:i THE PALACE THEATER CITV NEWS. I 4 44 Let Stone tune your piano. 9 3 3tf The last day of this wonderful feature picture, with a cast of the best actors of the world. Count Leo Tolstoi's masterwork, the vibrant modern drama, of the story of the woman who dared . - ' A N N A K. A R E N I N A . - ..." home at wiibur. today after tt visit In this city. Polly Smith returned to her home at Eugene this afternoon after a visit with relatives In this city.. Carol Sams, who haB been visiting with relatives in this city returned to her borne at Cottage Grove this af ternoon. - , ,; ; I beautifully situated suburban lot' in West Roseburg. must bp sold to . Myrtle Growshong, who has been s. ttle an estate. A bargain for some-1 visiting ut the home of C. K. H op inio. Inquire of W. H. Richardson, ; kins returned to her home at Cres iritxfve . ' 725-tf well this afternoon. . I Harry Pearce stated today that the' Developing any izo roll film up firm of J. D. Padgett, of Dallas, " s. I-' V" r0"- A11 done by Texas, whose senior member . was professionals. Clark & Clark, pboto threatened by death unless the firm .supplies and fotographers. 311-lf ceased to furnish saddles and harness for the allies of Europe,- Was well Mrs. E. C. Davis, who has been known to him, as It was in this shop visiting with her daughters, Mrs. T. that he first learned his trade. The G.' Alexander and Mrs. T. E. Mat- loss of these, war orders will not be felt by the'padgetts, Mr. Pearce stat- ed, as they are Immensely wealthy. FdO YOUR OWN SHOPPING tc0nyx" Gives the BEST VALUE for Your Money Every Kind from Cottea to Silk, Fer Men, Women and Children Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair Look for the Trade Mark! . Sold by All Good Dealers. HI s Lord & Wholesale "All Cats look . T TTST Rubber and Can vass pumped lull 01 air ! " So thinks the Tire User who buys Pneumatics ' 'Blind, " with out comparison after thorough investigation. So thinks the Car Owner who buys from the Cut Price Dealer, the "just as good" Tire on which that Dealer quotes Only 5 Plus for this Best Non-Skid m ' fcfc rjpja- the MM wltii III ):' eabkConttfucbon, . IcC lPl JCv' i'' bl Smc . Ill 1 "'"VJ ' without anything-v. Jri'Ut v. out of Quality, no ,; I 111 W nwittt wht r- Ks'VvV '-''" ducdonj in bat ft f f S d" Note following coraprtiTe prifc "B." "C" and "D" represent four Wldolr-SoW Non-Skid Tiri A; GWrklJ OTHER MAKES Tr.. "A" "B" -C" P 30i3 9.4S $10.55 $10.95 $16.35 $18.10 30i3'. 12.20 13.35 14.20 21.70 23.60 32x3!. 14.00 15.40 16.30 22.85 25.30 34x4 20.35 22.30 23.80 31.15 33.55 36i4S 28.70 32.15 33.60 41.85 41.40 37iS 33.90 39.80 41.80 49.85 S2.05 GOODRIr H a clt nn v nrif nr inp Coming "Sunday sure. James Safety first, "bee Hutch." iswr C. F. Swander, of Portland, will arrive In this city today for a visit at the home of R. E. Jope. A dollar off each of our Vudor hammocks.' Buy now for next sea son and save money. B. W. Strong, tb Furniture Maa 795-J30 thews, left today for Wilbur where she will visit before returning to her home at Hood River. Let me send you FREE PERFUME Write today (or a totting bottle of ED. PINAUD'S LILAC The world's molt famous perfume, every drop as sweet as the liviml blossom. For haudkcichlef, atomizer and bath. Fine after shaving. All the value U fn the pcrlunic-yot. don t pay extra lor a fancy bottle. The quality i, wonderful. Tho price only 75c. (6oz). Send 4c. for the little bottle-enough lor 50 handkerchiefs. Write today. w : PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD, Department M. ED. PINAUD EUHXILNG NEW YORK,; Hosiery l Taylor Wyoric grey - -at Night!" him the biggest discount off a Price List specinlly printed up for that purpose. So thinks the Man whose Tire bill averages nearly half of his entire Season's running Kxpense, when it need not aver age one-fourth, if he would only "Work his head" and, once lor all, (tarn the Tire Game. o . o . I VHERE are Car Owners who rcg I via rly get t5 to 50 M ORE Mileage, per Dollar, im ted in Tires, than do the Owners of other Cars driven with equal care, under equiva lent road conditions. The latter type of Owner is apt to conclude offhand (from, his own experi ence) that all Tires must be Short-lived and Unsatisfactory. Now this is to tell him that there is as much difference between the Mileage and Resilience of different brands of Tires, when the facts are investigated, and proven through actual Service, as there is difference between the Color of Cats when viewed by Daylight. , This is to inform him that three Rub ber Factories using precisely the same'' quantity and quality of Jlfofcnais might, and sometimes do, produce (through the difference in their Rubber EXPKRIENCB and efficiency methods) Tires of 6uch widelv different Mileage-Result as to aver age 3000 Miles, 4000 Miles, and J000 jliles respectively under parallel road conditions. 