"NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULTS H11 SALB. FOR SALE 8 acres fine land with house and out buildings; 2 miles from Walkers station, Lane Co. Will sell for $500 cash, Address Box A Walker, Or. " 734-Jl 7p FOR SALE Three Horses, wagon and buggy. Enquire at Oiiddis Plumbing Shop or phone 210. 659-Jy21 FOR SALE Two large hpa'vjr horses, wagon and harness. Page Invest ment Co. Roseburg. 689-tf FOR SALE One of the most beauti fully located residences in Rose burg. Has magnificent view from the heights of Hamilton avenue. Built within 12 months, modern In every respect. Will be Bold rea sonable and on easy terms. Call on or address the owner, Mrs. Nadine Shpard, Roseburg. 687-alp FOR SALE Young pure bred Jer sey bull, eligible to register. Will sell for $35, if taken quick. This is as good an animal as can be had for 3 or 4 times the money. Address Wm. Vinson, Umpqua. Phone 10F22. 694-tf FOR SALE Good gentle pony team and harness, work single, double or riding; price reasonable. Ad dress Henry Schrenl, Looking Glass or phono 2SF21. 718-a8p FOR SALE Black pipe, suitable for Irrigation plant and drier elbows at a reduction. Gaddls Plumbing Shop. Phone 210. 720-a8 FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 large lots in suburb's of Roseburg, im jproved. Will sell or trade for larger place further out. Inquire Pickens Bros, groca'y. 721 tf FOR SALE Oft EXCHANGE 13 1-3 acre fruit ranch, principally prunes. For further particulars inquire of W. H. Dole, Looking Glass, Douglas county, Orfeon. 713-Jy20p FOR RENT Modern S-room cot tage with garage, fruit trees and berries. Corner Roborts and Ham ilton streets. Rent reasonable. In quire Weather Bureau office. , ' 7JS-J20p FOR SALE 3 good cows, one fresh today with heifer calf, ;$45.00; two nice Jerseys, well bred and good quality, $50.00 and $(50. no. Inquire of R. M. Wood, Roseburg, or phone 3F22. 749-J2I Corn meal, of course! THKKE MAY BE ' CHEATER HARDSHIPS Than to 15 Obliged to Go Without GOOD WHOLESOME MEAT FOR EVEN' ONE MEAL, HIT WE CAN'T THINK OF ANY JUST OFF HANI). DON'T DO IT! IT ISN'T NECESSARY! WE SELL THE BEST OF MEAT! THE F.CONOMY MARKET Phone SS OKO. KOHUtAGEX. Prop. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables We specialize on Diamond VV Brands They excel we give green stamps Neely & Neely Grocers of .Quality 811 . Thone 379 FOR SALE A thoroughbred male Jersey calf, 3 weeks old, from rev Istered stock, cheap if taken at once. Call 1038 Cory avenue. 754-J22 WANTED. WANTED Children to care for b! the month. Call 323 E. Oak St 736-al2p WANTED, SEWING Children's sew ing a specialty, phone 170-J, or call at 911- S. Main St. 700-tf VETCH, HAY WANTED Must be first class. Address F. C. Gurnee, Roseburg, or call 33F23. T87-Jyl9p UUCELUXEOUK LOST One small purse containing a $10.00 bill, also gentleman's purse with several silver pieces . Suit able reward for return to News office. 751-jl7p STRAYED OR STOLEN From the Marsters ranch in Happy Valley, . old, weight 1000 pounds, height one light bay horse, ight years 14 hands, small white spot In forehead, left hind foot white, branded F on right stifle, U. S. on left stifle. A suitable reward will be paid for any Information lead ing to his recovery. A. C. Mars ters. 745-tf FOR RENT 6 room house with barn, 104 2 Prospect street. Renl reasonable. 735-iyl7p WELL DRILLING Experienced. R. E. Hlnselraan, Roseburg, R 1. ' 704-tf FOR RENT 3 light housekeeping rooms at 335 N. Rose; central lo cation. Call on premises. WOOD WANTED Trie news will gladly take on subscription wood for office and residence use In nv amount Call at The News FOR RENT Two good stalls for au tomobiles, close in, Just north of the city hall, rent cheap. Inquire of Rice & Rice, see M. F. Rice. 739-al STOLEN From Roseburg hotel, black leather case containing mod el porcelain stove, weight about 35 pounds. .Liberal reward offered for return. Notify Tom Weather ford, Roseburg. 728-jl7p PERSONAL, Young woman would like to correspond with man of education about 0 years old. Ad dress Nell Lee, general delivery, Newark, N.J. 742-jlGp Broccoli plants ror sale. All thlrfty 'elected jstock. Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. dsw-(!47tf DP.ESSMAKI.VG . Do Not Fail to call at Tire New Dretsmnklrur Shop, 119 West Lane street. Miss Petersen. 