The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 23, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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fvdif'rs and Publishers. ;
Sulwcriplion Itntcu Dally
Per year, by mall .$3.00
Per month, dolivered .CO
Per year 2.00
eu uionths ; 1.00
wintered as second-claBS matter
November 5, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore.,
under act of March 3, 1879.
Thoro in no use to try and under
estimate the deep undercurrent of
resentment Unit Is felt by the ma
jority of the citizens of this place
against the men who are responsible
Tor the obstructionist tactics now
under way, and launched at the pro
position whicn has been overwhelm
ingly endorsed by the taxpayers,
. we'll as ipoused by the citizenship
generally. While In a great many
cases the Indignation is outspoken
and vituperative, the, strongest ele
ment is that which does not say muoh,
but tlffnks hard and. deep. There are
men in business here, and men with
other interests, who will foel thlB fnr
years to come. If this feeling were
' directed against men who In the past
lnul been In the front line of citi
zens who stood for advancement of
tiholr home town, The News would
feel that some leniency might be
shown, some forebearance exhibited
for past deeds, but the records of
noarly every one connected with this
affair Bhow that they have boon the
relentless opponent of every move
that has been made to advance this
city, when such progression would
touch tlielr pocket in the nature of
tnxes. It is not true, as hns been
said, that because most of them have
enough and do not care lo put forth
exertions to get more, they are op
posed to the advancedment of the
city along the path of commercial
prosperity. ' None of thorn have
enough, nono of them will ever have
enough, and as long as tlliey ran suck
it out of the rest of the community
without costing them anything extra,
they will continue to grasp It. Tnka
the history of Hosoburg for the pant
ten years, or longer, and see what
these men and their cotorle like them
hnve done to advance the city to Its
present stage. If It had been left to
them and ttheir kind, would there be
any of the twelve miles of paved
streets? No, we would have been
wallowing through tho black mud and
tripping on wooden sidewalks to this
vory day. Along with the great ma
jority of the citizens of Roseburg,
Tho News has little Bympnthy for
those obstructionists, In the deserved
resontment that Is steadily gaining
ground day by day against them per
sonally and their tactics.
Beginning July 1, The News
will make a special rate for one
year subscriptions paid in ad
vance. If any subscribers are
in arrears, these must be paid
up to July 1, 1916, at regu
lar rates which are $2.00 for the
Seml-WeoTtly and $3.00 for the
dally by mall, and the special
rate added to this for another
year. This offer positively holds
good only during July. Owing to
the higher prices on materials,
the rate made In previous years
cannot be maintained, and the
rales published here are he
only ones which can be accept
ed. The special rate will he
for the Semi-Weekly $1.25 per
yenr and the dnily $2.50 per
year by mail; dally by carrier
$4.00. The News will be pleas.
Correspondence cards lu all of j VH IH WHO IV KOSKHITK
tho latest fashionable sizes and
shapes with gold edges nnd with en
velopes to match, at the Central
Pharmacy. Prices very reasonable.
Remember the place-the Central,
corner Jackson and Cass streets,
Roseburg, Ore. 766-tf
ed to receive your renewal.
mors of dynamite plots have kepi
the police alert, but up to u late
hour there has been no rencwul of
the bloody fighting which mai lied the
Standard Oil employes striks yester
day. Special dqputles patrolled a
"deadline" drawn five hundred yirds
from the wall about the oil plant.
Strikers and their sympathisers pac
ed up and down the other side of
the line, but no Bhots have been fired
Blnce early this morning. Tho sherir?
telephoned ten of the nearby cltieB
requesting on addition to the police
force to aid the local police. Jf this
request Is complied with, ho will have
100 additional uniformed nion on
It was a grueBome Bight that was
,preented on the main corners of the
city last night, the swaying forms of
two men hanging high between two
telephone poles on the opposlto sides
of the street. If there were any lat
arrivals on the Pacific highway, they
must have had a sudden shock, so
lifelike nnd natural wore the ertlgles
hanging there. This Is renlly all
wrong, It gives to our city the aspect
of a mining camp, but it was comic
al nevertheless and afforded consid
erable nmusement to a lot of the ris
ing generation, as well as giving
them a practical lesson for their fu
ture conduct as good citizens.
