any disease germs loft in tho room to he killed, If the patient has been prop erly cared for. Thousands of bac teriological tests of wall-paper, fur nlture, draperies and other articles (excepting personal and toilet uten sils), failed to demonstrate the pres ence of diphtheria germs in the room after diphtheria. Of course, articles which the patient had touched with Vest Pocket Essqijs 2t 6y GEORGE FITCH, PONDEROUS PERSONAGES HENDRIK HUDSON ir EXDRIK IirC30:T was a fear less navigator who sacrificed bin life in tho interests 01 geography and died a disappointed man because he wanted to find a northwest passage to China which wouldn't have been worth anything, and Instead only succeeded in dis covering New York, which teaches ua thnt we should never be dissatls.lcd with our failures until we have had them assayed by posterity. Hudson was an Englishman and was known as "Henry" and "Hank" by his boyhood playmates. He pro pared himself to be a discoverer but the discovery business was slow in England, so he went over to Holland where they changed his name to "Hendrik," taught him to wear eleven-ply paiits and gave him a life job roaming around the Artitc regions with flimsy ships manned by dissatisfied crews. Hudson mado four trips to Ameri ca while hunting for tho northwest passage. On his first trip he ac cumulated a vast assortment of frost bites nnd chilblains, consumed all his provisions and returned homo cmnty-handed. On his second trip he landed In a fine harbor and ascended a broad river for a long distance. However, when the river petered out he was still several thousand miles from China, so he named it the Hudson and departed. He mentioned his dis coveries casually on his return home and the Dutch built New Amsterdam In consequence. If they had not re lied so implicitly on unpreparednesa as a defence the English would not have taken it from them and the colonists would probably have had to whip two nations to be free. In It? 16 Hudson sailed on his fourth trip. He forced his little ship Religion WE HAVE loolted upon tho Russians ns, generally, nn ig norant people, hunl-iirlnkilig, sulijeet to being stirred to sueh enormities ns the massaero of Jews, slow In modernizing tlielr farm and Industrial activities, slow In ninklng prnetieal application of the results of sriontiUc itiiiuliy. and with nn excep tionally corrupt high soelety. it Is possible that the last fact may go far towards explaining the recent re verso of Russian arms; for the en durance and bravery of tho common people, and their effectiveness when well led, Is not called In question. It is a curious paradox, yet not an unparalleled one, that, with all their Ignorance nnd the vices that nntural ly accompany ignorance tho Rus sians are very religious. The coun try has magnificent cathedrals and churches; there are shrines without number, and before those the Rus sian hnbltually uncovers and crosses himself: Icons, Bymbols of the saints and of God, are In every home. In overy room la the hotels, and In tho watting rooms of stations, and peo ple at their devotions are among the most common sights In tho country. In one of his most Interesting de scriptions In "Anna Karenlna." Tolstoi presents tbo picture of an old laborer turning toward the enst and giving himself to prayer before beginning his rude meal In the f!ch', and araln offering prayer when ho had finished It YiemOfJhjEress DRAPY. M P. his mouth or fingers occasionally did have diphtheria germs still on them, but ordinary washing or boil ing or disinfecting would take care of such germs, all right, Why fumigate, then? Becauso wo haven't the moral courage to discontinue the venerable rites of our empirical fathers. We know very well that the convalescent patient, nnd not his living apart ment or bed chamber, is the germ carrier, if there are any germs loft. And then, .besides, fumigation is offensive to one's olfactory organ, and somehow we doctors always have enjoyed dispensing odoriferous agents to our friends, tho public. But anyway, dear reader, just be tween you and yours truly, don't Imagine for a minute that fumiga tion terminates tho risks of Infec tion, for it doesn't. Fresh air, sun Rhino, soap and water and elbow grease are indispensable disin fectants, no matter what perfume the health department prefers. QVKSTIOX9 AND AXSWKKS Tho Saewt Time To IIo Vaccinated When is the safest time to have children vaecinatcdt Answer Any time when the physician can give adeuato atten tion to the care of the wound. Tho Best Cold Cream For Sunburn Please tell vie what i3 the best cold cream to apply for sunburn. Answer Unguentum aquae rosae, the official cold cream of tho Phar macopoeia. 