740-al3p MISS PETERSEN. O v STOP ATTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG Every Purchase of Groceries Means Piano Votes Save them for your friends A. T.Marshall Benny Kauffs Case is Still the Bane of Big League Magnates ;' $ 1 !'JvS:'.?K:'-' ' - S I, NEW YORK, July 17. Although Benny Kaurr nas jeen ordered back to the Brooklyn team, his status is still giving the officials of the big leagues considerable trouble. Judging from the discussion which has taken place oyer the caso, tne only hlngs w'hlch seem to prevent Benny playing with tho Giants are the constitution of the United States, the traffic rules and regulations and Ho yle. It was decided at a meeting at tended by President Tener and seve ral National league club owners that the Iron clad laws of the national jo against the engagement of Kauff w ith the Giants. As an "outlaw" he may aply for reinstatement, but he cannot be taken back In the fold unt'1 three years after his offense of jum ping to the Federals was committed. He Jumped a year ago, so he canno t be restored to good standing for two years more. . LODGE DIRECTORY. liOSKHUIK) NEST No. MIT, Order of Owls, meets first and third Tuesdays at 8 p. in. Eagles Hall. Visiting brothers always welcome Ross Goodman, president; C. W Horner, secretary. A. F. & A. M., Luurl Lodge No. tit. Regular Communications 2nd and fourth Wednesdays eaoh month 'at Masonic Temples, Roaoburg, Ore. Visitors welcome. R. H. C. Wood, tV. M.. W. F. Harris, Sec. LOYAL OUDEB OF MOOHH Rose burg Lodge No. 1037. Moots In Eagles' ball on Jackson street, every i Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Visiting brotbors Invited to attend. F. G. Stewart, Dictator; H. O. Pargeter, Secretary. O. E S. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8, holds their regular mooting on tho first and third Thursdays In each , month. Visiting members in good standing ore respectfully Invited to attend. Grace Elder, W. M.; Free Johnson, Sec. WOODMKX OF THE WOULD Oak Camp, No. 125, meets at the Odd Fellows ball in Roseburg, every first aud third Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors alv.avs wel come. C. T. Tipton, C. C; M. M. Ml Uor, clerk. I. O. O. F. Rising Star Lodge No. 174, meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. A. S. Hunt, N. G.; J. D. Reese, V. G.j earl W. Ohman, Rec. Sec; M. Flckel, Fin. Sec. UNITED AKTWANS Assembly 1051 meets at (be Macoabee ball every! first and third Wednesday even lag. Visiting members are always welcome. Alllne Hoffman, M. A.; Emma Faulkner. Secy. RFJUiKAHS HoBeburg Rebekab Lodge, N. 41, I. O. O. F meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Tuesday evening. Visiting sisters and brother Invited to attend. Anna Ferguson, M. O.I Tlllle John son, Rec. 8oo. ; Mary K. Palm, Fin. Sec.; M. Fickle, Treat. WOMKX OP WOOI KIR VFT Lllao Circle, No. 49, meets on first and - V M mmlssion automatically operate third Monday evenings of each month in the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members In good standing are Invited to attend. Elma Lewel len, G. N.; Clara Cawlfield, clerk. II. I". O. E. Roseburg Lodge, No. 326, holds regular communications at tbelr temple on second and fourth Thursdays of each mouth. All members requested to attend regularly and all visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. A C. Seoly. E. R. ; I. B. Riddle, Sec EAGLES Roseburg Aene meets In their hall on Jackson street, 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of eaeh month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting breth In good standing always welcome J. M. Donohew, W. P.: B. F. Goodman, W. Sec. Phone 183. Brotherhood of American Yeomen Mt. Nebo Homestead. 