H. RUTHVEN MAC DONALD, the Canadian Baritone vV ' ' ; s , j A i s ' , '4 rCwkSj -. i ' wMjf) l3 p r EVEIiV Chnutnucnia In fortuuato , how to give which has Toronto's favorite out their ful baritone. H. Kuthvcn Mai.Iionakl, Mr. MitclK on Its program. Thero Ib prolinliiy no lories will Inner so mucii sought after for con- hearers, and certs nnd entertainments, for he Is a I'nltcd Slat' irencrnl favorite. He has an extensive have Riven 1 rwiertorv. consisting of sacred, duscrlp- rendition of tlve. humorous, oratorio, operatic, "Elijah," Hootch and Irish souks, and he knowB son." them In a way to brinn enjoyment. tin til's presentation of ora iie u revelation to his the best critics of the Canada and England in unstinted prulse on bis he ".Messiah," "Creation," tedeinptlon" and "Bam- DOUGLAS COUNTY NEWS TODAY'S ODDEST STOKV. CLEVELAND, O., July 14. James K. Hackett, not the 4 James K., was arraigned be- 4 foro Municipal Judge McGan- 4 non, on a charge of begging. J "Are you an actor " asked 4 the judge, "I a.m not a relative of the actor Hackett," answered the prisoner, "but sometimes 1 do a Charley Chaplin stunt to get a few cents." "Costs and 30 days," an- nounced the judge, "we need a good entertainer at the prison farm." 4; DILLARD Mrs. Frank Kelster and daughter. Gladys, came up from Hoseburg Fri day morning and spent the day with their relatives, the Campbell family They returned homo In the evening after attending the entertainment. The entertainment given Friday nlht b ythe I). Y. P. U. was well attended by an appreciative audi ence. Every mimber on the pro grnm received an encore. The ladles of the church sorved lco cream 011 the grounds In front at the conclus ion of the program, which vim ua fol lows: Instrumental prelude .Oruau Barred song Audlcnco Vocal Duot Vivian Duoll, Myrn Norrls. Reading, "Lady Claire" I.ols Cobb Vocal Solo (In Gorman) "Showers of Blessing Margnrot Weeks Duet Guitar and Organ Mrs. Hubbard, Miss Fancher Vocal Solo "Stay on the Farm ... Mrs. Ketcuam Reading "Took Johnnie to the Show Hazel Fancher Sextette "Farewell to Thee Mrs. Hubbard, Misses Weeks nnd N'or rls, Messrs L. Miller, F. Norrls. A, Noah. Sacred Song Aneience Mrs. llouck Is visiting her son, Vester Green, at the Cougar Peak ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lander and children, of Winston, wero visiting at the Hercher home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cobb and chil dren returned to Roseburg Friday where the family will remain dur ing the Chautuuqtia season. Severnl Dllliinl horses were pur chased by outside buyers on Satur day. Among owners who sold wore Messrs. Krantz, Hercher and Custer Lauranoe. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lady recelv- Prices Slaughtered On Dry Goods Our large and well assorted stock of new dry goods, shoes, etc. must go regardless of price. Every article is selling at less than wholesale cost Make one dollar do the work of three. Come while the assortment is still good Peoples Supply Co. ed a week-end visit from Mr. Lady's mother, who lives at Slyrtle Creek. The Dlllard team played ball in I Roseburg with the Jmsbyterians I Saturday. The game was close, the score being 1 to 0 In favor of our! boys. J C. Merrill, of Roseburg, was a; Saturday caller. The Krantz-Henry newly-weds' were warmly welcomed In the loudly demonstrative manner last Tuesday night. At the close of the morning ser vices at the church last Sunday, the congregation repaired to the river hank where Rev. U. B. Bowers nd ministered the ordlnnnce of baptism to Miss Henrietta Meredith. Pastor Bowers preached In the evening also to a good audience. E. L. Westfall, a recent arrival from Nebraska, who has purchased property near Carnes, was doing business here Saturday. The Jackson threshing outfit that has stood since lat season under the shelter of the Miller oaks, was mov ed away Saturday by Its Myrtle Creek owner. The Miller family autoed to Rose burg Sunday for the afternoon Chau tauqua program. OPTIMIST & CO. and sell at public auction as the law directs at the Court House door of said County In the City of Roseburg, Oregon, on the 27th day of July, 1915, at ten o'clock a. m., the real property situated In the County of Douglas and State of Oregon and de scribed In said decree and order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot Six (6) and the West Twenty (20) feet off of Lot Five (0) In Block Three (3) In the Town of Glendale In said County and State, which town was platted and recorded as Julia In said County and State. Said sale will be for cash In hand and will be subject to confirmation by said Court. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, June 26th, 1915. GEO. K. QUI.VE, Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon B79-Jy2! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. CITY LIGHTED FROM Ml'NIOII'AI, LONGMONT, Colo., July 14: One 40-watt Tungsten lamp, burning free current From the municipal lighting plant, brightens nearly every porch In this city of 7,000 souls. The residents of Longmont refus ed the private company's light and burned candles and oil lamps for two months back In 1911 while the 111 n nlclpal plant was building because the private concern attempted to block the1 city owning Its own plant. Longmont's experience with mu nicipal ownership has been so mark edly successful Inquiries are received from all parts of the world. The city's Inhabitants are conservative, hard working and thrifty and went into the municipal electric power and lighting business only when goaded into It by unfair treatment and oppo sition. But once entered upon the task, Longmont piiRhed the munici pal public utility with the same en ergy that has made the city the greatest sugar beet center In the United States. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Douglas County as administrator of the estate of Da vid Thomas, deceased. 411 persons having claims against said estate are hereby requested to present the same to me, verified as required by law, at the office of Buchanan & Porter. Roseburg, Oregon, within six month: from this dnto. Dated this 30th day of Jun. 191o. ORA H. PORTER, Administrator of the estate of David Thomas, deceased. 693-jy29 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the county clerk up to 12 o'clock M, July 21st 1915, for the construction and im provement of a county road In Road District No. 16 Camas Valley, Doug las County, Oregon, according to the plans, profile and specifications on file with the county clerk. Bidders will be required to deposit a certifi ed check equal to 5 per cent of bid. The Court reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Dated this 7th day of July, 1915. H. II. LENOX, sw-719-Jy22 County Clerk. NOTICR TO CREDITORS. ACTOIl (JETS CHUHHY PIT Francis Wilson to Plant Oregon Fruit I" Own New York Orchard. Panama Chocolates FOR SALE AT The Rose, Sutherlin Inn, Umpqua Motel, Grand Hotel, Rexall Drug Store, Bennett's Confection ery, Roselkirg MADE AT THE ROSE EXPOSITION GROUNDS, San Francisco, July 14. Francis Wilson, actor of "The Bachelor's Baby" fame, was caught by H. C. Frobach yester day In the act of abstracting a lus- i clous Medford cherry from the south- ' ern Oregon cnerry exhibit. ! Apologies ensued. In which Mr. j Wilson said that ho wanted the pit to plant In his own cherry orchard In New Rochello N. Y. He shld ho grows cherries himself but he never had seen such cherries as those from Oregon. As a penaTty he was compelled to finish the box. Ho will be a lunch eon guest today. Senator Tillman vlsiud the Ore gon building yesterday. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, In nnd for the County of Douglas. In the matter of the estate of Hen ry H. Woodward, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an order made and entered In the above-entitled court and cause on the 12th day of June, 1915, the undersigned was appointed executor of Henry H. Woodward, "deceased; all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, are here by notified to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to the under signed executor at Roseburg, Or gon within six months from the date of this notice. GEORGE W. RAPP, Executor of the estate of Henry H. Woodward, deceased. J Dated June 19, 1915 I d-S-654jyl7 SIlKlilKK'H SALE OF rilO.l'F.ltTY. ItKAL NOTICE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Douglas. In the matter of the estate of C. C. Hunsaker, deceased. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE Is hereby given that I have filed herein my final report, and the court has set July 26, 191 5. j at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. asi the time when said report, together I with all objections thereto which ! have been filed, shall be heard and: considered. MRS. ANNIE MILLER, Administratrix. ' Bronaugh & Broaaugh, and Franklin F. Korrell, Attorneys for Adminis tratrix. 