NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULTS Neplil Lnml 1'Iusut at J. 1". liiu k er & Co. dsw-303-tt MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL BARGAIN 32 acres of river bottom soil, seven acres In prunes. Price $4,500 Wm. II. Weeks, Ruckles, Ore. ' 3S3-a2Sp FOR TRADE A gasoline wood saw, capacity 30 cords a day. Will trade for Angora goats. Tor particulars address Sunshine Runcb. Phone 1E2. 3053-tf LOST Log-chain between Winches tor hill and lumber yard. Inder leave at Page's or notify me. J. A. Hewitt. 402-al!s THE OREGON Newly furnished throughout, new management, home like and. strictly first class. Rooms by day or week. 147 S. Sheridan St. Mrs. I. E. Hastings, propri etor, tf PERSONAL Monthllade is the world's best female regulator and health given. All women, young or old, should have a supply on hand. Sold in two sizes, post paid for $1 00 and $2.00, cash or mon ey order. Dept. D. Western Agen. cy. Realty Building, Spokane, Wash. 3e7-a27 WAATED. WANTED Furnished house at once. Phono 125, Roseburg Booterie. Ask for Mr. Levitt. 4C3-tf WANTED About 5,000 acre stock ranch in Umpqua Valley. Must be cheap. Himes & Oliver, Rose burg. 4 61-dsw-alS WTEbT(rTrfADB timber in Southern Oregon for a fitttt class automobile. For parti culars enquire at The News of fice. 2035-tf WORK WANTED Young man will work at gardening, lawn mowing, house cleaning or general outside work. Address II. H. S., 217 Chiul wick, or phono 24G-J. 470-a20p WOOD WANTED Tlie ews will gladly take ou subscription wood for office and residence use in any amount. Call at The News office, tf WANTED Several good fresh milch cows. State particulars and price Apply Nows offce or Vhone 3SF2. 410-tf WANTED Man and wife without children to work on ranch. Phone evenings only 15F12. 473-a20p WANTED-GoVd JeFseyTo7li'tely fresh, or that will be soon. E. H. Rosenberry, Roseburg. Ore. Phone 33F2. 4 71-tf, FEMALE AGENT WANTED Lady agent wanted in every city and town to sell our standard medical and toilet preparations. Full or spare time. Good terms given to th0 right parties Dept. A. West ern Agency, Iteaty Building. Spo kane, Wash. 370-a27 j SAI.R. j FOR-SALE Gentle family iiorse. Also wagon and harness. Inquire; this office. 2030-tfj FOR-SALE uasolme wood saw. In I perfect cnulltion. Ciicap if taVien ! at once. Reason for selling. I j 1 aVi two. Sunshine Ranch, l'iionei 1F2. 2nsS-lf: TOR-S-LELoganberry plants, cx-' tra grade and fine stock, S'ic per: plant. Mrs. W. H. Larkins, Oak-! land, Ore. 321-alO FOIl SALE One mares 3 and 4 team of bayi years old, well; matched and broke. Weight about j 2600. J. J. Gilliam. Phone! 14K34. , 472-a22p, FOR SALE Homestead relinriuish inents good timber and In Rood lo-j caton, 5 miles from postoffico ami j daily stage line. Call room 1 Hotel Grand. 4 7G-alCp FOR SALE Guud gentle pack ani mal In good condition, weight 1.000 pounds. Enquire of S. L. Moss, Box 31, Edenbower, Ore gon. 4.".9-alSp FOR SALE 70 acres ot fruit land for sale 4 miles south of Rose-; burg near S. P. Ry. and Pacific; highway Write the owner, M B.J Green, Rt. 1. Roseburg. 391-ml j FOR SALE A pair of Tour year old ! geldings, gray and bay. Well j broke entirely sound, true and 1 kind. Weight 3300 pounds. Ad- j dress or call, N. D. Cool, Drain,! Oregon. 433-mlPj rElSONATWhy"boa" l.ackT hum-; ber when two or three applications j of Perfect Gray Hair Restorer I will give your hair It's youthful color and a beautiful, glossy, fluf fy appearance? It Is a vegetable preparation and unlike others Is not Injurious to the scalp. Sold InTvo sizes. J1.00 and 50 cents, postpaid. Send cash or monoy or der, Dept. B Wcstorn Agency Realty Building; Spokane; Wash- lngton. 1 " j 444vV444 WANTED. t 17 young, active, intelligent 4 men to form hospital detach- ment for service with the Coast Artillery, 0 N. G. For parti- 4 culars see Dr. Geo. E. Houck, Perkins building. 