. 1 THE EVENING NEWS MILTON J. 6HOEMAKKK CAUL I). &HOEMAKEU Editor and Publishers, JfciUtiD IM1LV EXCKiT SUMMY Subscription lianas Duilj. er year, by mail $3.00 er month, delivered .60 Hciai-Weekly. er year 12.00 iix months 100 Kntered as Beeond-.'tihB matter November 6, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore., nder act of March 3, 1879. MOMUY, .MAItCII JO, 1!M. kttow I'ou A Jvniii:v-(ii;M;itAb The aunoiii. cement that Dtatrlct Attorney George M. Urnwn will be a candidate In the coming primary for ,the nomination for the office of attorney-general of this tjtute recallB a truism, which whs printed a few days ago in one of the Portland papers. "The Ideal public officer is u rare Jewel a treasure to he con served wherever found," was the lan guage used as a preumblc to a Bin- .core appreciation of the man who yesterday formally entered the con test for attorney-general. I George M. Urown is the type of public officer that the people should keep In office for the public good. In his long career as prosecutor In ; UiIh county and district he has kept faith with the oath and duties of his office. Ills has been a stewardship "which has been big with ideals and 1 strong In character. Ho has prose cuted crime for the good of the com munity and not for personal fame : or advancement. When the welfare! of society could be served, as well through lionency, as a harsh inter pretation of the law ho has adopted the former and has igiven the weak, tho firat offender, the dupe and the young another chance to take n true place In the activities of citizenship. "Genuine law enforcement and in dustry," constitute the essence of his platform, and those who know him both as a man and a prosecutor know that these qualities are linked Inseparably with his prlvato and pub lic life. His record na prosecutor for more than a decade here guarantees to the people of Oregon, should he bo elected attorney-general, that he will not shirk in thoso nuallfications which have played an important part In his retention In offico and popular favor term after term and which now commend him to the attention of many people of tho state who regard him as an "ideal public officer" tv hose ability should bo "conserved" to the use of tho people of the whole state. George M. firown Is an able, exper ienced attorney who has a deep ap preciation of tho significance of the law and who has a logical mind capable of nnnlyzing for tho people's Jtood, those grave questions which from time to time nre brought, to the attorney-general for opinion and decision. The people of the seVond district recommend, to the people of the ntato, George M. Hrmvn for attomey Keneral, knowing that the state will receive an honest fearless officer whose only master shall he to quote hia own words "the soverign stato of Oregon" BEFORE YOU SIGN An Application for Life Insurance in any other Company Serve Your Own Interest by examining the New Low Rate Contract of Qregonflfe Does Business Exclusively in Healthful Oregon Best for Oregonians HOME OFFICE Cofbctt Building. Cor- Fifth ind Morrison. PflftUaf 1. 1 HILLS L. SBUL toilful Sirifsl MiaigM I Muslim County Agency, Perkins Rid T. A. HAI'I'KI'V, GKO. 1 SCHIXISSKR Representative..) liart of the floor. The magnificent scenery along the Pncfic highway to south of tho city, with Jtu buck Kround of hinli ami lowering hills, and the river way below, was nlso one of the favorite Jaunts selected, as were th0 flower decked tops of reservoir hills. Lovers of nature can certainly find jilenly of places in this near vicinity, without having to make long expensive trips to get to them. TIiIh city Is certainly situated In a most favoralilo position to allow ila Inhabitants splendid facilities for outings on such beautiful afternoons rsi was enjoyed yesterday. One of the favorite walks for those who are not averse to a little strenuous ox orclso, Is the trip to the summit of Mt. Nebo, starting the ascent at the foot of the l.nno street bridge thence along the top of the ridge, find ,dosxmdlng nt 'the Alexander bridge. This Is by far the most scenic and picturesque outing with in many miles, and while somewhat Htreuuoua, amply repays one for tin1 effort. Yesterday afternoon the trail up and every out Jutllng rock( audi all the cosy nooks on the way wercj covered with delighted perspiring rllmbers, who from the streets be low bad the appearance of Lillipu tians, Another favorite trip was ov er tho new bridge across the 1'inp qua, and many people crossed from Mo "Me lo the other on the single plank that fills In the unfinished Another raid by -Mexican bandits American territory Ih reported. followed by the killing of an offic lal and the looting of a customs house. After taking a good swig from the grape Juice flask. In order to get Ills nerve in proper condition our Secretary of State sent out the terrifying order that a strict investi gation should bo instituted at once. Thus is Amerlcun honor once more upheld and vindicated. CAM) OK TIIAXKS. We wish to thank our neighbors nnd friends for the many acts of kindness shown during the sickness and lifter the death of our wife and mother. A. .1. STEPHENS. Kit A STEPHENS. W. L. LEEWItlGIIT, ESTHER LKEWltllillT, W. l' LEEWItlGIIT, HUGH LEUWniGHT. II 101 lev ki:li,i:h in ltsi:- - lit lt(i ON .MAItCII 2(1(11 r'ho nnine of Helen Keller can never bo separated from that of Mrs. .Macy (Anno Sullivan) tho teacher and companion of twenty-six years who opened tho gales for her to the outside world, one hardly knows who lo adluiro the moro, the scholar or the teacher as they have never been separated these many years, so they are not aeimraled on rVhc lecture platform. -Enjoy a treat and see and hear them at tho Antlors theatre. .March 2iitb. SliS-tnlG CIIUISTIAN SCIENCE l.KCTl ltE At th0 .Majestic Theatre, Thursday evening, .March lllth, at 8 o'clock. Judge Clifford P. Smith C. S. II. Member of the board of lectureship of the mother church. The First Church of Christ, Scientists In Hos tou, Mass. This lecture is free and the public Is cordially Invited to be present. S2-nil& SHOT IN" THE l'WCK. Post cards one-half price, time. Clark & Clark. Short 277-tf LODGE UIHEOTOKY 6To7P Rising Star IodgeTi No. 174, meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. 1. A. Pllklngton, N. G-; W. S. Powell, K S-: M. Fickle. F. S. 1. . O. F. Union Encampment :o. meets In Odd Fellows' Temple, every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren alwoys welcome. L. E. .Mllledge, C. P.; J. B. Bailey, R. S-; James Ewart, F. S. uo.MKN oF Uooncit.WT Lilac Circle, No. 411, meets on first and third Monday evenings of eacb month In the I. O. O. F. ball. Vis iting members in good standing are invited to attend. Ciutbia Germond, G. N.; Clara Cawlfield, clerk. O. H. S. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8, holdB their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in each mouth. Visiting members in good standing are respectfully invited to attend. Mrs. Carrie Christie, W. M.; Free Johnson, sec. 1XJVAI, OK1IKK OK MOOSE Hose burg Lodge No 1037. Meets In Eagles' hall on Jackson street, every Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. George Neuner, Jr., Dictator; H. O. Pargoter, Sec. KA(jivHS Roseburg Aurie meets in tbeir hall on Jackson street, 2nd and 4th Monday evennlgs of eacb month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting breth ren In good standing alwayB wel come, J. M. Donohew, W. P.; B. F. Goodman, W. Sec. Phone 183. A. 1". At A. M. Laurel Lodge, No. 13, holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Wed nesdays of each month I. O. O. I' Philetnnan Lodge, No. 8, meets In Odd Fellows Temple, corner of Jackson and Cass streets on Saturday evening of each week. Members of the order In good standing nre Invited to attend. S. F. Hamilton, N. G.; J. B Bailey, F. S; M. L. Whitney, R. S. I. O. It. M. Umpqua Tribe No. 44 holds Btnted councils the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each montb ot the Eagles' hall, N, Jackson Btreet. Visiting Chiefs alwayg welcome. W. S. HOWARD, Sacbein, C. H. TEIICINSKI, C. of n. W. C. GADDIS, K. of W. WOODMEN OF TUB WOULD Oak Camp, No. 125, meets at th Odd Fellows' Hall In Roseburg, every flrbl and third Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors always wel come. J. A. Buchanan, C. C; M. M. Miller, clerk. L. O. T, M. RoBeburg Hive, No. 61, holds regular reviews on second and fourth Thursday evenings In Maccabee ball. ' Sisters of other blves visiting in the city are cordially Invited to attend our re views. Mrs. Harry Pearce, lady com.; Jessie Rapp, R. K. II. I. O. K. Roseburg Lodge, No 326, holds regular coiuiuunlca tlons at their temple on seconl and fourth Thursduys of eacl month. All members requested to attend regularly and all visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. A.- C. Soely, B. R.; H S. Slocum, Sec. DR. SEELY, SETIIEK STEW- ART Physiclana ami Surgeons. 4) .Suit of offices, Rear Douglas National Bank, Ground 4) Floor, Phono 807 4 Koscbarg - Oregon 4) dr. ;eo. k. iiort'K Physician mid Surgeon Office Perkins Bldg., Phone 3. Roseburg, Oregon. DR. II. IS. SHOEMAKER Office 194 Physician and Hurgeoa Office Rooms 209-210 Perkins Building. Phones Residence 417-R If you .lncft on orrter wi n 119 for wood, yen will becomo ons of our permanent customers. Full Measuro; Wood Yard. North Roseburg. Phone j I)U. S. Jt. IW.APP Osteopathic Physician Johnson Wood! Dyes icme Ulixcd Paints Rooms 317-1118 Perkins llblg. Ottlco Phone 431 Residence Phone 2' As Spring Is UponUs You no doubt begin to turn side and out. Call It vour attention to house cleaning, both In- "Brig hten Up" W If you like. We wish to say to you that the best of all brighten up agents is the S. W. P. line of paints, varnishes, etc. But remember there Bhould be some knowledge as to how to apply even paint. To simply brush it on will not always do. Wo have this to say to you, and to back by years of experience, that S. and W. paint Intelligently appled will give the best pos sible results. Besides giving better results In looks, lasting qualities and satisfaction, It is Cheaper Cheaper in this way, that it covers more surface gallon for gallon. Call for a color card and study carefully the directions for applying and handling paint Please remember that our confidence in S. W. P. is not simply that which the manufacturers claim, but is that born ot handling it so many years with such satisfaction. But don't overlook the fact that Sherwin Williams began small, and upon QUALITY have built a business that has overflowed into Canada and even to England, and today Is one of the BIG BUSINESSES of our country. Churchill Hardware Co. Ironmongers SHOT IX THE FACE. Post cards one-half price, time. Clark & Clark. Short 277-tf 4) L. G. HICKS sunvEVon 223 Perkins Dullillng Roseburg, Or. 4 Phone 131-lt 4) f TAXIDERMIST AND EXPERT 4) TANNER , 4) Prices Reasonable 4) 4 Work Guaranteed 4) P. O. Kox 207, Roseburg, Ore. 4) 44444444444 4 4 JESSIE RTILSON I.EI9 STENOGRAPHER 4 126 N. Kane St. MRS. CHARLES 8. HKINLIN'E Iianoforte Instructor Musical Kindergartener 4 Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R 6 4 4444f4444444 DR. D. E. SNK1.I, MISS SADIE 1IORXII1HOOK I INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of plain tiff filed against you In the above entitled Court on or before six weeks from the first publication of this Summons, to-wie, on or before Monday the 16th day ot March. 1914, at ten o'clock A. M. of said day, and if you fall to appear and answer the Complaint of plaintiff, said plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of Sixty ($60.00) Dollars with interest there on at ten per cent per annum from April 13, 1913, nnd the costs and disbursements, and will npply to the Court for an order thereof to sell the following described personal proper ty heretofore attached In this ac tion, to-wit: 46 pair of mens shoes, 6 pair of men's moccasins S pair boys' moccasins, 6 pair infants' moccasins, 6 pair children's mocca sins, 5 pair misses' moccaslnc, 12 pair ladies' moccasins, 2 pair men's boots, 2 pair men's uppers, 52 quarts shoe oil, 5 gallons Neatfoot oil, 5 gal lons Stockholm tar, to satisfy the de mand of palntiff anl the costs and disbursements In this action incur red. This Summons is served upon you by publication In the Umpqua Valley News by order of Hon. J. W. Hamil ton, Judge of snid Court, under or der dated the 12th day' of March, 1914, and entered in the Journal of said Court. The first publication ofthis Sum mons is of date March 16, 1914. J. C. FULLERTON, 290-a27 Attorney for Plaintiff OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN iPI MM This Coupon Presented Wednesday, March IS, ICntitles you to Ten Green Trading Stamps Free on any purchase of 50e or more The REX ALL Store CliU- ll.m of t rjren Phones: Office 119, Res. 138-L. 1101 -8 Perkins Building IlOSEUUltG, ORE.. Women and SHclalty, Room No. 8, Roseburg National Bank Building. 0 CHAS. K. HOPKINS C Attorney nt Idler. 4 lUxnn 4-M lVrklrn llblg. 4) ROArburu. Oregon. 4 fTspeclsl attention given to con- 4 veyancing and the eiamlntloo of titles to real estate. Prac- 4 tlcet In all state and federal courts. 44C"44440044444 0 OURDOX A. FORI. f Vocal LfMODf. 4 4) Studio 312 E. Cass Street. 4 Phone 191-J Roseburg - - . -Ore. 4) 4 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. W. A. Lewis, Plaintiff, TS. C. P. lladdox. Defendant. To C. P. lladdox, above named de fendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE j OF OREGON": You are hereby SPRAY MATERIALS Now is the season of the year when the trees and buds need careful attention to protect them from insect pests and fungous diseases. Our materials are recognized standards of excellence. Atomic Soluble I bordeaux mixture Sulphur TFoR 5 , . 11 dilutes readily in Its effects are lasting, water It is good for mildew, It is good for curl scab, brown rot and leaf, blight, gummosis rust and anthracnose 1 I 2 Black Leaf 40 Tri-Plumbic A standard prepara- A neutral arsenate of tion for aphis, fleas and 'e'il- , , all insect life. . nhls 'ead does ot burn under any condi- ditions. 3 4 1, 3 and -Pmay be combined into one sprav, and makes a most excellent preparavon. ROSE SPRAY We have a rose spray to kill aphifij and mildew on roses- Marsters Drug Co.