675-d-F-jy23 SUMMONS. In pursuance or a decree of fore closure and order of salo rendered In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Douglas County, on the 15th day of June, 1915, In the suit of The Roseburg National Bank, of Rose burg. Oregon, plaintiff, vs. Edwin F. Reeves, Emma O. Reeves, K E. Heck-i the time prescribed In the order for In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. E. L. Giles, S. C. Miller. George E. Houck, W. L. Cobb, W. S. Hamil ton and Thomas Cobb, Plaintiffs, vs. E. L. Westfall, J. H. Kerr. R. Rauch, J. J. Betts, It. E. Ferchen and J. E. Johnson, Defendants. To R. Rauch and H. E. Ferchen, two of the defendants above named: IN THE NAME OF TUB STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby requir ed to appear and answer to plain tiff's complaint against you now on file In the above named court and cause on or before the last day of bert and Georgia Heckbcrt, defend ants, for the recovery of S4559.35 with Interest thereon at eight per cent per annum from the date of I said decree, the further sum of ' $400.00 attorney's fees and J27.00 costs and disbursements and of so execution upon said decree duly Issu ed out of said Court on the 26th day of June, 1915, I will expos for sale. publication of this summons, to-wlt. on or before the 23rd day of Aug-! ust, 1915, Bald date being the explra-' tlon of six weeks from the date of! the first publication of this sum-1 mons, the time prescribed for publl-j cation being once a week for six! weeks. ' And If you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plain- j tiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint, a succinct statement of which Is as fol lows: for a decree of strict foreclos ure against you requiring payment of the sum of Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollars with Interest thereon at six per cent per annum from January 6th, 1914, until paid; that said payment be made within thirty days or such reasonable tlms as may be fixed by the Court, the person entitled thereupon to receive from plaintiffs a deed of conveyance of certain real property in Douglas County, Oregon, described as jfol lows, to-wlt: Lots Four (4) and Five (5) or Block Two (2), Glengary Fruit Lands, Douglas County, Oregon, as the Banie appears upon the plat of said lands of record In the office of the County Clerk of said County: also that part of Lot Three (3) In! said Glengary Fruit Lands described; as follows: Beginning at the North-j east corner of said Lot 3 and running: thence South along the East line of said Lot 3 to the Southeast corner of j said Lot .thence Northwesterly along: the line of public road to a point In the South line of said Lot 3, 178 feet Northwesterly from the Southeast corner of said Lot, thence Northeast erly on a direct line to the North east corner of said Lot, as required by a written agreement entered Into between plaintiffs and J, E. Johnson under date of January 6th, 1912, you having succeeded to some interest or claim under said agreement. And in default of such payment within said time plaintiffs pray that they be adjudged to be the absolute own ers of said premises and entitled to Immediate possession thereof, and that you and all other defendants above named be adjudged to have no right, title or Interest at law or In equity therein, and that all right, title and Interest which you have heretofore had or claimed therein b forever barred and foreclosed and that plaintiffs be put Into Immediate (possession of said premises, amT plaintiffs pray for general relief. This Summons Is published In the Umpqua Valley News, a newspaper of Roseburg, Douglas Comity, Ore gon, by order of Honorable R. W. Marcters, County Judge of Douglas County, Oregon, made and dated July 10th, 1915. The date ot the first publication of this summons la July 12th, 1915, and the duto of the last publication hereof la August 23rd, 1915. U. L EDDY, 732-a23 Attorney for Plaintiffs. I Why Suffer With eyestrain? Glasses made by me will relieve both eyestrain and headache. , Dr. B. H. Whitmer OPTOMETRIST Eyesight Specialist. Suite 311 Perkins Illilg. Take Elevator. ROSEBURG, ORE. This May Jar the Public But It Is a Good Jar at That When canning fru.t use the Mason or Economy jars. We carry a full line of all sizes of each. WRIGHT & RIEDEL The Square Deal Grocers Cor Lane and Sheridan Phone 103 Douglas County Creamery Products Fancy Creamery Butter and Ice Cream THE KIDDIES LO.VE IT so do the grown-ups. There t Is something about our nure. rich Ice cream that makes you want more. And the chil dren! Well, let the little darlings have all they want. It can't hurt them Its pur ity safeguards it. Take some home with you for dinner. PHONE 340 Prompt Attention Given Out of Town Orders Mr. Furniture Man This Space Used Regular With Changes Will Benefit You Tenfold If You Heard What Nels Darling Said Monday h