THE EVENING NEWS MILTON J. KHOEMAKEIl CAUL I). NIIOKMAKEIl Editors and I'ufolinliern. IttsUKD DAILY EXCKI'f tiLNKAV Hubscrliitiun lUux Uaiij, per year, by mail J3.00I Per month, delivered 60 j Bumi-Weekly. Pr year Clx months 1"U Entered ai socond-t.'aB matter November B, 1910, at Roneburg, Ore., tnder act of March 3, 1879. G Dreson ire Insurance Company Only Company "Exclusively Oregon" Best for Oregonians 12.00 LDMil!s; . Home Office, Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison, Portland ' T. A. KAKFETY, GEO. P. SCHLOSSER, Representatives. Doiiliw Co. Ajscy Perkliu 111 L. Samuel, General Manager. miii.w, ji.Mtcii lid i A 1)ouiile-i:imji;i) sword. THo United StatGH Commissioner of Indian Affaire In all address de-j ilvered at Washington on Kuuruury; 20th of this year said among other j things "I bellevo that the greatest present menace to the American In dian 1b whiskey. It does more to destroy his constitution and Invite the ravages of disease than anything else It does more to demoralize him us a man und frequently as a woman It does more to make him an easy prey to the unscrupulous than everything else combined. If I Bay nothing more to you tonight, that leaves an Impression, let It be this ono thought: let us huv the American Indian from tlio curse of whiskey." The commissioner Is right, but what Ib so bad for the Indian, surely must also bo bad for tho white man. Why stop with the. Indian? Why not Bavo the American peoplo from the curse of whiskey? Its u poor doctrine that only applies to one clasB of our citizens. DANCK AT KDK.MIOWKIt Another of the fortnightly dances will be given at Social ist hall In Edenhower, April 3. All are invited to attend. 3.r,8-a2 11 ALL & BATES. C ALL KOK WARRANTS. LOOKS IIICTTKIt ALRICADV That the clean-up spirit Is becom ing contagious, can be Been when ono takes a walk over the city and notes the many places where rank growth of grass has beon removed and lawn mowers brought into ac tion. Many cornor lots and front yards that have had no attention for months, now look llko the school lioy'n bond hfler Imviiu? had ho barber's clippers run over It. The Improvement is marked and one gets amply repaid for the work and out lay, In having well kept promisot. i ,Tho feeling soon spreads and thu mnn Willi tho unkempt yard or Btreot front who lives between neigh bors wllh prldo In the npponmnro of their homes, soon begins to feel as uncomfortable as a shabby woman does at a dress up social function. Let thu cIUkciih of this community vlo with each oilier in good nulcired rivalry, and Hoseburg will Indeed be a "city beautiful" Tllo busiest men in Ilio whole community just now are the peti tion circulators for the ilil leiviit can didates As the pdy is dependent on tho reiiulsito number of names se cured, the Homier It Is completed the heller. The bane of all I ho solici tors is the frequent answer, "not registered yet." and if (he busy man wishes to he immune he should get a small card printed or written, slin ply slating this fact anil W'ear It on his coat lapel, Its use has iieen found to bo very efficient. While The News was In possession of the facts ol the results of the meeting of the school board on Wed nesday night. It respected the wishes of the board as regarded the pub itcniion or same, anil violated no confidence reposed. Tho News con siders it of less material value te make a premature announcement, than to retain its feeling of having Kept n promise. I'or these reasons tho readers of The News were not enlightened by any report of the bonrd's action. Notice Is' hereby given that all warrants to and Including No. HI of School District No. 4, Douglas county, Oregon, endorsed December 0, 10 1 ;nd prior (thereto, "not paid for want of funds" are this day called for payment by the under signed, mid all lntii:fit thereon will cease from tho duto hereof. Dated this 27th day of March, 1914 (JEOUOE NEU.NEI1, JH. Clerk of School District No. 4. 373-a7 SPRING BLOUSES. Thoy Coma In Many Lurid New Colors. WAXTKD. 17 you uk, ui'livp, intelligent men to form hospltiil detiich- inent for norvicc with tho ('oust Artillery, O N. (i. For pant- culars ju't lr. (loo. K. Iluuck, IVrkhiH building. 3t'5-tf CIIAUM1MI NET IIMIUHIL. There' Is nothing prettier with n new skirt than u blouse of either the .imie color In Hue nlnoii or n'sllk or snthi one of contrnsi hi: shmtes. The newest l-'ivncli unnle Mouses lire nourly nil uuHuetl, holng ;is loosely lil ted ns possible, with n in pie t (illness under the mills I hit I quite doer) nwiiv with that tendency to weur tmdly or spilt t hot was the grcnt drawback with the Mauyar style when It II rat en me In to rnsliioti. The color used are uiany of them tnrtd In the extreme, royal purple. Re ranlum and (anserine being the favor ites, the blouses bein i earrled out lu eharnieue or a (hick ipiallty crepe de chine, trimmed very simply nt neck and wrist with narrow bands of vel vet. Very ehle little blouses for summer wear are of net. Illustrated here Is n Mouse of embroidered net which Is worn with a dainty gown of tiiffeta. I'lie tlounced tunic, trimmed with but tons. L-ives an exceedingly iittrnctlvo uppearanie to the simple little frock. Good form V: - , , . . :? ' ' . Unneighborly Noises. I.iuk of neighborly responsibility Heeius to be eousplcuuus through all ranks of Hutiety. Vou can Understand the conduct of the knife grinder who blows his horn or rlnj:s his bell under your window, reni'dlcsa uf the rest ur work he may be Interrupting, just as you can excuse the yells of the itinerant vegetable or fruit fender who erics his wares raucously iilona the street. These -noise producers are working for their living, and their calls and clatiK'iiiKs lire part of their stock In trade. Without them you would not know their oods were offered for sale. Vou can even tolerate the baiiKin of the beaters on ru's on the roof or In the back yard, because you know the cleaning must be done, and It Is being performed In the only locality that pre Hents Itself. Hut whuttood fs gained by the tin necessary honking of an automobile which wake the echoes of your street nt midnight? Why should the collec tors of ashes and garbage UiaUe un necessary noist in the discharge of their duties? And to come within the house and lu touch with those who are supposed fo have gentler tendencies, why should persons of like nature with ourselves keep so called music either vocal or instrumental going at nn liour when ordinary, every day folk (ire eujip0!''d to be a .sleep? 1 This Coupon Presented Saturday, March 28, 'Entitles you to Ten ii?C Green Trading Stamps Prce on any purchase of 50c tniorc The REXALL Store Pf! Rings For Bridegroom!. A custom nither strictly observed In Germany Is tho exchange of rings by bride and bridegroom on Urn wedding day, and it is a wry pretty Idea. "Why shouldn't ihe man have some outward symbol io show that he Is married as welt as it woman?" asked n Utile dark eyel. bride who had used this double, rllig ceremony. And wh not ? Very few brides now select n plain diamond solitaire that was for so long considered the only proper en gagement token; the larger the stone the more the girl loved to Hash it Now a diamond Is used If the jilrl wishes ft. but It is cur and set In some individual manner and is made with (he promise titat no duplicates will be sold. Some new rings are being shown which on llrst appearance seem to be very handsome seals, but on closer ex amination show that they are to be di vided when the "time" comes into two separate rings. They are made to or der, as Is much of the jewelry worn nowadays by those who wish to have exclusive styles lu their articles of adornment. BrightetUplthe House on the Inside as Well as Outside By Using Stherwin-Williams Flat Tone Listen to the claims made for it. It is the only satisfactory finish that combines the following; SOFT, VELVETY, flat effects. RICHNESS and depth of tone. A SATISFACTORY surface for refinishing at any time. THOROUGH BINDING, which insures freedom from chalking or washing off. DURABILITY, which permits of repeated washing and cleaning without injur-. EASE OF APPLICATION,docs not streak when applied with a wide wall or kalsomine brush. ADAPTABILITY, for use as a groundwork under enamels and glaze colors, the highest type of decoration. ECONOMY in first cost, due to a large covering capacity, uniformity in shade, saving time required in mixing andmatching materials. Call for a color card and stencil designs; leamhow it can be applied over old and new work, over walls or wood, even your icecream packer will last longerjif given an outside coating of this FLAT TONE. Don't forget that we have a'full line of ALABASTINE also A cold water wall paint that has stood the Test of Use for a little cheaper job. It's well worth a trial Churchill Hardware Co. Table Manners. When we consider good table man ners lu a general way there is one point that is emphasized. l)uletness without haste Is the thing that will do more than anything to give attractive table manners. Any one can be quiet and dlgnltUM. It may be a ditlicult thing to master the uses of the differ ent utensils and to keep In mind the order of courses; It may seem a stu pendous task to review the different positions and ways of eating different foods, but It Is the easiest thing In the world to do things lu a quiet man ner. They are the essence of good table manners, and on this roumlntion It Is pi-sMbte to build an Intricate structure that wilt take you through tiny formal dinner in satisfaction. TT.TTTl. r- - . ". - IH'ffS-'..Yy, a ml' If the ladv d".- not i-in-o-e in recognize the jtiati 11 ' I turn a Iter ward thai l liei inu;.-i- Co'is f'erttion F r Servants, lle-itu-. t vi n h,;iii- pnv;h Make it a point :nv.-is f i-.ii'H-u nu n.-r itmn bi'ffre "Mlti Mi- nil I it "ii U:w oci-a ntl to !'n ! I'll KM WI 'II t'W oven on: i' c n. in- !'.... pr-H !'i-:! d" ti'.r in h her :tl my hi ( Some w.'tot ii it;t a iimM pcniici-Hi-i babit nt i :- i't.-ti ttriitls up to mi ll ink i h-t'li"- "-'Mi' .''lU'Vs v- cj rcmi'lll In ihe siiujiU ti'iors a iiiuiiiter of oiilci's tltii -ti'inift Inter Ih-pii L'lVell flt dtliuei garden, Pine $12.00. Apply 7li0 S. WAX'l Kii $JU(HI loan for term of" , 3 years. Gilt edge security offer-1 ed. Will pay S per cent. Address ! Hico street, Kosoburg. U'i4-m2Sp l'OK LI V Kit ILLS a. n. s. IIKPATIO SA LTS SHOT IV TUB FACE. Post cards one-half price. Short time. Clark & Clark. 277-tf Mrs. L. Hall returned to her home in Wilbur this afternoon. KOK SALK A range and a few oth er items of household goods cheat). 412 Floed St. 374-a2p WANTED Employment as nurse or house work by capable woman. Mrs E. W. Head, 751, Serond avenue South. 375-n2p FOH KENT G room house, barn, wood and chicken house and cor ral. jTwo fine lots, free soil for 'HItSONAL Dr. Maker's Nerve and Stomach Kemcdy will give you a perfect healthy stomach and build up your nervous system. It positively without equul at; a t"T lr for stomach and nerves. In hot ties $1 00 post paid. Send e;ish or money order. Dept. E, Western Agency. Realty Ituilding; Spokane. Washington. :iOS-a2 - I FEMALE AGENT WANTED Lady agent wanted in every city and town to sell our standard medical and toilet preparations. Full or spare time. Good terms given to the right parties Dept. A. West ern Agency, Ueaty Huilding, Spo kane, Wash. 370-a27 FOH KENT 4 room furnished house. Inquire 511 Fowler street. 371tf PERSONAL Catarrh should never be lett uueared for. Should it be come chronic it will. Injure the eyes, nose, throat and stomach, giving a most offensive breath to the sufferer. Katarcura has cured thousands of obstiuato cases and will cure you. post paid for $1.00 cash or money order. Dept C. Western Agency, Realty Building,. Spokane, Wash. 3GC-a27 PERSONAL Monthliade is the world's- best female regulator and health given. All women, young or old, should have a supply on handi. Sold In two sizes, post paid for $1 00 and $2.00, cash or mon ey order. Dept. D. Western Agen cy, Realty Building, Spokane, Wash. 367-a27 PERSONAL Why be a back num ber when two or three applications of Perfect Gray Hair Restorer will give your hair its youthful color and a beautiful, glossy, fluf fy appearance? It is a vegetable preparation and unlike others is not Injurious to the scalp. Sold in two sizes, $1.00 and 50 cents, postpaid. Send ash or money or der. Dept. Bt Western Agency, Realty Building; Spokane; Wash taKton. 360-a27 Dancing Etiquette. "When dancing with n young girl." asks a perplexed masculine reader. "Is It necessary lo continue dancing with her - perhaps t hree or four da uccm -until some other man re!lees yon by asking the gtrl for a dame? Is there uo way lu which it man an gracefully get a way?" The nice thing to do Is to dam e with the girl until another partner conies io claim lier, but lu case you have the next dance with another girl yon must make your excuses gracefully, explain tug the situation, and then go to emun .the other girl. If you are free fr the (uiiVeeilluK dances you should remain with your llrst partner until some one elt) relieves you of this duty Strt Introductions. An Introduction Is not always neve snry when people meet en a piibd street, but It presents ti nioinentan emhnrrnsAineut to way, "Ml Mi M " Such an Introduction need i.ot be considered, a basis for n future ac 1 quahitance. Merely lo Iww :im1 sm'i- in acknowledgment with n ple?i-.uc IT TAKES A LOT TO HOLD A GOOD MAN DOWN and if he's dressed correctly he adds that much more force to his native power. Clothes are often the entering wedge'to success the favorable introduction tLat secures attention. Young Men's Models in a wide Variety of Designs Made with the tiitf wide-shonhlered coats now in vogue among correct dressers, sacks embodying all the style tendencies of the season, and stamped effectually with the individuality ofthe SOPHOMORE productions, FAHKil'S selected to emphasize the decided YOUXtJ MF.N'S style of all these garments, Nobby Checks. Stripes in widths from hair lines to pencil stripes, grev.s, bli, browns, erevs. The Youns Look is Written all Over Them The Personal Idea is Behind Them DUDS FOR0 MEN A. J. HOCHk'ADUL. Two and three button 12.50TO3O