The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, April 01, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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$411r: 4Hr
i r
Editor ud Publisher.
Bubaciiptlon lUu Dolly.
year, br mall 13.00
month, delivered 60
year 12.00
months 1.00
Entered a aecond-v'ass mutter
lovember 5, 1910, at Koseburg, Ore.,
nder act of Marcb 3. 1879.
Only Company "Exclusively Oregon"
Best for Oregonians
WKI.KSI)AV, Al'ltlli 1, 11)14
Home Office, Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison, Portland
L. Samuel, A- "AFFETY.
General Manager. 0E0- p- SCHLOSSKR,
Uniiglutt Co. Agcy TorkiiiH HI
A. L Mills,
Another of the fortnightly
dances will be given at Social
ist hall in Kdenbower, April
3. AH are invited to attend.
3G8-a2 HALL & BATES.
Candidates for office in IIiIh state
who contemptnto "jinlng" nny of the
frutcrnal orgnnizatous, Hhould defer
their action until after the primaries
If they do not wiint to he accused
of violating the corrupt practices act
IirovlnloiiR, according to a report
emanating from tho attorney Benor-
ul's office. It In not Hinted by Just
what kind of round about deductions
this opinion was renrhed, but on the
Bamo cogent line of reasoning, the
attendance at church suppera und
Hchool untertalnuieuta where admis
sion or dues were collected would
ronio under tho same ban Tho cir-
' cumm-rlbed llinitH of the poor candi
date are being drawn so clone, that
ore long It will not bo surprising to
hoar that a pair of wings and a halo
will be the requisite to make him
files brought to the school house to
be counted, and Bays that this meth
od so much In use in the fly cam
paign Hhould not only be discourag
ed, but stopped There Is a good! 000 fro
ueai or common sense In this direc
tion, both from the standpoint of
health and cleanllneHH, and If it is
found necessary to offer prizes for
tho most flies destroyed, it would be
better to do so for quantity and not
number. They could, for Instance, be
gathered In different sized bottles
from which accurate count could ho
kept, thus obviating the necessity of
handling by either teacher or pupil.
Let the warfare on tho fly keep up,
but eradicate as much of the undesir
able features as is possible foe effic
acy and sanitation
Oregon City Is considering the
possibility of passing an ordinance to
prohibit the use of profanity on the
streets. While It is always best fori
any municipality to refrain from
vpaaalng ordinances that may savor of , . . , . , , .
r. " , , ' . schools of having the bodies of dead
and which become at best but dead
statutes, owing to the laxity of the
enforcement, If there can be found
Co other means to stop the useless
vile language bo often heard on many
streets, then we say pass one that
fill have the necessary effect of stop-
ting the nuisance and enforce it.
'rofanlty and indecent language
eem to go together and form an un
toly alliance It is not only heard
in the streets but, shame to say, has
(invaded tho privacy of club rooms
where its constant use, or rather
abuse, makes the air sulphur-
ous with its uncleanllness. To the
lh am o of mankind, this foul mouthed
blasphemy Is not confined to those
of no education and finer sensibil
ities, but can be heard dropping
from the tongues of men who have
attained through their keen percep
tions and business ability, high posi
tions In social and business circles,
and so naturally does It flow, that
otie wonders whether the habit is not
Aim strong that It can not be restrnln-
ed even in the sacred prectnest of
Does the constant user of profane
Indecent words Imagine for one
second that thoy add grace and em
bellishment to his conversation, or
strength to his assertions If so he
la badly mistaken, and we feel safe
In laying that it would bring n blush
of phame to his face, to heiir the
Bamo langunge fall from the lips of
one of his own sons It Is to this
class of men that tho baseness
and Heedlessness r such sen
tences should appeal, and Indicate
why a restraint should be put on the
street corner loafer or bar room
habitue with whom this habit Is os-
Bocfated. It may lo ald that extgen.
clos, may arise op circumstances be
such, when a good Htlfr "damn" can
well bo used without seeming Impro
priely, and in theso rnses it Hhould
lie used with a proper respect for
tho time an d occasion, and nt con
nected with or associated with bias
pheniy. Let every constant or occas
ional user of extreme profanity once
realize how It Hounds to others, and
Ills vocabulary will soon be expiirgod
of this gross evil, und for him
ordinance will bo necessary
j I)rt John IeaMon Says Experiment
i Show Vertebral Idioms Produce
( Abnormal Physiological Effects
The A. T
Did you bite Into any cotton car
mola today, or got a taste of highly
seasoned cayenne pepper cake, or
answer any fake telephone calls, or
pull off an Innocent looking thread
from some friend's coat only to find
that you wer unwinding a whole
spool In his pocket? IT you did any
of these things you wero probably
reminded that it was the first day of
April, and you were only ono of the
thousands of victims of the harmless
practical "April Kool" joke.
