FOB COUNTV JUDGE. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. "$50,000.00 DOLLARS" Vmpqua Power, Ice S Development Company Inc. Desires to inform the citizens of Roseburg that the Company is issuing 15 j ear 6 per cent Gold Bonds. The money will be spent in Roseburg the coming Spring and Summer for improvements in Umpqua Park Addition. Mechanics of all kinds are kindly invited to investigate the different improvements, imformatition will be furnished by addressing Box 475 Roseburg, Oregon Umpqua Power, Ice Development Co., Inc. I "WATER IS THE BEST K1DHSY iDijr,; The Lord or anyone else ever made, our flavored bottled beverages are com fosed of absolutely pure filtered water sweetened and flavored with cane sugar and the best extracts that money can buy and will be come the most delicate stomach. ROSEBURG SODA WORKS PHONE ONE-EIGHT-SIX Ask For Douglas County Creamery Butter And "Patronize a Home Industry" DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY WE SAVE YOU MONEY Wo save you money on large ami small quantities Carnation Milk HV per can. Il.lfi per doz; ti.- per case Country Cluli Milk -f 1.0r per dozen, 5' 1.15 per case Pineapple JOc. per can. Plums 10c per can llest grade Kerry Cottee 2." cents per pound These are only a few of our manv astonishingly lew prices for first-class goods. "THE CASH STORE" WK SAVK VOIT MOXKV 1SW IWSS STISKKT Take your Choice! Cooking and Heating Schedule Kor Electric Rnnges, Irons, Chafing Dishes, and other Mis cellaneous Heating Devices or small Domestic Power Devices. METER RATE Three cents (3) per Kilowatt Hour Minimum Charge. ...51.00 per month FLAT RATES Electric Ratine for Domestic Purposes 55.00'per month Electric Water Heater for Domestic Purposes 52.50 per month The sbove rate are for permanent service only, and proridea for the Installation, br the Company, of a separate meter for niea. oreroent of current used for cooking and heating purposes. DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT & WATER COMPANY I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomi tlon for the office of county judge of Douglas county, subject to the will of the voter8 at the primary to be held May 15th, 1914. (pd. adv.) D. J. STEWART. FOlt COU.NTY JUDGE. I hereby announce myself ns a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for the office of county judge of Douglas county, subject to the will of the voters at the prlirary to be held May 15th, 1914. (pd. ad.) R. W. MARSTERS. FOlt COUNTY CLEHK. . I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to the the office of County Clerk subject to the will of the voters of tn0 Democratic puny at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. dsw-m14 B.H.LENOX. FOB COUNTY CLERK. I hereby anounce myself as a can didate for Justice of the Peace of Deer Creek District, subject to the will of the voters at the republican prlmarlcsrfo be held on May 15, 1914. (pd. adv.) IRA B. RIDDLE. . FOB JUSTICE OF THE PEACE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomi nation for the office of Justice of the peace for Deer Creek District, Douglas county, Oregon, at the pri mary election, May 15, 1914. (pd. adv.) JULIEN JOSEPHSON. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Ladles and Gentlemen: I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to the office of County Clerk subject to the will of the voters of the Republican party at the Primary Election to be held May 15, 1914. BENJ. HUNTINGTON, Jr. FOB SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to the office of sher iff of Douglgas county subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primary election to bo held May 15, 1914. (pd. adv.) GEORGE K. QUIN'E. FOB SHERIFF, I hereby announce myself aH a candidate for the office of sheriff subject to the will of the demo cratic voters at the primaries to be held May 15, 1914. (pd. ad.) T. E SINGLETON. AXXOUNCKMKNT FOB SHERIFF. I hereby respectfully announce my self a candidate for the nomination j for sheriff of Douglas county, sub : Ject to the will of the democratic voters at the primary election on I May 15. R. T. ASIIWORTH. I 240ml4 pd ad. I hereby announce myself a re publican candidate for tho olficn of Justice of the Peace ot Deer Creek District. If I am elected the office will have no favotitt.a and no ene mies. Have had ihir'y years exper ience In the practice of law. CHAS. F. HOPKINS, (pd. adv.) 420 Perkins Bldg. FOB COMMISSIONER. I hereby anounce my candidacy for nomination to the office of commis sioner of Douglas county subject to the will of the voters of the repub lican party at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. (pd. adv.) BEN NICHOLS. FOB CONSTABLE. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination to the office of constable for the Deer Creek dis trict, Douglas county, Oregon, sub ject to the will of the voters of the republican party, at the primary election to be held on the J 5th day of May, 1914. pd. ad.) P. M. MATHEWS. FOB COMMISSIONER, I hereby announce myself for the nomination for the office of county commissioner of Doug Hi county sub ject to the will of t!-.e republican electors at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. J. S. WILEY, (pd. ad.) Myrtle Creek, Ore. FOB COUNTY SURVEYOR 'AfP aknut Man? ' V - 13.- VS V.saj i. This store or ours is the place to get your Stetson New Spring Soft Hat or Derby. Hartal's To Jackson Street FOU COlNTY TltKASlUKU I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the will of the voters of the Republican party at tho primary elec tion to be held May 15, 1914. J. E. SAWYERS (Paid Ad.) 21$ FOU COI M Y TlMlASl IIFIt. j I hereby announce myself as a i candidate for county treasurer, sub ject to the will of the democratic voters at the primary election to be " held on May Kf If nominated and elected I promise the taxpayers of the county an economical and effic ient administration. (Pd. ad.) K. M. MEA US. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to the office of County Surveyor subject to the will of the voters of the republican part; at the primary election to be "heli May 15, 1914. FRANK CAIX. MOXKY IX TDK IfKMvKT Patronize the Farmers Public Mar ket Tuesdays acd aturftnys. Pro ducers' and consumers' interest. Priroq nlwnvs reasonable, tf Until April first we will sell Pape' wire fence cheaper than ever, 7 j bar 35 Inch 2 7 Vic per rod; a good! heavy fence. Sit inch, nine wire at i 20c per rod; 26 Inch hop fence nt ( 23 1-2 c per rod; 3S inch rabbit fence and stock fence at US cents; poultry netting at 75 cents per roll; barb wire at $2.20 per spool. We have Bean Hardy spray pumps, spray hose by the reel. Lime and Sulphur Spray and Sulphur Compound. STEARNS & CHENOWETIf. Oakland and Yoncalla. 105 PSWM2S Lenten Delicacies JUST RECEIVED-A fresh sup ply of Golden Bloaters, Kippered Salmon, Finnan Haddie, Norway Herring, Mackerel. CALL IN TO SEE US You will be satisfied if you ask for it at Phone 1S4 Marshall's, the Pure Food Store If you want a square deal, place your order for wood with Economy Wood Yard. Phone 123, corner Short and Sykes streets, tf .1- l'hone AU work ftrst-cliu Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property Rear Klrat Trust Savings Hank Illilg ROSKUUKO, OREGOX 63 OPEN FOR BUSINESS ROOM I. BELL SISTERS' BUILDING W. A. ACKLEY, TAILOR WEST ROSEBURG GROCERY We can money on your grocery bill. Our stock is FRESH and COMPLETE. Phone your need. Prompt delivery and satisfac tory assured. Alll our goods guaranteed. "We Give Hosohiirg Trwling Checks" DO WELL & BENEDICK PHONE 29. You Are Entitled to the Best AND THE Roseburg Steam Laundry Is where you get the best. Try us and be convinced. 438. N. JacMon Stree phone 79 FI5H1 F1SH11 FISHHl Salmon, Smoked and Kippered, per lb on Salmon, Canned "Y-''"iV I '.t- Clams, whole and minced V."."".".."". 8nJ '2a SmXd I!i;e'Hc;iaVkV;ei;iaii;j;;aoh' 25C' f1"1 -t2 Cod Fish, 2 pound brick I'l Herrings kippered ' Sardinia in oil ",' V""VA ': Sardine, mustard ".VV.V.VZ.V.V.V" ' - Sardines, Booth's sensed or Tomato sauce...... - Sardine?, French Honeless ?' Egg, this week. 20 cent per rt"n''oV'3'd'ree'n''foV;Z."." j THE NORTH SIDE GROCERY X r"i J'rkson and Winchester Streets PHONE THREE.TWQ.FOl-p