9iP Into the vast und silent north with a daring only equalled by the motor boat cranks of the present, and after great hardships entered an immense sea. Hound and round this sea he "When the river petered out he was still several thousand miles from China sailed, trying to find the way to China, until his impatient crew dumped him into a small boat, to gether with his son nnd seven sick sailors, and went home. . Hudson was never heard from again, but he has survived in history vry tenaciously. He has had a bay, a territory, a river, a vast steamboat, a tunnel, seventy-nine apartment houses, a county and an automobilo named after him alt because he died rather than to give up. In or der to become immortal It is neces sary to bo tolerably contemptuous of life and comfort and financial re turns. In Russia While perhaps the great majority of people have the conviction that "pure religion and undeflled" is of one sort, yet religion ns wo see It practised is of many sorts. Groat variety is here presented, and we have one In the generally well-disposed, but Ignorant, often intem perate, and sometimes atrocious, Russian peasant. To make use again of "Anna Karenina," Tolstoi, In de veloping a transformation in the sec ondary heroine of that remarkable book which really contains two romances says : She learned that beyond the In stinctive life that had been hers thero existed a spiritual life, into which one penetrated by means of religion, but a religion that in no respect resembled that which Kitty had practised since Infancy, and which consisted in going to mass and to vespers, to the Widows' Home, where one met acquaintances, and to learn by heart Slavonic texts with a priest of the parish. It was a re ligion elevated, mystic, united to the purest sentiments, and In which one believed, not through duty, but through love. Whatever Is or haa been the re ligion of the Russians, therefore, it Is clear that they have not been wholly without ft sharvly contrast Imk type. o'ie that, to say th least, r c - -r'y tn npnrofir'i that -"---. r.n';"ied." CxnT Locate hank- . a Chop 5uf v WAWTA JOINT - MUCH Go Home LESS China CART0ffiTHlM A SPANISH TIIHVHT AT Spain to President Wilson "Have you forgotten Iio Maine?" E.pafla (Madrid) m PEOPLE'S LEGALFJllENU The Wily Agent Q. A man with whom I have had dealings represented himself as the agent of a certai?i corporation. I rather doubted whether he was really employed by the company, but I have reason to believe that the company knew he was so represent ing himself. As le was supposed to be acting for the company and the agreement I made with him wes in tended to be binding upon the com pany, I want to inquire, whether it will really have that effect. A. If tho corporation knowingly and voluntarily permitted this man to hold himself out as Its agent, it will be bound as principal to those dealing with him in the belief that he was, In fact, the company's agent. Don't Let Him Hnlly You P. am running a small board-ijig-housc. T seldom have more than sir or einht boarders and in fact do not varc )ur a greater number. A man recently came to me and asked for lodging and board. I put hi: t e" till the next day. so tat I could learn something about him. He came back the next day and in the mean time, as 1 had heard some things that were not altogether favorable, 1 told him I could not take him. He then informed me that I would be required to do so 'under the law. Is this correct? A. No. Just riain Farming P. rrnrd a farm and the leas contained a condition that I should "cultivate and farm the land in a workmanlike manner." I have since been wondering what "in a work- manlike manner" would be con sidered as meaning. Can you tell met A. The phrase should bo under stood as meaning that the duty is im posed upon you, by the lease, to cul tivate and farm the land in such a way as good farmers usually do. Payment Of Taxes p. Where o man pays personal taxes in a certain town, is sueh town to be considered as his place of residence? A. It Is not necessarily his place of residence. The fact that he pays personal taxes in a particular city or town Is to bo taken into consider ation, however, together with other circumstances, as tending to show that such place Is his domicile. It is one of the evidences or signs of domicile, but is not conclusive proof. Pepper Talks By