The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 12, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Edlf'tn ami J'uhlltdieni.
Hulscriil Ion Kateu Dully
Per year, by mall $3.00
Pit month, delivered 50
Per year 12.00
SI months 1.00
Entered as secoud-oIasB mutter
November 6. 1909, at Hosehurg, Ore.,
under act of Mure I 3. IK?!).
TIIL'KKDAV, AI'tilST 1, ( I .-.
On account of the Insufficient time
for notices to get to all our subw rlb
erH, notifying them of the time to
which their subscription wan paid,
and giving them the opportunity
to renow at the reduced rate,
and the inability of the solicit
ing agont to reacii every place the
time In which the special rate for ad
vance subscription! was to bo accept
ed Is extended to August 14th, in
clusive, aa by that date every sub
scrlber will have received either a
personal call or one of the special
notices. As staled before, the fipe
clal rate for a year in advance pro-
paid, with arrears, If any, paid up,
will be $1.25 for the semi-weekly;
$2.r.O for the daily by mall op call
at tho office, or $4.00 delivered by
The News carriers. Aftnr th0 above
date all subscriptions will only be
al;eu at tho regular rates, which are
$2.00 for the semi-weekly, $::.00 for
tb0 dully by mail or office call, and
50 cents per month delivered by car
rier. In conclusion, The N'ews de-j
sires to thank Its readers for the i
morn than liberal It has
received, both from personal call." at
the office, and by mail Ah fast ix
It Ib possible receipts will bo wrf to
tho remittors through the mcil. or
acknowledgement made through the)
columns of tho paper. Especially
gratifying is tho fact that out of all
(ho hundreds who have renewed and
started tho daily new, but three sub
scribers quit on account of a slight
advance in price over previous years,
an advanc0 made necessary by the
Tho only objection ever raised against set
rings is that the settings come out. This objection
has been successfully met by White, Wile &
Warner of Buffalo, N. Y., the most progressive
ring makers in the United States.
They make the famous W-W-W Guaranteed
Rings. Their rings are set so securely that less
than five per cent of them ever cause trouble.
Repairing this small percentage free is the
biggest nd any firm could possibly have. Notice
their ads in the Saturday Evening Post and all
the other magazines, then come in and let us
show you hundreds of beautikd designs.
They cost no mure than ordinary rings.
W-W-W Rings and other advertised goods of
known End proven value are our specialties.
What Tlmo Did Vou Say?
Q. When a man rents apartments
n a fat building, isn't he entitled
to hare the hallways lighted, 1
am occupying rooms on the third
foor and return home every night
about nine o'clock. It often happens
th'lt there is no light on the second
floor and frequently none on the
third. Couldn't 1 compel the land
lord to light the hallsf
A. Questions of .this character
are determined by the terms of your
contract, by the statutes of your
state und by usage and custom. It
is of course the landlord's duty to
j make the premises habitablo and ac
cessible. If the terms of your wrlt
' ten or verbal agreement with tho
I landlord provide for lights In tho
l.alhvnvs. or if the statutes or gen
eral custom and usage impose such
doty upon him, be will be bound to
comply. In general. It may be said
that If a light In the hall is neces
sary in order to make the passage
w:'.y reasonably safe, the landlord
will be required to provide it.
A. 5. MlicY CO.
I'm-: Ji:vi:i.i:its,
lly Xt-lK llnillniX.
Many argue that in tlmo practic
ally ull merchandising will be dono
by mall from a few ureal cities. They
contend that this Is the economical
method. Some socialists, who be-
.. ... Ilirnn f 1 1 II (1 It II 1 (' II t it 1 IJldn-
. , ir,i u'nn socialism, take wnH ln"w" conditions prevailing in
c.iiii. ,i,, all lines over tho country
i.i. view of t ie trend of the time, i
The three fundamentals referred t.-.
are rent Is wrong. Interest Is
wrong, prorit Ifl wrong.
Well, Inasmuch as the large city
department stores and mail order
houses are private enterprises, are
not owned by tho people, are not a
part of a great commercial system In
a co-operative commonwealth, why
not keep our rents and profits at
Tho habitual mall order house pat
ron In too o fen like the gambler
ho Is forever talking of his winning,
but says nothing of his losses.
ono bargain orfselH a hundred ills
aonolntmenis. The lost time the tin
It shows
that quality, not price, is what up
peals to the substantial citizen, In
this connection, The News cnlls lit
tentlnn of the advertising patrons to
the splendid number of live, paid in
advance subscribers now on the list,
without doubt tho largest and most
substantial ever secured by any pap-'
ers published In this city or county.
