The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 28, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Increasing acre yields the Gold Medal Alfalfa.
A billion dollars or so added in crop
returns through Improved alfalfa and
fertilized crops as a topic of interest
to the agricultural commission of the
American Bankers' Association kept
farm home bathrooms and kitchen
conveniences still in second place.
Chairman B. F. Harris said: "We
will always remomher that farming
is a life as well as an industry and
business. Let us, however, remember
that effort nnd money spent in this
causo of better furm life will be the
most marvelous earning asset of a
magnificent future. We are realizing
moro and more the necessity of in
creasing acre yields."
A sheaf of gold medal alfalfa that
weighed thirty-two pounds, winner
of first awards, showed what scien
tific methods had done and could do.
The dado supplied to Swift & Com
pany revealed benefits uf alfalfa to
the soil and of fertilizers to the
crops which gave promise of new
farm wealth reaching the billion dol
lar mark.
The "best nlfaifa in the world"
was grown by the Schwartz Brothers
of Waukesha, Wis., who offered to
tell any banker or farm owner how
they have increased f,arm comforts,
profits and crops by the scientific
methods advocated by the bankers.
Chairman Harris pointed out that
it is only in recent years that the
people, including a largo percentage
of farmers, have begun seriously to
appreciate the dominating and the
newer and lurger possibilities of
s r
1 -6)
agriculture. "Despite our tremendous
industrial development," he said,
"and the 'trend to town' nothing
but our great food supply which
warriors as well as oeace makers
needed could have turned recent
international cash demands on us
into balances in our favor."
Kov. and Airs. Rumme'il mid lit
tle sou, l'uul, of Wilbur, have pitched
their tont nwir the river and will
enjoy ail outing of several weeks
among tliuir friends here.
Soma ono carelessly tossed a burn
ing cigar or clguretto Blub from a
passing automobile Thursday even
ing, sotting fire to tho dry gruss op
posite tho Miller homo. Mrs nor
noticed tho smoke and started an in
vestigation which Immediately result
ed In a hurry call for all hands nnd
tho neighbors to form n quick-action
flro brlgado, mid the flumes were
soon under control. Koiiunately,
tho blnzo wiiH discovered In time to
prevent Us gaining grout headway or
reaching the barns on that side of the
road. Otherwise, much dumnge would
hnvo resulted.
I Mr. nnd Mrs. Fnncber spent
Thursday afternoon In Kosoburg.
! Vlvlnn Buell visited her cousin,
! Eva Rico, In Itoneburg alst Thursday
and Frldny. 1
Floyd l.nmb has gone to Klamath
county on a prospecting trip.
Mrs. Neeley and Mr. and Mrs. Alli
son, of Hosoburg, Bpent iSalnuay
visiting old tlmo friends here.
Mrs. W. Ij. Cobb nnd children re
turned to Roseburg Sunday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Parker buvo moved
In from tho ranch nnd now occupy
tho Walker cottage.
Mrs. O. W. Oage nnd dniightcr.
Gladys, of Roseburg, spent Sunday
with- nlllnrd friends.
Mr. Walter Outrhlo has returned
to California nlefr n protracted visit
with friends In tills vicinity.
Mr. P. II. Ulnck motored out from
Hosoburg and attended service hero
Roseburg Confectionery
. . WOODS. Prop.
Cass and Stevens Streets
Sunday evening. He found a passen
ger to accompany him In his side
car on the return trip.
The church Is being treated with
a frosh coat of paint this week,
which will greatly improve its ap
pearance. .
Rev. U. B. Bowers held two ser
vices htero Sunday, , ipronchlng Vs
farewell sermon to a large congre
gation in the evening. With his
family, he expects to leave -addle for
his former home In Tennessee next
veek. His many frlnds, w!il'.- re
gretting his departure, sincerely
vlsh for him and his n hearty God
speed. Messrs. S. C. and Floyd Miller,
Campbell nnd Hubbard returned Sat
urday from their i,uU-mile nuto trip
" Ilh W. L. Cobb nnd others, of Koso
burg. They wore gone just a week
and besides traveling the entire
length of Douglas county, going and
coming, Ibelr rout took them
through Lane, Crook, Klamath,
.Tnekson nnd Josephine counties.
