The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 23, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    Just Arrived A Big Carload Lot of
We get our machines direct from the factories
and always have the lates"t machines made "
Implements and Vehicles
tetterGroceries TUT V ACH CTHD E Better Groceries
For Less Honey 1 11C IV A Jll J I UKE For Less Money
Kraut, per can 10 cents
Peaches, 2 cans for 25 cents
Dried Peaches, per pound 7 J cents
Prunes, per pound 5 cents .
Seasonable Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.
liElthat a dollar-
in the Bank.
is worth two
In your pocket'
With whom would you rather associate,
the man with the bank account, or the
man without one? Think it over.
Saving signifies character, and how much
you have in the bank is not so important
as the fact that you do save and have a
bank account. That's the guage mtn are
measured by for big jobs ..and important
positions that often start them on the
road to fortune. Begin with $1.00.
Roseburg National Bank
Roseburg, Oregon
fi ? H Tears the Old RellaMe, lanreiUf Hint- liome uioin oN.
wimJ.l L-f y"knl watch; heavy enough t ooil a ln mm On ot rtoth It
lZlaJ! '"" l chcoe doth U beat nil cheapest
!a.TOri :iHH?" bs,utcl"",!TCI'l"n"'i"'l'on U metal surfaces. Indoors and out.
v&iil" ' Krnroinr.MmpInctth(.D!rtlTnrT of n!-.lto
W linlN.lV 7er!"lr1b.7" in J-u. bollli-i: luc (1 iU. 25c (J o..). 50c in, S Wnt lor
4Ums'. Also in oatcnln! londr Oi Can. 55c C.1K m V
d-in-unb W h w W M F" A. N Y
IUIIIl - n A .
Roseburg JL eC. ki
T V)
Third Message
To the Business Men of Roseburg
Priftpiity ami Uunl pinlo nre twins. They ate born at the same time wd grow
up tugc-ilicr, Kntluisusui !r the h ine town is ureal thinjt for lm-al business
men. On.p develop.!, this feeling shows direct returns in more pulrs anil bigger
Have you over seen a shabby town proud, or prosperous? Good paint Is
(xiwtiful .tutu, in keeping piui-tcrtiy atiei a community has won it
We sell ami lei-oniineiiJ
Selby White Lead
(Dutch Boy Painter Trade Mark)
as the base t ' quality-Ami" paint. Put Borne "lead-and-oil" paint to work for
.Too and your business. Call us up. We sell all good painting rtqutaitttv
burg. They each carried a roll of
blankets, their canteen of water, I
haversack of provisions, and other
equipment. They expressed them-i
selves as having immensely enjoyed
their tbica days in camp, and said
that they hoped to repeat the pleas-!
ure some time. next month.
Dr. A. C True.
Dr. A. C. True of the U. S depart
ment of agriculture is the chief of
il. l.nma., nf Ihn ctntna rplutinn
i I service, which will take over the work
of farmers co-operative demonstra
tions, agricultural schools, farmers'
institutes and the maintenance of
agricultural stations in Alaska, Ha
waii, Porto Rico and Guam.
SM-nd Three Days on the North Ump
quu at the Wood Ilituch.
Monday about noon a little com
pany of the Roseburg Boy Scouts,
In charge of Assistant Scout Master
James Hamilton, arrived at the Wood
rannU on the North Umpqua. The
boys were tired and dusty, and the
excessive heat of the day had sorely
tested their endurance. They pitch
ed a camp under the shade of an
old oak near the river banks, and
then proceeded to get dinner in regti
latlon style. The afternoon was
spend In arranging their camp. They
were provided with "dog" tents, kind
ly lonned to them by Captani Bu
chanan, of the 4tti company of coast
artillery, O. N. 'O, A flag staff was
set, and soon the national colors
were floating over the camp, much
to the pleasure of all passersby.
Each morning from eight to 11 o'
clock regular work and drill was en
gaged In. This consisted of signalling,
tramps through the hills for endur
ance tests, as well as meeting the re
quirements of the forced march or
der, In which the boys make a mile
in 12 minutes. Part of the after
noon was occupied in scouting, map
making and other requirements. The
best of order and discipline was main
tained. The boys wore rigidly held
to gentlemanly conduct, even to their
languago.'and no expressions of pro
fanity were allowed. Each after
noon at four o'clock tho boys put
on their bathing suits and enjoyed a
plunge In the river. Every morning
at five thirty o'clock the Inspiring
notes of the revello awoke hhe
youngsters and Btartod them ou their
day's work and piny.
