The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, May 27, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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SIETox J. siTokmakku
Kdlt"rs and 1'ulilb.hers.
Hulncrlitiou Kului Dully
For year, by mull $3.00
Per month, delivered ,C0
Per year J2.00
Bix months l.Oi
Entered as second-class inattei
Novomher 5, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore..
under act of March 3, 1879.
THURSDAY, .MAY li", 11)1.7.
According to cable dispatches this
3iiornlng, the Genua.; guvrinnient has
Issued a call to active service of Its
last lino of military reserves, this bi
ing all the untrained members of the
Landstrum above thirty five years of
use. As Is well known, since war has
mado these things of general knowl
edge, the "LamlHtrum" Is one of the
ertat subdivisions of the German
urniy -n last line of reserve only
called to arms during actual threat'
of Invasion, or as the last resort to
fill diminishes ranks. It consists of
trained and untrained man above the
ngo of thirty rive, the trained being
those who have passed through, the
active, reserve and Lund.strum ser
vice, and the untrained those who
liave been exempt from military ser-
vlco for various reasons. As It has
been generally understood that the
first of these, the trained, have al
ready been called, the present call
for the unlrnlned is significant.
her lawyer, Elaine through her perse- '
cutlon was at an end. Subsequent
events prove her error. Seeking rest
after her numerous escapades, Elaine,
visits her nurs In the country. Mys-I
terlous noises are heard nightly.'
Elatns communicate s her fears to I
Kennedy, who Investigates. He and
Jameson search for the cause and dls-,
rover a secret passage which leads;
Into the ground. Following this they:
come upon Long Sin, Chinese ad-,
venturer, tool of Wn Fang, master
criminal. They aro overcome by a I
deadly gas, Hlnlnc appears with herj
' it. In the struggle that follows the'
roof caves In. The Oriental escapes!
with a mysterious box which he camo
for, but the others are left behind to :
be Tescutd by Aunt Tabby and her.
"iliand. Long Sin reports to Wuj
Fang. They open the box, supposed)
to contain $7,000,000 but find only a
mystic ring. j
.OF P.
The new Came and Fish Commis
sion has been named, and as usual
the post office address of the high
srlai'cd officials Is found to be Port
mno. hum a thing may iin ix;'i some
time that some appointing powers will
icrognlze Iho fact that thera is a
gnu'lj- part of the state llvin.-; oi.t
Bldo Iho corporate limits of i'ortlaii'J.
iii:i,o.(;h to rs.
The attenllou of (ho Orc, is
ca.icd to the fact that the cow giv
ing ' lrlh to three calves at one tl'iie.
I? a Douglas county proline'., and Ilia'
all pie Jorsles nnd dolrg flue. It
would never do lo allow such a fine
piece or advertising of waior and nlr
and forage, lo go uncorrected us to Its
proper locality.
Our neighboring city of Sutherlin
showed excellent business Judgment
when It selected the traveling inert
of tho stale to bo Its guests for a
day of fun and recreation. No other
body of men can do as much plugging
for n place as the organized body of
commercial travelers, and they will
carry the name of Sutherlin to many
partB of tho state and country where
lis existence Is now not dreamed of
We Have half a notion to Join the
bunch on the strength of once having
tried to sell up to dnto family rtlbles
and Btato maps on the road, and go
ovor to Sutherlin for a day's fun.
If there Is any truth In the cabled
report today that Turkey has sent an
ngent to Berlin, to Inform the Kaiser
that Turkey can no longer enrry on
the war, and will sue for separate
peace. It will mean the release of a
considerable force of the allies which
has been operating In the attempt to
captnro Constantinople nnd further
Increase the difficulties confronting
the combined armies of AiiBtrla and
Peter Jorey, of Edenbower. was
about the most completely surprised I
man in Douglas county last night
when Alpha Lodgo No. 17 K. of P.
presented him with a Veteran's Jewel.
Mr. Jorey has been a member of Cus
cade Lodge In Ncbruska for over 25
years continuous mcmlit rship and
last night was presented with the Vet
erne's Jewel which Is considered as
the highest gift of honor that can be
bestowed on a Knight of Pythias.
The presentation took the form of
a mock trial. Mr. Jorey was, Invited
to come out and partake of short
rake. When he entered tho Castle
hall he was arrested and brought bo
fore the C. C. and the formal charge
of "bigamy'; was read to him. This
took hlni almost off his feet but when
he wub ordered escorted from the hall
by the M. A., Mr. Jorey was Inclined
to enter a mild protest. However, he
was not allowed to say a word and
later was brought back Into the h;n
where ho wns tried and convicted of
having two wives one his lawful
wedded wife and the other nfflnltv.
the K. V. lodge to which ho hud been
fnithful for over 20 years, ('has. F.
Hopkins mado tho presentation
speech in behalf of Mr. Jorey's lodge
nnd .1. F. Hutchnson decorated Mr.
