CITY NEWS. ! ( ' Arundel, piano lunar. Phone 48-L. ' 42-tf BALDWIN SUGGESTED FOR COUNSELOR OF STATE DEPARTMENT MR. DRUGGIST I i J. E. Stewart and family passed through this city this morning in their auto enroute from their home at Silverton to San Francisco where Did You Hear Nels Darling Last Monday? they will attend the exposition. We handle ail Kinds or kodak and cameras. Also all kinds of film SOME OF and papers. Mall order business so licited. Clark & Clark, photo sup plies and fotographers. , 311-tf IcaaJ Tsjfflifc' III If So Don't You ThinK This Space Could Be Used to Your Advantage THINK IT OVER The council, as a committee, has been working hard this morning and afternoon drafting out the form of the contract between the Kendall Bros, and the city. Each side has made a-number of recommendations as to clauses in the contract and when finished the agreement now under preparation will probably meet with satisfaction on both Bides. -The meetings have been open to the pub lic and a number of citizens of the city have been present at different times during the day. CITY NEWS. Hay salt, 43c for BO lb. sack; 80c per cwt. - People's Supply Co. 743-116 H. C. Skruggs and wife left this morning for a visit with relatives at Grants Pass. j Mrs. L. A. Lane, of Sutherlln, ar rived in this city this morning for a' visit with Mrs. H. Garrett. Mrs. O. Thompson left this morn ing for Riddle where she will visit with a short time with Mrs. Kaiser, j O. O. Hargett and wife, who have, been visiting in this city, left this morning for their home at Walla Walla. Mrs. Won. Bell, who has be;n visiting a't the home of J. M. Tre fren returned this morning to her home at Portland. t Bertha McCracken, who has been visiting with relatives in this city and attending the Chautauqua left this morning for her home at Greens. Mrs. Cora Wilkey and daughter left this morning for Portland for about a week when she will be join ed by Miss Brooks, the two return ing to this city together in about ten days. W. O. Flemmlng and family, of Oklahoma, arrived in ithis fcity a short time ago and have purchased Best machine castor lubricating oil, the kind that does not gum up yonr machine. At the People's Sup ply Co. 743-Jll! Jeanette Taylor left this morning for Comstock where she will visit for a few days with friends. Prunes, dried apples and ojher died fruit, the most convenient for camping trips. Get them at the Peo ple's Supply Co. 743-jlO Use Kalsomlne on your summer room or mountain cottage. Hygenic .Kalsomlne 'kills spider eggs, bug nests and the like. For sale by B. W. Strong, the Furniture Man. 738-JylB J. K. Herrlngton, one of the war dens of the state asylum, arrived In this city last night and took charge of Chas. Stimpson, the old soldier who killed Alexander Church Mon day. Stimpson was taken to the asylum this morning where he will be committed today. A tent Is necessary for comfort when In the mountains or at the seashore. They keep off the night dew or the morning shower, but gain the benefit of the sea or mountain air. Buy your tent from Strong, the Furniture Man. . -738-Jyl5 NORTH PORTLAND LIVESTOCK REPORT PORTLAND, July 14. The first of the week run of cattle began with a registration of 1000 "head; Mon day's market starting off briskly at about steady prices on steers, a car load of choice ones going at $7 for tops, others of a little less quality bringing $6.75; she stuff Bfcowed a weakness and closed at 10 to If, cents off. Hogs. Hogs do not show any improve ment in regard to the character of offerings; out of. the 2700 received j none were In prime shape. Market considered steady to a shade lower, tops bringing $7.40. Sheep. Choice lambs no- doubt would bring $6.50, ewes and wethers in proportion; 1700 ohanged band Monday morning at an even price with last week. Esmond Glossop, Guy Clausen and Jessie Frantz, all of Marshfield, ar rived in this city this morning on their bicycles. From this city the boys took the train to Grants Pass where they will again Tide their wheels to Wildvllle, where they will a 40-acre fruit farm on South Deerj spend about a- week, returning to tneir nome alter aooui a iwo vocation. creek where they will make their home. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. XT. S. Weather bureau, local office Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5 a. m., July 14, 1916. Precipitation in inches and hun dredths: Highest temperature yesterUay 70 Lowest temperature last night 55 Precipitation last 24 hours 0 Total precipitation since first of month 52 Normal precipitation for this month - .S2 Total precipitation from' Sep tember 1, 1914, to date 24.48 Average precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1877 33.99 Total deficiency from Sep tember 1, 1914 :... 9.51 Average precipitation for 38 wet seasons, (September to May inclusive) 32.00 WILLIAM BELL, Observer. 