: : C1TV NEWS. . , THE PALACE THEATER THE LA5T DAY. YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS IT. Let Stone tune jour piano. 933ti Fafety first, "Seo Hutcu." liiii' S. D. Short, of Wilbur, was in the city yesterday attending to busi ' ness matters. Mrs. W. L. Hatch, of Oakland, re turned to her home this afternoon after a day Bpent shopping in this city. Mrs. A. L. McCord returned to her home at Isadora today after a short visit with friends and relatives in this city. "The Kodak on the Farm" is the title of a book now being distribut ed by the Roseburg Book Store. Ask for one, its free. . 685-lf Miss Anna Pterson, who has been visiting with relative's in this city left this afternoon for her home at Seattle. The . ladles of the M. E. church, South, will hold a window sale of home cooking at Marshall'c grocery on Saturday, July 17. 733-J16 W. J. Garvin and wife left this aft ernoon for Portland where they will visit with their son, Osa Garvin, who 'is employed in the Lyons clothing store at that city. , Mrs. E. W. Morgan and daughter left this afternoon for their home at Sutherlln. They were accompanied by Hon. V. W. Cornwall and wife of Sponcer, Iowa, who will visit with them for a short time. Rev. J. F. Vernon and family, of Myrtle Creek, arrived in this city this afternoon and will visit for a Bhort time before going to Seattle where they will visit with relatives for a month. The time to ln.'.unj is now. Do not put it off. , These dry . times should find you protected. We rep resent 24 of the best old line com panies. The rates are very low, no assessments or membership as in mu tuals. Come In and let's talk it over, or have us call and inspect your place. RICE & RICE, Insurance Brok ers. 739-al Mrs. C. N. Mortenzen and daugh ter, Modesta, who have been visiting at the home of H. G. Wilson, left this afternoon for iheir home ot Portland. Miss Modesta Is a popu lar concert violinist and will go to her home only for a short.time, after which she will go to San Francisco, starting from there on a concert tour. The great lessous of the bit&est .questions of the Day. They tried to have the Censors-stop it in Portland and other cities, but the con clusion was to encourage it instead ot suppressing it. For the last time, TO DAY. The great William Farnum in "THE MGGEk" . TOMORROW:- The Big Feature, "THE OUTLAW'S RIVENGE IN THE DAWN OF A NEW REPUBLIC." 'I li.e tlrrgon Klre Relief. ..of Mc llunviilt., will write a six months iMi-y mi vuur bay crop at a special h 1 , i It'ii ti it. Taylor, agent.-J'e'r- ins building. " , 089 tf D. E. Hennigh on the fiilldale ranch, holds the record to date of be ing paid further in advance on his subscription The Dally News, of any one on the list, his payment of yesterday bringing it up to October 1, 1917. We handle ail ulna of Xoduk and cameras.. Also all kinds ot 1'lliu. and papers. Mail order business so lietted. Clark & Clark, photo sup plies and fotographers. . S 1 1 -tf I There is a plan on foot tor the ! Twilight League ball team to give o- uu ""7 ,uu' "u'""'5 game next Wednesday afternoon for done at the Roseburg Book Store. the Q, Cnautallf!ltt ,,,. We do the best work at moderate an S(?0 ,f ,he defuiency lliade K00(, lr cs- C8a-tf J)y the gUaran!orB can not be made , ., ' - ' up. It has been suggested that per- Harold lope returned Inst night haps ,ne merchaJlts wl close theIr from Turner where be has- been at-; R h(jur earUcr that aftern00nt tending the convention of the Chris-i so t)uU a g00(1 ,crov;d can get out. tlan church. , . - i . I . Accused of disorderly conduct Harry Clark, a resident'of the Sol I diers Home, wns arrested last night by Msrthal Williams, ,0'n being ar- ralgneit before' ths. recorder toduy, Clark entered a plea of'gullty. He was sent to the homo with orders to stay there for five days when he would again bo allowed to conie.back over to town. ' ENGLAND ORDERS 20 GIANT FLYING BOATS OF "AMERICA" TYPE CITV NEW 4. . Arundel, the piano tuner, Is here. 462-tfj T. E. Layman today purchased a Ford auto of the local agent. If ydu are going away o,n a vaca tion you can rent books at special rates at the Fiction Library. i95-a2p Mrs. Nathan Fullerton returned last night from an extended trip to Goldendale, Wash., Portland, anil other northern points. I.ydla Ruden, who has been in this city attending the Chautauqua, re turned to her home at Winchester this afternoon. Developing any size roll film up to 4x5, 15c per roll. All done by professionals. Clark & Clark, photo supplies and fotographers'. 311-11 Mrs. M. L. Haynee, who has been vTsTTlng with friends and relatives In this city, left this afternoon for her homo at Drain. ' 1 J. M. Landers and Mr Jacobson left this morning for Myrtle Creek where they will check up the work done on the government trails. They will return this evening but will leave again tomorrow for Gunter where they will continue the work. People who desire to see the Lib erty Bell should not take any chances that there will be a delay In its a" rlval here. All reports show that the train is making its schedule promptly on time, and are net mak ing the stops any longer than has been announced. There is no reason why it should arrive here one quarter, or one half hour later than announced, which is 8:15 on tomor- tory) has taught us a few Kinks and row night. If it is on exact time. Short-cuts that are not common to the those who depend on its being late Trade. will be only a slight wait. So lie it One of these now comes to the will be onl ya slight wait. So be nt help of your Pocket-book. tne s. P. station not later than 8:15. . V,'. . I I Fim 1 WW A I 1 I I Only 5 PLUS for the Best'lMon-Skid" PRACTICALLY all Non-Skid Tires that make serious claims to non-skid efficiency cost you 10 to 30 more than Plain Tread Tires of same brand and material. Goodrich Safety Tread Tires cost you only 5 more than our plain tread tires. Here's how and Whyl o o o FORTY-FIVE years of Rubber working (in what is now the ' 5'ii.ir-; ' ' ' The "America," photographed shortly before being taken to England. 