Princeton i Tapestry Rug A very servicable and inexpensive rug, made : from selected pure worsted yarn, firmly woven and has a well covered surface. .Very attractive in appearance and will give a great amounfof wear Size 9x12 Special Price, Only $8.75 A. J. Lilburn & Son CompleteHouse Furnishers Cass Street Roseburg. Oregon MME. SCHUMANN-HEINK SINGS TO 25,000 HANS TAKE MANY CAPTIVE cia lias not yet reached a crisis, and Warsaw appears to be In no imrn dlato danger. Whether the British Bnd French or the Germans will be the first to take the gonoral offensive In the west la a big quentlon, for It la felt that ono Bide or the other must slrlk before long; olherwlso another win tor of tedious trench warfare is In Assault Ends in The Capture ; BVltable of Many Frenchmen. i SubnwrlllM Mmv careful, ORDERS ISSUED TO SUBMARINE HEADS Austrlnn Vitiligo HnWl To Have lfc'cn llurncd and Pillaged Ily Ity Ulto . BorliUin Soldlcrr. i BERLIN, July 14. The French positions northeast of Vlenne Le Chateau woro stormed by the Oor sans yestorday and the enemy driv en back for more than half a mile, the war office announced. In a snc o98ful assault, tho Germans took SG80 prisoners. Two hundred Der- saglcri are reported to have Invaded an Austrian village of Lorenzo, out raged the women, plllugcd the homes and sent the mayor and ten civilians to Italy bb hostages, according to letters made public by tho govern roont proas burenu. There has also boon a renewal uf activity in othor areas of France and Bolsliini, but nothing comparable with the strategic Importance of the Soucher, struggle. Tho Germans lay tlnlm to the destruction of the Brit ish position on Mill (!0, near Ypres, but this finds no confirmation from iyer French or British sources AMSTERDAM, July 14. Reports that the German commanders of submarines have boen Instructed to be more careful of human lives since the T.usltanla was sunk, are partly corroborated In a soml-officlai dis patch from Berlin. Reviewing the submarine warfare, the statement declares "the loss of life i.l remark ably small, as tho submarine using every precaution, gives ample warn ing and time to leave tho hips if r.o resistance Is offered. TIIKHIC'8 D.AXGKIt IN HE MY. You should protect your family by Insurance. Remember, all old lino companies, the kind that pay dollar for dollar, the old fariiillar onos, the HOME OF NEW YORK, the PHOE NIX, the SUN, tho LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE, the FIRE MEN'S' tho NIAGARA, and many oth ers that head tho list. Theae dry times' should find you protected ono of tho abofo companies. Also that automobile should be insured. RICE & RICE, Insurance Brok ers. 739-al Big dance at Dlxonvllle. Friday. July 1. Supper and dance $l.on The situation In Poland and G.ili-1 Ott's music. 744-J1G MAJESTIC THEATRE ' III ray IT'S DIFFERENT-?! Special Metro Feature The Shooting of Dan McGrew Featuring Edmund Rreese Taken from the poem by Robert W. Service dealing with the gold rush in Alaska. You saw 'The Spoilers" see this one The Amatuer Lion Tamer A ViUgraph Comedy with Hughey MacK 5c Learn to say "Metro" 10c Amateur Night Friday All the Big Ones Why Experiment 0 MU IS , ' ' , V umniit IMS :: ' f 3 "1 av1!. rn Mmc. Schumann-Heink; (arrow) singing to 25,000 people at San Diego. As a cop.pllment to San Diego c Itlzrns and school children aiaaame Ernestine Schumann-Heink, the fam ons diva, recently sang before a huge outdoor audience at the San Diego e xposltlon. Tho crowd of 23,000 was one of the largest before which sh e ever appeared. past his front stoop, stirring up clouds of dust to be wafted into his rooms and also marring his privacy. So the author got permission from the county authorities to change the course of the road at his own ex pense. He switched the road away around his liouse, building a sharp turn and macadamizing It. He also dug down and built a costly concrete bridge, with Iron rails across a I gully. After completing the road ana CIR1CILL0 build a high board fence along It, to shut hlB house off from the road. Then tho storm broke. The whole countryside objected. Moat of ail, It Is said, Churchill's own frfends raised the loudest roars. They said a high board fence marred the scenic beauty of the exclusive summer resi dence section. Thaw Jury Miiy Report Today. A great audience greeted the fam ous Italian at the Chautauqua tent last night, when "II Trovatore" was rendered, and a grand concert rendered. Tho expectations of the ordgeii Churchill then proceeded to nyisic lovers were met in tne ruu est degree, and a most excellent ev ening entertainment givtn, the lady singers coming in for a number of encoreB. Today the morning and afternoon programs were carried out with an Increased number In attendance, Bhowlng the Interest that is being tnken In the subjects. This evening Father MacCorry will give his fam ous production "The Story Beautiful" and should be greeted with a crowd ed house. The program for Thursday in cludes the regular junior Ohautau qna and a lectnro by Robert Sut cliffe. "How Did You Die?'' In the afternoon there will be a prelude by the Gullotta Trio, and a popular lec ture on "Tho Man Worth While," by Ronald A. Nichols. The evening will be taken up with a grand concert by the Gullota Trio, f and sketches by Evelyn Bargelt, a famous cartoonist. Owing to the counter attraction of tho Liberty Boll being in the city at SrlK. it will bo necessary for thn, Chautauqua program to begin later, ! across tho Aisne. hurling a. shower immediately after the departure of NEW YORK, July 14. The at torneys for the state and defense have made their closing arguments to the Jury In th Thaw sanity trial. Justice Hendricks is expected to de liver hia instructions early