The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 16, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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TION IN ryAf di a.n.
i 'v.V, - v. - . xT m
note- yi
f tin
ter'a claim amidst their half-ruined
Improvements, but they drive him
out. In Gold Pan, the partner chums
meet hilly Meredith, owner of the
camp's liveliest dance hall, Although
engaged In the questionable business
of conducting a "hurdy gurdy" none
dure utter a word agulnst her char
acter, mil burns himself rescuing a
dance hall girl from a fire In Lilly's
place, and his bravery excites Lilly'?
Interest In him, which 1b strongly re
ciprocated by Dill. Dully Presby In
cites a strike of the mine workers.
The partners' faithful engineer, old
Hells Parks, tries to avert the strike
and Btarts In to berate them. They
fly at ihlm like a pack of wolves,
which his feeble frame was not able
to survive. Dill and Dick arlve, and
That by virtue of an execution and
order of sale Issued out of the cir
cuit court of the State of Oregon for
Clatsop County, Oregon, on the 15th
day of July, 1915, on a judgment
rendered in said court on the 2nd day
of JiTly 1915, in favor of Lewis St.
Dennis and against W. R. Bauman
for the sum of 1479.35 with Interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent
per annum from the 2nd day of July,
1915, and the further sum of (38.40
costs and disbursements, in which
judgment It was further ordered by
the court, that the property attached
at sight of poor Parks' battered form,' said action, and hereinafter de
an elemental fury surges In Bill. Like
a tiger In spring, he launches ' bit
bulk into the ruck of the assailants
of his old friend, and before many
moments, Bells Parks Is avenged. The
dam, furnishing power for the mii.e,
is dynnmitcd. Dick in the meant'mc
has fallen In love with Presby'tj
daughter from the east, the beautiful
Joan. Bill has taken up the trail and
discovers that Presby instigated all
the trouble. They find that Presby
has tunneled under their mine and
Is tapping their long sought ntolbcr
lode. This means for Dick a struggle
between love and duty for the
plunderer is o.Ian's father. Joan her
self solves the problem. Hill soon
finds happiness with "The Lilly" the
mystery of whose life is now cleared
up. Tho plunderer will be fit the
Talace theatre, Tuesday and Wednes
scribed be sold for the satisfaction of
said judgment In the manner pro
vided by law, which Judgment was
enrolled and docketed in the clerk's
office of said court on the 2nd day
of July, 1915, and said execution be
ing to me directed and commanding
me, the Sheriff of Douglas county, In
the State of Oregon, In the name
of the State of Oregon, In order to
satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac
cruing costs, to sell the following
described real property being the
property attached In said action, to
wlt: Southeast quarter (SEU of Sec
tion Six (G), Township twenty-one i
(21) South Range Four (4) West of j
the Willamette Marldi&n; South half
(SV6) of Southeast quarter (SEV1),
Southeast quarter (SE'4) of the
Southwest quarter (SW'4); South-'
east quarter (SK'A ) of the Northeast
quarter (NE4), and the Northeast i
quarter (NE4) of the Southeast!
quarter (REti). of Section two (21,!
and the East half (H',4) of the
Northeast quarter (NE4) of Section
Sixteen (10), In Township 22 South
dist. No.
(Continued from Saturday.)
John Busunbark, road super.
dlBt. 11 $
J. I Scott, road super, dist.
No. 19 .'10.00
A. 15. Blocker, road super, dist.
No. 20
Jt. C. Agee, road super, dist.
No. 28
W. S. Howard, road super, dist.
No. 29
"W. H. Brown, road super.; dist.
No. 32
F. B. Lano, road super., dist.
No. 33 2.50
Peter Dldtol, road super., dist.
No. 37 50.00
J. M. Schaeffor, foreman, dist.
No. 37 35
O. W. Groves, road super, dist.
No. 38 11
C. G. Neet, road super., dist.
No. 40
J. S. Aldiedge, road super., dist
No. 4 2
J. R. Gllbtuu, road super., dist.
No. 4 5
J. IT. Short, road super., dist.
No. 4 7 5.00 1
Dr. 15. B. Stewart. Insane exam. 5.0o
Dr. K. L. Miller, Insane exam. 5.00
I 12
i Roy (ll'iggs, suiter.
i 21 '
j L. AI. Canfleld, suiter., dlst.
