"KODAKS" SB? sSe KMflE RoseburgBook Company, 1AJESTICA COSTLY FLAT THEATRE "iTH iii'i'i:i!i;NT" TODAYS PROGRAM THE MOTfiER PENITENT A Warner Feature In three parts, taken mi tho famous Miller liros. lot ranch. A supreme drama of tho Guld en West Featuring Baby Karl and Klsin Albert with Itttn of cow hoys and Indians PA I HE'S WEEKLY All the Intent iiowh of the day, showing the Know Shoo Club In Canada of 1800 member. vaui;kviijj: The KomoHy Kids. '11 1 o Adventures of Kntlilyn TOMOItltOW Every Thursday will he our Amateur night. If you havo anything to offer apply at tho theatre fur particulars. Thero In MON'KY in It for you. 5c and 10c Dago Frank way of thinking, and j Frank's opinion mirrors tho opinion of his ilk, Whltey Lewis was not guilty of murder. That last minute talk of the doomed gunman, has worked as a TIMBER MODELS N. Y. Society Woman Pays , riareback to thought of $50,000 for 25 Rooms EIGHT BATH ROOMS IN THE APARTMENT I'l'itH iiii:i i:(i(iHM Tiiio lnoil l.cKliorns $ 1 .00 for But tlni; of 15; llarml I'lyiiuiuth Itocks 1 00 for si'tliii; or 15; IniciuolH Kll vur WynndollcK 2.00 for milling of 15. Tlipsn W)jindoltiw mu th0 I'qu.il of leghorns for laying and larger than Plymouth Hocks lor market. Try iino selling and you will thank nio. KKKn deliveriMl in Itonohurg. JOHN W. TOLLMAN. Hdenhower. Or. .('lion,. 8K2. 4Kr-iiS 'onfeshion of lfcio I'l-uuk IYovoh That til.- Men Were (.liilly of llONentluil Mnrili-r and that System .Actually IvvlstM I)y Carlton Ten Eyck (Written for the t'nited i'ress) SEW yoitK, April 27 There un doubtedly are a ho.st of folks in America who lielnoau the fact that it coKts an unheard of amount of money .to get Ilia kind of flat they want to live in. Let these folk's draw nigh and darken to what it Is costing .Mrs. John P. Laflin to live In the only kind of flat she would "even consider. Mrs. Laflin Is today paying exactly $1, l nil. 116 2-3 per month for what sho calls a "modest flat" of tlilrly-tivo rooms in Now York City. "Oh, well," somo folks will say, "Mis. Uifflln probably lias a mint of money, and about twelve children and as many more cousins, aunts, uncles and sisters living with her." nraw mwir onco more, tliose of vou who mo paying $20, $30 or $75 month rental and think you ought to have eight Instead of four rooms in your flat, where you and two or threo other persons live. In -Mrs. Lafi'lln's family there are herself and daughter. of course, the household personnel Includes about ten men and women servants, tor, as Mrs. I.arriln explained, she Intends to do quite a lilt of enter-' lalnlng at home. Mrs. Lal'flin isl not unusually wealthy as it goes In l.ltlle Old New York, she believes though, that she ought to economize on other things and spend the sav ings on her phuo where sho spends most of her (hue. The thirty-live, room apartment includes Ih,. entire floor of a big sky-scraper apartment house on ex clusive West Knd Avenue. There are eight, bath rooms ami several specially planned rooms larger even than many drawing rooms and re ception rooms In some of Itlvvniide Drive's handsome niaunlona. certain sentimentalists that perhaps, after all, "those poor boys" were not guilty but were being sacrificed to hot public demand for roei-isal. That last minute talk, coupivd witi. the later discovery of a bribery in con nection with witnesses who tried to prove that the gunmen should get a new trial has shown that New York punished some of the men who planned and carried into execution the murder of Rosenthal. Display Planned For Forest Product Exposition. CALL 1-OU OTV AX IMI-IiOVI-:-MKXT l'UXI) WAItHA.NTS. Notice is hereby given all persons holding "General Fund Warrants" against the City of ltcseburg, Ore gon, endorsed ".Not paid for want of funds" prior to. and Including February 3rd, 1911, also Improve ment Fund Warrants Nos. 820, 3ii, 370, 973, 982, 990. 1002, 1004, 98 1 1001, 1035, 805. 875, 980, 987, 900, 999, 1021, 101S, 1000, 94-1. 953, 81 8, 931, 907, 908, 909, 997, j JUI.S, HZ l, 933, 964, 955, 1053 and 95(1, to present same to the City Treasurer for payment, as interest thereon will crane from date of this notice. Dated the 24th day of April, 1914. AG. NFS M. PITCH FOUL), 620-ml City Treasurer. la 1013 Contracts for Lumber Were .Made Which Total Four and a Half .Million Dollars. STI A 1 1 K I ill V ' A I ! X I V A L yl'HK.V CONTEST Terrible Slaughter Itosebtirg. Or.. April L'Tt'.i. Latest .l.-.ipulrh.