The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 21, 1915, Page 1, Image 1

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    .j.v,;,,.., ,
The News For Results
- Qo .
If yon have lost or found,
If you want to buy or sell,
If you want work or worker,
Use The News Classified Ada.
Daily Weather Report
Fair Tonipli and Thursday.
Highest tomp. yesterday ......98
Lowest temp, last night 58
No. 22s
Work of Securing the Right of
Way to Proceed
business it Is to prey upon the un
suspecting public, arrived In the city
this morning to confer with the men
who are putting up the monpy with
which the fight upon the bond Issue
is being made. He stated that the
hearing iliad been set for next' Friday
and that in all .likllhood a decision
could be expected by Tuesday of next
week. ,
Hearing on Intervention Is Set For
Next Friday Decision is
Exected Tuesdny.
The railroad committee met last
evening in ,the Commercial Club
rooms for the purpose of discussing
plans for the securing of the neces
sary right-of-way between this city
and the fair grounds where In all
probability the Immense saw mill of
the, Kendall's will be' located. Ac
cording to one member of the com
mittee who was present, the new
phase in the matter was not discuss
ed but eaah member was assigned
. come property owner through whose
land the railroad must pass, to work
upon. It Is though that by concerted
personal action on the part of all
members more headway can be made
than by any other way. Despite the
efforts on the part of a few citizens
and property owners of the city who
. are "endeavoring to block the largest
project which ihas come before (he
people of Roseburg since the town
was laid out by Attron Rose .the
committee is going right ahead and
work on the securing of the right-of-way.
They feel that regardless of
the decision of the supreme court In
the matter of Intervention the mat
ter can be. brought before the people
at the municipal election which will
be held during the month of October
and if any defects are found In the
amendments as proposed at the prea
ent time, they can be rectified and
the bond issue made stronger than
At the best it can mean a delay
of actual construction work jAintil
spring, for as one meniber express
ed himself this morning "The Ken
dalls are bound by a contract with
the city and they are willing to fulfill
their part of the contract as long as
the city .uses due caution In the mat
er of issuing. bonds."
Ralph Dunlway, who has been rej
talned by the few property owners to
intervene in the matter in order that
their rights and the 'rights of other
property owners of the city may not
be jeopardized- by the action of the
people wiho are not accustomed to
the intrigues practiced by men whose
paredness for 'war as the best guar
antee of peace, and such a prepared
ness that humiliation and a frightful
price in blood and misery may, not
have to be paid in case of an attack,
was the national doctrine expounded
by Roosevelt before thousandr at the
Panama exposition. Roosevelt urg
ed that the navy be made "'ar su
Iperlorto any possible foe whidh
might attack us," and an aoeipiate,
sufficient army. He advocated uni
versal military service on 1-ie Swiss
plan toward building up a. national
WASHINGTON, July. 21. Secro
tary Lansing is engaged in putting
the American note to Germany lu
the final language in which the
views of the country on fc'bmarine
warfare will be reiterated. The note
Will probably be forwa-ded to Ger
many on Saturday, afte- the finished
product is submitted to tVe cabluot
on Friday.
New Jersey Militia May Be
Called Out.
deputies were armed, but they used
their sticks freely. Although they
were showered with stones bottles
and bricks, the police and deputies
secured refuge in a fire house. The
strikers stormed the doors, but were
met with a fusllade of shots and
four of their number were wounded,
This afternoon the firemen and dep
uties still held the fire' house, besieg
ed by the-strikers, of whom many
were Injured. ' :
With Darks to Wull, Police Desist
Mobs Until Help Comes
One Man Killed and
Many Injured,
BAYONNE, N. J., ' July 21. The
New Jersey militia may be called
upon by the police of Bayonne as
CARDIFF, Eng., July 21. The
delegates representing the miners of
South Wales ratified the agreement
reached yesterday between the oper
ators and Minister of Munitions
Lloyd George, at the meeting of the
miners' executive council. This now
definitely ends the strik; which
threatened the coal supplies of the
navy and the manufacture of muni
tions. The strlnkers will return to
work immediately.
charged him. C'ady exchanged shots
Willi the men. jinrt nfia nf thft rfntern
American note to Germany this after-; shot hlB horae, Tne lleutenant leap.
vvnue no announcement re
WASHINGTON, July 21. Lansing
.finished the final draft of the new!
BRIDGEPORT, Conn., 'July 21.