No. 30 32.50
J. T. .Mi'Gce, super., (list No.
1 4 3 11.25
i II. L. tl'eunel, super., dlst. No.
57 10.25
Lydla Daseontb, deed, right of
way 50.00
Henry Johnson, labor, court
bouse 15.00
Pay Rolls.
Hist. No. 3 425.00
Dlst. No. 0 18.00
Hist. No. 7 12.00
Hist. No. 10 37.00
Hist. No. 11 .' 14.00
Dlst. No. 14 5.00
00 I Hist. No. 19 203.03!
Dist. No. 20 . . .
Tho first real tennis tournament
ever held in this city wiil Ho played
Tuesday at the Christian church ten
nis grounds at the corner of Wash
ington and Rose streets. Some of of Range 5 West of the Willamette
the best players in the city have en- Meridian; North half (NVi) of the
fluttered and a number of fast and ex-1 Northeast quarter (NE'.i) and the
j citing sets will be the result. The i Northeast quarter (NE of ithe
50 i elimination mutches will take con-i Northwest quarter (NW'4), of Sec
siderablo time and will be played ! tion Thlrty-fiv (35), In Township
during the day Tuesday. In the ev- 22 South of Range G West of the
enlng at 5 o'clock the final matches! Willamette Meridian: Southeast
will begin, and It is expected that the
winner can be selected before dark.
The tournament Is being arranged by
tho Christian churcli tennis club and
an admission fee of ten cents Is being
charged. Among those who have
entered are:
Singles Geo. Hammond, "Will
Clarke, Cecil Black, Grant Osborne,
Woodson Maddox, O. E. Horning,
Geo. Tucker, Lawrence Goodburn.
Doubles Horning and FltzpnMclc,
Clarke and Hamnionii, Tucker and
Black, Goodburn and Osborne.
In the singles, Velma Hates will
Dlst. No. 22
Dlst No. 2 2
Dist. No. 27
Dist. No. 28
Dlst. No. 211
I list
10 00 1 ' ugaiiisi Ante uiacK.
Hist. No.
Dist. No.
Dlst. No.
2, 0((! Pltl'XIXG (!' 'RUT TREKS
2.40 1
0.4s' I'rof- W. S. rtrown, extension hor-
Nn :)0 1 90.87 i ,lr"mirlst, 'f O. A. C, will give a
Xo's" 2" 00 j' '"''"'-' demonstration and lecture on
OOoj i'iuiiiiik into oilier pruning
I practices at liootn and Klsller (tr
34 20.00
Dlst. No. 37
.4 50.00
I chard, Winston locality, at 9 a. 111.,
W. llink-
l)r. Geo. E. Ilouck, health of- ! Hist. No. 37 530. 00
fleer, etc 50.00 Hist. No. 38 ; 30.00
Glass and I'rudhouime Co., ' Hist. No. 10 32 7 5
Blipplles 100. Do, Hist. No. 12 32. SO
J. W. Cole, surveyor's office. . 21. Oil; Hist. No. 43 20.00
Fred Strang, fruit Inspector . . S7.ti0 Hist. No. 45 111. 00
11. F. Nichols, commissioner . . 10.10 1 Hist. No. 47 10. 00
E. H. Plnkslon, commissioner 28. in! Dlst. No. 49 02.50
A. J. Brown, constable 5 on Dist. No. 50 9. 3,7
J. J. Bennett. Justice court, : Hist No. 54 32.00
State vs. Steuer 1.0", ' nist. No. 03 12.00
A. O. Clark, Justice court. ! Hist. No. 5 Special S5.75
State vs. Steuer 4.50 Hist. No. 20 Special 310.70
Harry Evans, testimony, Suite ! Hist. No. 55 Special 12. 00;
v. Church 12.41) Hist. No. 57 Special 118.75 !
Clnrcncc McCollum, super, dlst. I Hist. No. (15 Special 1 00.75 :
No. 3 50.00; Dlst. No. 12 General 74.00
Mrs. 11. G. William, supplies Hist. No. 57 General 100. 001
piuper., dlst.
Indigents . .
A. L. 'Butler,
No. G
James Parker. super, .list.
