Procrastination! Is the Thief of Time." He was Just going to Insure his housei when It got ahead of him aud burned down. No home. Get the rate on your house and furniture today. The agent for the lioyal will write you a policy that will give you full protec tion and there will be no unlook ed for assessments. The Royal always pays every dollar that Is due the policy holder. Royal policy holders never worry. The cost to you is based upon the honestly ascertained hazard. Teelphone 122 or call on W. H.pchardson 217 Perkins IUdg.. Itoseburg, Or. CHILD WELFARE Conference Comes To a Close Tonight at Washington fering a bribe to a postofflce inspector. RE FOOD, GOOD ROADS, ARE FACTORS Itoosevelt Kxiteeted to Reach Mnnaos Today Bribery Case On Trial Grain He Standardized Con federate Memorial Unveiled RICE & RICE Real Estate & Investments Reference any Bank of Roseburg INSURANCE BROKERS AND BOND WRITERS. Loans nego tiated, rentals, collections, and business change. Advice on any part of Doug las county and its adaptness. 25 years In business in Roseburg. We have the largest selected list of stock, fruit and general farms. Business changes of all kinds The best is always the cheapest. 101 Masonic Building, Phone 432 PROTECT YOUR HOME AND FAMILY W0 Write Insurance, Bonds and Nt'otiut Iyonns. Insurance Writ ton at Low Cost. All old line companies licensed by the state. No chance for assess ments, straight guaranteed prem iums. Take no risks with cut rate companies. KICE & BICE, RRAIi ESTATE & INVESTMENTS Lower floor Masonic bldg. Roseburg, Oregon. TOR THE PUBLIC MEAITH TRADE MARK Our Guaranty is Your Pi otection We have been looking for some time for a preparation for Plies (or Hemmorholds,) one that we could positively guar antee for this annoying and pain ful complaint. We now have the exclusive agency for Pile Remedy a combination treatment used in ternally and externally. Nothing like it on the market. We sell It on a positive guarantee. Johnson's Drug Store Exclusive Meritol Agents. WASHINGTON', April 27. The International Child Welfare Confer ence will close tonight. Today's en tire session was given over to the discussion of the general subject of the relation of the state to child wel. fare. Judge Ben. B. Lindsey, of Denver fame, was slated for an ad dress, the most comprehensive he has undertaken on the subject of probation and child welfare. Mr F. A. Downing, of Denver, reported on the playgrounds movement of the congress. Following this the United States government's work in behalf of child welfare was reported by various of ficials of the department of agricul ture, the department of labor, the department of the interior and the public health service. Pure foods. good roads, boy and girl clubs, sup ervision of health, vital statistics, the work of the Children's Bureau and the Bureau of Education was discussed. "The City's Protection of Child ren" was the subject for the after noon session and Bernard J. New man, secretary of the Philadelphia house commission and Warren Book er of Raleigh, N. C. spoke on preven tion of congested districts and child hygiene departments of boards of health. "Erring and Homeless Children" "Prevention of Delinquency and Child Labor," "Methods of Adminis tration JThrcligh. Mothers' Pension Laws," were other topics listed for consideration. "Prevention of De linquency Through Treatment of Ju venile Courts' and "The Probation System" will be subjects of the ev ening session. The discussion will be led by Judge Johnson, of Media. Penn., and Judge Patterson, of Philadelphia. Interstate Commission Hears lUiadtt WASHINGTON", April 27. The Interstate Commerce Commission be. gan today hearing arguments In the Eastern Railroads case for five per cent increase in freight rates. This will close proceedings except for in clusion In the record of data sought previously under time limit arrange ment, by the commission. Confederate Memorial Unveiled ARLINGTON, Va., April 27. The handsome (50,000 memorial' monu ment erected In the Confederate sec tion of Arlington, one of the nation's military burial grounds, today was unveiled and dedicated with solemn and impressive ceremonies. Col. Harvey H. Herbert, secretary of the navy in the second Cleveland ad ministration, headed the organiza tion which made the memorial pos sible. Some sections of the monu ment were brought hero from Rome. (irii In Hearing Ojmmis WASHINGTON, April 27. A ser ies of hearings on grain standardi zation and trading in grain futures opened today before the house agri cultural committee, Chairman Lover expected to use the evidence as the basis for bills on both subjects. Harp Inventor At White House WASHINGTON, April 27. Mel ville A. Clark, Inventor of the mod ern harp, is slated to play at the White House today. "ltaby Farms' Probe ltesunied CHICAGO, April. 