Although. but few of the me.i called
out in the strike from the Reming
ton nlflllt walked nut Wat? frlnv tiha
he result of riot between the po-j ,e8derfl predicted tBat tn6 Btrlke
lice and the striking Standard Oil' , yjte effect,ve . The
workers, in which one man was ebot I offlclal8 cMmed there )s mtfl ln(U.
io ueatn. xwo nunarea special uep- Uon tnat the plant wl fae
uties are being sworn in. The ap-i pIed by a general waIkout
pearance of Police Lieutenant Dan-j 9
. V I? A ' T'Cl.'I. TV Ill'l.-CT IV H I,l I,
nil xlanf rlv EM " V
With Full Confidence in Fall
1 Make Plans in Advance .
llerlln Reports Capture iif Vast
Army of Russian Officers and
Men Pirtrofsrad Is The
Next Goal.
gardlng the document is forthcoming
It Is learned that it does not recede
In the least from the insistence of
this government on its rights on the
high seas.
Precautions Increased
'New York.
by Lines in
PORTLAND, July 21. Afer af
fectionately kissing his wife good
bye, as she lay In bed, and at the
same time taking a revolver from
under her pillow, Charles Carroll, a
well known wheat expert, walked to
the basement of his home and, shot
himself In the head, dying Instantly.
It is believed that worry over real
estate transactions pronipted the
deed. A widow, son and daughter
ed out of the buggy and took com
mand of a 'dozen pollcement wbo NB WYORK, July 21. The dls
rushed to ills assistance. The po- covery of bombs In the cargoes of
llcemen then backed up against a several ships that have left here for
concrete wall and all of them drew I Europe during the last few months
their revolvers and the battle open-! nas resulted in tne taking of unusual
ed. M. Stronschlk. a striker, dron- precautions witn regard to the stow-
ped with a bullet in ibis head, and,1"'" of freight on steamships now in
later died in the hospital. Meantime I'""-
50 deputies arrived and rescued the! 0n some of the plers every box and
imperiled policemen. None of the' Package Is opened on the dock nnd
tne contents examined before it goes
aboard the ship, the gangways and
hatches being, watched to see that
the packages are not tampered with
after being Inspected. Electrical de
vices and mechanical Instruments to
detect suspicious contents of bales
and packages aro also In use.
At one pier an X-ray machine Is
used to examine bales of cotton,
cloth! etc., for poslble concealed
bombs and at another pier Instru
ments are used by which hldd i
bombs operated by rdock work
might be detected.
Restrictions to visitors to the piers
PARIS, July 21. According to
dispatches from Rome, fifty of the
crew. of t'he Italian cruiser Garibaldi
perished when an Austrian subma
rine torpedoed the vessel. Other
Italian warships shelled the subma
rine whloh immediately disappeared, are rigid
BERLIN, July 21. The German
artillery is shelling the outer de
fenses of Warsaw. Desperate fight
ing is now in progress between
Blonle, 15 miles south of Warsaw,
and Josefof, for the possession of
the railway leading directly to the
Polish capital. The fall of Warsaw
Is predicted within a fortnight, as
the Germans are rapidly encircling
Its main defenses. They are now
wltfiln artillery range of Novo Georg
levsk, 20 miles north of the city.
The Russians, directly west nnd
southwest are retreating. Th, Kais
er Is now at headquarters of von
Hlndenberg, and the Ketserin Is
scheduled to ienve Poson on Friday.
It Is understood to be the plan of
the Kaiser to enter Warsa v at the
head of the army, when the victor
ious Germans march Into the city.
Berlin Is wild with excitement. -Many
Russian Prisoners Taken,
BERLIN, July 21.TT-Dle Vosslche
Zeltung estimates that Rlnce the new
advance on Warsaw began, tlifl Ger
mans have captured 175 officers and
66,700 men.
An Inventory of the furniture
in the new post office building
is being delayed, while officials
are seeking to determine the
difference between . a cuspidor
and a spitoon. Thre are sev-
eral of each In the new furnl-
ture. No dictionary makes any
distinction between them and
while Arthur H. Remcle and a
corps .of assistants are working
on the puzzle th& Inventory lags.
'"here the bridegroom has a new
home awaiting their return.- juiss
Renner Is well known among the
younger sat of this city where she
has a host of friends.