No. 4 9
J. A. Hewitt, super., dist. No.
F. A. Tripp, super, dist . No.
Wm. Jackson, surer . .list No
J. II. McCoy, super . .list. So.
(Continued tomorrow.
1 0 00 11,1.1 AM
-1 111: PLi'xnKRKi:"
and 2 p.m. at orchard of R.
ley, nenr Cmpqua river bridge at en
trance of Garden Valley and In other
orchards in these vicinities on Friday.
August 20.
ilia pruning demonstration will
consist chiefly of pruning young ap
ple, pear and prune trees at the critic
al age. to induce early fruit beari'i,
of from four to seven years. This
demonstration will be very important
for fruit growers at this time, as sem
nter pruning for trees or this age is
recommended at the time the toreiln
al buds hnve formed at the end of
the shoots. Under our condition--this
season, the time for this pruning
will be the latter part of this month.
County Fruit Inspector.
I The ultan.loned "Cross of Gold"
75 mine lias been bc.inctitbe.l to Hick
Towns.'n.l. and with bis 'li.'n. I"!l
50 Matthews ( Ka mil ill I . they start to
find ami work It. There they find
50 Hitllv Presby, reputed "a hard char
acter" and who established a squat-
Fresh Ice Cream, The Best in Town
R-Porter, the Leading Drink of the World
Rosebun Confectionery
"The High Road." with the fai tons
star Valll Valll. a five-part motion
picture, conies to the Mal'vtlc toinor-i
row. when motion plct;ir patrons:
will have the first opportunity of see-I
lug the brilliant star of "The Purple!
Koa.1" cud "The (",ioi'(f.aie Soldier"!
In her first screen work.
"The High Road" consists of two'
hundred off scenes and required a
cast of 7 5 principals.
quarter (SE'4) of tho Southeast
quarter (SEW) of the Southeast
quarter (SEV4). of Section 9, North
half (NV4) of the South half - (SV4 ),
and South half (S) of South half
(SV4) of Section 10; West half
(WW) of the Northeast quarter
(NEH), and the East half (F.) of
Hie Northwest quarter (NW'4), of
Section 12; and Lot 7, In Section 22,
all In Township 22 South of Range
5 West of Willamette Meridian, to
gether with all and singular the tene
ments hereditaments and appurten
ances thereunto belonging, or in any
wise appertaining.
of the State of Oregon, and in com-1
pliance with said execution and or-
dor of sale, I will on Saturday the'
28th day of Augusa, 1915. at the!
hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at
the front door of the County Co'urt
House in Roseburg Douglas County,
Oregon, offer for sale and sell lor
cash subject to redemption all the
right, tltle and Interest of the said
defendants In and to said premises
above described.
d-fri-S00-a27 Sheriff
on. or before the 23rd day ' ug"
ust, 1915, said date being the expira
tion of six weeks from the date of
the first publication of this sum
mons, the time prescribed for publi
cation being once a week for six
And If you fall so to appear and
answer, for want thereof the Pon
tiffs will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded In said complaint, a
succinct statement of which Is aB fol
lows: for a decree of strict foreclos
ure against you rtqulrlng payment
of tho sum of Nine Hundred
itonnoo) Dollars with lUcrcat
thereon at six per cent j'r ennnm
from January 6th, 1914. i.ritll paid;,
that said payment be made within,
thirty days or such reasonable tims!
as may be fixed by the Court, the
person entitled thereupon to receive,
from plaintiffs a deed of conveyance
of certain real property in Douglas
County, Oregon, described as fol-,
lows, to-wlt:
Lots Four (4) and Five (5) of!
Block Two (2), Glcngary Fruit
Lands, Douglas County, Oregon, as.
the same appears upon the plat of
said lands of record in the oMire of
the County Clerk of said County; j
also that part of Lot Three (3) In!
said Glengary Fruit Lands described;
as follows: Beginning at the North-;
east corner of said Lot 3 and running
thence South along the Fast line of
said Lot 3 to the Southeast corner of
said Lot , thence Northwesterly along;
the line of public road to a point in
tho South line of snld Lot 3, 178 feet;
Northwesterly from the Southeast
corner of said Lot, thence Northeast
erly on a direct line to the Nortl'
east corner of said Lot, as required
by a written agreement entered inlo
between plaintiffs and J. E. Johnson
under date of January Oth. 1912. you
having succeeded to some interest or
claim under said agreement. And
in default of such payment within
said time plaintiffs pray that they
be adjudged to be the absolute own
ers of said premises and entitled
to Immediate possession thereof, and
that you nnd all other defendants
above named be adjudged to havo
no right, title or interest at law or
In equity therein, and that all rlsht,
title and Interest which you have
heretofore had or claimed therein be
forever barred and foreclosed and
that plaintiffs be put Into Immediate
possession of said premises, and
plaintiffs pray for general relief.