'SAVE YOUR HANDS" i i I ! i i i ROUGH DRY Will Be List Prices From This Day on,May 27th Roseburg Steam Laundry CA Simeon E. Baldwin. Simeon E. Baldwin, former gov error of Connecticut who was a can didate at the Baltimore convention which nominated President Wilson, is now suggested as the successor of Robert Lansing as counselor of the state department- Governor Baldwin is now seventy-six years old and has had long experience in ligal affairs. THE SHOOTING OF DAN Mc GREW AT THE MAJESTIC Ylm, an outcast, struggles through the terlble Alaskan wlntor. His best friend, Dan McGrew, has etolon his wife. Yim is In the grip of a terrible passion, which slowly wears off, but through the long hours of his now wasting, waning life, he harborB hlB feeling against Dan McGrew. The second stanza of the famouB pocm, from which the picture was made, reads: When out of the night, which was fifty below. And Into the din and the glare There stumbled a miner fresh from the creeks Dog-dirty1 and loaded for bear. This refers to the Malamute sa loon, where, fifteen years later, Dan gerous Dan McGrew is playing cards and the lady that's known as Lou (Ylm former wife) Is sitting by his side. The final paragraph tells of the shooting of Dangerous Dan McGrew by Yim, the man from the creeks: Then I ducked my head and the lights went out And two guns blazed In the dark A woman screamen and the lights went up And two men lay stiff and stark. The powerful vivid and fascinat ing story unfolds In majestic fash ion, while the scenic BurrourldingB of Alaskan atmosphere and environ ment make it doubly attractive. At the Majestic today -and tomorrow. r Tutifully situated suburban lot n West Roseburg must be sold to tt!i an etato. A bargain for somo np. Inquire of W. H. Richardson, ri'Rtee 725-tf CHICHESTER S PILLS Ga 'l-chf.tFre ItlamonlnrtBdAX WaWfrv 1111 In Hi d ami Hold mrtilliAV -JTvTi i-ot-i. elcil with til, Kllitmn. 4 wj Talta no other. Ilur of tout v ' lUAlToND llflANIt I'll.l.H, f. it a yean known ultcft,Safet,Aliavi HeliaM SOLD BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHLRE Let "Kellv" Do Your Moving, Hauling and Transferring The French Transfer Company Phone 220 l- Meats of QUALITY Extra care is given to the selection of our meats with "the result that none but the' most tender cuts go to Jour customers Roseburg Sanitary Market Newhard Bros. Cass Street SPECIALS 1 Fresh Cream and MilK on Ice High Test California Redlands "Rose" Brand Oranges and bright Florida Grape Fruit. Everything the market affords in vegetables, fresh every morning The'Bee Hive Grocery Phone 91 NEWPORT Oregon's Popular Beach Resort An Ideal outdoor retreat. Hunting, fishing, boating, surf-bathing, etc. Interesting visiting points in the neighborhood. Convenient camping grounds, electric light, pure water. Low Season and Week-End Round Trip Excursion Fares Two Dally Trains Prom Albany " -"-wr r Ask for Illustrated folder "Newport" giving list of hotels, rates, eto A visit to the Two World Expositions at San Francisco and San Plego Is an event of a life-time and one you cannot afford to miss Special Fares In July to San Francisco, Los Angel '3 and San Diego on certain dates. IXW ROUND TRIP FARES DAILY with stop-overs in either direction 4 fine trains dally In each direction STOP-OVERS AT EXPOSITIONS All tlckots to the East via California permit stop-overs at San Francisco and Los Angeles to see the Exposi tions. Ask nearest agent for "California and Its Two World Expositions" nd "Way Side Notes Shasta Route." SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Posse ioi A pent, Portland, Oregon. Cooling Wash Stops That Ifcb Tea not in half ait hour not in ten minutes but In 6 seconds. Just d, few drops of that mild, sooth ing, cooling wash, the D. D. D. Pre scription, the famous cure for Eczema, and the Itch Is gone. Tour burning skin Is Instantly relieved and you have ab solute proteotlon from all summer skin troubles. TVe can give you a good alz4 trial bottle of the genuine V. D. l4 Prescription for only 25 cents. iJon't fall to try this famous remedy for any kind of summer skin trouble vo know V, X). P, will give you Instant, relief, TfoWEST SIDE GROCERY IV! IIAVK A I.AIKiK LINK OF HTA I'i.K AVI FANCY illO- F.IIIKS A M I'll F. I-HK KS A UK IlKJII'l'. 8KIIVICK IMIOMI'T AMICnVIIIKOIH. WE DF.I.IVKIKIOOIIH WIIKN TO II HAY VOL' WANT 'I'll KM. NOT IIOUItN AKTKIt YOU NKF.I) Til KM. WH.AIIK IIF.KKTOMH.HVK YOU AN!) WE V V. YOU IIIOHT Vlionw Two-Nine DOWELL & BENEDICK ltM!bunr BAIST IT WELL because that is the only means by which you can pre vent the roast from burning. It would bo a shame to allow that to happen with such tender pieces of beef that wo supply you. All our meats are prlmo and rich with nourishment. cass sTiii:irr m.viiket l'liono 10.