The first night they slpet in their
tents without any sort of substitute
for p.-! esses, an'; :.'.e exierlonce was
pretty tough. The noxt night, hav
ing provided th9'ti3o!v-!i with ail
abundance of ,!;! . bright straw
from the farm, thev en'oyeu a sleep
that made up tor what they lost on
the first nlgir. Wednesday evening
the camp w'.i vHlt'M by Mr. mid
Mrs. Wood, wu- took along with them
a qunntlty o' delicious peaches fcr
the young scouts, and tho fruit was
thoroughly enjoyed by all. Thurs
day morning at five o'clock the scouts
broke camp and started for Uose-
On our return home from Port
land last Thursday the editor of
the Tribune stopped off for the day
in Roseburg and aside from attend
ing to business matters took occas
ion to converse with some of the
business men and to note the busi
ness activity and general air of pros-!
perity "everywhere evident In the
thriving county seat city. While
business is not at Its usual normal
stage In Roseburg at present it Is
evident to the observer Hint the city
is In a much more prosperous and
progressive condition today than
many of the more pretentious towns
of the Willamette valley and about
Portland. The citizens of Roseburg
are quite optimistic of the bright fu
ture in store for their city, and they
are enterprising and progreslve as
evidenced in the big majority of 8
1 in the recent bonding election to
further the promotion of the KendaM
Bros, large milling and railroad
building activity soon to begin there.
The citizens of Roseburg ihave faith
in their town, faith In Douglas ocun
ty as a whole, and are ever eager
and willing to asist In a substantial
manner any enterprise that will de
velop the rich timber, mineral and
agricultural resources thereof.
Mrs. C. Manning left this morning
for Wilbur where she will visit for
a short time.
notice to coirrnAcroits.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the county
clerk up to 12 o'clock M, July 21st
1915, for the construction and lm
provement of a county road in Road
District No. 16 Camas Valley, Doug
las County, Oregon, according to the
plans, profile and specifications on
file with the county clerk. Bidders
will be required to deposit a certifi
ed check equal to 5 per cent of bid,
The Court reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
Dated this 7th day of July, 1915.
sw-719-Jy22 County Clerk
Ovy Acetylene Welding
New process of welding Iron, cast
ron and aluminum. All work guar
anteed and prices are reasonable. O.
L. Prior, 230 "W, Oak street.
Mayor Cured;
Skin Cleared
By D. D. D.
Mayor Chnpman of Ellin, Kansas,
courteously euys he will answur any
lettors written hl:n relative to his truly
marvelous caro of skin trouble wltii
tho D. D. P. Prescription.
Mayor Chnpman wrltos: "I think
how I Buffered lust winter, how I could
(3o no work. I wait covered with ter
rible blotches, sor.'.ollnies weopinff wa
ter, sometimes wor.-e. blotches some
times 10 inches in diameter. FEAUFPti
ITCHING. ' It was only nccidentclly
that I learned of the famoas ppecif.a
1). D. D. I write this in all p-atitudo
for what D. D. D. has done- for me."
Results from tho use of P. D. D.
n-e immediate. Tho ttvft, soft, cool
touch nnd the Itrh In pr:ic!
i'tinples. rashes, dan-lmff, disappear
over night. Hard cruets nnd scales,
law sorehlnsr sores, unit rhoum, totter,
no form of skin disensa reals tn.
All drupel; -tv have this famous
Brreiflc on ham:.
If you will como tn us wo will poll
you tho first bottle on tho cuarantee
that ft will reach your case or your
nionev refunded. You alone to Judire.
Ask rilso abmit D. D. D. Skin Soap, best
for tender skin.
H. C. Scnmnion Gets Quick !!tllcf
From Uso of Mnyr's Wonder
ful lteiiiody.
H. C. Scammon, of 209 Sherman
street, Portland, was a victim of
stomach troubles. He tried many
treatments with but llttlo promise of
successful results.
At Inst be tried Mayr's Wonder
ful Stomach Reiuody and got quick
relief. Iu ordorlni? the ro'uc-dy af
ter taking the first dose ho wrote:
"I took the sample treatment and
will say It helped mo more than
anything else I hive over tried and
I want the full treatment liitmrdl
ately. I have had several person!!
send for the treatment already."
The quickness with which It prov
ed itself to Mr. Scammon Is one of
the great merits of the remedy. The
first dose proves no long treatment.
