W XT-? it: t, -rvr-' x,ts'Hte'jk4i7i ' - w'iii UNITED STATES BATTLESHIP NEW HAMPSHIRE IN MEXICAN WATERS, PHOTOGUAPilEU WHILE flRINQ A BKOADHlltiii. DOUGLAS COUNTY NEWS WILBUR NEWS The Bchoul illreclors have hiul the academy thorounhly clwineil iind ronovutcd for the occupancy of the school which heglriB Us session In September. Mr. R. Dlrdsiill and rnmlly have gono to tlmtxina to reside. Mrs. Loren Cox and child, from rhoenlx. Ariz., are visiting at the parental home or Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Hall. I Mrs. Wllliur Leonard, of Callponia, came over on Friday to visit with relatives for a few days. Dame liunior Bays there Is to he a veddlim hero In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Creen and fam ily have loft for an outing at Han don, Coob county. Miss Marie Chapman, of Portland, is visiting here. 1 Miss I. urn Plnkston, of Oakland, in hero spending a few days Willi relatives. ltev. Runiniell and family return- cd Wednesday after severnl weeks outing near Dillard. Mrs. Georgia Murphy nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Haskell and children motored over from Wlnstuns last week to visit frlonds. Mrs. Sanford Hart and Loreen Cox came over from Sutlierlln Wednesday to visit with relatives. Rnlph 1 leatli nnd wlfo visited at Iho Sidwell home Sunday. Kred Abel and two children went to Roseburg Sunday to visit witli Mrs. Abel at Mercy hospital. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. McCullt.cli and laby motored to Wilbur Sunday. ; 1. P. McKay was a Hoselmrg vis itor for a few hours Sutiinluy. j Mrs. It. C. Hill and daughter, Alice, visited at Drain Sunday. A. H. Ottlnger. W. 1). Howard ami J. M. Iliinnell left Saturday for Kel logg, where they will hunt for a few days. Miss Jeauette Croft returned home Thursday after a month's visit with friends here. Miss Cora l.owry lias been visiting friends here. Mls :lv Wells gave a party in her honor Wednesday ev ening. Mrs. N". T. .lewell and sen. Teddy, nnd daughter. Mrs v n it, n visited nt the llnwaid lutin'c Stmdny Mrs. Win. Kader spent tin- night with Mr and Mrs Walter Kins, I Mrs. C, W. SIhmI relumed Sun,l:iy from her trip in the Panama ei"',. tlon. She sas sli,. had a delluln f nl Visit and the fair !s eertailily gr.ia.l. Fresh Ice Cream, The Best in Town MY OWN MAKE R-Porter, the Leading Drink of the World Roseburg Confectionery A PEACE-BRINGING BROADSIDE, but sho failed to sec nny Douglaa county exliiliit of note, except tho Dyslnger deer antler furniture. On asking one of tho attendants the rea son he said tho liouglas county ex hibit, was merged in witli tiic Kogue river. Willamette and other exhibits from Oregon. MELROSE TlirenlihiK Is in onU'r with most of the crops giving a fair yield. H. Ht ii libs Ih having nonie repapor ing done In his attractive home. Mr. Thomas Scott and family have the distinction of heiiiK the only fam ily from here to travel by auto to visit the exposition. H. P. Conn, who was on the sick list, is much Improved. F. A. Goff has put Into practice one of his pet theories of modern conveniences and has Installed a wa ter system In his homo. Melrose Is having an Influx of sum mer visitors. Miss Kathorlne Busen bnrk and Miss Keitlia Conn, of Port land, are each spending their annual vacation at the homo of their respec tive parents. Miss Delia Tlurroway, a missionary from India, and friend, Mr. Porter, are visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. Q. W. Kruno and brother. Ttoseoe Conn Is wearing the plens antest of parental smiles since the arrival of young Iloscoe Imrie, on the 1 1th Inst. MCSK1I. DAILY V KATI! Kit RKPOIIT. U. S. Weather "hnrrnu. local offico Knsoburg. Oregon, 21 hours ending ly a. m., Wednesday, August IS. 191 it. Precipitation In inc-hes and hun dredths: Hiubest temperature yesterday Lowest temperature last night Precipitation, lust - l hours .. .. Total precipitation since first of mouth Normal precipitation for this month SO 51 .33 Total precipitation from Sep tember 1. I'.U I. to date 2 l.fio Average precipitation from Sep tember i . 177 I .t Total deficiency from Sep tember i. i9i-i 9.:.:; Average precipitation for 3S wet reason, I September to May Inclusive) 32.00 WILLIAM HKI.L. Observer. KOSKItUU; PAItTV A.SCKNDS MT. SCOTT A party of Roseburg people com posed of Mrs. I- Oiilard, and daughters, Gertrude and Alta, Lillian Krogel, Hollls Patterson and Ed King, made the ascent of Mt. Scott this morning, according to a long dis tance telephone to l"ie :;owa from the summit. Mrs. Dillard states that tho view from where they are wonderful and through the distant haze they can see Mt. Hood and Mt Shasta, over two hundred miles away It took the party about tour hours to attain the summit, and they in tended to take their noon lunch there before making the descent. The message was sent from the ranger's station at the extreme top of the mountain and was very dis tinct. Mrs. Dillard and party are camping ut the base of Mt. Scott, and she states that the fishing Is fine, but there are few hr.ntrrs