The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, April 27, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Free roasted coffee at Mar
iki-ll's. 308-tf
Kilos at Pao'i. Kttlier tho com
plotA, guaruiibMl Weyorhuuser mod'
mL or tile ItimiKn only. 474-tf
Curtains neatly arid carefully
laundered. Mrs. J. L. Chambers, 532
& Pine street. Phono 10-J. 450m9p
HlUm at Pago's. ICilher the com
frif'te, guaranty! Weyorhaiiser mod
mi. fir the lumtier oiUy. 4 74-tf
Dressmaking by ffay or at home.
The MlBses Lux. 113 W. Lane 8t.
frnone 404. 347-a2tp
Trade at stores giving Toaeburg
Stamp Co.'s trading checks. They
are gotJi. as cash at 53 atoies. tf
16 Inch wood for sale, oak or
!!, $2.50 per tier. Address J. E.
Plalsted, City I'. O 370-tf
Typrewrlters: Underwoods, L. C.
Smith llros., Olivers, Hoyals and
Remingtons, new and used machines
Take Your Choice!
Cooking and Heating Schedule
For Electric Ranges, Irons, Chafing Dishes, and other Mis
cellaneous Heating Devices or small Domestic Power Devices.
Three cents (3) per Kilowatt Hour
Mini mum Charge. ...$1.00 per month
Electric Range for Domestic
Purposes $5.00 per month
Electric Water Heater for
Domestic Purposes $2.50 per month
The above rates are for poriaanent service only, and provldos for
the installation, by the Company, of a separate metor for meas
urement of current used for cooking and heating purposes.
WeOffer You Bread
Tho equal of nny homo niado over IuiIumI iiml tho Hupcrinr
of moat. Why ko to all t lit.' troulilo, bother ;uul uncertainty
Of baliinn wtuMi you can ii't miicIi dolirioiiH broad without any
of and at a cost yon oannot match In your own homo,
Givo our hrond a trial and thou ilocido.
Why Swat The Pest?
When Stopping It Is Much The Best
lOur invito to tinier) full cnlvaiilzed wire sreons nr0 tho best anil
chcipHt (Ic-ii to one.) ninl th only screen to b'vo tho protection
you dewire.
fliWr Roseoiiro. Oregon , rf H
-v V
We Take Measurements and Guar-
antee Fit At Small Additional Cost
With or Without Hardware
With or Without Paint.
sold, rented and repaired, at Rose
burg Book Store. 419-tf
ttiloe at Page's. Eltlter the com
plete, jrunranted Wcyerhaiiaer mod-
el. or tlio IiuiiImw only. 474-tf
Kodaks, developing and printing
for amatures, prices moderate, qual
ity of work the best at the Koseburg
Hook Store. 418-tf
Preserve your eggs. Keep them
froHh and sweet with water glass. A
very attractive price at Marstors
drugstore. 4 57-ml
The K. L. of the M. K. church
will hold a window salo at W. H.
Gould's Second Hand Store, Satur
day, April 25. 498-a24p
I'lctur0 frames made to order, the
newest mouldings, the best work,
tho lowest prices, at the lloceburg
Store. 417-tt
Patronize the farmers Public Mar
ket Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro
ducers' and consumers' Interest.
Prices always reasonable. 309-tf
Cull at Itosonurs Jtursery Co.'s
yards and see the fine lot of fruit
trees of fill kinds. AIho small fruit,
slindo ti-oe ami roses. Comer Ouk
and Main. 311-tf
. Hi it horfi I
f ruit Jktxtm
For the Children
Chow Chow Dog That
Cams From China.
i v.
Photo by American Press AHSocintlon.
About tou or twelve yenrs nno there
was Imported Into this country from
China a doj that haw become very
popular and may be soon at all the
Mk shows. Tho species are called chow
chows, but of late this name bus been
abbreviated into just plain chow. The
chows originally came from Siberia,
where they were used to draw sledges.
In China these Uos were improved
and developed into very companion
able house dojys. The chow has so
thick and even a coat of long hair Unit
when It is pressed down It rises again
Just as it sheep's wool will do. It has
one characterislie that , makes it dif
ferent from all other breeds of dog
a black tongue. Many dogs have black
roofs to their mouths, but no chow is
of the pure breed that has not a black
tongue. There are two varieties com
monly seen In this country, one all
red and tho other all black. The reds
are tho most often seen. The chow is
a guod tempered little animal, with a
rather comical expression. I'or those
who are fond of dogs, and most young
people are. the chow is an affection
ate and Jolly companion. The chow
pictured here won a prize ot the last
dog show In Now York, lie is of the
rod variety and is of the purest blood.