27. The Cur- ran legislative committee, whoso dis closures in investigations of alleged "baby farms" and orphanages cre ated a storm of protest In Illinois sev eral months ago, resumed Its probe here today with more than 500 wit nesses under subponea. The sub poeanes were based upon secret In vestigations of alleged charitable in stitutions througbbut the state since adjournment of the legislature. Charitable societies aro to be sub jects of a thorough investigation. t LOOKING GLASS WORKS. Men, Women and Cliildren As- bLst In Good Itoad Work. LOOKING GLASS, Apr. 25 Good road day was recognized in this val le in as most enthusiastic manner entitling the energetic settlers to any Carnegie medal or special award ob tainable. From early dawn to the close of day a steady stream of gravel and road material has been placed in the main highway. In the Looking Glass district twelve hundred full wagon loads of sand and gravel have today been added to the road be tween the postofflce and the junc tion of West Roseburg at the top of the divide, making it one of the most up-to-date thoroughfares in the county. It is really not jto the credit of the present county officials to see such pluck, enthusiasm, per severance, hard work and loyalty as is and has been exemplified by these hardy settlers in road work go unre warded. It Is recognized that this i valley while one of the richest and best of Roseburg feeders during the winter and spring season must do the "loop the loop" stunt from the top of the hill to the river in case they have occasion to visit your city and the proposition of a proper appro priation to cover this improvement 'might well be recognized by your commercial bady and toll the death j ring of so many mail order enthus iasts. In today's work in the valley the whole community co-operated. Men, women and children, some 40 fam ilies joined hands at the M. E. church where the ladles of the com munity put up a dinner for the men folks fit for a king, with hard work was the order of the day. The people of this little valley know how to get results and how to entertain. W. J. CLARKE. You Are Entitled to the Best Roosevelt Kx iter ted at Mnnaos MAN AOS, Brazil, April 27. Col. I Theodore Roosevelt was expected to reach here today when he planned to form a junction with members of the various groups into which his South ' AmnWonn nvno.UHnn u-o lirnbnn uri A great reception has been planned for the former American President's arrival. Bribery Case Called WASIIINGTOS. April 27. United States Prosecutor Wilson expected today to call up the case of Peter G. Thompson, millionaire president of the Champion Coated Paper company of Hamilton, Ohio, charged with of- CALL FOK WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given that al school warrants of School District No. 4, Douglas county, Oregon, en dorsed April 1, 1914, and prior thereto, "not paid for want of funds," are this day called for pay ment by the undersigned, and all interest thereon will cease from the date hereof. Dated this 20 day of April, 1914. GEORGE NEUNER, Jr., Cierk School District N. 4. 501-a25 Patnnize tue rnrniere Public Mar ket Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro ducers' and conmimerB interest Prices alwrys reasonable. 