1828. Meets at Maccabee hall every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Visitors welcome. Mrs. Blanche Krohn, foreman; S. E. Krohn, correspondent. I. O. li. M. Umpqua Tri'.jo No. 44 holds stated councils the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at the Eagles Hall, N. Jackasn street Visiting chiefs always welcome. W 8. Howard, Sachem; (. H. Te.cln ski, C. of R.; W. C. Olddis, K. of W. KNIGHTS OF PVTII1A4 -Meets ov ery Wednesday In Odd fellows Temple. Visiting Knights welcome J. F. Hutchason. C. C , E. U. Willi nerly. K. R. 8. I. O. O. F. Union En amment No 9. meets in Odd Fe.lnws Temp! every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. O. L. Johnson. ,C. P.; J. B. Bailey. R. S.; James Ewart. F. R. l, O. T. M. Roseburg Hive No. 11 holds regular reviews on second and fourth Thursday evenlags In Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting in the city are cord ially Invited to attend our reviews. May Patrick, lady com.; Jessie Rapp, R. K. O. O. F. PhlletarlBB Lodge, No. 8, meets In Odd Fellows Temple, corner of JackBon and Cass streets on Saturday evening of each week. Members ot the order In food standing Invited to attend. C. B. Brockway, N. O.; Wm. Bpenagle, V. O.; J. B. Bailey, F. 8.; M. H. Miller, R. 8. CHAS. F. HOPKINS Attiriy at Law Room 42 PerkiM BMg. Koselmrg, Osegeau Enpuelal attention given to con veyancing and the sx&ulnatlen of titles to real estate. . Prac tices In all state and federal courts. , It. V. JOWBtf Attorney ui ILaw Will practice In all tke courts. Ejc-Reglster U. I. Land Office. Office In Masonic Blldg., corner Cats and Jaokeea DR. n. It. SUOEMAKBIt Physician and Si nam Office rooms 219-22 Perkins Building Phomea Office 194 RetMeace S19 LADIES TAILORING To the Lathes el It obi'g): To advertise my werk will make special prices om all tailored work. S''.ts aad skirts a ape clalt. . Ten yean xar1onoe la Washington, V. C. MRS. L. li. SANDBLAST 117 Y. Laaa 8 tree DR. N. PLYIiHn Office Hours O to 12, 2 to 5 Chiropractor Spinal Treatment S22 W. Lune St., ItoseburK, Or. Pltone Ot-Y lilt. 6EKLY, SETIIER & 8THW ART Physicians and Surgeons Suit of offices, Rear Douglns i National Bank, Ground Floor, I'lioue 1MI7 Iloseburg - . Oregon DR. S. L. DELAPP Osteopathic Physician t Rooms 317-318 Perkins Ilildg. Office Phone 431 Residence Phone 276 Hit. GEO. E. HOUCK Phyxlrlun and Surgeon Office Perkins Bldg., Phone 3. Roseburg, Oregon DR. D. E. SHELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Phones: Office 119, Res. 138-L. '-207-8 Perkins DuihUng IlOSEHUIUl, OKU. It. P. BRADFORD AND WIFE Chiropractor. 421-422, Perkins Bldg., Rose burg, Oregon. Phones: Office, 200; Res. 8H5-J. Consultation and Examination free. Hours: 9 a. m. to t p. m. L. G. IIK'Kn HURVEYOK 223 Perkins Bullying Itooeliurs;, Or. Pliono 11-B Surveys Estimates GERMOND A FHHAR Civil Kntrlneers aad HarveTrr ItoMbnr;. Oi'sjsu Rooms 1 and 2 Masonic Blldg. Phone 387 11. L. nATIIRICK, D. M. I). DcutMC Rooms 7 and 8, Robitg Na tional Bank Bitldlng. Roeebara;, OS . PROFESSION A L CARDS MRS. CHARLES S. HE1NLINE PIANO SCHOOL Equipped tor all branches ot piano work. Ropresentatlve teacher of "Progressive Series of Piano Lessons" and "Effa Ellis Keyboard Harmony aud Muslo Teaching Course." Morn- 4k lng olasseB In Musical Kinder- 0 garten. Studio, 423 Ella St. Phone 33-R. Mrs. F. D. Owen Cat Flower, Potted Plants, Funeral Design, Wedding Bo qoeta, etc JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF FERNS OF ALL KINDS Roseburg, Oregon. Real Estate Farms, Ranches, Orchard, Tim ber Lauds, City Property, Buy a lot Id WeBtlake for your Sum mer Home. Lake and Oceaa Beach. Fine Fishing, Hunting and Boating. GEORGE RITER 121 West Oak Street. For Signs BANNERS, SHOW CARDS AND . AUTO PAINTING SEE . Cordon & Bishop 110 N. ROSE ST., OPPOSITE ROSERUHO GARAGE. PHONE 17il-R. Send your cleaning & pressing to Imperial Cleaners 342 N. Jackson, St. With our excellent equipment we can offer unlimited service and absolutely high grade cleaning and pressing. Phono 277. Pure Bred JACKS State License No. 1877 & 1875 Tom A. and Toddy C the beBt and biggest bone Jacks ever stood in this county. Service only $12.00 to Insure a living colt. Bring or send your mares and I will pasture them free of charge until they are safely bred. Deer View Ranch S. L. THO.MlSON, Iro. Half Mile Southwest of Dlllard. Saturdays from 10 a. m. to 3. p. m. at Brockway. PHONE ONE-TWQ-EICHT For freighting, moving, bag gage, piano, lumber, wood and coal hauling. AUTO SERVICE We make a specialty of "mid Bight Joyriders," trip to coun try dance, picnic, fishing, hunt ing and camping parties. Easy riding car with accommo dations for from 12 to It passen gers. H. J. DENN TRANSFER AND STORAGE OO. Office Phone 128, Re. 104-L X i