As the picture shows, the chow is of
compact and sturdy frame, lit,' is of
lively disposition and carries his tail
tightly curled over the back.
Tho Traveling Ring.
The conjurer asks members of bis
audience to bind bis hands behind him
after lie lias seated himself In a chair
nmoiig them. With his hit mis bound
Neouroly, making It possible for him
to move but a few Inches, he asks that
somebody take a ring from his or her
linger and place it in Ids teeth. Then
he asks that they place a screen before
him in order that the ring may not be
embarrassed in their presence.
Tills accomplished, he asks them
which of bis lingers he shall make tho
ring leap upon, of course everybody
names a certain tlntrer. and a moment
; later lie asks that bo may bo released,
when the ring is discovered renting
upon that linger. Hero Is tho way tho
; trick is done. Immediately after you
have been placed behind the screen
! loan slightly forward and permit the
i ling to drop into your hip. Then slmv
) ly let It slip between your legs to tho
; chair. Tliis must be done carefully or
j It will be beard as it drops. Then
j raise yourself. puh it back with your
j body until It Is within reach of your
linKors. After that It will be easy to
slip it on tho proper linger.
Birds of a Feather.
"One day two little boys came very
late for nehuol. The teio-her said to
Uiein. 'Come to my desk, boys.' And
(he hoys eauie to the tisu-hers desk,
looking at him as If they were uolns'lo
cry. These boys' names were John
and llonjainln. They wore very ood
"And when they came to tho teach
or's desk the teacher said to John.
'Why are you so In to? and John said
to the toucher, i overslept myself,
teacher, ami I dreamed I took a Jmir
noy to New York, and Just as 1 ot to
the station I invoke.' And the teacher
Bald to Iteujaniin, 'Why are you xa
Into? and Honjninin said, 'I dreamed
that I was Htundlntf by the station
waiting for John.' '
Why should doctors bo loss liable
than others to bo upet on tho ocean?
Heeauso tboy an more used to seo
Why Is Rout like reciprocated love?
Because It's 11 Joint n flection.
Why should soldiers be rattier tired
on tho 1st of April? IUvhuso they
have Just had 11 march of thirty one
Rights and Lefts.
SaM ti t I' it: 'it Itiiiut to the l.ofl Hand:
"Vott if l.v, sim.t u-
dn thrt''-f,mrttiK of nil wur work,
TheucH you iiru always i..-.h "
Isatil the Left IImih! to the iiiht Hand,
" "X. -i.i.l.i.'St truth u
Yot when our Imlv' nmmtM
"V t w lit w?i tho rinr."
SUM t)m UU:ht Koot to h X-tl Foot:
"I IhM you v.m v slow.
'Tt! iil;M I who milk ;i start
WtuMio'er iilTivul w o s,o "
S-U ttn I. .ft Foot to tho night Foot.
Mlf oritu'n I'm th worst,
S'.ill whfii Kt't In trouble
lOh'l you iilso Ret tlir first T'
-St. Nicholas.
t, --VS :
z:i fit.- f 1
Nearly 4,000 acres were reforested
In Montana and Northern Idaho dur.
ing 1913, at an average cost of
$7.50 an acre.
The best forested area of China
Ih in Manchuria, The principal tree
varieties are pine, cedar, larch, fir,
yew, oak, ash, eira, walnut and birch.
Two forest officers in Washington
and Oregon, are writing popular de
scriptions of the trees on the Crater
and Mt. Kainier national parks, for
the use of visitors to the parks.
Gannett Peak, Wyoming, nearly
14,000 feet in elevation, and the
highest mountain in the state, is on
the divide between the Bonneville
and Bridgor national forests.
In Northern Arizona, Utah, Ne
vada, Southern Idaho, and Western
Wyoming, the fires on national for
ests set by campers have decreased
in four years from nearly a third to
approximately one-fifth. Lightning
fires have increased from less than
one-fourth to' nearly one-half. The
relatively larger proportion from
lightning, however, is due partly to
increase in other causes.
Eastman Kodak Co., have settled
with Ansco Co., paying millions for
infringment on their patents. All
films hereafter made by Eastman
will he made under the Goodwin Pat.
ent and will be so stamped. Clark'F
Kodak Supply & Frame Shop hap
both Ansco or Eastman. G14-tf
I There will be a dance at
j Socialist hull, Friday night,
iuay i. everybody invited to
attend. Tickets $1; free lunch
to dancers at midnight.
489-ml HALL & BATES.
Fern Island Greenhouse
Mrs. F. D. Owen. Prop.