Jorey with tho Veteran's Jewel at the
same tune saying a few words In
behalf of Alpha Lodgo where Air.
Jorey has won so many friends since
coming to Douglas county.
l ne idea was original as far as
could be learned nnd wns presented
by tho C. C. of Alpha Lodge. A large
number of members were present and
voted that tho evening's entertain
inent was the best they had enjoyed
for a long time. There will be more
1 no I'ytlilan Sisters served a most
deliciouB Btrawberry short cake to all
present and nil voted that the dessert
was the finest ever attempted by the
FTl J1,,;if:'f
rf '1
--ikM-j ' I t J
g fev ri4 ft,.
1 , -'i
A. J. Drcxcl Diddle and Mary L. Duke.
' Two big American fortunes will be further united on June 16, when
Mary L. Duke, daughter of the tobacco kinpr, weds A. J. Drexel Biddle, son
of Anthony Drexel Biddle of Philadelphia. The engagement was an
nounced some weeks ago at the marriage in Philadelphia of Miss Cordelia
jBiddle, sister of A. J. Drexel Biddle, to Angier B. Duke, brother of Miss
I Mary L. Duke. This is the first picture taken of the couple together.
taxes will be increased five dollars on
Hie thousand of your assessed valua-j
tlon. Your property may be worth!
?2r.O().O0, but if your are fortunate L
enougn to nave it assessed at only
? 1000.(10 your taxes will bn increased
only $.1.00. If you are assessed at
Jl'OO.Oo your taxes will be Increased
fi.nU. The tax oueslion therrfrirn!
resolve. Itself into insignificance. " . ' , "ifi d-:f"nd''nt
The figures which The News has pre- ' ! ' "WMS an" on'5'
sented here arc absolutely correc!. " 'n , ' , th fCt
Wh,.n , i .! tl"'t he waa l,oni a"d reared in this
telis you that you are ph.cing a mort-! ' "f'n T C'"i-
gage on your home when you vote : T, "T" comm,,n"'- The
this tax, Just remember the figures! h ! ""f "
.., i ,, ,., .... , "Kleci at tho trial to the effect "I mi
w,uo nan ieii nun you will lie veryljf a
u'iii( to pui mat Kind or a mortgage
Petitions addressed to the presi-
'i dent of the United States asking for
: an unconditional pardon of T. It.
: Sheridan, are being circulated in this
; city today. The petition calls atten
tion to tile fact that the d:f.
(Continued rrom page 1.)
standstill for the period of the bonds
thirty years.
But noseburg WIU grow. Tho saw
mill and the railroad will attract oth
er capital and other Industries will
be started. Our population will in
crease. More tradesmen will be re
quired, larger stocks will he carried
more homes will be built and Im-
provej and expansion In all business
will be the order of affairs. All
these forces working will Increase the
nsseased valuation of Rosehurg. The
merest charge of $16,000.00 Is ab
solutely fixed. It will never be any
more. Therefore as the city grows
and 'he assessed value of wealth be
comes greater the lesser mlllnge will
It take to pay the fixed llnterest
It will thus be seen that the tax
Increase argument la a mere bug-a
on your place.
Tomorrow The News will take up
and discuss Impartially and without
fervor some of the other arguments
which the opposition has used against
the bond issue. The News is satis
fled that a clear understanding of
tho Issue will carry the election by'
higher court sees fit to reverse
the decision no one would be more
Please, than he" follows. The peti
tions are being freely signed.
A quiet wedding occurred at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Card-
well last evening nt which Justice of
the Peace I. n. Riddle officiated. The
the largest vnt r o,.. , u,ues were A. J. rtob-
" w , erts an
measure piacea on the ballot.
d Iris May Andrus. bnth real
dents of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Itob-
... ,vcu Known in mis com
munity nnd have a host of friends
i( DfcPAIITIXU MEMBERS who extend congratulations.
The members of the Baptist church WCV OF EKillTIf t;i!AD.: EX.
reception to!
The new enst: Craig Kennedy, Ar
nold Daly; Elaine Dodge, Pearl
Whlto; Wu Fang, Edwin Anion: Wal
ter Jameson Crelghton Hale; Aunt too and not worthy of serious consid
JT7J:.V.h"to: '" R b" "' on. s.Bn,fl-
' , "l ,uo -''ieninf cant fact about the tax rate and you
Hand exposed the dual exlstance of will not fear the bond Is.,,. v.
of this city tendered
Mrs. S. H. Morse, Mrs. J. F. Clements!
and Miss Edith Clements in
church parlors last evenlno- M,a I held in each district In nn,,oio
.Morse leaves the latter part of the ty llBvlnS applicants for some, June
week fo- Pnrtlnn , u,ho.D M , u,m iJ.
-u ..... mu,atJi ,.