The blick line shows the approximate position of the armies in Poland and Gallcia. Shaded portion shows '
about where Austro-Gcrman armies stood in Ihe course of their two-fold advance, toward Ivangorod for the pur- I
pone of threatening Warsaw, and eastward frm !uibcrg and the Dniester. ' J
Postmaster Relzensteln Is In re
ceipt of some new rulings that will
be of Interest to thepe.jplo ot this
section, and work a great conven
ience to those using the parcels post.
Heretofore Jn sending packages by
parcel post the postofflco Issued no
receipts. On and after September 1,
receipts will be given on the pay
ment of an additional fee of one
cert which must he affiled to the
I parcel. The name and addfes? of the
j party to iwhom it Is being sent Bhall
I be written In the Tecelpt by 'the
There has also been an Important,
change-In the size of the bundle that
may ha sent by parte! post. Here
tofore the limit in size was 72 Inches
In length and girth combined, and
this has now been increased to 84
A change has also boon mado in
the distance of sending the mall and
changing the zone boundaries. Pro
visory Jf the place to which the par
cel was to be sent was within a ra
dius of 300 miles It was counted In
the first or second zone nnd five
cents a pound was charged with one
cent additional for each pound or
fraction. According to the ahnnge,
however, If It Is necessary to carry
the parcel cither by rail or stage
route for a distance exceeding 300
miles It will be charged by a rato
of six cents por pound and two cents
for each additional pound or frac
tlos ''
WASHING itN, , July " 21. Dis
patches to the state department from
Mexico City late., yesterday announc
ed that Zapata forces re-occupied the
capital Sunday, following the evacu
atlos by the Carranza army under
General Gonzalez.
Zapata officials were said to havo
resumed full control of the city from
which they were driven 10 dnyB ago
by Gonzalez, who now has gone
northward with his troops to meet
an advancing Villa force.
This unexpected development came
as a surprise, not only to officials of
the Washington government, but to
both the Mexican agencies. It had
been supposed that the Zapata army,
defeated ad harrnssed . In retreat,
was operating along the railroad to
Vera Cruz, waiting an opportunity to
form a junction with the Villa col
umn approaching fron the north.
Ilnttle nt I'licliucH Expected.
No word has been received of tne
whereabouts of General Gonzalez
Blnce he quit the capital. News of a
bnttle near Pachuca, already reached
by Villa's men, 1s hourly expected
and may already have occurred, mes
sages being sent here requiring
about j24 hours In transmission.
Other reportB to the state depart
ment during the day said that rail
road communication between Vera
Cruz nsd Mexico city was suspended,
"on account of the present military
operations," but r& details tf the
operations wore disclosed. SN'pen-
slon of railroad communication is
viewed here'wfth alarm for the
ronng people in siexlco city, as t s
action completely cuts off the send
Ing of muoh-necded food supplies. A
private mesBngo from. a resnonslble
tt.-roa rerel -' todny pictured tha
situation as desperate.
At the cabinet meeting yesterday
the uncertain Mexican situation wdb
br!?fly illrcucs-d. Some move on the
part of the United Rtntes In pursu
ance of Presdlont Wilson's mcBBaire
ti the Mexican factions two months
aco i"-Tlng peace Is expected In tho
soar future.
Tonight at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rennor
will occur the wedding of their
daughter, tUnh Edit.., to Mr. TfnV"
son A. Winston, Bon of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Winston.
Riverside ranch, the homo of tho
ride, has been beautifully decorated
for the occasion and the serclccs will
bo performed under tho spreading
trees which adorn the front lawn,
Rev. Paul Lux, of tho Presbyterian
cburtfi of this city, will perform the
The young couple will leave Imme
diately for a short honeymoon trip,
arter which they will lake up their
residence on the skinner ranch. I
WASHINGTON, July 21. The ad
ministration Is Investigating reports
that submarines, presumably Ger
man, have been seen off the coast of
Maine. Naval authorities expressed
the holler that Germany planned a
submarine base on the American
coast, but officers were of the opin
ion that this had not yet been ac
complished. It was also tliolr opin
ion that a base for operatlona In
tho Cnrrlhenn sea rather than In the
north Atlantic zone was in view.
Secretary Daniels snld he did not
doubt that some ot the German sub
marines of the latest type could cross
tho ocean, but declared nothing of
ficial as to their reported presence
off the American coast was bofore
There will be a party at the Bap
tist church for tho classes of Miss
Morrison and Miss Marlon Hopkins,
Friday afternoon, between 3 and K
o'clock. Tho pupils of these classes
are requested to attend, as a very
enjoyable time Is anticipated.