THE EVENING NEWS MILTON J. H1IOK.MAKKK CAUL V. BIIOKMAKKIt BAM J. SHOEMAKER Editors nnd I'ublljihers. WHUKl DAILY KXCKIT SUNDAY HubKcriptioa lluteo (mil) . Per year, by mail $3.00 Per month, delivered . .66 BuuU-WvekJy. Per year 12.00 Hi mouths Entered as second-flags matter November 6, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore., under act of March 3, 1879. VKI.KSIAY, JULY 28, 1U1S. AN 1XKANE WOKLI). The telegraph advices from the island republic of Haiti, would Indi cate that the world passion now con vulsing all Europe has reached this out-of-the-way place, and a revolu tion Is waging there In all Its fury and terror. A wild mob has over-' thrown the regular government, mur- lored the president, and is threaten- Oregon and then gone across the Cas ing very one who shows any sym- code range to Klamath Falls, Burns, pathy with the past administration. Bend and other central .Oregon Tills Negro Republic has been the; points. He will stop at a number of scene tf many revolutions and : Columbia river points and also in Moody disorders. The inhabitants spect the hatchery at Bonneville, -ore almost entirely of African des- At all the , places visited Mr. Shoe cent, while the language Is practic- maker held conferences with the dep ally all French. It la known In his-, uty gnme wardens and made plans tory and by general repute as being for a campaign- of prevention of un- the place whore the black man rules lawful hunting and fishing. He spoke over the white. The present revolu-i with Chief Clerk Brown over the lonu tlon and uprising with all its con- distance phone tills morning regard sequent tragedies and possible hor- Ing a letter to all the newspapers Tors, will hardly strengthen the con- of the state asking publicity on tentlon that the black race is capable chango of the season opening for of long continued successful self-government. DON'T (iO HUNTING YET. As It may have been forgotten,: or overlooked by many enthusiastic siiortsmen, that tho game season ' was changed last year by advancing the season, It may be well to coll at tentlon to the fact thnt this year the season for deer openB on the 15th of tho next month, Instead of the 1st, as heretofore. While It has been the policy of tho game department to give this fact as much publicity as possible, long usance of the earlier date 111 cause forgotfulness on the part of some, and may disarrange their plans for their annual hunt. So liear In mind that the open season for shooting deer In this state ll0" gins on AugiiBt 15th. The News has It from the most re liable and authoritative source that should tho supremo court uphold the decision of tho lower court In llio railroad bond case, one of the foro - objectors, as well as ono of the heaviest tnvpayrs among thorn, with withdraw his opposition, and bavo nothing to do with the talked of suit before the federal court. Out of deference to his wishes, tho nnmo of this particular one la withheld, liut Tho News assures the yicople that tills Is not given on hearsay, liut on tho very best authority. One year ago today, tho head lines In the telegraph Hums did not predict the cataclysm that followed o soon. Ono from London said "war 8coiiiB less certain," another from; Berlin slates "n break between the ! Kaiser and the f' seems lininlii nt." while from our own capital at Washington Secretary of Slate Itryan admitted thnt the war situation "looked serious". In less than a week after this the declarations of war followed thick and fast and all Kurope was nhhir.e. If the cillens of the heleatigered Russian city nmloislood Fnglish, they might appreciate a pun on the nunc of their eliy. when It Is sugqost.-d Unit It should he chanv;tl from War saw to Sawwar. I I . ! j , KKANON l-Olt HUNTINt; liKUIt tll'MXS AI'CTST I.-,, NOT NKXT NI XHW VOKTl.ANI), July 'J.-- Notices are tielng sent out by the stale game war den's office that the deer hunting nensnn this year dors not open until August 15. which Is 1.". days Inter thrn has been cusioni;iiy for a niini tier of yours. iemy wnrdens throughout the state are being in Htructed to give nil possible publicity to tho change the opening ilate.j "The purpose is to carry on aj rjimpnlgn of prevention of law viola- NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. ' " Beginning July 1, The News will make a special rate for one year subscriptions paid in ad-. vance. If any subscribers are In arrears, these must bo paid up to July 1, 1916, at regu- lar rates which are (2.00 for the Semi-Weekly and $3.00 for the dally .by mail, and the