0 O OST of proittcfion Is therefore . no sure tntide to the Mileage and Resilience which can be put into such a subtle anil "tempera mental" product as the Rubber in a Tneumatic Tire. And, though The B. F. Goodrich Co. can, and does, put the most Mileage per Dollar invested by the User, into Good rich Safety-Tread Tires, they do not in terpret this as a reason why they should cliarge a higher price, to include an In surance Premium which would place their 'Adjustment Basis" beyond the safe and reasonable minimum that Bad Roads and Careless Driving make necessary. Because of its Manufacturing; Advantages, its i'recwon Metli ods, and Waste-reducing Proc esses (resulting from its 45 years' EXPERIENCE in the working of Rubber), The B. F. Goodrich Co. can afford to and docs, offer the greatest Mileage in Tires at the lowest price per Mile. It sells the slurwiuril grade of Goodrich Safety Tires at 13 to 30 lover irices than other non skid brands which "Guarantee" greater Mileage but cannot prove delivery of greater Mileage in actual use. Why pay MORE for any Tire? THE B. F. GOODRICH CO. Akron, Ohio SAFETY-TREAD TlRES rmwn mat saw inr-uia v ici&L Cruze, hero reporter of The ( C1TV NEWS. , S. J. Jones returned home toddy from a business trip to Drain. Prof. Victor Boyd has been engag ed to teach an eight months term of Bchool at Ten Mile this year. "". J. W. Perkins and E. G. .Lloyd left today for Rock creek where they will spend the afternoon fishing. Kodak and nave your rinlsulng done at the Roseburg Book Store. We do the best work at moderate prices. , , 685-tf Correspondence cares. In all of the latest fashionable sizes and shapes with gold edges and with en velopes to match, at the Central Pharmacy. Prices very reasonable. Remember the placethe Central I corner Jackson and Cass streets, I Roseburg, Ore. 766-tf Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cotton, Matt Schanner, of Portland, Miss Georgia Hacker and MIsb Rachael Newell, of East Liverpool, Ohio, formed an auto I party which stopped In this city to day on their way from Portland to San Francisco. The firm of Burchard and Down ing, who have made extensive alter ations In the two Salzman buildings on Jackson street-and who will con duct a dry goods and ladies and men's furnishing store, announce that they will be ready for business about thc- 20th of next month. Councilman Charles Clark feels pretty badly put out over the fiasco of the Ford concert which he was so instrumental In heralding to the peopl8 of the city and in Justice to him it should be stated that It was done on the authority of a telegram received from a high official of the S. P. Co., Charley Coes not like to have his name connected with such a frost as this was and he Is In no manner to blame. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 1000" feet new German linen 2 Inch hose. Fine for mill or business house fire protection. Also for Irrigation purposes. See Rice & Rice. 797-a3 HIS ONLY WAY OUT. "Who was that frump you were talk ing to over by the conservatory door a hit ago?" "That, sir, was my wife I" "O I didn't mean her. 1 meant the woman with her." "That was our daughter I" "I never said itj" HIS PLAIN DUTY. "Wife, the doctor tells me I have but a few days more, at most, to be with you." "O, George 1 For heaven's sake Yw-, on until niy dressmaker gets hack to town. I wouldn't wear a sti.cli of mourning anybody else made." IJ7K MUST Til FY HAVE HEAn-.i? WANTED 4 horses to weigh at least 1.3C0, having heaves but all riht otherwise, also saJdie pony and some 2nd ha: d wattons. li. II. lijoin. Rice Lake (Wis.) Chrnnotvpe. CILARLES AT THE M.UKHTH.' TOMOHHOW 11 iwut auu vuu v iti uc ooauiwu iuau il 10 mvu t v wnt tvu Million' Dollar Mystery, will appear here in person. Mrs. J. M. Litchfield, ft jBan Francisco who haB been vlBltlng In this city and Marshtleld, left today for her home. M. V. Roundtree, who has been on a business trip to Marshtleld, re turned to this city today and will leave tonight for Portland. ' Dr. Caldcr, who has been In this city visiting with Rev. Jeffrey audi attending the examination of chlro-' praetors, left this afternoun for his home at Jortland. I The Marshtleld Btage run by Bar-' Icy Johnson, lost a wheel several miles from town, and as a conse-j quence was very late In arriving In, this city. I C. H. J. Atwood was arrested to and brought before the justice court on a charge of non-support. He was given bond In the sum of $100. to appear for a preliminary hearing August 5. Geo. Neuner, Jr., wife and child and Mrs. Geo. Neuner, Sr., left in the