and they have seen but little game. The station Is In charge of Hanger Cripp, who said he had seen no forest fires this far. It was very cold there early in tho morning, but the day had turned out one of great beauty and warmth. A TKITIII'TL AD. Speaking about honesty In adver tising, K. II. Churchill hands in this ono which he says he ran across, seems to about strike the top notch. Krom t ho St. Petersburg, Uussia, Otogoloski "whatever that is!" "The reason why I have hereto fore been able to sell my goods so much lower than anybody else is that I am a bachelor and do not need to make a profit for the maintenance of a wife ami children. It is now my duty to inform the public that tins advantage will shortly he with drawn from them as I am about to be married. They will therefore do wll to make their purchases at once at the old rate." Tender, Excellent Flavored Meats Are bound to please the most critical. Always the best qual ity at tho most reasonable prices. Prompt Delivery, fash Meat Market (Hislu Hamilton lrug Storo Jui'kMiti Sltvet. I'll. Mir I 1 1. Kit'.' il.'Mv.Tv to nil p:,rts of oity ASSESSOR'S :iTICK. Notirt' is luTriiy K'v.'n tiuit on the M"'cnil Momluy in 'Scjiteniiier the I'oard of Kiitia'.l.Atton will attend at "!. As.wsnr effii'C In the Court House of Douglas County, Ore gon, a till publicly ?:in:;ne the asscss- i.'m rolls i:u.i rorre-t all errors in ''li:;:'.'!!. dei-ct it tlon or qualltios of n i.l, lots or other lo-nnorty a.sess nl by tho assessor, nnd it shall lie the of nrrsoti. '"''osle'l to appear at the time antl ptuce appointed. Dated this 17th day of August, 1915. F. 1.. CAT KINS. sw-S5-13 Asst'saor. NOTICE OP fi!!EHlFPg SALE ON ATTACHMENT EXECUTION. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN: That by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of tile cir cuit court of the State of Oregon for Clatsop County, Oregon, on the 15th day of July, 1915, on a judgment rendered in said court on the 2nd day of July 1915, In favor of Lewis St. Dennis and against W. R. Bauman for the sum of $479.35 with Interest thereon at tho rate of eight per cent per annum from the 2nd day of July, 1915, and the further sum of $38.40 rosts and disbursements, In which Judgment it was further ordered by the court, that the property attached In said action, and hereinafter de scribed be sold for the satisfaction of said Judgment in the manner pro vided by law, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed in tho clerk's office of said court on the 2nd day of July, 1915, and said execution be ing to me directed and commanding me, the Sheriff of Douglas county, in the State of Oregon, In tho name of the State of Oregon, In order to satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac cruing costs, to sell the following described real (property being the property attached In said action, to wlt: Southeast quarter (SE14 of Sec tion Six (6), Township twenty-ono (21) South Range Four (4) West of the Willamette Marldlan; South half S4) of Southeast quarter (SE1), Southeast quarter (SE'4) of tho Southwest quarter (SW'4); South east quarter (SE'4 ) of the Northeast quarter (NE'4), and the Northeast quarter (NE) of the Southeast quarter (SE'4), of Section two (2), and the East balff(E'4) or the Northeast quarter ('E&) of Section Sixteen (16), in Township 22 South of Range 5 West of the Willamette Meridian; North half (NV4) of the Northeast quarter (NE'4) and tho Northeast quarter (NEW) of ithe Northwest quarter (NWK), of Sec tion Thlrty-flve (35), in Township 22 South of Range 6 West of the Willamette Meridian; Southeast quarter (SE?4) pf the Southeast quarter (SE) of the Southeast quarter (SEW), of Section 9, North half (NV4) of the South halt (S. and South half (S) of South half (S4) of Section 10; West half (W!4I of tho Northeast quarter (NE!4), and the East half (E) of the Northwest quarter (NW'4), of Section 12; and Lot 7, in Section 22, all in Township 22 South of Range 5 West of Willamette Meridian, to gether with all and singular the tene ments hereditaments and appurten ances thereunto belonging, or In any wise appertaining. NOW THEHEFORE, In the name of the Stato of Oregon, and In com pliance witli said execution and or der of sale, I will on Saturday the 28th day of Augusa, 1915, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in. of said day at tho front door of the County Court llouso in Roseburg Douglas County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell for cash Bubject to redemption all the right, title and interest of the said defendants in and to said premises above described. GEO. K. QiTINE, d-fii-S00-a27 Sheriff NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTLK.MKXT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas county. i In tho matter of the Estate of j George II. Emerson, deceased, in Ore-1 gon. i Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator with will annexed of tho ctsate of George H. Emerson, deceased in Oregon, Jias filed in the above named court, his account In final settlement thereof nnd the court by order duly made and entered on the Journal thecrof, has fixed Tuesday, the 31st day of August. 