The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 28, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    New Arrivals
In Furniture
Ladies Dressing Tables in white and
ivory enamel, birds eye maple and
oak, with single or triple plate mirror
Dining Tables in full quarter sawed
oak and Pacifio oak. Fifteen differ
ent new patterns to select from.
New patterns in Dressers, Chiffoniers
and Bed Steads. Anything necessary
in furnishing the home will be found
here. All merchandise' of quality,
A. J. Lilburn & Son
Complete HouseFurnishers
Cass Street Roseburg, Oregon
Took Him Nearly a Year to
Find Where Strength Lay
the Bltuntlon 1b put before them with
frankness, they can actually be as
patriotic as Frenchmen or Ger
But ttu one big losson which the
Germans have taught him 1b that
war now-a-days 1b quite as much of a
business as It Is a science. He has
seen all the old theories of warfare
upset. Ha wasn't prepared for the
change In styles. He had no Idea the
system of trench warfare would be
come so highly developed; that such
an a.nour.i of high explosive slie'ls
would become necessary; that a pre
ponderates supply of machlna suiib
might spell all the difference be-
IJycl Ciliixo As Gunoral ManimW twe6n -'''"MS and failure; that the
of die War Ha Increased
Output of Munition
lljr Kd. Ij. Keen.
(United Pross Staff Correspondent.)
Oormans would introduce the use of
aspnyxlatlng gas, liquid fire, and
other like agencies hitherto unrecog
nized In the conduct of civilized
warfare but above all that the Ger
man superiority In the new style of
fighting was due to the mobilization
iwnuuim. Juiy zs. .i -"""of the entire industrial resources of
Bull ton montna to discover mat.
what ho needed most was a gone.-al
the emp!re co-Incldentally with the
Take the matter of machine-guns
alone. The Germans concentrated
llnnn thnlc ntnni.r..... ...... n
, . , , ,i,n. ' iiioiiuintuiiu. nuijuii;
buslnea.4 manager.
Of '.oursg liu has .'earned sevwal
tfoosn't ray to rental the truth; tint
Iho PiiMsh people Jttent being treat
ed Ilka children; ih:.i they can staud
bearing bad news, and that when.
A 8 Tart "METRO" Feature
Starring Albert Chev
alier'and Jain Gaiie
Ford Weekly
Always Good.
An ill Wind
A Corking Good Comedy With
Mux Ashor.
7 Big Bright Pictures
I'llOl'KUI.Y rltOJKTKl.
5c 10c
All dw Big Oncoi Why Flxpert.
eae weapons have practically ren
dered the rifle useless, and caused
the slaughter of British troops, when
on the offensive, In numbers entlre-
j ly disproportionate to that of Gor-
iimna in similar circumstances. Ha
chlno guns ennnot be Improvised.
The machinery for making them re
quires some nine months to build.
It was this question of munitions
that finally brought home to the Brit
ish government appreciation of the
absolute necosslty of mobilizing the
Industry of the nation If the war wav
tn ... ,cht to a successful conclu
sion. France did it early In the war.
but her Industrial resources, even In
peaco times, wore exceedingly limit
ed as compared with those of the
Blrtlsh empire, and today her most
Important industrial provinces, in
cluding 70 per cent of her steel pro
duction, are In the hands of the
It Is up to Great Britain to help
not nnlv lrtnn .... i . .. . . ...
' "i "iisam, as wen the gate to the sea and .probably sav
o .... .-. ine uriving ot the Rus- e,i Dunkirk. Calais and
man armies out of Gallrla was due
solely lo their lack of ammunition.
