i New Arrivals:- All Kinds of Porch Furniture, Chairs, Settees, Swings, Etc. . m We are exclusive agents for the cele brated Sturgis Luxury Baby Carriages and Go-carts. Luxury Springs under seat and back which means absolute comfort for the baby. A. J. Lilburn & Son The Complete House Furnishers American Bteamor Gulflight was tor pedoed by mistake by a German sub marine, Ambassador Gerard cabled to the Btate department. Admiral Dehnke, the commander of ti e tub marine fleet, Informed him thai they mistook the Gulflight for an enemy ship because It was convoyed by two boats resembling trawlers. They did not notice the American flag at the stern until after giving orders to fire the torpedo. WILSON READS GERMAN REPLY Cabinet Discusses Note but Gives Nothing Out PRESIDENT WILL ISSUE II SHARP REPLY tormuns Admit Allude on Tho J.ilflll.(, Hut Sny That It Was n MlMuke. WASHINGTON, Juno 1 Tho pres ident and cabinet went over the of- i flclal text of the evasive reply of j Germany to the government's note I protesting against the submarine warfnre of Germany. Later the presi dent suggested that all comment as j to the note bo withheld for tho pres ( ent. Now that tho official text has j been discussed by tho cabinet, he said I it might be dangerous to make con jectures as to the reply because such conjectures were cabled abroad and Invariably caused the government trouble. The president told hU call ers he was hopeful of compeltlng his . reply so as to forward It to Berlin j at the enrlicst possible moment. It Is understood that this may bo Thursday or Friday. Tho statement of tho president relating to Mexico will ho mndo public at . the White House tomorrow. (iiilfllglit Torpedoed by Mistake. WASHINGTON', June 1. The A week from next Saturday, June 12, the people living in the Mt. Scott, Lone Hock and Fall Creek school dis tricts are going to hold a meeting with a viow of consolidating the three districts and making of them one big district. If the school Is located near Glide, the farthest any pupil will be from the central school will be four miles. The roads are very good In nil directions from this central loca tion. The few places In tho enlarged district where the roads are not very good will be Improved before the win ter sets In. This consolidation meeting will be held at Glide In the open air and " oors Fltzpatrlck, 0. C. Brown Hall, Roy Dunham and Smith will speak. Mrs. Lilly will give a number of readings and music will probably be furnished by the Dixonvllle band The vote on the consolidation will be time 21. SUCH-A LITTLE GIRL FOR SUCH A BIG. JOB Ity Harry Furls. (United Press Staff Correspondent.') Chicago, June 1. Johnny Coulon, the littlo Logan Square battler who so long wore the crown of the ban tams on his bald head, Is going to try a comeback. The experience of Jim Jeffries and countless other gentle men who have essayed similar stunts with disastrous results, has no ter rors for Johnny. He is as confident t hat he wili win back the champion ship as ho is of anything. Johnny, however, hasn't lived 28 yenrs for nothing. Ho knows' a lot of tricks yet, even If lie Is an ex chump, and ho Is basing his hopes to take tho title away from Kid Will lams, on two things one is that he' really believes lie packs a big enough wallop to put the Baltimore Dane away. The other Is a well founded belief that Williams can not. longer .SALLY FLEMING McADOO, ' YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREAS URY, WHO WILL BE SPONSOR FOR. THE COAST GUARD CUT TER, "OSSIPEE," WHICH IS TO BE LAUNCHED MAY 1 AT NEW PORT NEWS, V,A. J iSf tT ' ' ' ""llllIIJ M1 1 I' ""II' 1 '' The GOLDEN I i&smw fes The B,acK 8ox L tfr M The fourth episode. I fk ! y The Story of the I : fl .'VM', . rwtlTHE FIGHT DmA III , 5 cet IE ' M A ICOTir Ti j. I It's Different scale 116 pounds, the legitimate ban tam limit, and be strong all the ex postulations of Sammy Harris to the contrary. "Williams can't make 116 any more and be Btrong," Johnny said several days ago, "and I know it. I also know that there Isn't a 116 pound boy In the game with the ex ceptlon of myself, who stands 8 chance to beat him. Will he fight me? I don't know, but I'll make it so hot for him If he don't that he will have a sweet time trying to square himself with the fans. He has never given me a return fight any way, which is contrary to all ring precedent. I am going to post $1, 000 for him to meet me at 116 pounds." Johnny hasn't been idle since Wil liams deefated him in California a year or so ago. He, always was a clean liver and he has not abandoned boxing