309-tf PHONE 163 PHONE 163 Roseburg Feed & Fuel Company SAWED TIB llliOCKS DHY nLOCK FIR WOOD DHY SPLIT Kilt WOOD HKY BliOCK OAK WOOD DRY SPLIT OAK WOOD PINE FOR KINDLING Roseburg Feed & Fuel Company W. C. SWANK, Manager. PHONE 163 . PHONE 163 I'OltTLAXI) LIVESTOCK MARKET Jack Dillon to Jloct Al Norton KANSAS CITY, April 27. .lack Dillon, of Indianapolis, and Al Nor ton, tho heavyweight of California, tonht are to meet here in a ten round bout. Norton's manager is Hilly McCarty, who was in charge of the fortunes of the late Luther Mc Carty. Wilson iiml IMnchot to Spejik COATSVILLB, Pa., April 27. Secretary of Labor, Wilson and form or Chief Forester Clifford Plnchot. today continued their Chntnuqua speaking here. Each explained the principles of Ills respective party. Democracy and Progre'sslvism. liocoipt.s for Week EihHiik l-'i'iilay nt the Stockyards, and ibices Prevailing. REGISTRATION OF LAND TITI Application No. 1570 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Douglas. In tho matter of the application of F. A. McCall to register the title to Lot No. two (2) in block numbered forty (40) in the City of no&eburg, Douglas County, Oregon. versus The City ofltosoburg. a municipal Corporation; William C. Hill nnd Bl. anca Hill, husband and wife, and all whom It may concern: Defendants. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice, that on the 10th day of April, A. D. 1914 an application was filed by said F. A. McCall In the Circuit Court of Douglas County for Initial registration of the title to the land above described. Now uuleas you appear on or before tho 11th day of May A. D. 1914 nnd show cause why such an application shall not bo granted, the same will be taken aB confessed and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the appli cation and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. E. II. LENOX Clerk. By RITA K. COBB, B. L. EDDY, Deputy Applicant' Attorney. 455ml 1 PORTLAND, April 25. Hocolpts for tile week have been cattle 1736, calves 8G, hogs 3240, sheep 2749. Cattle receipts fairly heavy this week, market steady. Bulk light steers sold $ 7.75 to $8.00, with a few grain-fed and baby beef varieties $8.00 to $8.25. Heavy bullocks .$7.00 to $7.75. Strong demand for dehorned heifers and cows. Hog market heavy to a shade weaker during the first half of the week, but partially recovered toward tho close. Bulk of best light hogs sold from $8.50 to $S.05 with a few loads at $8.70. A good supply of stock bogs at country points, but feed Is scarce and growerB are not getting their linldings ready for mar ket as easy aB usual. Sheep house receipts light. Lambs sold up to $0.75. Best wool wethers $5.75 and $0.00 featured, but few ewe sales were made. Mutton feeling was just steady witli little change, and absence of select quality pre vented a satisfactory guago of tho market. KODAK FIKMS AND PACKS j The only place you can get what you want. Picture framing, devel oping and printing done by profes sionals, also professional Instructions given in handling your camera. No charge. Clark's Stuido and Framing Shop. 610-tf THE ONLY EXCLISIVE Picture frame and kodak supply house In tho city. Everything new and up-to-date. Kodaks bought, sold and repaired. See us, 112 Cass street. 509-tf Dry tKidy fir wood $2 23 er tier. Bconolny yard, phono 12:1. 396-tf FAMOUS WIZARD MOPS nwn mmnttn im win mil i mm iwn mimi n nuimniwi in iumfinimn mum t in n it Alsa O'Cedar Most Improved The Furniture Man w The Furniture Man AND THE Roseburg Steam Laundry Is where you get the best. Try us and be convinced. 438 N. JacKson Streef Phone 79 EVERYTHING FOR SPORTSMEN You will find in my store everything you will need for fishing and hunting from tackle & bait to cartridges & guns J. H. Syke's Gun Store orrosiTE rosroKicE itosEnuna, Oregon WEST ROSEBURG GROCERY We can save you money on jour grocery bill. Our stock is FRESH and COMPLETE, Phone your need. Prompt delivery and satisfac tory assured. Alll our goods guaranteed. Otw.. "We Give ltosobnrg Trading Checks' DOWELL & BENEDICK PHONE 29. If your pocket-book could talk it would recommend the Ford. The man who obeys the voice of economy invests in the Uni versal car. He knows it serves his purpose best and at lower cost Buy youis today. Five hundred diillnrs is tho prlr-o of tho Foil I) runabout; the touring cur is five fifty; the town car even fifty-!, o. b. Detroit, coinp.ete with equipment. 'Jet catalogue and par ticular form tieorge It u melt, KoHeburg. Oregon. WW0'iWW II Spray Outfits Garden Seeders use Willgrow Fertilizer For Your Lawns and Gardens J. F. BARKER $ COMPANY Implements and Vehicles Cultivators Disci ROSEBURG :: :-: OREGON D. H. MARS TERS PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 251. WorK Don on Short Notic ROSEBURG, ORE