365-tf 4 MASQUERADE HALL Will bc held at the Eaen- bower socialist hall on Friday night, April 17. Everybody cor- dially invited. Tickets $1, free lunch to dancers at midnight. HALL & DATES Com. 412-al7 FOR SALE; 10 acres Improved 1 mile from center of city. Deal with owner only. Call or address H. P. Hansen, Roseburg, Ore gon. 355-a24p FOR SALE The best automobile In Douglas county for the money. Combined runabout, truer and 5 passenger tourist. Every bearing new, at Flsliers Paint Store, corner Oak and Rose. 1 735-tf FOR SALE Team, harness, wagon, hack, farm implements, 3 colts, 1 milch cow, goats, sheep, hogs, turkey, chickens, etc. Phone 3F25, or address H. D. Hill, Dixouvllle, Oregon. 460-a2S-p TORSALE Fisher U pHght Grand piano, fine instrument and beauti ful dark mahogany case, nearly now, very little used; Bcarf and chair. Included, at a bargain. 541 Mill street. 427-a20p FOR SALE Hose bushes, gcranl iums and tomato plants. Leave orders at West Side grocery, phone 29, or call at house West Rose burg. 451-m-10p J. W. DOWELI LAND FOR SALE We aro now pie. pared to supply your wants for land in tracts from 5 acres to 2,000 at prices that defy compe tition. Located Vz miles from Edenbower. Write or phone Own er "Laurel Crest Ranch" Roseburg, Or. Phone 4F14. 119-tf FOR TRADE I want a good stock ranch, particularly for hogs. Have 90 acre fruit ranch In Marion County, 5 k miles Northwest of Salem, with 15 acres prunes and cherries and 5 acres apples and pears;; 3 good springs; 10 room plastered house with hot and cold water( and all necessary outbuild ings in good condition. The valuo of my property is $12,000. For the right place I might bo willing to assume some. f interested seo my agents, DOUGLAS & WALLACE, 2S7-tf 410 Cass St., Roseburg FOIl TKAHE I want a farm, fully equipped with stork and imple ments. I have to tra do for it tho following described property locat ed in Portland: Corner lot 12."x 100 situated on the West Side in the portion of tho town that Is rapidly comnt; into its own In the way of warehouse and factory piles. It is Improved with a large boue of 13 rooms and garaj:e renting for $75 per month, and a smaller house rentng for $20 tier month. The buildings are in good order. The cash price of this property is $30,000. with a $7,5oo mortgage at 0 per cent which can run to suit. I want a good farm, worth the money, and will assume as much as the above mortgage. Tho above property should easily double In value In the next five years. If you have a first-class farm, and wish to trade, see my agents. DOUGLAS & WALLACE 2S8-tf 410 Cass St., Roseburg po; 5 Popular Mechanic i Magazine "vrmi so vou can uxDmmc- rr-- i G:AT Conlinued Story of tlie! i"A World'i 1'rogret wl",ih ym i ,i.y jc,n T' ndu.x at any time, ana f 'which wiil huid yuuf interest furever. J CCD IACH WiTH 3:3 MCifcRIX ', 2:0 AtvrtCLEs cf c:;;e;u!. uacarsT j T-e "Shop Ntt Tit- -tmrt ('"i r.n,' X V- 1 ' r f1 - tl ." to r.. j: ? I u-ful ar;i.!LS ?tr h'ir.!' a-,d shop, tct:- vetc. "Ami"if Mefcni" ( i f'.'t ,- Tf ' $1.51 CO'iCS IS rrSTS A- v--:ir r WWIT TO tt'X t CCfV TOO AY fJl, p ! IC3 CO. CM.C4CO fit! POVVLMl I FARMS AND RANCHES Large tracts from $10 per ac: up. Some with good improve ments, stock and farm imj-lo merits for $25 per acre. Orchards Timber Lands, City Property, Rentals. GEORGE RITER 122 West Oak Street. FOH HALE Part of the Orchard Valley Fruit Farm for sale. A good bargain for cash, H. H. OLCOTT, Owner, 3121-maylGp ' Canyonvile, Or. FOR SALE Early cabbage, kale, kohl-rabin brussels sprouts, catill flowor and pansy plants for sale H. B. Church, 318 E. Commercial Ave. N. Roseburg. 327-tf SHEEP FOR SALE 1 have a nice bunch of good etock sheep that will be sold right. Address L. E. Marsters. Rt. 1.. Roseburg, Ore gon, 3005-tfl TERRACE PARK VIEW LOTS Let us Bhow you the most beautiful view lots in Roseburg, new streets new being graded, city water in, large oak trees on each lot, we nave a few lots 60x1130 feet thai we can sell at $375 each, on easy terms, Bplendid free soil. Coast Investment Co. 151 tf-tf PERSONAL Dr. Baker's Nervu and Stomach Remedy will give you a perfect healthy stomach and build up your nervous system. It is positively without equal as a ton ic for stomach and nerves. In bot tles 1 OU post paid. Send cash or money order. Dept. E, Western Agency, Realty Building; Spokane. Washington. 