special rate added to this for another year. This offer positively holds good only during July. Owing to the higher prices on materials, the rate made In previous years cannot be maintained, and the rates published fhere are the 4 only ones which can be accept- 4 4 ed. The special rate will be 4 4 for the Semi-Weekly $1.25 per 4 4 year and the dally $2.50 poi 4 4 year by mall; dally by carrier 4 4 $4.00. The News will be pleas- 4 4 ed to receive your renewal. tf 4 4444444444444444 Hons rather than make arrests," soys F. M, Brown, chief clerk for the state game warden. "We want 'all hunters to remember the change In dates for deer hunting made by the last legislature bo none will plan a trip before the legal season opens. The bag limit is three buck deer with horns In one year nnd It Is lawful to hunt until October 31." Carl D. Shoemaker, the game war den, Is In Canyon City today on his tH- nf Inspection. He has been out one week, having visited southern 'deer hunting. INQUEST SHOWS INEFFICIENCY 'Continued from nnge I.) to right tho ship, but seemed unalhe to take water Into the ballast tanks fast enough. Tho harbor master said he had no doubt the tanks had been pumped dry, but that the cap tain should have been able to fill them In from three to six minutes If nothing had been wrong with the ballast tank valves. Imm! Was Record Hrcakor. "I never saw the Eastland loaded FOR EXCHANGE. No. 2 C. One of the finest 25 acre farms in Douglas county. Fine view, almost all In fruit. Fine bun galow, all furnished. Only 3 miles out. This is a dandy. . Will trade for city property; Rice & Rice. 797-a3 If you oro going away on a vaca-l tlon you can rent books at special! rates at the Fiction Library. (195-s3pl IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS Says llncktulic Is Sign You Have Iloon Kilting Too Much Meat. When you wako up wlbh bnckache and dull misery In the kidney region It generally means you hnvo been enting too much meat, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter It from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed nn,! loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clcir you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing till tho body's urinous waste, else you have tiai-kache. sick headacho, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue Is coated, and when the weather is had you have rheumatic twinges. Tho mine Is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get : ore, water scalds nnd you are olilig 0,, to spok r(,,,f ,wo or ,hlvo t)nios x dining the night. hither consult a good, reliable ; physician at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of .lad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from tile acid nf grapes nnd lemon Juice, combined with lilhln. nnd has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys. ni80 to neutralise acids in the urine so It no! longer Irritates, thus ending bladder1 weakness. j Jnd Salts Is a life paver for regular j meat enters. It Is Ine-uionslvo enn-' not Injure sad makes a delightful. effervescent lilhla-water drink. OKDKIl OP MERIT FOR VON KNEUS8EL Lieut.- Qen. von Kneussel won the Order of Merit for being the first to enter the Przemysl stronghold with his Bavarian troops. He was a great aid to the Teutons in storming the fortress and probably will continue to be In the campaign In Russia. ' so heavily as It was Saturday morn Ing," said Mr. Weckler," and I have seen her depart many times. "I don't think that the Eastland should have been allowed to ca"ry more than 1200 passengers, because It did not have enough draft and stability to carry a larger load. Only last. Tuesday I told Captain Pedersen that his boat needed trimming as It wan constantly traveling on its ears. He said that the twin screws of the ship kept the Eastland on an even keel while under way. "After his arrest I heard Captain Pedersen say that he tried for sev eral minutes to trim th steamer but could not get water Into the bal last tanks fast enough. I don't be lieve Cantaln Pedersen realized the danger until the final plunge came." Mr. Lynn, assistant harbor master testified that he arrived just as the Eastland was due to start. He saw The ROSE The Homo of a Olioco lutes. French mid Piwh Ire Cream at all times. 