The Germans have captured Tiikcm
from th0 Russians. If there are any
villages by. tho immo of Gottoin and
Koopuni In that region, 11 can be
safely asserted t liny will meet the
same fate.
llow a successful campaign will
set the bees buzzing. It Is report
ed that ehe recently elected mayor
of Chicago says he Is a recentlve can
didate for tho republican nomination
for president next yenr.
By Fayriland, of Paris.
Roman striped taffeta dreja with a
wide sutin sash and a bertha of
cream colored valcncien lace. The
sleeves are of the snmo material and
the dress is finished in tho new tmuu
inir stitch
CI.KVKI.AN1). Ohio, July 3.-Th
local federal nfiii-luls, upon orders
from WiishliiKlnn. notified the Peer
leas tmd White automobiles cotn
panles, nod the American 'lei I wire
company, of an ulleged pint to dy
namite the plants. All ttnxe mm
panics have !c,m manufacturing mo
nitions. Guards have been thrown
about all tthe pLuiti. Twelve thous
ands men are engare-l In the plants,
nil of which ,ue engaged In getting
out hugo wnr or.lers.
MAYOXNR. N. J , July 23. Ru-
Tlic best all-round Family
Sewing Machine that can be
produced. Made in both 1 vo
tary and Vibratory styles.
The Rotary makes both
Lock and Chain stitch. The
latest up to the minute steel
iuraciimonts with eacn ma-i
chine. Sold on easy pny
ments. Send name and ad
dress for our beautiful 11 T
Catalogue free.
White Sewing Machine Co I
1-1 GO Market St. j
vm "Francisco. California j
We handle nil Rinfl of Kodak I
and cameras. Also all kinds of film I
and papers. Mnll order business so '
llclted. Clark & Clark, photo sup-1
plies and fotographers. Sll-tt
Tuko KalU at First Sign of Illad
iler Irritation Or
Tihe Amerlcun men nnd women
must guard constantly against Kid
ney trouble, because we eat too much
and all our food is rich. Our blood
Ib filled with uric acid which the
kidneys strive to filter ut, they
weaken from overwork, heeome slug
gish; the ellmlnatlve tissues clog and
the result is kidney trouble, blad
der weakness and a general deedine
In health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead; your back hurts or the urine
ts cloudy, full of sediment or you
are obliged to seek relief two' or
three times during the night; if you
suffer wltii slclc headache or dl?.zy,
nervous spellB, acid stomach or you
have rheumatism when the weather
is bad, get from your- pharmacist
about four ounces of Jad Salts; take
a tublespoonful In a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts fs made from the acid
of grapes and lemon Juice, combined
with llthla, and has born used for
generations 75 flush and stimulate
clogged kidneys; to -neutralize the
acids in the nrlne so It no longer Is
a source of Irritation, thus ending
bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; csnnot
Injure, makes a delightful efferves
cent llhhia-water beverage, and be
longs In every home, because nobody
can 'make a mistake by having a
good kidney flushing any any time.
(Continued from page 1.) j
city and without exception one will
find this Bume-clique lined up should-!
er to shoulder agalnBt any proposi
tion which would have a tendency to'
better the laboring classes In parti-!
lar and the living conditions in gen-j
era). There are some of these men
who opposed the first bond Issue for
the paving of the streets of this city,
when a heavily loudod wngon mlre.i
in the niddle of Cass or Jackson street
In the winter time was a common
sight. They were against the build
ing of the ,new Oak street bridge,
because they though the ofd Lip-;
street bridge was good for another,
'hundred years. If they had their way ,
about It Roseburg would still he
without any pavements because they
figure tiiat if the old dirt roads were
' good enough for them "they shou' ;
be good enough for the coming gen
j eratlons.