1913. at 10 o'clock a. m.. for hearing objections, if any, to said final account and the settlement of said estate. Dated this 23rd day of July, 1913. J. C. FUi.i.ERTON, Administrator with will annexed of the estate of George II. Emerson, deceased. 7S0-a23 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. E. L. Giles, S. C. Miller, George E. Ilouck, W. L. Cobb, W. S. Hamil ton and ThomaB Cobb, Plaintiffs, vs. j E. L. Westfall. J. H. Kerr, R. Rauch J. J. Betts, H. E. Ferchcn and J ! E Johnson, Defendants. I To R. Rauch and H. E. Ferchen, two of the defendants above named; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby requir ed to appear and answer to plain-, tiff's complaint against you now on; file in the above named court and rami on or before the last day of tho time prescribed In the order for publication of this summons, to-wlt. on or before the 23rd day of Aug-no right, title or Interest at law or ust, 1915. said date being the explra-i m equity therein, and that all right, tlon of six weeks from the date oftitle and interest which you have the first publication of this sum-' neretof0re had or claimed therein be mons, the time prescribed for publi- foreyer barred ana- foreclosed and cation being once a week for six immo,iintn 8 i that plaintiffs be put into immediate a nnsspRslon of said prem'ses, and And If you fall so to appear and .possession oi sum answer, for want thereof the plain- plaintiffs pray for general relief tiffs will apply to the Court for the This Summons Is published in the relief demanded In said complaint, a Umpqua Valley News, a newspaper succinct statement of which is as fol- . posehurg. Douglas County. Ore- lows: for a decree of strict foreclos ure against you requiring payment of the sum of Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollars with Interest thereon at six per cent per annum from January Cth, 1914, until paid; that said payment be made within thirty days or such reasonable tlms as may be fixed by the Court, the person entitled thereupon to receive from plaintiffs a deed of conveyance of certain real property in Douglas County, Oregon, described as fol lows, to-wlt; Lots Four (4) and Five (5) or Block Two (2), Glengary Fruit Lands, Douglas County, Oregon, as tho same appears upon the plat of said lands of record In the office of tho County Clerk of said County: also that part of Lot Three (3) In said Glengary Fruit Lands described as follows: Beginning at the North east corner of said Lot 3 nnd running thence South along the East lino of said Lot 3 to the Southeast corner of! said Lot .thence Northwesterly along tho line of public road to a point in! the South line of said Lot 3, 178 feet Northwesterly from tho Southeast corner of said Lot, thence Northeast erly on a direct line to the North-1 east corner of said Lot, as required 1 by a written agreement entered Into between plaintiffs and J. E. Johnson! under date of January Cth. 1912, youj having succeeded to some Interest or; claim under said agreement. And In default of such payment within said time plaintiffs prny that they be adjudged to be the absolute own ers of said premises and entitled: to immediate possession thereof, andf that you and all other defendants' above named be adjudged to have This May Jar the Public But It Is a Good Jar at That rz.Ttwr- When canning fru.t use the Mason or Economy jars. We carry a full line of all sizes of each. WRIGHT The Square Cor Lane and Sheridan Douglas County Fancy Creamery Butter and Ice Cream Prompt Attention Given Out of Town Orders FOR BREAD PASTRIES Go;to THEJROYAL BAKERY We give "Scrip" with every purchase WM. PARKER, Prop. :-: 110 JACKSON ST. NOW IS THE TIME OF YEAR to have your heating plants looked over for needed re pairs, so as to be ready for winter. Call Phone 151 and we will attend to you needs, we carry the largest stock of any shop in the city. Estimates furnished. Repair work given prompt attention. Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. Kes. Phone C. W. Hughes, Prop. 220 W Oak. Pbone 151 gon, by order of Honorablo R. W. Warders, County Judge of Douglas County, Oregon, made and dated July 10th, 1915. Tho date of the first publication of this summons is July 12th, 1915, and th? daio of th9 last publication hereof Is August 23rd, 1915. 1). L EDDY, T32-a23 Attorney for Plaintiffs. j i v a BEFORE SCHOOL OPENS Have me examine the children's eyes. It is important to them. My policy ia SATISFACTION' TO YOfc' , f' Dr. B. H. Whitmer OITOMET1HST Eyesight Specialist. Suite 31 1 Perkins Illilg. Take Elevator. ROSE11UKG, ORE. ' & RIEDEL Deal Grocers Phjne 103 Creamery Products IT TOITIIKS THE SPOT Every spoonful goes down with unfailing delight. It is the same cream we've sold you for years. The quality and flavor is absolutely un excelled. There's Ho pos sibility of producing better at double our prices because we buy tho best ingredients and make " ourselves. PHONE 340 T