1 ' A new $500,000 order for flying- boats of the type of the America, the great oversea vessel that was con . structed before the war for a flight across the ocean, has just been placed at Hammondsport, N. Y., by the Brit- ( ish government. The order ib for twenty of the flying boats at $25,000 apiece. The America was shipped to . England shortly after the outbreak of the war, and is one of the best hydro-aeroplanes in the British service, i NEW. YORK, July 14. A new $ 500,000 order for flying boats of the typo of the America, the great oversea vessel that waa constructed before the-war. for a flight across the ocean and then was shipped to Kngland. shortly after the war began, has Just been placed at Hnm molidsport, iN. Y., by .the British government, according to information, which ' reached members of th e Aero Club of America: The order Is for twenty of the. giant flying b onts at $25,000 apiece, and is the largest order for this type of machine that th0 British government has placed since the beginning of the war. According to Henry Woodhouse, Jlnnnger of the Aero club, orders for flying machines of various types n nd for motors which have been plac ed in America by the belligerent, countries', including this newest order now aggregato about $7,000,000, European nntlons that are still neu trnl, however, are also beginning t o clamor for American aircraft, ac cording to Mr. Woodhouse. Something New in Roseburg The Central Pharmacy recently purchased a supply of the beat Eczema remedy on the market. If you are afflicted call and oak them about Dry Zensal f ir the crusty, scaly skin and Moist Zensal for all watery eruptions clean, odorless ointments for tho two distinct types of Eczema. Here is yoiir chance to get the relief you have been seeking. Through the simple process of Thinking Hard (and being Candid with ourselves) we have found a Short Cut to make the best Safety Tread ever put on a Tire cost us only about 5 more than it costs to make the Plain Tread of similar quality. S. C. Bartrum, accompanied by his wife and an expert wire man, spent the afternoon at Hock Creek where they installed a telephone Sn the t camp of Dexter Mice. This , phone I will be a convenience for campers who frequent this popular place. I When the line Is completed one can ! talk with Portland 6r any other long distance point In the state. Ed. Jennings, who has been work ing nt the gravel bar out at Shady Point, received severe and painful Injuries late this afternoon by hav ing some heavy timbers fall upon him. In some way a heavy piece weighing EoniJ 40 pounds became loose and fell from a distance of 15 feet, striking him on the left foot, tearing his Bhoe entirely off nd crushing the foot. He wob brought to the city and medical aid given. Owing to the severe wrench, the in jury will lay him up for some time. MR. FLOUR MAKER MR. DRY GOODS MAN STRAYED 'OR STOLEN From the Marsters ranch in Happy Valley, old, Weight 1000 pounds, height one light bay horse, lght years 14 hands, small white spot in forehead, left hind foot white, branded F on right stifle, U. S. on left stifle. A suitable reward will be paid for any Information lead ing to his recovery. A. C. Mars ters. 745-tf Did You Hear Nels Darling Monday night in his heart to heart talk? Ycu Can Use This Space or More to Your Own Benefit This paper goes regularly into more than 1 300 homes in Roseburg and vicinity where bread is used daily You could use this space to your benefit if you heard what Nels Dar ling said Monday night. Try" it. Goodrich Safety Tread Tire coit you only 6 ' more than our own or any other plain tread Urea, Note th following tablft of comparative price ennon-tkid tires. Column headed "A,""B," "C" and "D" renreent f our highly adertlied tlretf Goodrich J OTHER MAKES Site Safety 1 j JfJJ "A" "C" HTP 30 k3 $9.45 IJ10.S5 $10.05 $16.35 $18 10 30x' 12.ZO 13.35 14.20 21.70 23 60 32i3'i 14.00 15.4(1 16.30 22.85 25.30 34x4 20.35 22.30 23.80 31.15 33 35 3Si4'i 23.70 32.15 33.60 41.85 41.40 37 i S 33.90 39.80 41 BO 49 851 Z2MB Let Us Estimate Your Work All the pleasure gained through cheap prices, "vanishes with clicap materials nnl workmanship. Get Your Work Done By Us We guarantee all Materials and Wormanshlp. The work we do; the materials we furnish; the prices we charge, all give satisfac tion. Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. Res. Phone 64-J. C. W. Hughes, Prop. 220 W Oak. Phone ISt i y testing out these Goodrich Safety-Tread Tires on a large number of Taxicabs (where they could bo competitively observed and carefully checked up at the end of each day's use ) and by comparing their actual per formance with that of our own, and other Plain-Treads, of much higher price, we have had this fact forced upon ut , Viii That there U SURPRISINGLY m Mileage, in Goodrich Safety Tread Tire, than in our own, or any other, nuke of Plain Tread Tirei. So MUCH more Mileage, for only S more Coit looked to good to ut that we do. cided to give Car Owncrt the benefit.. Here't what we now offer joitl JrTh. boot Non-Skid Safetv Tread -rmr put on the market, and it cotta jrou only 5 more than our beat plain tread tire. , The B. F. Goodrich Company i AKRON, OHIO STARVING MEXICANS FIGHT LIKE BEASTS FOR FREE CORN Mexicans in line (o receive free corn at distributing point In Tampico. The accompanying photograph recently received from Tampico by the American Red Cross shows he tarr ing' people of Mexico striving to reach the point where free corn is being distributed, and indicates the unhap py condition of the noncombatants in the revolution ridden republic to the south. These people have been facing starvation for months and now have reached the acute stage where only food auppliea from the United States or some other outside agency can save them from death. I