Georgb Matthkw Adams To-Morrow To the fellow who never accom plished anything To-morrow is what happened yesterday, but which he seeks to make happen to-day. Nothing ever put off until To-morrow was ever done To-day. The great Task FINISHED is always -the task done To-day, while yet there is Time, while yot there is inclination, while yet there is life end health while yet there is Chnnee. Nothing ever put off until To-morrow was ever done To-day. Some of the biggest things ever Accomplished wese done in a day. Napoleon was banished to a living Hell on a lonely rock with armed vatchers hedged about him for the simple reason that Blucher decided to do his part with Wellington with rut any courting with To-morrow. To-morrow for Grouchy meant De feat for Napoleon; for Blucher "made cood" To-day. Nothing ever nut off until To-morrow was ever done To-day. It may be easier to do things To morrow than To-day, but If you take the Chance, the one best bet Is that they won't get done. Money earned To-day represents Dividends for yon To-morrow. Work entered Into and done To-day renders back Ease and Satisfaction To-morrow. Records made To-dny Inspire and lead great armies of fighters To-morrow. But Nothing ever put off until To-morrow os ever done To-day. THE TRBSIDEXT '-RW-. c.T5kV,T-: mi Hadn't You Better Hide The Axe? . ?. am a landlord ind have re cently aiven man a Ivasc for a ' small tenant-house. He lias entered ' into possession and I find that he is ' doing certain thinas ichieh are in- 1 jurious to the properly. The lease i does not say tinythina about using , the premises tn n careful manner, but I should think he ouyht io Co ) this anyway. ' ll'ftuf is your opinlonf A. Regardless of tho written ' loaso, tho tenant Is required to use . duo caro in the preservation nnd protection of the property. If the premises aro injured in any sub stantial manner, so that tho building : cannot be restored at the end of tho demised period In r.s ,:ood condition as would have been the case except for the tenant's wilful or nesllgent ' act or conduct, tho tenant will be liable in damages. They're .".!1 In It Q. A merchant built a hatch door on the sidewalk nest to his place of business. The door seems to have been defective and a man who was passing bv fell through it and was , injured. He brought suit against the city and teas giver, damages. The city authorities are now contempt- ' ing a suit against the merchant. ' Would the merchant be liable to the city! A. Yes. The city was liable for failure to keep Its streets and side walks in good repair and in a safo . condition and tile merchant was gumy ot a neglect of duty in failing to keep tho hatch door In proper re pair and in a safe condition. As tho city was mode to respond in damages, it may maintain a rait against tho merchant and compel him to answer over. A Xon-Clorlenl Marriage Q. I have been informed of a mar riage ceremony that was performed by a man who claimed to be a min ister, when, as a matter of fact. lie was not. Is this marriage valid ? A. Tho statutes of the various states usually authorize certain per sons, such as ministers and justices of the peace, to perform marriage ceremonies, and as a general rule prescribe definite formalities as to the manner of obtaining the license and as to tho return to be made by tho person solemnizing the marriage.. In tiieso states, a marriage of the kind you describe would be void un less It is specifically recognized by the statute. In some states a com mon law or informal marriage is given recognition by the law and in this event a marriage of the kind mentioned by you would be valid. Names eludo us so easily. Who was the clever fellow who described a male quartette as a musical organ ization composed of three men and a tenor? A good many men work hard and unremittingly and achieve no dis tinction other than that of living to bo more than seventy years old. A credulous man Is one who ac cepts the theory that a boil Is worth five dollars to its owner. If you know a good recipe for making raspberry Jam, keep It to yourself. Do not let It be said of you that you held a grudge against the world. Talk abonl the Intelligence of the people Is discounted by the fact that a great many of them believe la madstones. Men who are hopelessly Inefficient In other respects are often able to hit a cuspidor at a range of three yards. Another way to see the war with out undergoing Its privations Is to , -y ...u jut. wo American Revolution. pay .a ana join ine Daughters of