Is located nmf M ,i r-,. .J . ""b I" "Brum will be OD-
- viuuienLs- served:
will make their future linnm in iHi,n I mt..
leaving this cltv In f.w t .l '"m""'euc' writing.
n, . t . " giammar, agriculture and snellln?
Clements, who has been connected p-m.o, ,spellmS'
with the high school faculty for sev- rBpy, civ,, m.nt Tnd
eral years will be a June bride and 0 r '78'
w,l, reside ,n Porfand. dsw-5Cl-m31 County Scnopt.
Vn.ln J 1
. ,a uereuy given that nn
tho eighth grade examination will hn
lo the Ladles of Roseburg:
To advertise my work will make
special prices on all tailored
work. Suits and skirts a spe-
cialt. Ten years experience in
' Washington, D. -C.
117 V. Lnuo Street
' '
Th case of the Lewlston Milling
Co; against Hermann Koenlg and
Roboit Schonwald, an action to re
cover money, occupied the attention
of Judge Skipworth today. The case
goes back to the time Church Bros,
conducted the Cass street bakery and
sold to the defendants. Prior to the
sale Church Bros, bad ordered ;)s0
worth of flour front the milling com
pany. This account was transferred
to Koenig and Schoenwald who gave
a chattel mortgage to Church riros.
Atter conducting the bakery for a
few months they sold tho bakery to
Hutchins and Son, who claim they
knew nothing of the transaction be
tween tho milling company and the
previous owners. They used the bal
ance of the flour and the milling com
pany is trying to collect the amount
still due on the invoice.
B. L. Eddy represents the milling
company and O. P. Coshow and Al
bert Abraham the defendants.
Two damage suits against the city
of Oakland are to follow this case.
which he Is passing. He went out
to Winston tnis morning 10 gei some
information about the excellent or
chards of that locality, and later on
went over to the Overland Orchard
Tracts to note the grape and other
fruit culture there. Owing to limit
ed time, he was unable to get to
the other sections he would like to
vUIt. Mr. Whitney Is well Inform
ed on these productions and a very
pleasing gentleman to meet person
ally, and he will no doubt have some
Interesting reports and suggestions
about this vicinity In his excellent
Journal. j
Representative Hermann, of Ore
gon, was today in consultation with
the public land committee as to the
forfeiture of 'the Northern Pacific
Railway grant land between Wallula
and Portland, Or., and his committee,
which previously reported a bill for
forfeiture, will consider and report
favorably to the senate a bill which
Is now before the committee and
which is to be passed before the close
of the week. Oregonian, May 27,
D. J. Whitney, editor of the well
known agricultural publication, the
Orchard and Farm, of San Fran
cisco, was a visitor in the city to
day in the interests of his journal.
Mr. Whitney is particularly Inter
ested in tho orchards and stock rais
ing Industries of the sections through
tho undersigned administratrix of the
estate of John Becker, deceased, has.
filed in the County Court of Douglas
County, Oregon, her final account as
such administratrix and that the 17th
day of June, 1915, at Ion o'clock In
the forenoon of said day, has been
fixed by said Court as the time for
hearing objections to said account
and the settlement thereof.
Administratrix of the Estate of John
Becker, deceased. 535-JnlT
FOR SALE A nearly new Ford run
about. Care A. R. News. B70-Jn2
LOST, REWARD Envelope contain
ing currency. . Has owner's ad
dress on. Reward for return to
News office. 567-in29
As time goes on, make
your burden lighter by
srarxmp a nanic .1.-1
- . . . . -iaires
arrnunt nr.w"
Many folks think a Bank is an institution or
ganized for rich people. Nothing could be
farther from the truh.
No matter how small your earnings, or, how
little you have, you should start a Bank ac
count and add to it as regular! v as you can
That is the only road to riches 'and we wili
be glad to help and advise you.
Roseburg National Bank
Roseburg, Oregon
J p This Coupon Presented mm
at tlle time of a purchase l jj !
of 30o or over on titles vou j
Ten Grcen Trading Mj j
Stamps Free 1 v
I p at Tin" ;
iHi Store $gl j
- WVlVlll I I T
Miss Molla B.jurstedt, the famous . 1 s
Norwegian tennis player now in this VSJ fM .
country p,ned her fifth lawn tennis ifT I '
tle last week by defeatine Mrs. r mmA sf 1 1 1
Barger Wallach, fomer nitiS f ifTmK, Cll II ...... .
SssSSSSptss t&Hl4 New Mllltary Lace Shoes
' .A $2.45 to $5.00
i - . y - I . '.I Chlldrens Barefoot Sandals, 5 to S, 59c
- 1. ' ;yik j Roseburg Booterie
I 1 UJA K3rTlk) llj Irvin llrunn.
! " MitSy ftjfcg 1 III 1 1
'"- MM
Molla Bjurstcdt in action.