this after noon, and It Is believed that a ver dict will be returned before night. the bell, and patrons are requested out In Arras which also is being I to bear this In mind, and come im mediately to the Chautauqua grounds. COfNTRY KIK1) STMUtlXti I'HKKIDKNT'S Sl IIO.HK Germans Will Level SoIssoils. PARIS, July 14 Soisnons T3 again under heavy bombardment from the German guns. The enemy Is evi dently attempting to level Sotssons, the war office, stated. Several long range guns are In action on a plateau Fires have again broken Eve Trouble, Astigmatism of greatest and. least " a e five Mod. of are known as the principal meridians. There a.e n e regular Astigmatism. A-,igma,i I the ca se o mos of yo headaches and can only be corrected by on lenses. We guarantee to give you a perfect fit and we nave o o, the best equipped Optical Parlors ... the state and our prices are reasonable for guaranteed service. QUALITY SERVICE G. W.Young and Company JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS PHONK TWO-ONE,FOUR ROSEBURG. OREGON Save Your Teeth Artificial teeth do only 'one tenth of the work of the natural teeth. Yoa cannot have good health; you cannot be free from poison of the blood and of the tissues with decayed teeth in your mouth. Don't neglect your teeth R. L. Bathrich " DENTIST. ' ; ltoonis 7 and 8, Roseburg National Bank Hldg. Prices Reasonable. liOSEBUItG, ORKGO.V. My. Manufacturer Not especially for our interest, but for yours, YOU could use this space regular ly. You would agree to this if you heard Nels Darling in his community talk. TRY IT ment has notified all coal dealers that they cannot plead the war as a justification for making sharp ad vances. A bill has been Introduced in the house of commons providing for the infliction of heavy penalties upon dealers increasing prices more than a dollar 8? ton over last year. SUCH A IiONCI TIME AGO. He had just reached the philoso phical stage, when he slipped into a restaurant between bars for a bite to eat. He ordered. Then he sat staring ahead, quietly thoughtful in expression, and waited. It is admitted he did some wait ing, too. , What happened to his or der couldn't be understood outside the peculiar convolutions of a res taurant kitchen, but he spent half an hour Bitting there staring ahead i of him. At last it came. As the waitress! nut the order before him, he started I from his deep study, as if he had forgotten ho had an order coming. Then, looking up at the fair trans porter of edibles, he said: "You don't look a day blder!" Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. A Leader-Results are our Warct Ads -They lead the way to Better positions Better WorKero s. was v-- prettiest girl in town at a carnival contest a few month ago, and Bhe now-has nervous pros tration from trying to live up to her reputation. Youngstown Telegram. We handle nil Rincs o: Kodaks and cameras. Also all kinds of films and papers. Mall order business so licited. Clark & Clark, photo sup plies and fotographers. 311-tf JANE ADDAMS HOME, 1 URGES PEACE MOVE SI'FKIOIENTIjY humui-kd flrecely shelled. An attempt to storm tho British positions south west of PUken wa3 repulsed with heavy losses. Is officially announced,. Th: Dritlsh met the German attack with a steady tiro from their ma chine guns. WINDSOR, Vt., July 14. When President Wilson arrived hero for his vacation he found himself In the midst of a somewhat acrimonious! neighborhood feud. Winston Church Ill, the celebrated author, was the storm center. And the president ob served strict neutrality. A high board fence, the cause of so much neighborly contention, was the casus belli of the dispute that agitated the authors colony In the Cornish hills about the president's summer house. "llarlakenden House." occupied by the president as a summer resi dence was formerly the home of Chiirchtll, when it wa leased by the president, Churchill took another n,ualnt, but law country house about two miles distnnt east of the president's and the Connecticut riv er. Churchill liked the house, but didn't enjoy proximity of the much traveled road that then ran right Price of Coal Must Not liise. IiON'RON', July 14. The govern- Ovy Acetylene Welding N'evr process of welding Iron, cast Iron and aluminum. All work guar anteed and prices are reasonable. Q. L. Prior, 230 W. Oak street. 11 U Mrs. Mellen did not wish to offend i her new cool;. "John," she said to the man ser vant, "can you find out, without ask ing the cook, whether the -tinned salmon was all eaten last night? You see, I don't wish to ask her, because Bhe may have eaten It, and then she would feel uncomfortable,' added the good soul. "If you pleaBe, ma'am," replied the man. "the new cook has eaten the tinned salmon, and if you was to say anything to her, you couldn't make her feel any more uncomfort able than she is." Christian Register. AUTH'OUS TASK Waverly: What has become of Penelope, your attractive friend? Marcella: She has been in a bad way for some time. Waverly: Not ill, I hope. Marcella: Rather. You see, she ' f , HUH PERSONAL Young woman would like to correspond with man of education ahwit SO years old. Ad dress Nell Lee, general delivery. Newark. X. J. 742-jlp i Miss Jane 'Addams, photographed i since return from Europe. I Miss Jane Addams, chairman of the International Congress of Wom en for Peace that met at The Hague last April, and who headed the dele gations appointed at the conference to Visit the various countries on a peace mission, has just returned from Europe. She says that the peo p.e of the warring nations are in a mood to consider terms of peace, but that negotiations must come from neutrals, and the longer they are de layed the harder will be the task of restoring peace.