Tho tourists express " much satisfac
tion with their excursion, but were
travel-worn and weary when they
reached home.
Tho treasurer of the United States.
Save The Baby
Use the reliable
Waited FV2ilk
UpbuiUls ev?ry part of the body efficiently.
Knilorsed by thousands of Physicians,
Muiheis anil Nursi-s the world over for
more than a quarter of a century.
Convenient, no cooking nor additional
milk required. Sinpty dissolve in watrr.
Agrers when other foods often fuil.
Sample frte, HCRUCK'S, Racine, Wit.
g3JCTNo SubstHuto ls"JustnsGood"
as HORLICK'S, the Original
I ""'XJ;Hl St KtJ'
i i m
VADscrt, r-i:.iu v,
i:. lt)N, While,
rr.rrrr. rrAiu-itv t rw, p... m Kt tK
who passed through Dillard last
week, was known by his democratic
sdmirerB as "HonCBt John Burke
when he was Just a plain, ordinary,
attorney-at-law and a fellow towns
man of the writer, a aecade ago.
Then occurred a split in the'oppoB
Ing political praty and other favor
able conditions that made Hiirko
governor of the state. ie made good
and was twice re-elected, serving for
a period of bIx years. For secriric
Ing a possible chance of becoming
the presidential nominee himself by
Bwinging his North Knkota delega
tion Into line for Woodrow Wilson,
at the nnltlmore convention in 1912,
and holding them there from start to
finish, he was rewarded with an ap
pointment to his present office, and
Is now tho custodian of our nation's
coffers. Thus, another Instance is
afforded of that almost Incredibly
rapid intension from obscurity to
prominence so often found the
record of American politics.
tiffs win' apply to the Court for the that plaintiffs b. . put into .mniediata-
relief demanded in said complaint, a possession ui
succinct statement of which is as fol
lii..irrs n,-.,v rnr cBneral relief.
This Summons Is published in the
Umpqua Valley News, a newspoper
of Roseburg, Douglas Cnjnity. Ore
gon, by order of Honorable R. W.
Marctcrs, County'Judge of Douglas
County, Oregon, made and dated
July 10th, 1915. The dato of the
thirty days or such reasonable tims, publication of this summons is
as may be fixed by the Court, the Ju)v 520,, 1915, and ths dato. of th9
person entitled thereupon to receive i1ast plication hereof Is August
from plaintiffs a deed of convfyancoj 23rd, 1916.
of certain real property In Douglas l;' KDDY,
County, Oregon, described as fol-.
lowsi for a decree of strict foreclos
ure against you requiring payment
of tho sum of N'Ine Hundred
($900.00) Dollars with Interest
thereon at six per cent per annum
from January 6th, 1914, until paid;
tbnt said payment be made within
FOR SALE A first class, second
hand furnace. Churchill IHard-j
ware Co. 793-J30
FOR SALE OR TRADE 300 acres!
In Klnmath county, Oregon, wlthj
h"esflnd cattle; 40 acres in nl-(
falfa, 160 In . cultivatioh and !a
hlph, reservoir. For parcltulars ad-j
dress owner, J. W. Richardson, Lo-j
f'nmath contuy, Oregton. I
lows, to-wlt:
Lots Four (4) and Five (5) of
Block Two (2), Gleugary Fruit;
Lands, Douglas County, Oregon, as;
the same appears upon the plat of;
said lands of record In the office of j
the County Clerk of said County;
also that part of Lot Three (3) in;
said Glengary Fruit Lands described j
as follows: Beginning at the North-;
cast corner of said Lot 3 and running;
thence South along the East line of:
said Lot 3 to the Southeast corner of,
said Lot .thence Northwesterly along;
the line of public road to a point in
the South line of said Lot 3, 178 feet;
Northwesterly from the Southeast j
corner of said Lot, thence Northeast-,
erly on a direct line to the North-j
east corner of said Lot, as required!
by a written agreement entered Into;
between plaintiffs and .1. E. Johnson I
under date of January Cth, 1912, youj
having succeeded to some Interest or
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Sn the County Cdurt of the State
of Oregon for Douglas county.
In the matter of Vhe Estate of
George H. Emerson, deceased, In Ore
gon. Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator with will
annexed of the etsate of George II.