11 ire Fiult Juice used In all our rvodim. Ijlfjht Lunches 8rved. THE ROSE The Bother of Loose, Wobhly, Chipped Lenses is Forever Overcome by "EVER-LOCT Mountings for Kyeglasses and Spectacles. They accomplish llieir purpose without holes or screws How do they do It? VERY SIMl'I.K as tenacious, as con stant In their holding power as the principle is simple. Two strong metal tongues are wedged tightly into two slots by means of "KVKR-LOCT" Killer. The application mnkes Hie grip of an "KVKRl.OCT" Mounting Ftronger by far than t.lie tens Itself. Wo have exclusive sale of KVKH-I.OCT Mountings In ltoseburg. Come In and let us demonstrate them to you. A.S.Huey Co. Live Opticians 0 V - the dangerous list of the steamer and called the police and fire depart-, ments, returning to the wharf to see passengers leaping from the decks to the river. , "I believe," said Mr. Lynn, "thati ihA ahln was nn 1h a hnttnm aft nt I midships." Few Bodies Left. Efforts to check up the total num ber of lives lost by the upsetting of the Eastland .made no progress to - day. while the list of missing grew, wmij unco uwicb pom irecuvureu Hjid divers said that probably not more than a score of victims re- more than score of victims re- malned in the ship. A contract to raise the 8teamer has been let, and the work will be begun as soon as possible. According to official lists S24 bodies now have been recovered and Identified. Unfinished 3B . BB On Hearing ''Taps" Played ia the Distance What mournful soul has rent this glorious dawn With bugle notes of death? What agony Of spirit bids him send his p.Tan out As if to chorus with those sounds ! of strife ' j Across the Hons? Is that thi) cause of I his. fits sleoplcsM'Css his bugletl meditation 1 lie close our ryes and picture. his blanched form "ramed in a window listless arm on sill - 'otil-agoiiy in eye and hollow check A'ofe. Unfinished because, as the sound drew nearer, the horn :uas discovered to be a ;hh horn, To - Our Advertisers THE Daily and Semi-Weekly News Now reaches more homes in Roseburg and Douglas County than any other paper published here or else where. It is going to people who pay for it in the great majority of cases. People who pay for their paper are as a general rule good customers and good pay. There is not a post office in the county where some copies are not taken and the list is constantly increasing It will help your business to people know what you have Try and See what regular publicicy. in will do for )'ou "it's easy enough to be pleasant When a man has all he requires If his health is all right ' His heart will be light While he's riding on Diamond Tires." Mr. Squeegee I . j j ii j.- ' A mart is a good deal like a tire, fjis greatness depends on the jq jg . . . . , ... . The really great man the leader literally has .comer, in th. contest for public approval, . Any tke Is the best tire in a crowd of inferiors. But nowadays a tire has to be extraordinary if it Is to maka and hold a record for superior service and mileage economy. It "is the extraordinary quality of Diamond Tires that bas given them their deserved pre-eminence. Send for our book of letters from dealers who ' sold Diamond Tires in 1914. j It tells how more than 99 out of every 100 of j the more than half a million Diamond Tires sold last ' year gave maximum service at minimum mileage cosu It is yours for the asking. Diamond Squeegee Tires are sold "FAIR-LISTED" PRICES ei Diamond r--n Diamond Blze Squeegee - Squeegee 30x3 $ 9.45 34 x 4 $20.35 30x354 12-20 33x4'S 28.70 32x314 14.00 37x5 33.90 33x4 20.00 33 x S;4 46.00 PAY NO MORE iIOiiji!)Wl We handle alt Kinds of kodaks and cameras. Also all kinds of films and papers. Mall order business so licked. Clark & Clark, photo sup plies and fotographers. 311-lf THERE'S DANGER IN DELAY. You should protect your ramlly by Insurance. Remember, all old line companies, the kind that pay dollar for dollar, the old familiar ones, the one of the above companies. Also HOME OF NEW YORK, the PHOE- CHICHESTER S PILLS Wj; THE DIAMOND II BAND. A mmiimi nK your jeruMLi for i Diamond II rnnjyV 1'IIU In K.-d .ml Gold n.eull(cV I)im, kcalcd with lilua Rfiiboa. T Take no otbep. Hut or your " DIAMOND liltANU IMM.H yeirs known aiIlest.Safcit.Aliravt c,iii.t. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE lllUji crowd at these : (2D NIX, the SUN, the LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE, the FIRE-. MENS' me wiAUAKA, and many oth ers that head the list. These dry times Bliould find you protected iu that automobile should be Insured. RICE & RICE, Insurance Brok ers. 739-al PICNIC. - ' Where? Sunshine ranch, T miles noreseast of Roseburg. 4 When? Anytime. Who is go- Ing Everybody. Free picnic grounds, good fishing, beautiful scenery. All welcome. 668-a23 - let these to offer The News 4& tS