t t t e li u r ii ti ii b it d fi p: it g' t( ai U cl ol m m m ai lb tr CO to CO IK th ell tit : ati rei In th. UK tin aul wa lilt ho! foi of I nn cat yet of It I stri to ' dill tlio da) opt I Kur cur yoa and tlo coni Tlio VOI 0RGO0DR0ADS Riddle Taxpayers Want Per manent Highways. 1SK RE-LOCATION OF THE OLD Cinwle Through tlio Canyon and Over the Dlvldn South of ninyonvlllo In Ik'jbtojiiblc Condition For Travel Tim Good Itoaris association ot II Ul dle held a meeting on a recent dale and wont on record as fa;i-inij the building of purmaiH-nt hltfh ways in iJoiifclas county and throughout the state. The follow in k resolutions -iro passed by those present as voic ing their HUiud In the matter; Resolution WIIKIlfSAS, The Good Roads As ocition of Kiddle, UoukIuh County, Oregon, has for its object the stlinu latfrttf of tntorost for the count ruc tion of good roadH not only within the roifi iminK y of Kiddle but within Douglas County in general and WUKKKAH. The old Oivgnn and California Military road, between Canyonville, Oregon and Cow Creek Canyon, is ono of the main highways ut this connnonwi'dlth and Is In a de plorable condition and nearly Impas sabli, and Wl t ERR AS, It Is not only against tlio Interest of Douglas County, Ore gon, to in ii 1 n t u i it a road In that con dition, hut It is tiKulnst tlio on tiro State of Oregon, and i WHEREAS, During tho year 1915! them will bo thousands of people in! automobiles passing through this : portion of our State at a great (ncon-j Tenlence, and In hoiiio cuhih hardship, bow therefore, be It RKSOLVMD, Hy the Good Roads! Association of Rlddlit. Douglas Conn-' ty, Oregon, in regular session assem bled, that wo do hereby nuMiinrliillze I and petition tho Statu Highway Coin-; wifiwlon of tho State of Oregon and, tho County Court of Douglas County,! Oregon, to tako Immediate steps and Iiut forward ovnry effort to aenire nt as early a dutn as possible a re-loca-j ttou of said road, re-grading the! same ami providing drainage there-j fore, and such other and further! work thereon that is nwesHnry to put ' ft In a naHonably passatr- condition.! Bo It rurthor ; UKSODVKD. That a vnw of tills rettoiution be forwarded to the mem bers of the Stale Highway Com "lis Kfou, to the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and also a copy here of lie furnished to the Good Roads You Are Entitled to the Best AND Roseburg Steam Laundry Is where you get the best. Try us and be convinced. 438 N. Jachson Strecf phone 79 PREMIUM 0Se')UrS pRE5M3IUM parlors Trading Checks parlors Are the only Trading Stamps or Checks that do not take a large amount of money OUT OF ROSEBURG Kveiy dollar invested in them remains AT HOME There are at this time $60,000 worth in circulation All Cash Savers to the Consumer Think Carefully What This Savings Means And trade where you get stamps that are good in exchange at 53 stores. Roseburn I PREMIUM c PREMIUM PARLORS mp tO. PARLORS Association of Douglas County, Ore gon, for the purpose of publication. Adopted unanimously this 1G day of February, 1914. B. H. NICHOLS, Presldont. O. E. LUKIXS, Secretary. OPKX MAIK'H lf 101 1 AOl'X K.MKT TO THK FL'IIMC Believing there' Is room for at least one more plumbing shop in this fast growing city, we have decided to open a First Class Plumbing and Heating Establishment, to be known as Roseburg Plumbing and Heating Co., located at 220 Oak Street. We will carry a full line of Plumbing, Steam and Water Heating supplies. All of our stock will be first Quality Guaranteed Goods. If you art con templating building or remodeling wo are satisfied we can save you money. As to workmanship we think wo hardly need any Introduc tion. Our aim is to please. Our Motto, Honest Goods, Honest Work manship, Honest Prices. Thanking you In advance for a share of your valuable patronage, etx;. ROSKIICRG PLUMBING & HEAT ING Co. Phono 151. .Pome Phono OIJ C. HL'GHKS. KDW. IIOITMAX A HOUSE'S DISCOVERY Oh dear, oh dear, I'm coming pray Can't you help a poor cripple on his way? I'm lame and sore, I'm sick all o'er; And just because my feet are sore I've been burnt and cut, pared and pricked, Without knowledge, Into the quick. They rub my shoulders to ease my pain, And doctored me elsewhere In vain. Today, today the man I've found, And I want It known for miles around; For now I'm well, as you can see, For Kisner and Marnh just shod me. They shod me square, they shod me true, With good nails to hold tho shoe; Tho City Head Capewell right from tho rod, The truest nails that strike tho sod. Now I've changed my complaining tune. No more I fret, no more I groan, For I've been examined good this day, And 1 am glad that Kisner & Marsh Havo como this way. tf ItOSEMCRG FICTION LIBRARY. Support the library established In Roseburg about 9 years, which con talus ovor two thousand volumes. You can obtain the latest and best novels. There are many other books besides fiction. History, travel, poetry nnr! othor branches of literature are represented. 