WILL ' TEACH WOMEN urrn vrvo II C rtFFFNSR Excursion Fares Via the Exposition To the East Every day until September 30th Good for return until October 31st PIIFUUOOT) CITY KEWS. I IMUUU run v u. "- i A good Investment. Klondike nug- ' gets, at the Kose. 8S9-al9 mm Why not get the most for your money? Why not take In two won derful world Expositions at San Francisco and San Diego enroute to the East? The world has never he fore produced the equal of the Pan ama Pacific Exposition. The like probably will never be attempted again. Scenery enrouto is magnificent. Automatic Safety signals guard the way. Four fine trains a day Portland to San Francisco con necting at San Francisco for the South and East. Let us send you our illustrated fold ers "Wayside Notes" and "California and its Two World Expositions" SOUTHERN PACIFIC Our local agent will take pleasure in outlining an Itinerary and furnish full Information or you may address John M. Scott, General Passenger A.gent, Portland, Oregon. CITY NEWS. For flash lights see the Electric Store. 8Gl-tf Allna Hagen left this morning for a visit with friends and relatives at Portland and llillsboro. : i Sirs. T. A. Sagaberd and (laughter left this morning for a visit with friends and relatives at Wilbur. j Mrs. T. W. Newland and daughter, licatiioe, left this morning for a visit (villi Mrs. J. C. Clark, at Portland. ! Harriet Gaylord, who has been vis iting at the home of L. A. Ueland, Tetumed this morning to her home at Portland. I Mrs. G. F. McLoughlln left this morning for a visit with relatives at Grants Pass. Do not forget the ice cream social at the recldence and lawn of A. v,. Marsters this evening. Mrs. J. E. Enger left this morn ing for Medford where she will spend a week or ten days visiting wiiu friends and relatives. Jessie and Maggie Bound, who have been visiting in this city for the past few days, returned to their home at Dole this morning. Lawn fete and Ice cream social at the residence of Mrs. A. C. Marsters this evening, under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Everybody Invited and will be made welcome. I Miss Elols Barnard, of Eugene, bp j rived In this city last night for a ! visit with her many friends here. I I From the recipe of a French con i fectloner Rum Center chocolates. The Rose. 89-al9 Mrs. T. E. Strode returned to her home at Myrtle Creek thlB morning after a visit with friends and rela tlves in this city. J. T. and A. T. Moyer, who have been visiting In this city, returned this morning to their homo at Cres cent City. G. W. Ryan left this morning for Myrtle Creek where he will spend a few days looking after business irat ters. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Adams left this morning for Pes Moines, Iowa, where they will spend a few weeks visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Condson left this morning for San Francisco where they will spend two or three! weeks attending the exposition. Col. J. T. May, superintendent of the S, P. railroad, returned to bis home in tills city last night, after several days spent attending - to business matters in Portland. W. If. Evans left this morning for Portland where he will spend severni. days looking after business matters connected with the Dodge Motor Car Company. , .uayor Rice, wife and daughter, , and Dr. Copestnke, returned today from nn auto trip to Crater lake. Josephine caves and other points of Interest where they have been spend ing a couple of weeks enjoying their vacation. Mrs. Geo. Thompson, of Eugene, arrived in this city today for a visit with friends. She was accompanied by little Stanley Crouch, who will visit at the home of Mrs. F. J. .lost for a few days. s ail j at NjJ MPS MATTULHUf rn nAAftim -r BLOOMINGTON, ILL.. FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE D. A. II , WHO HAS BECOME A MEMBER OF THK WOMAM'Q avnrrinM THE NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES, WHICH IS PLEDGED TO EDUCATE WOMEN I REGARDING THE NEEDS FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE. W. G. Hill and wife, who have been 1 Early Crawford peaches, orchard visiting with O. C. Brown, returned run, this'week 50c per bushel at or thls morning to their home at Wil- chard. Edenbower Orchard Tracts, bur. Phone 2GF2. . 