The tolls exemption repeal hill that
has absorbed th0 attention of con
gress and the country for the past
months, was passed by the House yes
terday wHth a larger majority of
Dcmocrata than was counted on by
the President, and ngalnst the strong,
est protest of some of the leading
members of that, party. President
WIlHon and tho majority of his party
ban shown by this act what they
think of party promises as indicated
by their platform.
city x i:vs
AHA IX Til 10 F1A
The state board of health has made
objection to tho practice of many
Al Kent, i 'former .niddont of
lmiglan county, arrived hero from
Klamath today,
IX It ShambrooK leaves this morn
lug for Harper, in Kastern Oregon,
where ho has ranch property.
Miss Pearl Wade, who was recent
ly married to Adolph Leblance, left
with her husband last night for San
Francisco. Tho newly weds
h I lend a two weeks honeymoon In
San Francisco and will then return
to CanyonvHlo whero they expect to
make their future home. The bride
is n popular young lady of Koseburg
and has a host of friends who wish
her a long and properous wedded life.
The body of J. K. Illlles, who died
at West Fork yesterday afternoon at
five o'clock was brought to Kose
burg this afternoon. Deceased was
a victim of tuberculosis, and was 31!
yearn of age. He was unmarried
Ho Is survived by his mother, Mrs
M. Darker, of Camas Valley, and a
stepfather. Also three brothers sur
vive him Tho funeral will occur
from the arlors of tho Koseburg Un
dertnking Co.'s establishment Thurs
day afternoon, and interment will be
In tho I. O O. K. cemetery
This Coupon Presented
Wednesday, April 1, ICntitles
you to
Ten Green Trading
Stamps Free
on any purchase of 50c or more
The REX ALL Store
1 1
CHICAGO, March 31
Still Research Institute has completed
Its preliminary Investigations and
will soon announce its conclusions as,
to the truth or falsity of the claims!
of osteopathy Ever since the birth j
of this new practice the scientific1
world has demanded other proofs than '
the cure of patients, so the osteo-f
paths themselves contributed $100,-!
their own pockets to estab-
llsh the research institute In Chicago!
and Instructed the Investigators to'
report the facts, regardless of their f
pet theories. Other research Insti
tutioug are endowed by the laity, but
this Is the only one in the world
financed by physicians. Dr. John;
Deason Is director of the institute '
He was formerly instructor at the
American School of" Osteopathy atj
Kirksville, Mo., of which institution
the founder of osteopathy Is presi
dent. For years trained specialists have
been conducting in Chicago an elab
orate system of scientific experiments
upon animals and human beings to
ascertain by laboratory methods
whether or not the claims of osteo
pathy are substantiated by fact. Dr
Deason has at last made, public the
result of all the work. His verdict
is in the affirmative. The osteopaths
are not contented with cures. They
demand the only kind of proof which
Is accepted by the scientific world,
that Is, proof from the laboratory
under what are known ns standard
ized test conditions as used in all re
earch institutions', medical schools
and hospitals. Dr. Deason says In
"I have, with the aid of my assis
tants, operated on about 5oo animals,
dogs, monkeys, cats, rabbits, guinea
pigs,' In which we have Btudied, in
various ways, the effects of osteo
pathic lesions. Doctors McCounel,
Farmer, Hums, Whiting and others
have been doing similar work for
many years Wo have shown that by
producing strains in the vertebral
column various perverted physiolog
ical reactions, such as abnormal heart
increased blood pressure and other
visceral reflexes, may be affected.
Wo tried muscular massage, and
many other passive movements, and
the effects were only very temporary
and incomparable to the movement,
with fixation, which produced "ver
tebral" strains and lesions,
"W0 observed the effects of per
manent lesions on 33 dogs. These
dogs were all normal, and only those
dogs were used which showed no
physical defect. These animals were
then placed under ether anesthesia
and subluxations were produced. Af
ter lesion all animals showed abnorm
al urinary findings, such as albumen
and sugar. A careful examination
was made of each animal every day
and by palpation the lesion could
easily be detected
"An osteopathic treatment Is not
in nny sense massage. Osteopaths
often use massage Just as most other
physicians do when such treatment
Is Indicated; but the fudameutal prin.
clpal of osteopathy Is adjustment of
perverted structural relations. If a
proper adjustment can be made In
one minute, as It often can be done,
this Is all that is necessary. In the
treatment of monkeys for diarrhea 1
: seldom treated tho animals more
than a few seconds; just corrected
tho structural perversions, that was
nll There was no massage or other
kind of treatment given. I believe
the least manipulation one enn do to;
effect adjustment la all that is Indi
cated In many cases. This, however,
does not apply to all conditions.
"Wo have had excellent success In
treating the acute affections We
can usually make the patient rest
well by treatment and thus avoid
th,. undesirable after effects of opi
ates, which are used by medical doc-:
tors for this purpose. We can In- j
crease the elimination, improve t'1 j
circulation and nutrition and thus
avoid tho complications better by os-j
tcop.ithic than by medicinal means.!
