The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, June 04, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Editors and. Publishers.
HulKcrlptioii lUiteu Dally
Per year, by mail $3.00
Per month, delivered CO
Per year $2.00
Elz months 1.00
Entered ' as secoud-rluss matter
November 6, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore
under act of March 3, 1879.
feeling. There was no bitterness, nn
personalities in the campaign. It was
a straight-forward, honest campaign
on both Bides. The bond lHsue won
and the opposition will join hands
with the majority and assist in every
way to a speedy completion of the
road to the timber.' Today Koseburg
Is a united citizenship.
Let us continue so!
A ch..;k nkkdkd.
J'JUIJAY, MAY 4, 11)13.
j tfloseburg yesterday placed, her
neit in tne very front rank of pro
gressive American cities. The over
whelming avalunche of votes cast in
favor of the railroad bond issue is
elgniflcant not only of the progres
sive character of our citizens but of
their desire to help themselves.
The splendid victory is uot attrib
uted to uny one mun or any group
of men. It speuks for the Intelli
gence of the people. The vctory be
longs to the mult and file of the vot
ers. They were guided solely by
their own best judgment and they
acted almost unanimously on a pro
posal whfcli means much to the future
welfare of the city Itself and its citi
zens. The cry of taws made no impres
sion on our people. All of us who
worked and voted for the bonds are
ready to pay any addltlonul tax which
may lie Imposed because of our vote.
We nil bellcvo that the tux will be
more than offset through community
growth and prosperity. If the voting
of (he bonds gives employment to
lust twenty men who are now unem
ployed, the wages paid to these men
will equal the amount of our Interest
chhrgo on tho bonds. The wage money
will be spent hero and will circulato
through nil the channels of commer
cial activity.
With one or two exceptions the op
position to the bond Issue came from
property owners who have retired
from active business and who de
pend upon rentals from their prop
erty to carry ttiem along. To tills
class of perBonB the tax argument ap
pealed mnBt strongly, because aa they
figured It, every additional dollar
thoy paid In taxes wns Just so many
dollars taken away from their rental
income, nut in this they were in
error. A landlord fixes his rent to
cover all charges, against ills prop
erty. The tenant pays the bill. Tho
tax argument wns a bug-u-lino which
failed to attract any attention in this
election. It was rolcgnled to tho an
clont archives from which it origin
ated. .i -.; '
The carrying of the bond issue
means a new era for Koseburg. In
connection with the railroad and mill
work a largo auxiliary electric power
plant will bo built. It will generate
power vastly In excess of the amount
necessary to handle the Kendall saw
mill. What then Is tho motive prompt
ing t'ho expenditure of this capital
for tho erection of nn auxiliary plant
It Is evident that a change Is necd
I ed in the naturalization laws of this
I country, or In the treaties regarding
j this subject between ours and for
eign governments whose subjects take
out their papers and become citizens
or the United States. It Is stated
that Italy has issued orders calling
all her reserves In foreign countries I
to the colors, and this call is said to
be applicable to all the naturalized
Italian citizens in this country under
penalty of possible loss of property,
or arrest In case a visit to the old
hqjne is ever made, if the call Is not
obeyed. This is not right, and as
soon as this war Is over Bteps Bhould
bo taken that will secure to the natur
alized citizen the same immunity
from trouble or arrest as possesesd
by tho native born. It is true that
tho naturalized sons of nearly all the
warring nations can be found In the
camps or trenches of their former
countries, fighting as though they
had never forswore their allegiance,
and It Is equally as true that one can
find native born Americans in Bonu
one or other of the armies. These
men are as a rule soldiers of fortune,
and their enlistment Is voluntary,
carrying no obligations to their gov
ernment for protection. It is the
mandatory call of a foreign govern
ment to the naturalized citizens of
nnothor, that needs attention and revision.
Strawberry )
Pineapple $
J Maple Nut
Cor. Cass and Jackson Streets W.H.RICHARDSON Roseburg, Oregon
traveling men's recent entertainment
at Sutherlin.
To those people who are afraid
of taxes we recommend a vacation
In Curry county nlnoty miles from
Gold Beach where they have no
taxes and nothing else.
Old Man Koseburg and Old Man
Prosperity seem to like each, other
pretty well after all. At least they
formed a pretty substantial partner
ship yesterday.
Everybody pull for a bigger, a bet
ter, a more prosperous, a more popu
lous IloBcburg. Let factional differ
ences end. They subserve no useful
Have you thut Bmlle that won't
come off? If not, put it on and keep
It on.
I'lliHT, AS I'SUAf,,
Five minutes after the polls closed
lust night, Tho News bulletin board
had tho total vote of the four wards,
and the majority In each for the
bond Issue. Fifteen minutes later an
extra edition of The News was on the
streets and sevornl hundred copies
distributed gratuitously to the wait
Ing public. The thanks of the people
who were so vitally Interested in the
question amply recompensed for
tue extra expense and trouble incur
VOru ItE FITTlXtf.