This Is a fact to bo dwelt on, as peo
ple who pay for their papers nrj good
pay In nil things.
as a rule- at half past six or seven
o'clock, anil the lime locks on the
'pl.n I
1 " I vaults not set for that hour. Later
advices rfiow that the cashier jn
! qucs'lion was a speculator and had
satisfactory goods, the article ho bad gon0 beyond his dtVth, with tho only
to return at his own expense, the n- solution bankruptcy, or stealing tho
pairs on shipments damaged In f1)n,iR f the bank. It proved to be
sit, the patching be has done, the- clumsy contrivance be took, and
unlooked for heavy freight charges, I under severe rrnss-exnmlnatlon he
are all, with an effort, forgotten In ' has confessed
contemplation of the one article tba'
Is just ns good or perhaps a t rifle
hotter than he really exported II to
he. I.Ike tho man who thinks ho Is
benefitted by the panacea bought
from the street corner medicine ven
dor, ho Is surprised to find that he
got something for his money.
The gambling instinct Is an inber-j
nnt nne with evervbodv ami 1hls
very fact accounts for the fascination " w commented on by this pa;...,
that mall order buying has for most! l,la nullifications named, rhor
folk. u"u..n out mat .Mr. Hur.vt
- - are (lie most lib
eral, patrons of the outside concerns,
is a prevnlent and mistaken Idea.
Merchants often do not practice
what they preach tho grocer sends
away for dry goods, while Ibe bard
ware dealer sends away for furni
ture and tile wives of both belong to
roiuo soap club.
QTRirri rrv nr
pyiM.r.urmu. U.
My Desperate Straits
The thoughts that ply across my
mental main
kidneys, they become
from slrain, get .s!us;;;isli
'""i a waste and
tho blood, then we got sick,
all rheumatism. headaches
Why Xot Keep Out Of The Way?
Q. Jitney buses are operated In
nil town, but are nnt licensed. If
some one should be injured by one
ot these buses, could he yet
d:imi:'j sf
A. The recovery of damncs is
not dependent upon tile licensing of
those car'. If the injury is caused
overworked j r-v 1110 m-iitrenco or t tic etno orivrr,
nd fail to
poisons from
nervousness, dizziness
sleeplessness and urinary disorders
come from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel null i.
Freighted with goods which. 1,1 kidneys or your back hurts or
m.Vtt m n.A . 111 1 If ll,
- ". uiuB, I ...c mine is ciouuy. offensive nil
01 seutment. Irregular of passage or
attended by a sensutlon of scalding,
."i euung meat and get about four
Have been disturbed again and yet
By thoughts of her that, wholly
Rise up beneath my thought-ships' u""ces 01 J"d Salts from any phar-
honost keels
And lay my mind's rich com
merce' by tho heeUi
As will be seen by bis formal an
nouncement In another place, T. A,
liaffety has decided to make the ran
lor city recorder. In an nrticlei
earlier in the week before his can-!
iimuey oecame an actual fact, lb
possibility of this move by Mr. Hal'
f 11 iipp"ri cr n large num
ber ot the voters of the citv.
cannot keep those submarines
Those mat! explosive feelings
she has roused
Forever on my bottoms they must
Till she beneath my own poor
roof is housed.
Yet she, pervorse, forever doth
evade me,
And with pretended lack of faith
upbraid me!
Next time my mind goes cruising
for a notion
That I might cash with some
good magazine,
And thought of her bobs up amid
my ocean,
And blows my precious freight
e'er all the scene.
I'll visit her with punishment con
dign I'll wrlto a protest Bryan would
not Blgn!
niacy; take a tabiesi.nonfni i
Blass of water berore breakfast and
In a few days your kidneys will act
Hne. Thia famous Baits Is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
Juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to flush
and stimulate the kidneys, also to
neutralize tho aciu's m ,:.,o ... ,r
longer causes Irritation ti,a ,a . I Tany "r 01 her ronimon carrier must
' cuu-i exercise l lie nit: 1 est f nernn nf nun
and not hy a want of ordinary car!
on the part of 1 !:e port-on injured,
there will be a liability.