This Summons is published In the
I'mpqua Valley News, a newspaper
of p.oseburg, Douglas County. Ore
gon, by order of Honorable R. V.
Mttrnters, County Judge of Douglas
County, Oregon, . made and dated
July 10th, 1915. The date of the
first publication of this Biimnioiis la
July 12th, 1915, and the da,to ot the
last publication hereof Is August
23rd, 1915.
7:!2-.t23 Attorney for Plaintiffs.
I lave nie t-xamino the ciillilren's eyes.
It is important to them. .My policy is
Dr. B. H. Whitmer
KyeslKlit .Specialist.
Suite :ill Perkins Iildg.
Take Elevator.
This May Jar the Public But
It Is a Good Jar at That
When canning fru.t use the Mason or
Economy jars. We carry a full line
of all sizes of each.
The Square Deal Grocers
Cor Lane and Sheridan Phjne 103
In the County Court of tho State
of Oregon for Douglas county.
In the mailer of the Estate of;
George II. Emerson, deceased, In Ore-f
Notice la hereby given that the !
undersigned, administrator with will I
annexed of tho etsate of George H. j
Emerson, deceased In Oregon, .has'
filed in the above named court, hls
account in final settlement thereof j
nnd tho court by order duly made!
and entered on the journal theerof, i
has fixed Tuesday, the 3 1 st day ofj
August, 1915. at 10 o'clock a. m.,
for hearing objections. If any, to said
final account and tho settlement of
said estate.
Dated this 23rd day of July, 1913.
Administrator with will annexed of
tho estate of George H. Emerson,
deceased. 7S0-a23
Douglas County Creamery Products
Fancy Creamery Butter and Ice Cream
it Ton iu:s the spot
Every spoonful goes down
with unfailing delight. It is
Hie same cream we've Bold
von f,,r years. The quality
and flavor is absolutely un
excelled. There's lio pos
sibility of producing better
at double our prices because
we buy the best Ingredients
and niake it ourselves.
Prompt Attention Given Out of Town Orders
Notice Is hereby given that on the.
f-c-ond Monday In 'September the
Hoard of KnualUatlon will attend at
he Asoe-sors office In the Court
House of Douglas County, Ore
gon, and publicly examine the assess
ment rolls and correct all errors In
Mnntlon. descrlt'tlon or qualities of
'and. lots or other proncrty assess
"d by the assessor, end It shall be the
'"v of persons "crested, to appear
at the time and place appnlntrd.
Hated this 17th (lay. of Augnist.
sw-$5-s13 Assessor.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Douglas County.
E. U Gllea, S. C. Miller, George E.
Houck, V. L. Cobb, W. S. Hamil
ton and Thomas Cobb, Plaintiffs,
E. h. Westfall, J. H. Kerr, R. Ranch
J. J. Belts. II. E. Ferchen and J.
E Johnson, Defendants. :
To R. Rauch and II. E. Ferchen, two,
of the defendants above named: i
OF OREGON, you are hereby requlr-i
ed to appear and answer to r'ain
tlff's complaint against you now on'
file In the above named court and
cause on or before the last day of:
tho time prescribed In the order forj
publication of this summons, to-wlt,
FOR BREAD & PASTRIES the;royal bakery
We give "Sciip" with every purchase
WM. PARKER, Prop. :.: Uo jACHS0N STt
and we wll. attend , Tyol M. , Th , C"" Phne 151
shop , the city. Estimate, furnished Re,, r "0T
attention. ,alr ork Slvcn Prompt
Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co
Re.. Ph.n. ,4-"? C. W. rtushe.. Prop. m w 0." Ph" 15, "