I A a Half the fun is taking your own tent and living out in the open. Buy a Tent that you know is guaranteed. 7 WORKIN'O FOB COM. PLETE REUNION WiLAM ETTE RENTS are the product of SI yean experience in tnt-makiniz. Any Tent muifc ilD(i hard service in all kinds of weather. Why not get a QUALITY Tent one that will be ready for use next year and the year after. Say "WilkiMite" at rr itor sk i flee our trade mark m tke Twit. It la your (vareatm w stud behiaa n. For Mo by H UUkU htli . MS' 64 Hirsch-WeisMMnfaetarin Compamy, Makers "yWv' Formtrly Willtmelt Tnt a Awmmg Oa. VWuSa VS.' PORTLAND. OI1BGON CIT1T NEWS. Arundel, 4S-L. piano luaer. Fhoae 462-tf H. G. Kloro, a prominent Looking Glass resident Is in this city today Arundel, the piano tuner, is aire, attending lo business matters. 1 . 42-tt! Prices on Steel Ranges that you Free trial of electric irons. Phone cannot get elsewhere. A clean out 123. The Electric Store. 786-tf deal. Churchill Hardware Co. I 793-J30 J. T. Martin left this morning for his home at Eugene after a visit with friends in this city. If you are going away on a vaca tion you can rent books at special rates at the Fiction Library. 695-a2p Mrs. C. R. Besse left this morning for Portland where she will visit with friends and relatives for three weeks or a month. Mrs. A. W--Gowan, of Burns, Ore., who has been visiting with relatives In this city, left this morning for Salem where she will visit for a short time. Dr. C. R. Bloyd and wife loft to-j day for their home at Hillsboro after, a clay sjient in this city where Dr. Bloyd attended the state examination! of chiropractors. I Wm. McMullen and wife, who have been visiting in this city for a few days left tills morning for San Fran cisco where they will attend the ex . position, before returning to their hom in Kansas. S. C. Bartrum is in Medford to day, having gone there over the trail from Tiller. He was accompanied by Stat,, Engineer Cantlne and they are looking over the proposed route to Crater lake via Tiller. In yesterday 8 188 of The News it j was stated that H. H. Woods had I bought a part interest in the Rose-, bum Candy Kitchen. This, however, was a mistake, as Mr. Woods has I purcnaseu iuh euut uuwucaa I will hereafter be the sole proprietor. ' The name, of the store will soon be changed from the Roseburg Candy Kitchen to the Roseburg Confectionery. A very pretty wedding was per formed at the Trumbo home at noon today when Alma Hochstrader, of Tacoma, Wash., and Miss Virginia Trumbo, were united in marriage, Rev. W. H. Eaton officiating. Mr Hochstrader is a commercial travel ing man representing the McDonalds Candy Company. His bride Is one of Roseburg's fairest and most popu lar daughters. The happy couple loft by auto for.Sutherlln this after noon where they will meet the after noon train and will leave for their hume at Tacoma; Wash. 11,000 Insurance on a barn: Old line rate, $40.00 for 3 years; Ore gon Fire Relief $18.00 for 3 years. Glenn II. Taylor, agent, Perkins building. 783-tf FOR SAVE OR- TRADE I have three Percheron colts, all yearl ings. Will sell cheap or trade for cattle. For particulars write Har vey Taylor, Drain, Or. 792-a28p The Rev. Dr. Henry W. Temple, member of the iicnlt.v of Washington and Jefferson vi "co PcnnsylvMiU. says that. In 191:.', he was one of the four (million republicans who voted the progressive ticket. In that year Dr. Temple .was elected to congress as a progressive, from the 24th Pennsylvania district. I" a re cent letter to a republican friend Dr. Temple describes the progres sive movement aa "not a revolt against republican principles. It was he adds, "in part a protest against certain abuses that had crept Into the old organization and In part a movement to add to the older repub llcan principles certain new policies which would bring about better so cial and Industrial conditions." Continuing, Dr. Temple says: "Many republicans who believe pre cisely as we believe stayed In the old party and endeavored to correct Its abuses and to work such changes as would bring the progressives back to the republican ranks. A - number of the progressives die go back at the election of 1914, be cause they were dissatisfied with ex isting Industrial conditions, and many more in Pennsylvania are going back now because the republican party In this state has already enacted into law several of the more Important policies called for by the progressive platform of 1912. "The .republican party needs our votes; It is Inviting us to come back, and, it seems to me. Is ready to come half way to meet us. With conditions as they are, I am pleased to see thiB movement. I am con vinced that there Is nothing more important in American politics than the reunion of these two parties be fore 1916, and I Intend to do what I can with propriety to bring about that reunion." This Is a symptomatic statement. While there may be a few men who held important positions in the pro gressive party who still believe In the vitality of this movement and who will persist in keeping up an organization whose weakness grows moro ovldenf from day to day, the grent bulk of progressive leaders and of the progressive rank and file are back in the republican party, and, like Dr. Temple, are doing what they' can to bring about complete reunion of the men