30iS-a2 7 PERSONAL Catarrh btiouM never be left uncared for. Should it be come Chronic it will Injure tho eyes, nose, throat and stomach, I giving a most offensive breath to the sufferer. Katarcura has cured! thousands of obstinate cases and will cure you, post paid for $1.00 cash or money order. Dept C. j Western Agency, Realty Building. I Spokane, Wash. 3GC-a27j FOR SALE Tho best general farm and dairy ranch in Douglas county. Four miles from Ilosebury, i mile from Green Station; 30U acres. Will sell th0 whole or part; good fences, largo barn, nice 7 room house, hog house and other out buildings. Water piped Into liouso from springs. Easy terms. Phono T.F12, or write L. O. Mad dux owner, Roseburg, Or. 433-tf FOIl TRADE I want a farm of about 100 acres, one for general farming purposes. I have to trad0 for It tho following described prop erty In Portland: 45x145 feet ou one of the best business streets on the East Side) In Portland, with business buildings encroaching In the next block. It is Improved Willi a two-story and basement frame building divided Into 2, 3, and 4 room apartments, all furnished, and a fivo room cottage on the rear of tho lot. Tlie Income is $125 per month. The price Is $1 2,500, with mortgage of $3. 500, 2 years at 8 per cent. 1 want a good farm of about the same price, and will give back mortgage for tho difference. If this interests: you, see my agents, DOUGLAS & WALLACE. 289-tf 410 Cass St.. Roseburg SP1RF1LA CORSET The most pliable and resilent cortiet In the world. Guaranteed not to break or rust In regular corset wear. HRS. 5. BALES 246 S. Rose St. Roseburg, Oro Phone 64-T. NEAREST 10 tVEKYTHING Mm PowELi:--riri t O'FARREU-18 Ti-t F.rated ?.r.-l most npular h i'i-l in tl.e C'i:y; ciici.Utiug Re w.i:-.T i: cvrr' r'.:.m. K.pcisl altntion to ladle travelling alcr.j. Kr-Jl-nt, f.-n-jl'v priced prill. Meet V'-ur at the Mar;. Kulonean PUn P.Ms tl .SO vp. Afrnnmnf, C'h'Mttr W. Kellcy lodce hiiiectory 1. O. O. 1 Phtletanan Lodge, No. H, meets in Odd Fellows Temple, corner of Jackson and Cuss streets on Saturday evening of ecn week. Members of the order iu good standing are invited to attend. S. F. Hamilton,' N. O.; J. B Bailey, F. S; M. L. Whitney, R. S. I. t. (.). !'. Union Encampment iNO. ft, meets in Odd Fellows' Temple every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren ahvuys welcome. L. E. Milledge. C. P.; J. B. Bailey, R.S.jJames Ewart. F. S. L O. It, M. L'iiii4uu7TTiuu No. 4 4 holds stated councils the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at the Eagles' hall, N, Jackson street. Visiting Chiefs always welcome. W. S. HOWARD, Sachem. C. II. TERC1NSKI, C. of R. W. C. GAUDIS. K. of W. lCAGLKS Roseburg Aerie meets In their hall on Jackson street, 2nd and 4th Monday evennigs of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting breth ren in good standing always wel come, J. M. Donohew, W. P.; B. F. Goodmnn. W. Sec. Phone 183. LOVAL OUDKlt OF MOOSE Roso burg Lodge No 1037. Meets In Eagles' hall on Jackson street, every Friday evening ai. 8:00 o'clock. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. George Neuner, Jr., Dictator; H. O. Pargeter. Sec- WOODMEN OF TUB WORLD Oak Camp, No. 125, meets at the Odd Fellows' Hall in Roseburg, every firbi and third Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors always wel come. J. A. Buchanan, C. C; M. M. Miller, clerk. U O. T. M. Roseburg Hive, No. 51, holds regular reviews on second and fourth Thursday evenings in Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting in the city are cordially invited to attend our re views. Mrs. Harry Pearce, lady com.; Jessie Rapp, R. K. t i. o. O. J-'. Rising Star Lodge No. 174. meets in Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. ViBiting brethren always welcome. I. A. Pilkington, N. G.; W. S. Powell, U S.;M. Fickle, F. S. 0E. S. Roseburg Chanter, No. 8, holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays In each month. Visiting members In good standing aro resneet fully invited to attend. Mrs. Carrie Christie, W. M.; Free Johnson, sec. A. F. .V: A. M. Laurel Lodgo, No. 13, holds rotriilfir mfiotinira on the tfS Jk second and fourth Wed A'vA nesdaya of each month It. I". O. F. Roseburg Lodge. No 320. holds regular commnnica tions nt their templo on Becont and fourth Thursdays of eacl month. All members requestel to attend regularly and all vlaltinl brothers aro cordially Invited te attend. A. C. Seoly, K. II. ; II S. Slocum. Sec. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Lilac Circle, No. 4 9, meets on first and third Monday evenings of each month in the I. O. O. '. hall. Vis iting members in good Btandlng are Invited to attend, Cluthla Germond, G. N.; Clara Cawlfield, clerk. KNKJIITS OF PYTHIAS Meets ev o"y Wednr stlay :i! Odj Keliow s temple. Visiting Knights welcome. Walter Good, C. C; Fred Wright, K. It. S. I ! JESSIE SI'II.SON I.F.IS I KTKNOOItAPllER 1 Tel. 305-J 120 N. Kane St. I XlltSIXfi Nursing at home or will go out. Residence 801 Miller t street. Phono 193-Y. DR. II. F. KNI.I.I, 4 i OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 4 t I)i.Ui( of Women and Chil- 4 dren a Hieclalty. Phonos: Office 119, Res. 138-L. till 1 -:t Perkins ItiiilillnK 4 IIOHEUFRO, ORE. Kit. SEELY, .Sin'HEIl HTKW- ART ( Physlcinnn and KurffeouM, 4 .Suit cf offices, Hear Douglas 4 National Bank, Ground 4 4 Floor, Phone JM17 4 4 INhm'Iiiiik - - ()r'(co 4 llll. II. It. KIIOICM AKtK 4 4 I'liyilfiaii and Hurgeon 4 Office Rooms 209-210 Perklni 4 Building. 4 4 o Office 194 Phones 4 Residence 417-R 4 4 nil. h. u ifurr 4 4 Osteopathic I'liyslriaa 4 4 4 Hm,m 8I7-SI8 IVrklna Illl. 4 4 4 Office Phone 431 4 Residence Phone 276 4 44444444444444 ron county judgk. I hereby announce myself as al candidate for the Republican numi-j nation for the office of cout.ty judge, of Douglas county, subject to the will of tho voters at the priirary to be held May 15th, 1914. (pd. ad.) R. W. MARSTERS. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the republican noinl tion for the office of county judge )f Douglas county, subject to the vill of the voters at the primary to io held May 15th, 1914. :pd. adv.) D. J. STEWART. FOR COUNTY CLERK. I herehy announce my candidacy for nomination to the the office of County Clerk subject to the will ol the voters of the Democratic party at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. dsw-myl4 E. H. LENOX. FOIl COUNTY CLERK. Ladies and Gentlemen: I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to tho office of County Clerk subject to the will ot the voters of the Republican party at the Primary Elo'ilon to bo held May 15, 1914. BENJ. HUNTINGTON, JK FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the republican of Douglas county, Oreg -n, voting at tho coming primary election: I announce my candidacy for rep resentative in the Plate legislature, and ask your votes therefor. I favor development without extravagance or burdensome tnxlihj i. "' ' 1 'J. ff. DAY, (Pd. adv.) "' '' ' "dllnl'a, Ore FOR REPRESENTATIVE; I hereby rrYiimiK-onf-sfeir aB Jn didate for represiuitatlvo in the stato legislature frotn tho' foiirtih' represen tative dlstrlirt, sulljeit to tlio docislo'ri ot the republican voters nt the 'prl mnry eloctlo'n 'to lie held May 15, 1914. ' "' (pd. ad.) ' Oil X tl. PORTER. 1 1 rim siiRitrt'Tp;'" " ' ' ' I herdhy,'"ali;ioilnco myself ad ! a candidate' for tno' 'offlco of Bhorlff subject to' h' will 'bf 'the demo cratic voters n't tho' primaries to be held May 15,'1D14; " (pd. ad.)1 T. E. SINGLETON. , iu i; l m i j : '4 lilt. OiEO. E. IIOlll'Ki i 4 Physleiaii and Kurgi'on 4 Offlco Perkins llldg., Phono 3. 4 ltoseburg, Oregon. 4 ('HAS. I'. HOPKINS 4 C Attorrii'y nt Law. 4 Rnoiii I'jo Perkins Rldg. 4 4 Itn.HehurK, Oreuon. 4 Especial attention given to con- 4 veyanting and tho examlntlon 4 of titles to real estate. Prac- 4 tlces In all stato and federal 4 4 courts. 