Fight .as these men may and do
; what they will, they will find that
the opposition tends to arouse the
flgfhtlng spirit ofs the other citizens
of this town who will demand that
this paltry four and one half per cent
of taxable property shall not be al
lowed to rule.
Large Size, per doz - - 25c.
Small Size, per doz - - , 22c
For your Ifason jars buy the new
Sani caps with no porcelain lining
to collect germs.
One dozen 15c Two dozen 25c
Peoples Supply Co.
I . n
Headquarters for
Gold Rings
Our large stock of solid gold
rings entitles us to announce
ourselves as headquarters for
ring buyers.
Just now we are offering a
fine line of the famous W-W-W
gem-set rings.
Those rings' were designed
for particular people men and
women who appreciate distinct
ive designs, beauty In the ar
rangement of stones and solid
worth In the Jewelry they wear.
W-W-W Rings
These W-W-W rings are all
solid gold. Yet they need not
bo expensive. Wo show here a
variety of Jeweled ring for as
little as $2. Then wo have a
special offer In these rings at
J5 an uniisunl value. Ask
us about it.
W-W-W rings are guaranteed
against loss of stones.
If tiho stone comes out, and
Is lost, wo will replace It free.
This guarnntee npplies to all
W-W-W rings save those set
with dlnmonds. Good as long
us the ring la worn.
Oni-c' see these rings today
?r or not you are ready
. j......
Good For Fifty Cents
In order to learn the vnlue of
different forms of advertising
wo will accept this coupon for
50 Cents 50
on the purchase of any ring In
stock worth l-i.OO or over.
Good only till August 15, 1915.
Roseburgs Leading
U. S. Weather Inirrnu, local office
Roseburg. Oregon, 24 hours ending
5 a. m., July 23, 1915.
Precipitation In Inches and hundredths:
Lowest temperature last night
Highest temperature yesterday
Precipitation last 24 hours
Total precipitation since first of
Normal precipitation for this
Total ' precipitation from Sep
tember 1, 1914, to date 24.58
Average precipitation from Sep
tember 1, 1877 34.08
Total deficiency from Sep
tember I,' 1914 9.50
Average precipitation for 38
wet seasons, (September to
May inclusive) ! 32.00
Saturday Afternoon and Evening
Copeman Automatic ,
Electric Range
At Roseburg Electric Store
MrsN V. W. Gilkey will bake bread and rolls
-Everybody Invited
Refrigerators that refrigerate. See
. W. Strong, the Furniture Man.
WANTED -By experienced girl, of
fice work, can give references. In
quire of 769 News office. 769J26
'I'lIB 11 A MONO HttAND. a
JLodli-al Auk your llrttKctnt for A
ins in ttpa aim uoia inftallicYV
Tiiks no other. liny of jour
in a Mono iiuanii m.i r,;
yean known as Dest. Safest. Alwarc ie
C 13
I Where? Sunshine ranch, 7
miles noreseast of Roseburg.
! When? Anytime. Who is go-
ing Everybody. Free picnic
grounds, good fishing, beautiful 4
scenery. All welcome.
You should protect your ramlly by
Insurance. Remember, all old line
companies, the kind that pay dollar
for dollar, the old familiar ones, the
one of the above companies. ' Also
I MENS' the NIAGARA, and litany oth-
ers that head the list. These dry
j times should find you protected in
j that automobile should be insured.
RICE & RICE, Insurance Brok
ers. 739-al
To Our Advertisers
Daily and Semi-Weekly News
Now reaches more homes in Roseburg and Douglas
County than any other paper published here or else
where. It is going to people who pay for it in the
great majority of cases. People who pay for their paper
are as a general rule good customers and good pay..
. There is not a post office in the county where some
copies arc not taken and the list is constantly increasing,
It will help your business to let these
people know what you have to offer
Try and See what regular publicity in The News
will do for you