-.s i ived from the front confirm the report Unit there lias been a bin slaughter Id prices of ntituy standard makes of watches and will etmlinue ittiltl they are exterminated. From our sleek of lllgersolt Tien ten watches w e are eloVug out tin On grades for $L0t. The 7 Jewel 10 year ease 't fiti. The name In To ertr ease $ .".00. The 1'. ti'Mfl 'II '.'0 year fine J 1 0 no and the 1 ; jewel tu Tho vote today standi an follows: Mabel Miller 1 S0.00i Kthel Quine l75rouo Mildred Wilson 5,000 Charlotte Caroloy 4,0w School ( hi Mien's Queen. Kvelyn Jra'g 1 2 Margie Adtirton M;f.rgarota Sykes Two models which show how tho government soils 'Us timber have just beon prepared in Washington, for display at the forest products ex position, to be held in Chicago April 30 to May 9 and in New York 20 to 30. These models represent an acre of western yellow pine land in a nat ional forest of the southwest before and after logging. ; In tho model allowing tho stand, before the lumberman goes into It; the trees range from those only a! few years old to large, overmature, j stag-headed individuals mure than. ready for the ax. In the second model the mature trees and all oth ers larger tlfan a certain diameter hatre been cut down ttnd made into logs and cordwood. In this, as in ail! government sales, the stumps are cut tow to avoid unnecessary waste. j logs are taken to a small diameter well up into the tree, and such ma terial as is not fit for lumber is con verted into cordwood. Together. tho models show the cure which the government requires of lumbermen in felling old trees bo that the young growth is nc injured. The brush Is piled In henpB for burning after the. lumber has been removed, in order that the fire menu are which for esters si.ys us-ially follows lumber- ....27, 43!-' Ing osay be tl no away with. The ti,12;S; models ure on ;t scale, of alumt one wis nu I I www ww-y wptrv m uv.s , I WISH W v f, :l vm Wm IB W W t j.t'tai Miiarine I!uchanan 2,1301 Lncli to five feet so that trees ai- Verne Iteymers 55 ! proxiniately 100 feet tall are about Tie demand for t 'trnival hntii has I 20 inches high in the models. Wo dehve as hn; .ih f I are tu lat. vour im'iit' m there prepaid lu-v I ist If veil i will return this M'iire tor pi i Yours for Hunine. Ci. W. Young & Co. riioM 211 No better illustration of the power of (hat insidious thiiur ',The Sv- j tein, ' and of tho degenerate, dis i torted "sense of honor ' wUieh :n!ds among New York's guumen, mider wortd ha blmes and social pariahs could have been iven than that I furnished by the Ho-ealb-d cmiiesHion of lai;o Frank t'irofirt one of thef four Rosenthal murdrrei a few mo-r nieuis hi-fore he paid for a life oft. Foil crime in the eleitric chair at ing Sing. lau;o Frank, after a kind of fnr of his Maker hail hern put into his heart liy the heroi, Sih- Sim; priest. ; siild ho would tell the details of ! Rosenthal's murder. In hi pathetic ntienipi to show he had no part I the act u a 1 shoot in , be proved t 1 tilings beyond an iiuestUm of d-mbt. That the four men were guilty and i that the "System" exists I Kvcn in admit t ing tint, he w as, 1 t he vlrt ual leader of t he gunmen. Frank, according to Warden Clancy, did not talk freely, lte.mise, as ho ; naively told Clancy, lu was fearful : t hat vengeance, sure and niMless. ' would be visited on Ills hapleya m'th-ljj3 er ami nisiimm, uj mem ue m 01 mp j Kani;" who sirvhed him. Within a few minutes of the be yond l)ago Frank, usee r lender In t that world of individual reprisals and veu--;eani e. feared to tell all. lie even went further. H liild the actual killing to Harry Yalleu, whom two courts had practically admitted was merely a eo-couspir nor. obvi ously to be revenirrd hernuyo Ynllen turned state's e!dence; and he did hw best to clear one who still rests under th attgma of being tho head of the conspiracy. Fi.mk's 'confession" held himself and hltey ,ew Is guiltless on the eh. i rue of murder. He protested that he and Lewis should not be ee uu d, because, uUiiou t mittedly made all the for i he murder, he was net at tie ene ;it the time, and therefore tired no Hhot at Rosenthal. Lewis, . lrto Frank contended, jm luted his gun at Rosenthal and pulled tho I trlpger, but the cartridge did not ex. i plode, therefore according to tho beconio so great the eonnuitte has been requested to order ail addi tional lot to ho delivered immediate ly. 