4 4 4 4 MISS SADIE IIOHMIiltOOK 4 4 4 INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO 4 4 4 4 Room Nn. 8, Roseburg National 4 4 Bank Building. 4 4 4 444444444444 if MRS. CHARLES 8. IIEINLINE IManoforto Instructor Musical KlntlorgnrtientT Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R 4444440444444 arilION A. FORT. Vocal Leaaonr. Studio 312 E. Cass Street. Phone 191-J Roseburg ... -Ore. 4 I,, a. HICKS 4 4 81'ltVEVOU 4 4 2tl Peikllis Building 4 4 !4M.elnrff, Or. 4 4 Phone i:il-ll 4 44444444444444 4 4 r..IIEIt.MlST AMI EXPERT 4 4 TA.VNEIl 4 4 4 Prices Reasonable 4 4 Work Guaranteed 4 4 P. O. Hot 207, Iloocbiirg, Ore. FOR SHERIFF. heroby announce my canditlacj for nomination to tho office of sher T Bouglgas county subject to th will of the voters of tho republicat party at the primary election to be held May 15. 1914. (pd. adv.) GEORGE K. QUINE. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR S1IF.1UFF. I hereby respectfully announce my. self a candidate for tho nomination for sheriff of Douglas county, sub ject to the will of tho democratlo voters at the primary election on May 15. H. T. ASHWORTH. 240ml4 pd ad. FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the will of the votors of the Republican party at tho primary elec tion to bo held May 15, 1914. J. E. SAWYERS (Paid Ad.) 218 . FOIl COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for county treasurer, sub joct to the will ot the democratic voters at the primary election to be held on May 15. If nominated and elected I promise the taxpayers ot the county an economical and effic ient administration, (pd. ad.) K. M. MEARS. JUSTICE OK THE PEACE. I horeby anounce myself as a can didate for Justice of the Peace ot Deer Creek District, subject to tho will of the voters nt the republican primaries to be held on May 15, 1914. (pd. adv.) IRA B. RIDDLE. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACH L b,orby apnoujice mysolt as a candidate for tho republican nomi nation for the 'oftice- 'of'- Justice of the peace for Deaf'Creek District, Dbuglna county, Oregon,1 nt 'lbo pri mary olectlori', MnyMff; 1914: I-'-1' (pdi'advi) I'.JULIHN'JOKICrllSON. in) mJUISTICE OF.TJIE PEACE,,,, im I hereby auuouuce. myself, a jer publican caudidnf; for tho, office ot Justice of tho I'eaco of Deer Creek District. If 1 sin clecie'.l the offjee Witt have iio favoittt.s anti' no'eno mlea. ' Have had iliir y' year? exper ience tn the practice of law! "' "' ciias. F;"iioPKr.vS,' ' (pd. adv.) ' 420 Perkins' llldg. Foil c6m.missioXei'.'' ' ' " 1 1 heroby nnounco my candidacy for nomination to tho uflce oi cotiimlii fiioner of Douglas county ' Suliject1 tb th0 will' of 'the' Voters of the're'pub lican party at tlie primary election to bo held May 15. iff 1 4. I ff (pd. adv.) HEN NICIIOLs''l rou v scitvEvoR I hereby aniiouiice uiy candidacy for nomination to the oil Ice of Couiily Surveyor subject to the will of tho voters of the republican party at tlie primary election to bo hell .May 15, 1014. (pd. udv.) FRANK CAIN. I'OR COMMISSIONER. I hereby nnnouuco myself for the nomination for the office of county commiKainnor of Dou.a county sub ject to tho will of tho republlcar oleetors at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. J. S. WILEY, (pd. ad.) Myrtle Creek, Ore. FOR CONHTAHLI I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination to tho office of constable for tho Deer Creek dla trlct, Douglas county, Oregon, sub ject to the will of the voters of the republican party, nt the primary election to be held on the 15th day of May, 1914. pd. ad.) P. M. MATHEWS. FOIl CONSTABLE. I hereby announce my candidacy for tho nomination to the office of constable for the Deer Creok dis trict, Douglaa county, Oregon, eub Jovt to the will ot the votor8 of the republican party, nt the primary election to b0 hold on the 15th day of May. 1914. (Pd ad.3f,0) H. B. CHURCH. Doug. B, County creamery butter la the best on the market . Insist on home product, which Is always strict ly fresh and guaranlecd. Two pound your grocer supplying you with thU roll SO centa. tt