We have done some research work
(o show thin bony lesions dispose to
Infections by' reducing the resistance i
of the patient, thereby increasing hU
susceptibility We had two cases
xffiy' In which monkeys, after lesion, were
The Peerless
"Makes Night Equal to Day"
Look at the reductions we have in cost to you:
10 watt 8 candle lamps 30 cents each
15 watt 12 candle lamps 30 cents each
25 watt 20 candle lamps 30 cents each
40 watt 32 candle lamps 30 cents each
60 watt 48 candle lamps . 40 cents each
100 watt 80 candle lamps 70 cents each
Remember A "PEERLESS" 10 watt lamp will burn 8 min
utes at the cost of a single match. And the same ratio extends
throughout the list. Or, to put it in a more practical way, it
will burn 3 hours a day for 30 days, a whole month for 4 cts.
Toughness, why they are just as tough as the old carbon lamp
and look at the difference in the quality of light The "PEER
LESS" as white and clear as artificial light can be, the old car
bon, red, as a smoky sunset.
Don't forget to call fora -'PEERLESS'' and that they are for
sale at the old ironmongery.
Churchill Hardware Co.
P. S.-Note the Reduction in Price.
more susceptible to Infectious tits-;
eases than the other monkeys whn-h ;
were not lesioned."
.Native of HiiukIiik County Victim of
I'artilysi. Parents Crossed tile
l'lains tn '"-.
17 young, active, Intelligent
men to form hospital detach- I
PASSES. . ment for service with the Coast
Artillery, O N. G. For parti-
culars see Dr. Geo. E. Ilouck, !
Perkins building. 365-tf
CANYONVIU.E. April 1. William
Barker, a na.'ve of Douglas county.
died at C'nnyonville this morning.
Deceased was born near Koseburg in
lS5(i Ilis parents crtissed the plains
in ISSii, settling in this coun'y. There
were nine children born to these
pinnoer parents. Of the nine only
four survive the deceased Mr. Bar
ker leaves two sisters, both living in
Portland, and two brothers, residents
of this place. He was stricken with
paralysis last August and never fully
recovered from that illness. The fun
eral will occur at Canyonvillo at 1
o'clock Thursday, April 2
The Douglas Creditors Association
has filed the followisg suits In the
local courts:
Nicholas Bahlman, Roseburg.
$10.50; Hob Head, Roseburg, $135;
J. V Chambers, Koseburg, $3.00; K.
Hlltl'reth and A. Morris, Roseburg;
$12.45; Creed Conn and D R. Prath.
er. Roseburg, $35.00; Mr and Mrs.
William r Plaman,, Koseburg
$25.50; George W Staley, Roseburg.
$85.27; Steve Kenrns, Roseburg.
$16 00; D. C. McCbehey, Roseburg.
$1.60; A. R Green, Roseburg.
$17.50 Ermal Shoemaker, Roseburg.
$6 00; Laura Drolllnger. Roseburg.
! $'8 00; C. l! Reeves, Roseburg.
j $3 60; John H. Hockley . R'ibo
Ihurg. $3 50; J. W. Wiley, Dillard,
j$!.45; Thomas F. Gurney, Myrtle
; Point, $3.00; Darwin Johnson,
j Seottsburg, $16.10: Ethel Kent.
Hrockway. $55.00,; H . Archam
beau. Tiller, $55.00; " Fred Hartle,
Myrtl0 Creek, $15 00: E. A. Murray.
Camas Valley. $s!oO; Frank Conn.
Portland. $1.50: Wilbert D Sleep.
Portland. $12.50
A. I. 8.
The Royal Bakery, until lately
known as the Unipqua Bakery, re
cently purchased by Mr Parker, is
receiving a thorough renovating.
Painters arG at work on the Interior
of the place, and already has a beau
tiful new sign, surmounted by a
crown, been placed on each of the
front windows. When completed the
place will be unusually attractive
and neat
FOR KENT 3 furnished rooms with
private bath and toilet. Call or
address 748 S Pine. 402-a7p
W A XT I0 D Good d r i v i ng forso, siiT
gle buggy and harness. State
cash price and when outfit can bo
seen. Address Box 482, City
FOR "SA'LK St udeliaker 2 Wagon,
McCormick mower, and spring
tooth harrow practically new; will
sell cheap Box G83 Roseburg.
Phono 1F3. 401-al4
FOR SALE Geranium cuttings, six
loading varieties 25c; thirteen
varieties 50c; English violet plants
25c dozen. Fine mixed aster plants
ready April 15. Hanging basket
plants, maderia bulbs, vlning cu
cumber seeds, poppy plants every
marking Mrs. Mary Whipple, S.
Main. Phone 55-R. 400-al4
Why Swat The Pest?
When Stopping It Is Much The Best
(Our made to order) full galvanized wire sreens are the best and
cheapest (ten to one) and the only screen to glve the protection
you desire.
,V7 horft
J&ri window), frmes
VVe Take Measurements and Guar
antee Fit At Small Additional Cost
With or Without Hardware
With or Without Paint