former's auto this morning. Mr. and Mrs.' Neuner will drive to Crater lake where they will spend a week or ten days, while Mrs. Neuner, Sr., will stop off and visit with relatives at Glendale. FN'!GM PILOSOFy. Most attirrprs at hunyii.' -ate yer toim-, lh' s.i -unie as most ifforts t' economize aa-aste mor.ey. 0 ' PATRIOTISM. Patriotism is a v'rtue every person is willing to exercise when the gov ernment isn't interfering with his per sonal interests. It is a state of condition!! agree ment with the government for the time being". fatnottsm is tne long su'i oi poli ticians who wish the orient adminis tration to be sustained bccatise it will further said politicians' best interests. The man who will stand, loyally by the head of the, government when said head is urging legislation opposed by the ft.ction which put that same man into office, is a patriot. But that isn't what his former vp poricrs call him. in time of peace patriotism is scarce. In time of war, fatal. ITS OTHER NAMK "I have here," said the smooth sales- m M,e Pficiiv "a ilrvire fnr anchoring firmly the jymmetricals some v.ont':n wear "Ah h-h!" breathed Miss Passay. "A new kind of padlock,-eh?" H'AR KO LONGER GLORIOUS He wrote a book about the war ; A theme folki do not love. iVJ w.iat they killed each other for Ai.J shunned Bill Bryan's dove. it'e Mio:e a book about the row, .And '.height 'twould make him rich tii:t as the thing transpired, somehow . n.erc ..'.cmcd to be a hitch. iio -r:tc a hook on Europe's F'r-p Hear this, and hold your breath! And 'stead of gaining wealth, Ibis chap Completely sii.rvea to death. ' rd every one : '!;o knew he wrote About tlie foreign fii'ht Aio c. when hunger g..t his goat, And shouted ' Served' mm rignt : RTDUCED PLUMAGE. Vrn'. ce Doodle went to town Upon his gray mule Nellie, lie sHicfc a feather in his hat .'.l i e:i."cd it vermicelli. ?.i75'vjJ''s' h. ' IX CHAPLIN, The time to Insure is now. Do not put It off. These dry times should find you protected. We rep resent H of the best old line com panies. The rates are very low, no assessments or membership as In mu tuals. Come In and let's talk it over, or have us call and Inspect your place. RICE & RICE, Insuranco Brok ers. 739-al Tender, Excellent Flavored Meats Are bound to please the most critical. Always the best qual ity at the most reasonable prices. Prompt Delivery. Cash Meat Market . Opposite Hamilton Drag Store Jackson Street. Phono 144. Free delivery to all parts of city . WANTED An old couple or lady to take care of children on ranch for summer. R. P. Huntley, Olalla, Or. 773J27p Save Your Teeth Artificial teeth do only one tenth of the work of the natural teeth. Yoa cannot have good health; you cannot be free from poison of the blood and of the tissues with decayed teeth in your mouth. Don't neglect your teeth R. L. BathricK DENTIST. Itooins 7 and 8, Ilosobiirg Nutl mu! llnnk llltlR. Prices ltensonablo. KOSKHUltO, OltHGON. Why not do your ironing electrically, the cool way, on the porch, wherever there is a lamp socket FREE TRIAL phone 123 and ask us to deliver one to your home for a 3 day free trial Roseburg Electric Company SPECIAL JELLY TUMBLERS, SQUATS Large Size, per doz - - 25c Small Size, per doz - - 22c For your Mason jars buy the new Sani caps with no porcelain lining tocollect germs. One dozen 15c Two dozen 25c Peoples Supply Co. v.uuuv. wuw w Greatest event in vaudeville. Iwkii'. Can Unce Sam wKl preserve KeufraUiv? Oar for1fi-n rvlrttloin horr toffljtiwtrtfM ilmntt . 7 . . . . . . tMn 1M down to the nrj brink at hit. a ina DrAukinu wilnu TDa iioniwi t tounUu of thnoouutry bare tutenrvlod tlitoiplrlt rf thA 1 1 mm unA m navmliiiii with thi-lr nana this ipirlU-J abnvtr in the nUOtt' hUui7. CARTOONS MAGAZINE (rUM ttu.it. rvwi i r4 iiwtiM) Premnta vrtry month tha crenni of caricature both In Ant ttrlii ud KaropAlt l TtirfUbln punnrfttnn ot uio wiir. n uni uto noiiuim tnias oi lintt eurh oiUor ) hot tvli bf trie enrtoun hlh (dm nadiir tlitnurrktcAmulerhrMfi tha verv thouahta al na urrHce miuwnnti mo very inoujnu ox llo. Cartooni MagRKluo 1 Ihf matt fatv toe pooi p nut nil rat wrltU-o. The pivtnrlu uie nro- upplementod b'.., DipoiiKi eaitonai etimmoni aua vpmiai aiiioiua, invaiuaoio hi tn iiumry, man, Ui studont ot current rente. AT ALL NEWSSTANDS S.OO A YKAR 25 CENTS A COPY delta Mil and tfta tXMitXMi wW brine fr nofatfca trial ajlaerttt CARTOONS M AOAZINK, M. MNlii sW, OMtCAM Cnckwd And 11.00 for whVfA atml Oiilwwiia Mafninsj te av adt far (wit "ifrt. The fire Insurance Company of North Amorlca was founded In Phila delphia In 1792, America's oldest, has assets of $18,613,414. E. C. Benson, ngent, 401 Perkins build ing. 7B3-K JfotfcomL Electric Iron Was $3.50 Now$3.00 I '15' Jfkl!