Hitherto Britain has been concen
trating upon soldiers. Now she Is
concentrating on munitions. "Get
Into the factory line and supply the
firing line, has replaced on the post
ers the old familiar "Your King and
Country nbed you at the rent."
mostly Prime Minister Asqulth de
cided to appoint general business
Lloyd George, the llttlo Welsh so.
llcltor who bo successfully had been
running the nation's finances, after'
a record of constructive reform legis
lation without parallel In history.
was chosen. He was given the title
of minister of munitions; but his
commission was practically to take
charge of the industries of the coun
try. The first thing he did was to
tell his fellow countrymen the truth
the grave danger confronting the
empire through the deplorable slack
ness hitherto prevailing In the manu
facture of the Instruments of war
fare. Next he brought both labor
and capital Into line. He got the
trades unions associate dwlth muni
tion-making to agreo to suspend dur
ing the war thir rulesrestrliViis
output and to bend all their ener
gies toward the desired object; and
he got the manufacturers to agree to
forego all additional profits arising
out of war contracts In excess of 20
per cent. To cinch matters he had
parliament put these and other regu
lations Into legislation, including Im
mediate government control ot.the
workshops, and the creation of a
munitions court with power to in
flict adequate penalties for slackness,
strlites. Iockduts, etc. Finally to
Insure an uninterrupted flow of mu
nitions In the largest quanti'v pos
sible from the United States and
Canada he sent hot-foot to America
one of Englan-l's ablest business men
;. A Thomas.
Meantime, Just tn '.Vuwusirala.
Lloyd George went put Into one of
the manufacturing districts where.
under th9 old system of sub-contracting,
about 10,000 shells a month
woro being produced, Injected a lit
tle ginger, and started an output
f '. 50,000 shells a month, which he
cxi ecte to have Increased to an aver
age of 300,000. He believes that
under the system already Inaugu
rated the TTnltod Kingdom alone will
soon bo ajble io jexceed the esti
mated product of the Central Con
tinental Powers of 250,000 j'jtlls a
the rear door and placed him under
arrest. He will be turned over to
the juvenile officers for trial.
At a recent meeting of the Rose
burg and Douglas County Merchants
Association the Umpqua fish hatchery
was discussed at considerable length.
At the present time the hatchery is
equipped for caring for salmon only
and It Is the oplnl onthat It would
be of benefit to this section of the
state If- trout and steelhead eggs
could be also taken from It. In or
der to accomplish this It was toe
necessary to construct a dam across
the river which would stand the win
ter waters. Two pools for feeding
and rearing the fry re
quired. 'With a permanent dam a fine lot
of steelheadB and trout eggs could
be taken each year. Governor
WIthycombe has been asked to give
the proposition his consideration.
iRW J M1 U r-S "
DIAMOND RINGS, Weddlig Rings, Stone Set Rings, Signet
' RIngB, Birthday Rings, Cameo Rings, Misses' Rings, Children's
Kings, and Baby Mings. Also emblem Rings. We carry only reli
able makes of rings. We buy for spot cash direct from the manu
facturers; we have several lines to select from, thus giving you the
benefit of all the latest creations in Rings. AH ot our stone set
rings are fully guaranteed, both by the manufacturers and our
selves and In case of loss of all stones (except diamonds) will be
replaced free of charge. We also clean and look after your rings;
this service Is free to all our customers, whether you purchased
your rings of us or not, If it Is QUALITY you want we can save
you good money. If your birthday 1b In this month come dn and
see our pretty RUBY rings.
, G. W. Young and Company
s (Continued from page 1.)
eluding the Prussian Guard, from
Arras. He kept open the lines, of
communication and train load after
train load of reinforcements poured
Into the north of .France.' The allies
owe him a great debt, for his was of
the finest performences of the war.
After ArraS, the Germans (tried
to break through on the Yser; they
tried to get past Dlxmude, defend
ed by the gallant Admiral Ronarch
and his daredevil Breton marines. La
Bassee saw very stubborn fighting
and lastly one of the greatest en
gagements of the whole war cam.
at Ypros ulth the British, In bulldoir
fashion, holding practically the
whole of the line.