since he became an ex. He constantly in training, and spends most of his time away from the little cigar store that bears his name up on the square. In July, Johnny is going to Canada and spend all summer in the woods. Then he is going to come back, take on a few boys to get a good line on himself, and then spring the big coup. ' This, of course, is all according to Johnny, but the little fighter only weighs 118 stripped now and looks every inch in condition. And there are a lot of Chicago fans, particularly his Logan Square worshipers, who think he not only has a chance to IF YOU are troubled with dandruff, itching scalp, and your hair coming out, we HAWKES CUT GLASS has qualities of color, cutting and design unrivalled. V Once you seize the peculiar beauty iiid brilliance of a Hawkcs piece you can't as one enthusiast said- look at any other glass. We should like to show you our present splendid collection of this artistic ware. Simple pieces at moderate prices as well as ex amples of the more sumptuous "Hawkcs" dear to the hostess-heart. QUALITY SERVICE G. W. Young and Company JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS PHONE TWO-ONE-FOVR ROSEBURG. OREGON Let me send you FREE PERFUME Write today for a letting bottle of ED. PINAUD'S LILAC The world's most famous porfurnc. every drop at meet as the llvlnj blossom. For tiaridkerchlcf. atomizer and bath. i-lne alter shav-lns- Jn ine value ... ""'"r -.v - pay extra lor a lancy bottle. The -..alUy . wonoe rlul. Tho Pike only 75c. (S or.). Send ic. lor the little bottle-enoush lor 50 handkerchiefs. Write today. PARFUMER1E ED. PINAUD, Department M. ED. PINAUD BUILDING NEW YORK slip one over on the blond Williams, but that he'll do it. LOS AXGELES MUNICIPAL CAMPAIGN EXCITING LOS ANGELES, June 1. The is sues. of one of the most exciting mu nicipal campaigns in the recent his tory of Los Angeles were being de cided today at the polls. For mayor, Chief of Police Charles E. Sebastian and Frederick J. Whlf fen, a councilman, survived the pri maries in May and were the candi dates. Sebastian was nominated at the height of his trial on a charge of contributing to the dependency of a minor girl. Mrs. Floyd Senter, of Calapooia, underwent an operation at the hospi tal this morning. ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE WW FINAL SETTLEMENT. ' Mrs. Chas. Helnllne cordially in vites the public to attend a series of recitals at tho First M. E. church, June 1, 2, 3, and 4. On Tuesday, June 1, the program will be furnish ed by Miss Stella Krohn, Miss Annabel Denn, Master Morril Ritter and little Helen Falbe. On Thursday evening Miss Lucile Drlskell will be featured in connection with a number of other pupils. Friday evening tho younger children will present "June's Recep tion". Programs begin promptly at S o'clock. 573-jn4 In the County Court of the State . of Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter of the Estate of Sam uel Steel, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Administrator has- filed in the above Court his account In final settlemi nt of the above named estate and the Court by order duly made ou the 17th day of May, 1915, has fixed the 28th day of June, 1915, at 10 o'clock a. m. In the County Court room at Roscburg, Douglas County, Oregon, for the time for hearing ob jections, if any, to said final account and settlement of said estate. Dated this, the 17th day of May, 1915. ' : GEO. W. MYERS, 540-jnl7p Administrator. Oxy Acetylene Welding New process of welding Iron, cast Iron and aluminum. All work guar anteed and prices are reasonable. G. L. Prior, 2.10 W. Oak street. . 1 BHl fOR THE PUBLIC HFM1H J TOR THE PUBLIC HFM1H j TRAOC MARK nsk you to try on our guarantee that it will you relief and satisfaction or ! nev refunded. Sold nnlv bv us. and $1.00. BSSmYs - no2 mm to iiftw Central Pharmacy Marshall's Pure Food Store ioorgt- W. I.edercr, who prod need the original play that had such a )oiig anil Kcnsutlimal siu'ccas nt (he Hudson Theatre is the producer of this dimtmtio photoplay of a woman's fight iignlnst political cor ruption. The sumo cast was used prnrdcnlly nil the way through. MAItGAKFT WVCHKItLY AM) JOHN 1). KF.LLF.ltl) in THE FIGHT Ity IIAYAKI) VLll-LK.lt, Author of "Within the law" Presented by 1 WOlil.ll FILM CXWPOItATlOV IN 5 STIiOXG ACTS The Ford Weekly Always Coori. Today and Tomorrow 5c, 10c Admission 5c, 10c THE STORE I nf , , AT J T Hi I WE GIVE "vr Ine New York Store fear WEDNESDAY - - Double Stamp Day Double Stamps on all Shoes, Millinery Wool Dress Goods, Summer Wash ' Goods and Underwear