who differed in 1912, and those differences brought upon the country its withering weight of democratic woe. Democrats who recall the days of the last nrelvous democratic admin istration and tbe Wilson tariff bill are not disconcerted by a littlo tiling like a .treasury deficit, whether it be $37,000,000 o r $57,000,000. They know that a treasury deficit is the ordinary accomplishment of a democratic administration and a democratic tariff law. Of course Mr. Bryan's motto Is not "Pence at any price". That Is, if referent is had to .peace in the democratic party. John Skelton Williams threw out I T' S hi R OUGHDRY Will Be List Prices From This Day on.May 27th Roseburg Steam Laundry ''SA.VE YOUR HANDS'' i 11 HERE'S ONE GERMAN .ENGLISH PEOPLE IOVE. m mmtm.mimjvMwMKLjwwmtmiiwtnm m TA f I) ll u n ..3 (II RKV. OERTKUDS VON PBTZ OLD, NATIVE Of GERMANY, PASTOR Or THE UNITARIAN. CHURCH IN BIRMINGHAM, .ENGLAND, AND ORBATLY BE LOVED BT HER FLOCK. a dragnet the other day and brought a dozen bank examiners in to Wash ington, where he made a speech to them. He told them that, under the federal reserve system It Is practic ally impossible for a member bank to fail if operated within the l.w and with ordinary prudence And common sense. But why "under the federal reserve system" especially? A hank which is honestly and pru dently conducted cannot fall under any Bystem. CITY NEWd. . . ' a When you build your house have Strong, the Furniture Man, tell you what your window shades -should cost. 795-J30 The funeral of the late Geo. S. Fra- zier was hel dat the chapel of the Soldiers Home at 10 o'clock- -Mils morning. The chapel was well filled with friends and relatives and the floral offerings were many nndj)eau- tlful. -The services were conducted by R. E. .lope, of the .Christian church, asslsjed by Rev. Jeffrey, of the Methodist church: Interment took place In the Home cemetery. ; . ' 'l ; :. nig dance at . Dixonville Friday nlKht. July 30." Dance and 'supper $1.00. w.;. J...:.(iv.''" i;736-J30 Ovy Acetylene Welding New projeess oft welding Iron, cast iron and ansinvnm? ah worn guar anteed and Trigs "are reoBdriablo. ' G. L. Prior, 230 W.'"G((k eteeet. . 'V- Sc$e milk Infant9 and Invalids HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK The Food-Drink for all Ages Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, invalids tmi growing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding lie whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers tod the aged. Mora healthful than tea or coffee. Union you say "HORUOITS" you may got a substitute Let "Kelly" Do Your Moving, Hauling and Transferring The French Transfer Company Phone 220 (MIL, UU Meats of QUALITY Extra care is given to the selection of our meats with the result that none but the most tender cuts go toour customers Roseburg Sanitary Market Newhard Bros. Cass Street mm PURE-FOOD Jim SOME OF rS. Ml SPECIALS Fresh Cream and Milk on Ice High Test California Redlands "Rose" Brand Oranges and bright Florida Grape Fruit, Everything the market affords in vegetables, fresh every morning The Bee Hive Grocery Phone 91 NEWPORT Oregon's Popular Beach Resort An Ideal outdoor retreat. Hunting, fishing, boating, surf-bathing, etc. Interesting visiting points in the neighborhood. .Convenient camping grounds, electrle light, pure water., . Low Season and Week-End Round Trip Excursion Fares Two luily Trains From Albany Ask for Illustrated folder "Newport" giving list of hotels, rates, eto A visit to tbe Two World Expositions at San Francisco and San Diego Is , . r an event of a llfo-tlmo and one you cannot afford to miss Special Fares In July to San Francisco, Los Angol : and San Diego on certain dittos. IXNV KOUN'l) THIP FAKES DAIIA" , with stop-overs In either direction .. 4 flno trains dully lu ouch direction STOP-OVKItS AT EXPOSITIONS :. .. . All tickets to the Rust via California ' permit stop-overs nt San Francisco and Los Angeles to see the Exposi tions. Ask nearest agent for "California anil Its Two World Expositions" nd "Way Side Notes Shasta Eouto." SOUTHERN PACIFIC ' John M. Scott, O'nmil Piuso iK'i' Acut, I'ortlnnd, Oregon. Cooling Wash Stops Tlial Itch Tea not In half flit hour not In ten minutes but la 6 seconds. Just a few drops of that mild, sooth ing, cooling WQBh, the 1). D. D. lro Kcription, the famous ouro for Kcrema, and the Itch Is gone. Tour burning skin Is instantly relieved end you have ab solute protection, from all summer akin troubles. V?t can irlve you & good sit trial bottle of the genuine E. D. JJt, Prescription for only 26 cents. Don't fall to try this famous remedy for any kind of summer skin trouble wo know t. D. V, will give you Instant relief TfoWEST SIDE GROCERY WKIIAVR A T.AHOK LINK OK STAIM.K AXI1 KANCV (iltO- kihi:h am Tii i: i'Uicicm a iik iikjiit. hi.iivici'. imiomi'T ANIiCOIMIlKOI.'M. WK DKI.IVI'.lMiOOlmWIIKN YOII HAY Villi WANT TIIKM. MPT IIOl lW APTKIt YIU M'.KII Til KM. WK A IIK IIKUKTONKIIVK YUU AND WK8UIIVK YOU ItldHT I'honp Tw-.Nlne DOWELL & BENEDICK Wint MEAT IN TIIK COXVKIWATIO.V Is always of prime Impor tance. There's meat In all our talk. Telephone orders receive our prompt and careful. attention. Just say what you want, how much and when you want It and he rany about tho rest. No extra charg. CAHH STItEKT MARKET Phone 10. V I