But after all. Arras was lb-, main
gate to the coast and had do Maud
'huy failed there, the other fight
ing probably would not have occur
red. His victory was- the decisive on
IA subsequent battles had the al
lies been forced back at any point re
inforcements were nt hand and the
thing could have been remedied. The
British victory at Ypres, by some said
to be the biggest battle not only of
this war, but of all time, was rot
of Itself decisive since de Maud'huy
had won out at Arras by October 2'
Insuring the arrival of reserves ah
along the line as far north as the i
sea; and, had the British given way I
they very probably would have been:
supported by fresh troops and the,
German advance arrested -before the,
coast was reached.
TIniB It was de Maud-huy who held!
The young Jadv across the way, who i
taking a lively interest in nature stud
this spring, says a pair of cute litt!
squirrels have built a nest in a treci
li.tir yard and she's scared to death f .
fur the. bad boys of the neighbor!"
will Meat the eggs.
t'K'' st f 1 v
" Sf
orman S. Taber, former J3rown
university runner, broke both world's
professional and amateur records at
the Harvard stadium when he ran
one mile In 4 minutes 12 3-5 seconds.
Tell me not, In sprightly measure.
Oi her beauty at the ball;
Tell me not what wondrous costume
. She was garbed in not at all I
Boast not of her queenly figure,
When she knew she was on show
Is she beautiful at breakfast?
That's the thin I'd like to know.
Mrs. B. G. Wilcox spent Saturday
night at the home of A. Bump. Cor
respondence, TheBaraboo Republic
When the space-writing Johnny can't
think of a thing, ' '
He writes of the poets who sing in the
spring. ,..
"I notice you have a great many big
mosquitoes here, but they don't ever
bite. Why is it?"
"Well, you see there was a veterans'
reunion here last summer, and the in
sects all broke off their beaks on wood
en legs."
Louis Richter moved on ' Monday
from Sec. 34 to Sec 36. That will
leave Henry to batch unless he finds a
cook. "Hurry, Henry, the cowbells
are ready." Rice Lake (Wis.) Chron
"So Burnley is dead. Did he make
a good husband?"
"No. His wife did."
To Our Subscribers
The Special Rate Offer
For Paid in advance Subscriptions will last only to
August First
with all that such a victory meant
for the allies. t
Hundreds have already taken advantage ot this money
saver. Letters have been sent, or will go out this week
to every one whose subscription is in arrears, or paid up
to Aug. 1, 1915. The News will not blow its own horn
but its constantly increasing list of readers is the best
proof ot its appreciation and it is proud of its list of sub
scribers in every part of the county.
Porn McConnell was yesterday ar
rested by Officer Hunt, on the charge
of stealing a revolver and other ar-
I'hey are even bringing back fromtleles from the S. B. Crouch hard-1
ware store. The boys confessed to
tho trenches skilled virkmen whose
enlistment, It is now agreed, should
never have been permitted. The en
rollment of volunteers for the king's
nrmy the use of the term "Kitchen
er's army" hns recently been aban
doned In the posters of course con
tinues, but the enlistment of men nt
ail qualified to work In munition
"hoi s Is discouraged.
WUh the realisation that organi
sation of the country's Industries for
tho manufacture of munitions had
Decern, Imperative came appreciation
of the fact that the machinery of
the government was Inadequate.
Lord Kitchener had not only been
overloaded personally, but the an-
enterlng the store through a window
and taking the articles when they
were shown to him n( the sheriff's
offlee this morning. The theft oc-
eurred a few weeks ago and the of- j
fleers have been on a search for some i
time fn nn endeavor to locate the
missing articles. The search finally i
proved that the McConnell boy waa:
the one who had entered the store,
but when the sheriff went to the j
house to arrest the lad, he found j
that he had disappeared. For several
days the officers watched the house,
but the boy kept In hiding In the
brush behind the house which Is sit
uated well up on Mt. Nebo In Alex-
Special rate, daily, by mail or call $2.50
Special rate, daily, by carrter $4-00
Special rate, semi-weeRly, ' $L25
For one Year in advance
liquated system of the war office had, ander's addition. After watching the
proved Itself Incapable of handling house for the day. Hunl last night
the problem. So the government saw the boy sneak Into the house by