A Physician's I.;cci:so
Q. Dors it bo".r1 of health
hnrr the riaht to revoke the license
of a physician in an arbitrary man
ner or without any excuse?
A. The statutes of the various
states on this subject usually pro
vide that a medical practitioner's
license may be revoked for unpro
fessional or dishonorable conduct,
or upon conviction of a felony or if
the license has been obtained by
fraud or misrepresentation. The
tate health authorities cannot ex
ercise their right in an arbitrary or
unreasonable manner and it mav bo
mid, generally, that a physician's
license may not be taken away un
less good cause is shown, nor may it
bo revoked without notice.
"Safety First!"
Q. What care is a railroad com
pany required to use in carrying
A. Tt Is held that a railroad com-
for the safety of its Dasseneorq ra.
sonably to be expected from human
foresight and vigilance."
"iff bladder weakne?s.
lad Salts is inexpensive and can
nt injure; makes a delightful offer
voscent llthia-watnr dr,nK WnIpll C1,
PrVnnn i.l, i .1 , . I
. n.,um ,aKe now an( thcn. ' " "' officer of the bank; to write or stamp
lo keep the kidneys clean and active. "' "le chns(ia" 'l""'h unhi l the word, "Certified," or the word
.Miss McAllister, spent the dar at Good," upon tho check, and then
Might Have Been Homesick
Q. 1 am the owner of a liierv
stable and recently let a man have a
horse and buggy for the afternoon.
The horse was in good condition
vhen it started out, but became sick
on the journey and subsequently
died. I am convinced that the ti.-m
drove the. horse too hard. Do i. u
think I would be justified in sk.ij,
this manf
A. When tho horso became skk.
It was tho man'n duty, upon finding
that such was the condition of tht
animal, to stop using It. If ho per
sisted in doing so and the horso dlea
In consequence, tho man may ba
compelled to respond in damages.
Sign ITere, rieasc!
Q. If a check is indorsed, "Pay.
able to John Jones or order," is it
necessary for John Jones to add hit
indorsement before he can receive
the money f
A. Yes. t
Selecting a Guardian
0. (I) At what age does a c:.':i
have- the right to select kit o.r.i
guardiatif 13) After the cc'i. e.i:s
made his choice, will re.y '-'.,:-(,-guardian
be permitted .'c cei
A. (1) Statutes have ;: .1
in almost ail the stlit r'i-' i
child the right to appo'nt i'.iz l a
guardian, wiierc a giiard.aii ii i--quired,
upon attiilnlng the u;;o , :
fourteen years. This rinat C023
extend to the cuse of n minor v. ,1
has a natural guardian '.hat i;. .1
parent or to the case of a gunra':i?v
ship provided for by will or by ;n
order of a court of chancery t J
The former guardian. In some rt;:'.
is superseded after the child In.
made his selection; In other srue?
the child has tho right to Imva
former guardian displaced; in rti'l
others the former guardian contin
ues to discharge his duties un'll ti-i
ward becomes o( full legal Ee.
Willing Heal Estate
0. wish to inquire whether a
technical description of real estate
is necessary in a will, where one
wants to dispose of such property in
this way.
A. Keal estate does not need to
be described with the Bame precision
and technical accuracy required in
the case of a deed. If the property
mentioned In the will is described
in such manner that it mav be iden
tified, the description will be suf
ficient. Certifying A Chock
0. Please inform me whether the
laio requires any particular method
of certifying a bank cheek.
A. The law in some states re- '
quires the certification to be in writ
ing, while in other states a verbal
certification will be sufficient. The
The Sunday school class of girls J"?011, " followed is for an
0 Ollicer Of tho ha it It to wr ra nr ot .....
ine blood pure, thereby
avoiding '
aplc grove this afternoon.
Giving Info,
what Is an innocent by-
"It's a plain rubberneck
something happens to."
I ""iey complications.
affix his signature or his initials.
that 1
Sunday comes too often, but la
other respects this Is a pretty fair
blatant correspondent -writes
Vi ask brashly how Bryan enn be oj
(KMed to tho Inhumanities of war
vten ho has been using gas In I
'V-hting bis battles for years and
years. i
. .i in 1 1 " "" "in-iiiiH uunossioiiiiies.
