jgiXl THE KASH STORE KS; Kraut, per can 10 cents Peaches, 2 cans for 25 cents Dried Peaches, per pound 71 cents' Prunes, per pound 5 cents Seasonable Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. "THE CASH STORE" WK SAVE YOU MONEY 12B CASS STREET PTIFIMJOOT) m a L am EOF SPECIALS it vi y Milk on Ice 4 Fresh Cream and High Test California Redlands "Rose" Brand JJjjOranges and bright Florida Grape Fruit. Everything the market affords in vegetables, fresh every morning TheBee Hive Grocery Phone 91 s ".;rV".,,.:l,:; For Meats That are Meats Phone 134 or call at Roseburg Sanitary Market Cass St. Newhart Bros. Props. Message No. 6 To the Business Men of Roseburg When tun-.lown saWsman calls on you, do you buy his Roods Aren't you .(raid of his line because he looks as it no one ever gave him .n order? 1 Sam thing is irue of seedy (own. To be prosperous we must look prosperous and show local pride. , Clean streets, nice stores snd well-painled buildings py because they bring bostnem. Paint-hungry buildings re least escusable, for paiat made of Selby White Lead (Dutch. Boy Palntor Trade Mark) and putt linseed oil pays its way by protecting buildings against rot and decay. Let us estimate on your painting job. We have all good painting requisites. Call Dl up today. Churchill Hardware Company EXPECTED TO SHINE ' IN "BIG MIME" Mri nil , AsewN ' - f V . " ' I . County, Oregon, her final account as such administratrix and that the 17th day of June, 1915, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, has been fixed by said Court as the time for Tienring objections to said account and the settlement thereof. MINNIE BECKER, Administratrix of the Estate of John Becker, deceased. 635-Jnl7 SUMMONS. j Capt. Francis Ward. Capt. Francis Ward of the Uni versity of Chicago track team is ex pected to shine at the "Biff Nine" conference track meet at Urbana, 111., June 4 and B. He is counted upon to win the 220-yard low hurdles and the 120-yard high hurdles. He has a mark of :24 3-5 in the first event, and of :1B 2-6 in the second. KKU.IOK AI'I'OINTMUNT IS Illil.l) IIil1'XiAU SALEM, June 3. That Joe Keller, ex-police captain of Portland, has hold tho job of parole officer in the state prison Illegally for about throe months, developed today at the meal ing of the state bourd of control when State Treasurer Kay presented a re port from Attorney General Brown that the board would cither have to appoint the parole officer or delegate tho power to the warden. Colonel Law-nun Sustained. s The opinion had been requested by Governor Wlthycombe. Some weeks ago Colonel B. K. Lawson waB sum marily dismissed as warden by the votes of Wlthycombe and Kay because ho refused to appoint Keller when ordered to do so by Wlthycombe. Then John Bengen was named as warden and he Immediately appointed Keller, on Wlthycombo's orders, and Keller has served Btnco that time. The board of control never authoriz ed the appointment. Colonel Lawson's contention that ho could not legally appoint Keller is fully sustained In the opinion of the attorney general. All Action Deferred. When Kay read the attorney gen eral's opinion Secretary of State 01 cott moved that tho action regarding Keller bo postponed until tho iro- turn of Governor Wlthycombe, who is in eastern Oregon. This action was Ink on. Secretary Goodln of the board then called attention to tho fact that un der the attorney general's ruling all of those named by Warden Minto since ho took chargo were in tho same fix as Keller. This list Includes Deiv uty Warden Sherwood. Olcott moved that action regarding the others be deforred, as In Keller's case, until the governor's return. The opinion means that Governor Wlthycombe has no more legal au thority regarding tho state prison than nny othor member of the board of control, and thnt in dictating ap pointments he simply assumed pow ers he did not possess undor tho stat ute. The opinion refers to the powers and duties of tho board of control under the 1913 laws. No law affect ing the board was passed by the 1915 legislature. ItKCITAL. A song recital by the pupils of Mr. Gordon A. Fory will be given at the Baptist church, Monday evening. June 7. Everybody Is cordially in vited to attend. Tho program will begin at 8:15 promptly. B86-jn7p ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thnt tho undersigned administratrix of the: said order. estate of John Becker, deceased, has filed in tho County Court of Douglas 6ol-Jy5 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. George K. Quine and Melvina Ryan, plaintiffs. vs. Ellen Ledgerwood, Albert Ford, George Ford, Mrs. George Ford, his wife. Marvin Ford, Orvllle Ford, and Bartell Ford, a minor, defendants. To Albert Ford, George Ford, Mrs. George Ford his wife, Marvin Ford, and Orvllle Ford, GREETING: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the. Complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and Cause on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, to-wlt: On or before the 6th day of July, 1915, anj if you fail to so ap pear and answer said Complaint for want thereof, plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in Buld Complaint, a succinct statement of which Is as follows: For a Decree that plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple of the fol lowing described premlsos to-wlt: Beginning at a point which Is the one-fourth ( Vt ) Bection corner on the section line between sections Twi.nty- tour (24) and Twenty-five (!!! in Township Thirty (30) South Range Six (6) West, Willamette Meridian In Oregon; thence North 89 degrees 4 fi minutes West, 705.58 ft, to iron corner; thence North 00 degrees 3 6 minutes East 441.45 ft. to iron cor ner; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes East 933.00 ft. to Canyon-vIllo-Rlddle County road; thence North 00 degrees 20 minutes West 200.4 ft. In Canyonvllle-Rid- dle County Road; thence North 46 degrees 28 minutes W. 208.5 ft. in Cnnyonvllle-Rlddle Coun ty rond; thence North 52 degrees 15 minutes W. 429.13 ft. along Canyon- yille-Riddle County Road thence N. 34 degrees 55 minutes West 138.70 ft. along Canyonvllle-Rlddle County road; thence North 12 degrees 17 minutes West 182.70 ft. to iron cor ner on bank of Cow Creek; thence North 66 degrees 06 minutes East 11)53.00 feet to iron corner ou bank of Cow Creek; thence N. 59 degrees 02 minutes E. 822.2 ft. to East boun dary of Vandenbosch D. L. C. No. 47; thence North 85 degrees 00 min utes East 997.3 feet; thence North 88 degrees 46 minutes East 640.2 ft.; thence South 40 degrees 30 minutes East 845.0 ft. to East and West Cen ter line of Sec. 24; thence East 486.9 ft. along East and West center line to Yi corner on East side of Section 24; thence South 238.9 ft. to North line of D. L. C. No. 40; thence West 822.9. ft. along North line of Claim 46 to a point 1758 ft. East of South east corner of Claim No. 47 thence South 1508.8 ft. along the East line of the West halt of the D. L. C. No. 46; thence South 64 degrees 23 min utes West 752.8 ft. to Cnnyonville Middle County road; thence South 48 degrees 20 minutes East 895.3 ft. In Canyonvllle Riddle County road; thence North 89 degrees 41 2-3 min utes West 1772.1 ft. to place of be ginning free from all incumbrances, estate, claim or Interest of the defend ants or either or any of them, and that the title and right of possession of plaintiffs in and to said premises bo forever quieted against the above named defendants and each of them and for such further relief as to the Court may appear equltablo. This Summons is Berved upon you by publication in tho Umpqua Valley News, a newspaper of general circu lation published In Roseburg, Doug las County, Oregon, by ordor of the Hon. J. W. Hamilton, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and en tered of record on the 20th day of May, 1915. The first publication of this Summons will be of date the 24th day of May, 1915, and the last pub lication will be of date the 5th day of July, 1915, making the full period of six weeks, the time prescribed In The greatest economy of Ford cars is not in the low price but in the low after cost of operation less than two cents a mile In city and country. They are designed and built to serve and save; to bring the luxury of pleasure and the sturdiness In business work this s why there are more than 700,00o' now in use this is what has made the Ford the universal car these are the merits we present why you Bhould buy a Ford. Runabout $440; ;TouringCar $490; Town Car $090; Coupelet $750; Sedan $975 f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment. On display and Bale at The Ford Garage. G. W. Burnett, Agent. Surbaban Home Snap Fine 25-acre tract close In on fine road. All in cultivation, good land, some river bot tom, some alfalfa, fine fam ily orchard, new house and barn, good spring, good fences, nine head of cattle, team, machinery, tools fowls and crop all go for $4300. Terms. l'ERKINE & MARSTERS 8lP IheWEST SIDE GROCERY WEHAVK A I.AHfiK LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY tiltO CHHIK8 ANllTIlEl'ItlCVESAHEHIUUT, SERVICE PKOMl'T ANUC'OUriTKOUS. WE IJEI.I V KH OOODS WHEN YOU SAY YOU WANT Til KM. NOT IlOUltS AFTER YOU N KKH THEM. AVE All E II EKE TO 8 Kit VK YOU AND WE SEltVEYOU ltlliHT Phono Two-Nino DOWELL & BENEDICK Wert lloHubure Spray Material Corona Arsenate oF Lead Dry Powdered Contains only Arsenic and Lead Oxide, no Fillers. Mixes quick ly and easily. Stays mixed longer and sticks better to leaves, branches and fruit than any other kind. No sediment. Never clogs the nozzles. Also Black Leaf 40; all sizes Whale Oil Soap, and Spray Solution for Rose Bushes. Ask for Information and Testimonials. flarsters Drug Company RICE & ORCUTT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING trOnyx" Cl Hosiery Gives the BFST VALUE for Your Money Every Ki4 frost Celtea to Silk, For Men, WoaM ue CViMrea Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair" Look (or the Trade Mirk! Sold by AU Good Dealers. " whoirsai. Loi'd & Taylor A WIRE ORDER for steaks, cnops or roasts pleases us more than you can Imagine. The more fact that I'ou order by telephone estab lishes your confidence in our product and our square deal ing methods. You are safe In ordering that way because If the mean isn't right, send it back. CASS STREET MARKET rftono 19. mm NEW YORK "COOK WITH ELECTRIC!!!!" See the Ranges Demonstrated at the Roseburg Electric Co. Phone 123 234 North Jackson Street "Everything Electrical"