It Is known everywhere. Thousands
have tried the remedy and now praise
Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Rem
edy clears the digestive tract of
mucoid accretions and removes
poisonous matter. It brings swift
relief to sufferers from ailments of
tho stomach, liver and bowel.i Many
say that It has saved them from dan
gerous operations and many 1e?lare
that it has saved their lives.
Because of the romnrkablo suc
cess of this remedy there aro main
imitators, so be cautious. Be sure it's
MAYR'S. Go to Marsters Drug Co
and ask about the wonderful result
it' has been accomplishing among peo
ple they know or send to Geo. II.
Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 154-156 Whit
ing St., Chicago, 111., for free book on
stomach ailments and many grateful
letters from people who have been
restored. Any druggist can tell you
the wonderful effects.
You Are Going the Wrong Way
if your steps are not pointed In this direction when you start
out in search of lumber. Better see that you face about.
For You Connot Find Lumber
like ours anywhere else at anything like our prices. Match
the quality and you pay more. Match our prices and you
get a lower quality.
Hargreaves Door & Lumber Co.
Local Manufacturers of Building Material
Phone 326
mmm The
M 909 R -MJI
ret of a Good i' irnzrc
Hundred-! a" t'-r -:nr:iN ct VPTTien
n-joiie ,Jmt:ieru fur V.tu rcfisun t!i::i c Vy rerun!
.-try iih il corar'. It stl " .Tt-i V.w hunt nnd back
the ftar-.ire the youthful out:;ni! f;i.:.ic:i decrees.
'IlIM f ore the daintiest, rioetservlecnble
BnACCiCo't J stnnre, V:: ! ill : i", a flexible ot
BRAoJlhRLJ insorTP;,tdTirnbility aLwolutely
riwtie.ti pcr.uiltiii(f luiiuderiiiff without removal.
They rome In nil Htyles, and your lornl Dry Goods dealer
will show them tnymi on renue-tL irbiilnt"nntearrv then.
b run enily aret them f-rvmi bv writbi to u. Send U-r
an ill us tru ted booklet showing styles tlmt arc li high favor.
60 Warren Street Newark, N. J.
f Roseburg i i
.4 ' &
Tires That Fell
Looked Like Goodyearsat the Start
Don't trust looks in buying
tires. Great tires and skimped
tires, in plain treads, look about
alike. The vast differences are
- hidden.
The Goodyear extras on our
output this year will cost us
$1,635,000. That's for five
great features used by no one
else, and (or other features com
monly employed. Yet you can
not see them.
In addition, it costs us
$1,000,000 to make our All
Weather tread double-thick.
That means deep, enduring
grips. Yet dozens of regular
treads, with shallow designs,
pass for anti-skids.
Don't buy
a tire on
snap judg
ment. He
may have
Fortified Tires
No-Rim. Cut Tir,-"On.Air" Cuml
With All. Wa.Uier Traada or Smooth
had rare luck. Better trust the
seasoned judgment of motor
ists in general. Goodyear tires
outsell any other after 16 years.
And this year theirgoodrepute
is adding 50 to our users.
Goodyear values are impos
siblewithout the Goodyearout
put. Despite our extras, our
price reductions in two years
have totaled 45$. This year's
prereduction saves our users
about $5,000,000.
Every Goodyear extra
means more mileage on the
average. It means less trouble,
less expense to you, else we
would omit it. But you cannot
get those features without buy
ing Good
year tires.
Five of them
are found in
only. Any
dealer will
supply you.'
Goodyear Service Stations
Tires in Stock
G. W. Burnett and S. B. Crouch, Roseburg, Oregon
Grant Riddle Garage, Riddle, Oregon
Message No
To the Business Men of Roseburg
A young doctor, making a start in a small town, decided that to be prosperous
he must look prosperous. He bought a new buggy and two good horses. Although
he had only a few patients he always kept on the jump, attending to his patients
smallest needs. People began to notice this young doctor driving about town
and they called him because he looked busy and prosperous. He got his start
a start that led to a comfortable practice.
Our town, like this doctor, must look prosperous to be prosperous.
Clean streets, attractive store windows, well-painted buildings and dwellings
give the prosperous air.. Well-painted buildings are greatest of these,
Seiby White Lead
, (Dutch Boy Painter Trade Mark)
and pure linseed oil make a moat durable and protective paint that keeps buildings
well painted. These materials cn be mixed to suit conditions and tinted any
color desired. We sell these good-paint ingredients as well as other paint neces
saries. Better get in touch witk us in the interests of prosperity.
ii mm i -ma,jrittxsi2sir 11