Koseburg, Ore. Phone 9FI2
Cut Flowers, Potted Plants,
Funeral DcsIkiih, Wedding llo
quets, et.
On Sale At
The Palace of
Guns rebored, stocks made, etc.
Typowrltera, Sewing Machines,
Hlcycles. Lawn Mowers, Locks and
Umbrellas repaired. Also saws
filed, keys made, razors, slssors
or any other kind of grinding
done here. All work gnaranteed
at Crouch's Hardware Store. Pine
street entrance.
212 N. Jackson St.
Opposite l'otofflr
All Kind'!
of ihoi
12 years
in Gallic
Work rlkl for anil IH'Hvored.
E. M. Warner
A. 1). 8.
Now is the season of the year when the trees and
buds need careful attention to protect them from
insect pests and fungous diseases. Our materials
aire recognized standards of excellence.
Atomic Soluble B0R(SX1RXJ)URE
Sulphur it dilutes readily in
Its effects are lasting, water.
It is good for mildew, It is good for curl
scab, brown rot and leaf, blight, gu-mmosis
rust, and anthracnose
1 j
Black Leaf 40 I Tri-Plumbic
A standard prepara- A neutral arsenate jf
tion for aphis, fleas and eaT"his lead does not
all insect life. burn uucjer any condi-
1, 3 and 4 may be combined into one spray, and
makes a most excellent preparat on.
ROSE SPRAY We have a rose spray; to kill
aphis and mildew on roses.
Marsters Drug Co.
Better Groceries THE IACH CTADC Better Groceries
For Less Money 1 UC AA jfl J 1 UKK For Less Money
The Store that Kroke llif;h l'liies in HosehuiK.
Itoynl Club, per can White Laundry Soap 6 bars 2.TC
Pineapple, large size 20c , Cocoa o,,c
Medium size I5c
Grated t)c 3 Boxes Matches 10c
Green Gage Plum in Syrup 10c Pound Can Chocolate Wc
(live us a trial order and le convinced
Our Royal Home Roast
is the sutne at all seasons
Always Delicious Always Refreshing
Always Absolutely Ture
Have you tried it?
Phone 184 Ask for it at
Marshall's, the
Classified Business and Telephone Directory
A Quick and Handy Reference for Busy People
Abstracts and Certificates of Title
l''lr0 Insurance
Douglas Abstract and Trust Co.
Uob't. E. Smith, President Jack
son and Washington streets.
Phone 87
Art Needlework, .Millinery Silks,
Stamped Goods.
The Hat Shop. Perkins Annex.
Phone 200
Automobile,, i'ord Supplies
The Roseburg Garage. See our
Lino of Specialties.
Phone 408
llaKKiice, KxnPs, Storage, Transfer
Gray Port Transfer Co. 139 S.
Sheridan street.
Phone 2-1
Cafeteria.. Wm. Mulligan, Prop.
305 Cass street. Breakfast
7:30-9:00. Dinner 11:30-2:00.
Supper 5:30-8:00. Clean and
Phono f 1
Kronch 1rjr Cleaning Pressing and
Kc'iuiirinu. Tim lniKrliil CleaiA-''.
342 N. Jackson street. Most del
icate fabrics handled successful
ly. Portland prices and satis
faction guaranteed.
. Phone 277
Kodak, films In rolls and packs,
Eastman photo supplies, printing and
developing outfltB, tripods, ' carrying
cases, etc., at the Roseburg Book
Book Store. 42'
Pure Food Store
Electric Wiring Fixtures. Supplies.
B. Mauldlng. Triangle Elec.
Irons. Guart'd for life. Fans,
Mazda Lamps, Shades. 233
Jackson street.
Phone 05
Fishers Preferred Flour. Guar'd
Monopole canned and bottled
goods, Golden West Coffees,
Spices, Extracts. Perkins Big
Pickens Bros Phone ,
Hair Mrg Human Hair Goods.. The
Henderson Corset, Dry Goods.
Tercinskles for Lace Goods Em
broideries, New Idea Patterns.
Orders taken for wigs & toupees!
122 W. Cass street.
Phono 219
Men's Tailors.
Little .Mac The Taylor. Ifs easy
to keep good natured Inside one
of my suits. 127 Jackson street
Plumbing and Heating.
Roseburg Plumbing an9 Heat
ing Co., Hughes and Hoffmon
Prop's. Estimates furnished
220 W. Oak street.
Phones Ites. 0-J..Off. isv.
Shocs and Shoe Repairing,
R. L. Stephens for the Hollands
Joe Felt, Edwin Clapp, KrippenT
dorf Dittmen Shoe. 213 Jack.
son street.
Phone 247-K