EmerBon, deceased in Oregon, ihns
filed in the above named court, his
account In final settlement thereof,
and the court by order duly made
and entered on the Journal theerof, !
has fixed Tuesday, the 31st day of
August, 1915, at 10 o'clock a. m
for hearing objections, if any, to Baid 1
final account and tho settlement of
fetid estate. !
Dated this 23rd day of July, 1915.
Administrator with will annexed of
the estate of George H. Emerson,
deceased. 7S0-a2J
My Bid for Ycur
claim under said agreement. And! QualltJ. Eyeglasses peifectly fitted.
In default of such payment wiinm gir wiuiani Crooks lens for bright
said, time plaintiffs pray that they
ba adjudged to be the absolute own
ers of said premises and entitled;
to Immediate. possession thereof, nndj
that you and all other defendants;
above named be adjudged to have
no right, title or Interest at law or
in equity therein, and that all right,
title and Interest which you have
heretofore had or claimed therein be
forever barred and foreclosed and
Dr. B. H. Whltmcr
ICyi sit;l.l Specialist,
Suite 31 1 1'crkius Illds.
Take Klevjitor. f
the undersigned has been duly ap
pointed by the County Court of tho
State of Oregon, for Douglas County
as administrator of the estate of Da
vid Thomas, deceased. 11 persons
having cln!ni3 against said estate are
hereby requested to present the same
to me, verified as required by law.
at the office of Buchanan & Porter,
Roseburg, Oregon, wilhin six month:
from this dnto.
Dated this 30th day of Jun.-, 1915.
Administrator of the estate of David
Thomas, deceased. C93-iy29
This May Jar the Public But
It Is a Good Jar at That
Wheo canning fru.t use the Mason or
Economy jars. We cany a full line
of all sizes of each.
, The Square Deal Grocers
Cor Lane and Sheridan ' Phjne 103
In the County Court of the State,
of Oregon for Douglas County. j
In tho matter of the Estate of
Tabi'Jila Fordney, Deceased..
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned Executor of the above!
named estate has filed in the above!
entitled Court his account in final,
settlement thereof, and the Court by ;
order duly made and entered on the;
Journal thereof has fixed Thursday, j
the 26tn day or August, lHlii, at
10 o'clock, a. m., for hearing ob
jections, if any there be, to the said
final account nnd the settlement of
said estate.
Executor of the Estate of Tablthla
Fordney, Deceased. sw-746-al2
Douglas County Creamery Products
Fancy Creamery Butter and Ice Cream
Every spoonful goes down
with unfailing delight. It is
the same cream we'veN sold
you for years. The quality
and flavor is absolutely u -exceijjd.
There's !no .(pos
sibility of producing better
at double our prices because
we buy the best ingredients
and make it ourselves.
Prompt Attention Given Outcf Town Orders
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Douglas County. j
E. L. Giles, S. C. Miller, George E. j
Ilouck, W. L. Cobb, W. S. Hamil
ton and Thomas Cobb, Plaintiffs, I
E. L. Westfall, J. H. Kerr, R. Ranch,
J. J. Betts, H. E. Ferchcn and J.
K Johnson, Defendants.
To R. Ranch and II. E. Ferchen, two
of the defendants above named:
OF OREGON, you are hereby requir
ed to appear and answer to plain
tiff's complaint against you now on
file In tho above named court and
cruise on or before tho Inst day of
the time prescribed In the order for
publication of this summons, to-wlt.
on or before the 23rd day of Aug
i"st. 1915. said date being the expira
tion of six werks from the dato of
the first publication of this sum
mons, the time prescribed for publi
cation being once a week for six
weeks. J
And If you fall so to appear andj
answer, for want thereof the plnln-l
G0;to the;ro yal bakery
We give "Scrip" with every purchase '
WM. PARKFP, Prop. :: 110 JACKSON ST.
Let Us Estimate Your Work
All the pleasure gained through cheap prices vanishes with
cleap materials nnd workmanship.
Get Your Work Done By Us
We guarantee all Materials and Wormanslilp. The work we do;
the materials we furnish; th6 pricP3 we charge a g,ve Btttsfac.
Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co.
Res. Phone 64-J. C. W. Hughes, Prop. 220 W Osk. Phone 161