It has been suggested thnt the citi
zens of Koseburg celebrate the result
of the bond vote, and the actual be
ginning of work on the new road, by
digging the first Bpado of earth, or
driving the first spike, on tho Fourth
of July. There certainly could b? no
more filling combination than that
of national patriotism and civic pro
driving the first spile, on the Fourth
crosl of Mt. Nelio would ldt the stir
ro- 'Mug country know that lioseourg
wns nbout to do things.
Good morning. Hid that sawdust
in your eyes wake you up today
That goat in the parade the other
day was no joke.
It was almost unanimous!
It was SOME election!
Ono of our citizens who was op
posed to tho bond issue mado tho
statement a number of times that if
the bonds rnrrled he was going to
deed his property to the city linme-
llitoll' .-lltlmr fl.iin l t ,
which bus a capacity several times ', , ,. , ,
i It nwuy from him inch bv . Inch
through Increased taxation. I'ortun-
ns great as Is required for the needed
power at the saw mill? There is but
ono nnswor to this question. Other
UovcUipmont work lu this valley is
conlciuplulod of which wo us a city
anil Individuals know nothing.
In nnothor column of this Issue of
The News will bo found the notice
of two car loadB of machinery having
been received hero by tho Portland:
Cement Company,, nil organization
ately for that man the records show
thnt nil 'his property stands In his
wlfo's name, or today ho might have
been forced to fulfil his threat.
(Continued from page 1.)
say that "he would be tho first one to
he suspected of tho crime."
A few days later Mr. Heemer and
he moved a portion of the burned
born and under this burned lumber
they found the foot-print of a man.
This track was peculiar in that It
had a row of small nails on the in
side of a row of larger ones on the
Mabel Barton was the first witness
called afteh the noon recess. A ques
tion put to tile witness by the prose
cutor nbout what she Knew or a let
ter having been received by Edna
from Roy, was objected to by Card-
well. Tho state contended that Mabel I
Mile. Papadouple.
Mile. Papadouple, a Greek passen
ger aboard the Lusitnniu, was res
cued after swimming about for three
hours. She was clad in a sailor's
sweater and trousers. This picture
of her wea snapped shortly after she
was put ashore at Queenstown.
which he replied that he had not. A
bottle of this oil was then shown him
and ho declared he never saw it. The
defense asked him If he ever bought
any ethensia and he said he never
Mr. Beemer was recalled and ask
ed ir any old corsets or other rubbish j
was in the barn. He said that hej
bad never seen any around tha place. J
Sheriff Qulne was recalled and stat-
ed that on the morning of 10th of:
December he, in company v.'I'.l: Mr. j
Coiitcurrl and Fred McGregor went!
t) tie fcene of the crime. He stated j
they first investigated rcn-l followed!
some horse tracks whi'h lead offj
f .-oni the road up to a ?ma!l dump of i
bushes. j
The sheriff described the print of!
had invited Edna to spend the night
with her and that she replied that, this hoof as being made bv a 1,,,,-e-r nn.
she would If she did not receive a let-! hors0 nnd ueing extremely clp!,ncllt
After measuring the print they went
to the Fnrnum.home and had Koy!
lead the horse out of the barn, and
found the prints were Identical, with!
the tracks in the road. j
Tho sheriff described the horse aa
one weighing 1100 pounds. He said!
$5,450 Per Day
Spent to Fortify Goodyear Tires
Our experts say: "If Good
year tires were built like
some others, our saving would
be $1,635,000 per year
$5,450 per day."
The difference would
hardly be visible when the
' tire is complete. But it would
probably cost our users a
million dollars monthly.
Better Still
But, instead of skimping
Goodyear tires, we are build
ing them better still.
Goodyear Fortified tires,
for many years, have em
bodied five costly features
exclusive to these tires. We
still employ them all.
We spend on experts
$100,000 yearly to find new
betterments to add. In the
past year alone we have
added improvements which
cost us exceeding $500,000
per year.
Lower Prices
Yet Goodyear prices are
constantly coming down. Our
last big reduction on Feb
ruary 1st made three in
two years, totaling 45.
In view of those facts,
don't you think it worth while
to get Goodyears? Most men
do. Goodyears have long
outsold any other tire. They
are selling now much faster
than we can build them.
Any dealer will supply you.
Fortified Tires
No Rim-Cut TIret ''Oo-Air" Curd
With All-Weather Tread or Smooth
ter that afternoon from Karnum, but
nftor the arrival of the mail Kdna told
her that she could not go with her
that evening as Hoy was cumins
down. On account of Mr. Curd well
wishing to look up some authorities
on the subject raised, Miss Barton
was excuse., ana w.u oe recalled ai tt thl!r0 WBro two set3 Qf tra(;kg
future time. ( from ,Ue Flirnum home to th(J u
II W f'lHi-k Inn tiovt wltnnnu tia- .
titled to bavin, taken a numb er of I f"":... 1 B U?r,"k.ed.a n'be'- Glendale.
oi questions relative to the hoof print
Goodyear Service Stations
Tires in Stock
G. VV.
Burnett and S. B. Crouch, Roseburg, Oregon
Grant Riddle Garage, Riddle, Oregon
Urothor lliiyner, of the Sutherlin
Pun Is quick to note anything In
The News Hint he can misconstrue
Into a slur of his city, nnd when any
thing nlco Is said he cllns and credits
which for the past three or tour years: It to another paper of this oily, as for
nas uoen in mo grip of Internnl dis- Instance, the Item relating to the
sonsion. A re organization has been
going on for somo time nnd events of j
tho past few weeks lndicnte that
operations are nbout to ho resumed.