857-a21 Alta Wooldridge, who has been visiting with friends in this city, left this morning for her home at Al plno. Miss Mae Toblcr, who has been nisiting with her brother II. J. Tob ler, returned this morning to her homo at Vancouver. Have you an autographic back? Tiring your Kodnk to us and we will make It up to date by putting on an autographic back. Roseburg Book Store. dsw-810-tf A slight accident happened at the depot this morning while the express car was being loaded. A truck load I of tomatoes had been placed at the door of the car when a freight train passed by on the track next to the ! passenger train. As the truck was heavily loaded it did not give the ' icessary clearance, one of the i freight cars catching a corner of the : truck and forcing It against the pas senger coach, spilling the tomatoes over the track, besides breaking the truck and damaging an air tank on the passenger coach. HOUSES WANTED. Will be in Roseburg Saturday, August 23, to buy horses and mares, any color except grey; weight 100 to 1500 pounds and must be In good flesh, heavy form, bloclty type. 5 to 9 years old. 852-al9p EARL S. McNUTT, KOR CITY TKK.ASl'KKlt I hereby announce myself as a can didatc for city treasurer of Roseburg at tlio election to be held October 4 1915. MRS. COR1NNK C. ALLE.Y. rd-ad-851-o3 0 ur FOR RENT Modern G-room house on paved Btrcet in good locality.' Call phone 15F12. 854-a2? TO EXCHANGE Lumber for wood. Address with particulars 848 News office. S48-tf FOR SALE Several head of fresh milch cows, for prices and partic ulars call phone OFlii. 8.r8-a:!0p I I Eliminate Heat and Steam From Your Kitchen This Hot Weather Roseburg Steam Laundry Will do the Work for You Just Call Phone 79 i air rsrA , tin v a; s pound The Famous Our Guarantee Your Grocer wil! re fund the full price you paid for M. J.C.Coffee, if it does not please your taste, no matter bow much you have used cut of the can. awarded cold mtdal at panaa-paoh-ic in.i;:nat;o.sal cm'osition Order a 5-lb. Tin Today Let "Kelly" Do Your Moving, Hauling and Transferring The French Transfer Company Phone 220 Meats of QUALITY xtra c a rej s given to the selection of our meats with the result that none but the most tender cuts go toJour customers Roseburg Sanitary Market Nevhard Bros. Cass Street mm SOME OF SPECIALS Milk on Ice i i Fresh Cream and High Test , California Redlands "Rose" Brand Oranges and bright Florida Grape Fruit. Everything the market affords in vegetables? fresh every morning The Bee Hive Grocery Phone 91 you AHB SCHK OP A GOOD TIME AT NEWPORT All round Seashore Ilesort on Yaqulna Bay and the Pacific Ocean. A Place of Charm and noiiuty. A delightfully Itostful atmosphere. Nowiwrt offers wido varloty of recrea tions and entortninmcnts. There are plonty of hotels, boarding houses, cottages and camping accoinmoda- tlons. Newport is an ideal place to send the family. Our Illustrated foldor "Now port" will Interest you. A postal card will bring It. ixnv itorxi) Titip i Aiti;s from all points on Southern Pacific Two trains a day from Albany, Inquiries for tickets and Information will receive courtooua nttentiuu from our nearest agent. TfaWEST SIDE GROCERY H'KIIAVK A I.AIICiK LINK (IKSTAIM.K AMI KANI V ill()- Ull I KM AMI TllKI'IIICKSAItK IIKillT. MKIIVICK IMIOMI'T ANIM Ot'lfl Kdl'S. WE IXU.IVKIKilMIIIM WIIICN VOC HAY YO'i; WAMI V TI1K.M. MIT IIOIHIS AK'I HIl Villi MCKII'I'IIKM. WK AltK-.ltKTSKHVK VI1J AMI WF. HKII V K VOll ItlllllT riiom. rrwi-N ine DOWELL & BENEDICK Win I lt4mliuriE Let me send you FREE PERFUME Write today for a testing bottle of ED. PINAUD'S LILAC The world's most famous perfume, ewry drop as sweet a the livhitl bhrtiom, for liandkfithlef, atitrntzcanJ h.itli. Fine after snavinrt- AH Hie value if n ihe rKirfunu-yoi. don't fvty extra for a ftnry buttle. 'J he tilttv l wonderful. The rrici; only 7fc. (i tit . Si-nd4r. tut Uiu Utllu buttlt-cnouh lor i0 handkcahitls, Write tuilay. PARFUMERtE ED. PINAUD, Department M. ED. P1NAUD BUILDING NEW YORK . .... f.,. ti JtWAi-:- -y.ff ..,,rt:i.- Hi. h,l..t..- Itn.-i-rr f..i ,-..!.,! tj.r.t.'u vrr-.rl v:Ui-Vt1 " If'.&'.'i ,M ' ' " ,,rv "H 11 11 "H't'-'Mi II..- I.ii-t iint) i;ii k u f . A RRAoJit,iu.y , :,,,.i,.,ui 1 c! "" iltrJll ti. l'Jl.i i'iV.-IvI.mU,",'! :'r.'- 1. 1 !, i'!v! y-L'lj; - UKNJ AMIS' & JOHSKS M , 'll ''tPlS0 Warren ;in--t S'-warl;. N. J. M