'l"n carnival pennants should ar.. rive Irs a day or so uud we expect to Bell several thousand, allowing votes f,r every ono sr.id. Tho t true approaches for the early close ot this most interesting con test, so purchase your hat early. '1TIR DISWICMUiaCRS Cibbs secret of social success. IMhhs ily boy, there are nwiiy secrets ot social success, hut on of tho most important Is to be able, to pretend yon are having a good time when you are net. It. ii. tho Intention of the forest service o have these models sort f-rth certain point In re-gar d U the timber sales condi.i'ted hy the ;;ov ("Civmenc. Tbey vvii'l demtinstrntc,. in , the first place, that the limber on th n alumni forests is for use; pla cards tell how It Is .-wdd to tho high est hiddT when it is' wiinted for commercial purposes, amf how it may be pi veil to lot nl. settlers uud prospector for developing home-1 I'd really like to know iho ntt;uis or mines. The models them selves tmueate that tlie timber Is cut in such it way as to eliminate all avoidable waste of wood anil to se oure a ninti nuance of " the forest crop. be protected from damagu In lumber, ing operations. The models are supplemented by a grapiiic chart, which shows by pic tured piles of nioaey and hy con ventional trees of graded size the increase of timber sales on the nat ional forests from 1 15 to 1013, in clusive. Io Ui05 the timber sold from the national forests aggregated 90,000,000 hoard feet, which brought t he government no more than $85,000. Three years later the amount of timber sold Increased to nearly 50,000,000 board' feet, and the money received rose to $7:15, 000. In 1911 S30.000.000 hoard feet sold' for more than $2,000,000, and In Iff 13 more than 2,000,000, 000 feet brought In contracts amounting to ?4,o00,000. Nut all this money- was received in any one year, because national forest timber is sold on contract which range from one to twenty-five years, and ft is paid for as cnt. j SAi.K -A SNA I' - Oood 700 pound work horse, good new hght wagon ami good work harness. F. M. Miller came over from Dili-; ard to the county at this monr-iict. : S. J. Jones was a visitor at Myrtle; Creek and CanyonviUe yesterday. j A. M. Crawford. candidate for: governor, wan one of tho visitors- not only for timlr production! Myrtie Creek yesterday. but for ffie protection of t he soil. Thy funher show tin fundamental principles applicable to- man log ging operations, that the mature and I overmature trees shotiM- he remov- also goid plow, drag. cultiaior eiU that ciirifty growing young trees and som small tool.. I'rlco for' shouJd h left to produce. and all JL'hK See l'eriine i afars- insure a reproduction or the stand, tera. RJ.1-tf and that the young growth should T. J. Simmons proprietor of ttle Western holef at Myrtel Creek, is ia the city todary on business. i At DAD CASK Knicker Is he deeply in loe? I Rocker Yes. he thinks all the' irirls on the magazine cover look UkeJ her. The Sim. t You should have Dike's Kidney Pills in your home. Take them regularly. They keep the kidneys in a heal thy condition and prevent serious kidney trouble.. We recommend them. You can't afford to ne glect your kidnoys. If they are weak they should be given immediately DIKE'S KIDNEY PILLS will strengthen weakened kidneys and put them in a healthy condition. Start early to prevent more ser ious trouble. Krohn's i Drugstore 4 Hair Goods Demonstration by Gumbiner Hair Goods Company . Unusual Assortment Prices 20 to 36 in. 95 to $9.95 The Leader GET THEM! New Yo k Store Gives Trading Stamps I'Hii v-nr f'-t" TRVPli VAUK Mm The New YorK Store 1 This Coupon and 98c Will buy any $1.25 a yard pure linen table damask in OSf the store, Tuesday only "OL This Coupon and 15c Will buy any 19e to 25c ladies liaudkerchief in the store, C Tuesday only 5v This Coupon and 10c Will buy any 15c yard of ribbon in the store. All colors n Tuesday only I vL hou th he lid-' arrangement s l-J This Coupon and 50 Cents Will btiv vou a pair of womens 5Lfl( Oxfords. " TueMlav onlv 5"L This Coupon and 25 Cents 25c Will buy any 35c article that is iii the store, Tuesday onlv, at - This Coupon and 5c W d! buy any 10c piece of em bioidery in the store. C Tuesday only This Coupon and 19c Will buy any 2.;c a yard cott or wash oods in the store. Q, Tuesday only ' Vt Tjiis Coupon nd 10c W.ll buy any I ts ladiesGor chii drens hose m the store. i A. Tuesday only at 1 UC ; 1 I .iiitf j .i I, "t'H ''Hi' '-t!ii-'-ieiwiwf i ji m rj, ' nm n w . i i r .;, 1 ;p u m iih.i IIUMWklUUUlWaM .at: