"KODAKS" BEST Roseburg Book Company 1 t e li u n li 1 'ti li b. It d fi Pi it gi tc ai Hi 01 ol in in nji ai th tr, co D co "0 th eli tic Stl ret tin a till eh) WO pll hoi fl or i nil' rai yi r 111 stf to (lit tin dn op: cm yoi nn. tlo C0 Th evt A. J. Lilisurn Frank L. Lilisurn A. J. LILBURN & SON COMPLETE LINE OF Furjniture, Carpets, Rjugs, (Draperies, Chinaware, Hardware, Stoves, Ranges IN FACT Everything Necessary to Finnish the Home 0I1Y NEWS. CITV MOWS como ono of the foremost commer cial centnra of the Coos Hay district. ti. A. Heavens of tiroon, was a vis itor tn KoHolmrK for a fow hours yostorday afternoon. A, C. Itoxroad Is now ready to saw your wood Into stove U'ligtliH. Phono i90-Y, fiU-m23p Mm. Krank Williams mid children returned to (llendalo laHt oveniiiK after u couple of days spent here. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Htlpps, of Buf falo N. Y., arrived hero lant evenliiK. They are making a tour of (ho coast. Patronize mo Farmers Public Mar ket Tuesdays unci Saturdays. Pro ducer it' and consumers' Interest. flrlw& nlways roaouahle. tf Miss Smith arrived hero last evosi from Vanora. Ore. to visit at the homo of Mr. -and Mrs, V. 13 Cllntj uupeel. Patron I ko the Farmers Public Mar ket Tuesday 'hud 8ai unlays. Pro diuierH' uud consumers' interest. Irfc(8 always reasonable. tf Kichiird Morris Inivollintf engineer for the Southern Pacific company, apmtt tho day In UoHi'luirg looking aftor official business. . tall at ItJVrfMiui'K Nnrnory Oo.'s ynnlH and foe (ho t ine lot of I cult 4r)s of 'ill kinds. Also hiiiriI 1'iuitn, Hliutlt) triVfi and roses, 'ornor Oak And Alain, tf Uooi'ku A. Dickie caino In from 21udulo Wednesday for u few days' business trip and dental treatment, Grants Pass Courier. IT yo'i plae0 one orftr wt vi n i for wood, ycu will becomo oi.-j ol our IM'rmanent customers, Full Measuro Wood Yard. North ltoaoburg. Phono lfi. tf K. F. Fisher tmd wife returned to Wilbur this moi'iiliitf nfter a couple f days witoiit In ItOHchui'K and vl Ainity. S. A. Phillips announces the arriv al of the new spring styles at his miw place In the KohlhaKcn building next door to tho Commercial cuih. tr Joseph Kries who Is heavily Inter til in the Imvnslto at Const tin, nn Coos Hay, arrived bore last ovon (nK from MurshMeld. lie left this morn in k for north em points. Mr. Kries said Cooslon Ih destined to be- MAJESTIC f! THEATRE TIIK HOMK OK TIIU IIUKJIi r IMCTl'IIK Thursday Night Only Big Double Bill jjf 'wo Features In Ono Sliov The Wolf of the City Speofal Feature In Two ' Ilools Purity Converts tho Muck raker A Son of His Father Hpuclul Two Keels Featn-e Dramatic Western Story Fellow Voyagers Featuring M nurlf Cimtollo mid Kumily five-big mm Whpn Father Cr'Avod li a Smoke Everybody Works Hut ,1 Father Temples nnil SUitucs olf I ItOIUO llrlcf Tour of tho city 5cents-10 cents COMING Fill. AND SAT. Florence Uoberts 'n iiapho In Six Heels Feature Miss Evans returned hero Inst ev ening after a couple of days bpent In the country. Winnie Caddis the plumber, spent the day at Sutlierlln looking after liiiHlnesH affairs. Patronize the Farmers Public Mar ket Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro ducers' and consumers' Interest. Prices always reasonable. tf Open for Iiusiness. firing your Framing to us and get the latest Moulding!. Amateur finishing. Clark's Kodack Shop, 112 Cass St. tf I wish to Inform t:ie public that my now line of samples has arriv ed and I am prepared to suit th most fastidious taste In a full nl clothes. Our ability to turn our work In fit, form and flnl3h in veil Unowr Don't forgot the No., 127 X. Jackson Roseburg, Ore., mchlp Burr Jones, who was arrived early yesterday by Deputy Fish and flume Warden Sundry on a charge morning. Dr. A. C. Seeley was in attendance. Clyde I.niy, of Myrtle Point, spent yesterday In Roseburg attending to various business matters. JuBt arrived, another car load of genuine Rock Springs coal at Page's. ti Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Donnel, of Myrtle Creek, spent yesterday In Roseburg attending to business mat ters. ir you piace one order with us foi wood, you will become one of our permanent customers. Full Measure Wood Yard. North Roseburg. Phone 165. if The Producers Fruit Company, covering California and Oregon with Its I'pci vions, has decided to open nn establishment In Grants Pass for the coming season. J. H. Randolph, ag ent at Medford, spent Wednesday in this city, and arranged with J. W. Lucas to represent the house here The Gillette warehouse was rented for the company, and will be fitted up as a packing and storage house for tho company, though It Is contem plated that a new warehouse may bel CITV NEWS. ' N. A. Collamore arrived here last evening irom Portland and other northern points. If you need wood ttie Full Measur yard can fill your order with dry oak or fir. Phone 165. North Roseburg. tf Eggs for setting. Buff Rock Chick ens. Indian Runner Ducks, settings 15 eggs for tl. C. W. Clark, phone 331. 188-tf Tve have just received a fine lot of Knglurii walnut grafted on black walnut roots. We are offering these at very reasonable prices. Roseburg Nursery Co. Phone 152. tf The ladies of tho First Baptist church will servo a silver tea at the home of Mrs. p. P. Coshow, 509 E. Lane street, on Friday, March 6th, between 2 and 5 p. m. Funds are for Home missions. Everybody cordially invited. Attorney W. W. Cardwell stated this morning that he was considering ATTENTION All young men and women who are Interested In forming an Athletic Club at Edenbower, are cordially In vited to be present at the new'So ciallsts hall at Edenbower, Friday evening, Feb. 27th, at 8 o'clock sharp. H. G. WILSON f27p. Chairman of Committee. APPLICATIONS FOR GRAZING PERMITS. Notice Is hereby given tnat all ap plications for permits to' graze cat tle, Worses pnd sheep within Ithe UMPQTJA NATIONAL FOREST dur ing the season of 1914, must be filed In my office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on or before MarcR 15, 1014. Fall information In regard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank, forms to be used in making application? will be furnished upon request. S. C. BARTRGM", mchll Forest Supervisor mm SI The Store That Serves - You Best THE BIG DAYLIGHT STORE. SHOP BY HAIL New York tore Green Trading Stamps Are Money Savers i ii'i fa 12 l-2c Sleevless Vests 9c One day only. Good value in a well made sleeveless vest, taped shoulders, A special, "t. $1.25 Medea Kid Gloves $1.00 The best kid glove value that you ever bought. Black, tan ana white, i nn special, ) I ."U 25c Burson Hose 19c One day only. Out or regular sizes QC in liurson hose; special, I "t- New Apron Ginghams 5c Big assortment of apron checks in r r blue, greens and tans; special, OK. 3 TRADING STAMPS GIVEN WITH ALL PURCHASES mm of UleKl fishing, paid a fino of $20 in Justice Marstora court. It la un (lorntood that Joiioh was flsh'-p with nots which were not properly marked. Tho .March number of the "Ladies Homo Journal" ts npw on sale at tho Uosehurg Hook Store. The front cover Illustration Is ono of those; handsomo Harrison Fisher pictures. J (1. 11. Ilrockway iiml.Twont a nasal operation at Mercy hospital yesterday constructed before another season. Grants Pass Courier. If you plac6 one order with v.a for wood, you will become one of our permanent customers. Full Measure Wood Yard. North Roseburg. Phone Sum Miller returned to his home at Dillnrd 'last evening nftor a day spent in Roseburg. Frederick Preston Search is spoken of In Kurope, Whore he has played many recitals, as the Greatest Ameri can 'Cellist, "surpassed by few If any In tho world." F-2C the proposition of entering the contest for reprsentnlve from Douglaa couny, subject to tho will of the Republican voters at the primary election In May In the event Mr. Cardwell decides to enter the race he will advocate the abolishment of each and every com mission now In operation In the state These commissions, Cardwell says, are responsible for the high taxes. Roseburg Stamp co.'s Trading chocks have reduced the cost of liv ing for many. Ask for them every where you trade. if TO RENT One three-room house with good garden, $6 per month. Inquire 902 Cobb St. Phone 179L 187tf HOUSE FOR SALE -Pair Farm Mares, J 185. One mare, work any where, ?100. Inquire Neivs for address. M91-tf COWS FOR SALE Jersey, fine town cow, fresh few days, J 7 5. One Ayshire heifer, just fresh, $45. In quire News office 190-tf f9UiresM!A hwi ETI ONEITAOIN If you would look swell and sweet Let us dress vou from head to feet If it's right The Leader has it If Tlfe Leader has it it's right THE LEADER announces it's Spring Opening of Imported and Domestic Millinery, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Corsets, Gloves Hosiery, Underwear, Hair Goods Novelties and Accessories Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 26, 27 and 28 Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen Music Millinery Department in charge of Miss M. Barbour I Iat Specialist Fifteen living models in latest attire Saturday at 7:30 p. m. Will appear at the Majestic at 8:30 and 9:30 p. m.