The bond Issuo wns the hair In the
balance. Koseburg will not be a de
serted village. Its business Interests
will thrive, its Industries In contem
plation will hnvo largo payrolls and
Its citizens will bo contented and hap
py. Whnt more can any community
For thoso who opposed the bond
Issue tho people hnvo the most kindly
To the Indies of ItoseliurK:
To ndvertlso my work will make
special prices on nil tailored
work. Suits and skirts a spe-
clalt. Ten years experience in
Washington, 1). c.
It" XV. lame Street
in tho
Morgan home and tho Heemer bam.!
Mr. Clark was not cross-examined by1
the defense. f
Verna Mctleu was the third witness1
called. Miss Mcliee was dressed In1
n white middy waist and white skirt. '
She was a school mate of Kdna Mor-!
gnu's nnd testified of having been on1
Intimate ti'rnis with her. She stated1
that the lust time she saw Edna was
on tho evening before v.he fire near
tile burn which was afterwards burn-'
nicu res in mo . vicinuv oi ine oui- ,
' . UIIII llllfl (T T P II BIMtDll Ihu, I, ....n n
. . kut. ii. ,ao u
very peculiar shaped foot and one
easily recognized. The sheriff stat
ed that ho secured some hluck hair
from the trees where the horse had
been tied. In tho .Morgan homo the
sheriff secured a pair of shoes and a
hottlo of oil of tanzy and same
:chinecia. The sheriff had showed
he bottl- of oil to Farnrm end ho
said It contained oil of tanzy and ad
mitted having bought it of Darby at
The shoe of Edna Morgan was fit
ted Into the track on the outside of
inside of the bars at the Beemer barn
and they fitted exactly. A few days'
later another trip was made to the
scone of the fire and the track of a
man's shoe wos found in the soft
earth. Some boards of the burned
bulldirg had failed over thlB tracK
and preserved it. One of Farnum's
shoe's fitted perfectly Into this Imprint.
If it isn't an Eastman it isn't a
kodak. If it isn't a kodak It Isn't
autographic. If It Isn't autographic
it Isn't up to date. Get the latest
and best at the Roseburg Book
Store, authorized dealers of East
man Kodak Co. . 645-tf
Expert auto repairing and machine
work. Many years experience and all
work guaranteed. Give me a trial.
G. L. Prior, 230 West Oak street.
ed. The next morning she, in com- Shirley B. Walte, of Wlllamina
pany with Mrs. Wilson, went to the. Is In the city today attending the
scene oi me lire. Alter leaving mej business maTters and visiting with
Heemer place mey returned to tne .f friends.
Morgan home where a number of
, , , ! Mrs- Arthur Johnson, who has been !
basket ball ,. , , h . , . , ,
l,in tlinf aim u ti t r-r.,1 Intn I
' " ' v i considerably In.provcd today.
ladles had congregated,
that Kdnn belonged to
Ihis Coupon Presented
at the time of a purchase
of 30c or over entitles you
Ten Green Trading
Stamps Free
The ffioxgJlt Store
, ...... j
the sport very encrgetlcly. When the
witness was asked if she could notice
any difference In Kdna s shape she
replied that she noticed that herj
brensts had developed considerably.
Helen Ferbrnche, who Bald she liv- The superiority of the service
ed five miles nnd about 5 or 6 tenths1 Tho Kvening Newa give3 to tn0
from Glendalo. vns tho next witness.; H,ople of ths c(t. wag demon.
It wns at her mother's home that . a air.-iii.rl o,.ii i,,u, i..i. ...
nignis imui i flve mnlllos after tnB :..
Edna stayed for n few
lirr mmer leiepuuuou lur m-r 10 u-, ulew announcing that the bond
turn home for fear of a neighborhood
This witness told- of Edna con
stantly wearing a loose coat in school
and of Edna's reluctance in Joining'
her companions in play at school.
Cross exnmlnnMon developed the im-t
thnt Kdna hail a sever.' attack of
whooping cough and that sho could
not eterclse without severe pain to
Mr, Morgan Hecnlled. Iy Klnto.
Tho first question asked Mr. Mor
gan upon being recalled, was if "he
had ever bought any oil of tanzy," to
issue had carried The News Ex-
tra was on the street giving a
detailed account of tho election
with complete returns from ev- 4
ery ward. The papers went like
not cakes aud the edition of five
hundred was soon exhausted.
It you will rend The News from
day to day you will follow the
events of the world and keep in
touch with what Is going on at
home. Tell your friends about
The News. 4
For Our "Teenie Weenie"
Friends. Soft Shoes in Great Variety
Soft Sole Button Shoes
Soft Sole Lace Shoes
Soft Sole Ankle Straps
-oft Sole Barefoot Sandals
Soft Sole "Bootees"
50 cents the pair
Roseburg Booterie
Irvln llrunn.