It seenis almost too inc redible for n0 not as nn )nst(inc Dromise
belief that throughout the densely
wooded regions of tills country, men
will delllMM-ately set fire to grass and
midurbrush, for tho purpose of get
ting employed as fire fighters lor a
short time. It u I official records and
lnveaf Igatlons show flint this Is all'
t)o ;tnte. From Jackson rolinty .
comes the report that no less t ban
21 Tires were started in the Trail j
district within a radius of five miles,
and all In one day. In every cane the
fire was traced to an incendiary ori
gin, started for the purpose of giving1
a short employment for idle men. As
a rule, these flies jire started out-j
rUIo the nutinitiil forest reserves, as it '
Is well known that the federal fiv-!
eminent is eiy persistent in the
trnclng down of such ma I (actors,
and the punishment is rigorous
There is no telling ti:e disastrous
effects (if siit-h riits when- the once
gelt a gooti heailw a . noi oul is
valuable prnpertv placet! in i' op.n.iy.
but there Is .ian;cr to hiiman
life, soniciliim; iIkiI is not ' , : i . I
on when for a few hours or d ' i .
tho fires are slarte.i
make a woman happy.
Life Is chiefly mado up of foolish
questions and unsatisfactory answers.
Any Joke Is funny If the man for
whom you nre working telle it.
While the woman plan most o
the parades, the men do practically
all of the marching.
Tf n man Is nfrald to any t hltn-f-elf
he nearly uhvavs asks a news
paper to do it for him.
Mary's Other Possessions
Mary had a little lamb;
Sho had a small calf, too.
Yes! Nearly all us boys knew that,
'Cause most of Miuno showed
Bachelors Of Second And Third 1
Classes Need Not Apply !
For Ttent. Ono first-class bed- I
mom for first-class bachelor. A.
Si. C. Parkersburg Keics.
If a man Is sure a thing won't co-. t
him Buy money he generally Is
for It
There aro all kinds of chumps, In
cluding the one who has a Bhlp
uiuoocu on nis nrm.
This Aiilolinguistlc Ao
Doctor. Your cough Is much
worse. What have you been doing?
Patient. I quit wearing that
silk scarf. And naturally I'm a lot
noisier since I cut-out the mulller.
and Semi-Weekly News
A champion lasts only five or six
years, but a bore often outlives hi
j Kxjdaincd
I Taw, what is "a distinction with
out a difference"?
. It means inv son. that a really big
I man can afaiu distinction without
! Its making ;;tiy inference in his at
titude, toward his friends.
The practice of combing tho
nair over the bald spot nvw fi
lot ef k-uittv
of tiieui co 1
f i'l'tiin;; 'I JM.
draw inc. a Hush
if! IIS
: for
ExT:rakoman Why do you can
me, just for bavlni; taken n few
liivision Pupet iutendent - I'very
rftU'tal on this r-'ad Is opposed to
tho full-crew law.
ANonii ii M'i:i 1 I.ATION i -11 M
A few days aiio the dispatch,
rled a staitllni: hc.ulilne story of a
cashier of an low a city bi-fni; loi-l;,- I
In the vault by a bandit ubo ha 1
been roncealed in the cellar ovrrt
night, and who Ib. n loo'd the 'ianh
of many thousands. At the time the
tory sounded "fishy," on aivouni ofi
the unusually only i-onr. li;.nk
rashtera not gelling down to
itirestlons It impiovlnc
I" oidc-. uhy not , t tlio
who is in wot I; in tl-c
-t.ii Hie tir,i ball:
l!" a 111:111 is v,n-t!i
bclmiKS to a
not inipoMant.
!- t'.' flCt
le l.illlliy 1..
' in 1. Ml! v says a mtirrtr
'x '""ii'is 1,1 hoiu'vui'io-i -.iv
montlis ,, snnim; t ,l(, ;,,i :l
nielltlK the babv Ion-,-.-
"I'M, his -fe begins Until;,,'
Ull ot I
r i-.i- n.
Take a (Jla-s of Salt- if Your
Ilju k II urts or lllailder
Innild You.
No man or woman who rats meat
regularly can make a mistake by
flushing tho ktdney occasion;! lly,
says a well known authority. Meat
forms uric acid which excites the
Now'reaches more homes in Roseburg and Douglas
County than any other paper published here or else
where. It is going to people who pay for it in the
great majority of cases. People who pay for their'paper
are as a general rule good customers and good pay.
There is not a post office in the county where some
copies are not taken and the list is constantly increasing
It will help your business to let these
people know what you have to offer
Try andgSee what regular publicicy in The News
will do for you