123m7p THE CITY NEWS. Nephi Land I Master at J. F. Bark er & Co, dswtf Fresh roasted cbr.'ee at Mar shall's tf Just arrived, another car load of genuine Rock Springs coal at Page's. tf j Just arrived, another car load of geuuine Rock Springs coal at Page's. if ! Chicken dinner Sunday at the j Lewis Restaurant, near depot 25c. J. L. Hoggs, prop. f28 ' Home cooking served family style,' McClallen hoel, 25c; a la carte 35c; Sunday dinner 40c. tf , Roseburg Stamp Co.'s Trading checks have reduced the cost of Hv-j ing for many. Ask for them every-! where you trade. .t If you need wooa me Full Measure j yard can fill your order with dry! oak or fir. Phone 165. North Roseburg. tf j If you neea wood the Full Measure J yard can fill your order wlrh dry; oak or fir. Phone 165. North j Roseburg. tf If you need wood the Full Measure yard can fiH your order will; dry oak or fir. Phone 165. North Roseburg. tf Douglas County creamery butter; is the best on the market . Insist on your grocer supplying you with this home product, which is always strict ly fresh and guaranteed. Two pound roll 70 cents. tf Roseburg Cleaning & Pressing Parlors At this establishment you can get anything cleaned from a pair of Boiled gloves to the most elabor ate Bilk gown without Injury to color or fabric, both for ladles and gentlemen. Also repair work. Also Coats, Vesta, Overcoats and Ladles Jackets rollned. Altering of all kinds. First door west of Umpqua Hotel. MILS. MARY NEIL WALKER Proprietor. LOOK US UP RICE & RICE vv wv- REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS REFERENCE: A.Y DANK Insurance brokers. Bonds, war rants, loans negotiated. Houses for rent and business exchange Advice on any part of Douglas county and its adaptness. Stock, fruit and general farms for Bale. Business of all kinds. Some very select Block ranches. City prop erty ond businesses for sale. Long tluie Insurance nt very low rates, all old line companies; no chance for Bpecia) assessments as In did dial companies. Always ryy the best It's the cheapest. Notary Public. Lower floor Masonic bldg. Roseburg, Oregon. basse THE WAY TO BETTER LIGHT You are on the way to better, cheaper, winter light when you got MAZDA lamps in this car ton. Your hours of ease are easier and your bills for light are lighter. SHELBY. HAZDA No home can afford to waste cur rent in carbon lamps. They are the most expensive lighting de vice you can use, even when you get them free. MAZDA lamps give throe times as much light At the same cost. Relnmp your entire house now, before the nights get longer, OS BURN PH ARM ACE OpMHlto Hotel I'm po.ua. MSI! STOP AT I Hotel Grand Cass St., Roseburg, Ore. TRAOC MARK Our Guaranty is Your Protection We have been lookng for some time for a preparation for Piles (or Hemmorhoids), one that we could positively guarantee for this annoying and painful com plaint. We now have the ex clusive agency for Pile Remedy a combination treatment used In ternally and externally. Noth ing like It on the market. We sell ft on a positive guarantee. Johnson's Drug Store Inclusive Merltol Agency. PHONE 163 PHONE 163 Roseburg Feed & Fuel Company SAWEI) TIE BLOCKS DRV BLOCK FIR WOOD DRY SPLIT FIR WOOD DRY BLOCK OAK WOOD DRY SPLIT OAK WOOD FIXE FOR KIXDLIXG Roseburg Feed & Fuel Company W. C. SWANK, Manager. PHONE 163 PHONE 163 MORE THAN FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN REPAIR WORK Guns rebored, stocks made, etc. TyiewrUers, Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, Locks and Umbrellas repaired. Also saws filed, keys made, razors, sissors or any other kind of grinding done here. All work guaranteed at Crouch's Hardware Store, Pine street entrance. H. E. SCHOENFELD Fern Island Greenhouse Mrs. F. D. Owen. Prop. RosebDrg, Ore. Phone 9FI2 Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bo queta, etc. JUST RECEIVED A FRESH .SUPPLY OF FERN'S OF ALL KINDS On Sale At The Rose Confectionery Let "Kelly" Do Your Moving, Hauling Buy bread made in Roseburg none better. You could do your banking in PortlaDd: laundry could oo sent tnere: dry goods bought there but It Is not good business policy. Spend your money at home. tf What is the difference between the President's traveling expenses and a menu card? One is tlio rare of Hill, the other a bill of fare! COME . And Look Ovor Our Bill Of Fare Before Arranging Yours! YOU'LL LIKE OUR MEATS Most tender our chops,' our steaks are rare. Excellent our hams, salt meats the same. All cuts prepared with greatest care To serve and to please you, our aim! Phone 58 THE ECONOMY MARKET GEO. KOHLIIAGEX. Prop. EVERYTHING FOR SPORTSMEN You will find in my store everything you will need for fishing and hunting 7 from tackle (it bait to cartridges & guns J. H. Syke's Gun Store OPPOSITE POSTOFICE D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal Wortt, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 251. WorK Done on Short Notic ROSEBURG, ORE You Dont' Have to PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement worb of any bind. I hare fire or six houses I will sell cheap, as I want to nee the money in other business. See my burglar proof window lock, Its O. K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We buiI44move or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty ears experience In building. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER O. JACOBSOX Panilorium Dye Works AU work fully guaranteed. Goods catted for and delivered. Prac. tlcal dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of Ladies' and Genu' Cloth ing, Crarenette and Portlers. i0O N. ROME HT CORNER OAK. Just arrived, anotner car load ot genuine Rock Springs coal at Page's. tf Box stationery, the remainder of the Graveg stock, regular 60c, 60c and 75c boxes, your choice for only 25c and 50 cents worth of S. &V:l) green trading stampa tree with each box, for sale at the Roseburg Book Store. tf OSce Phone 128 Residence Phone 104-L HJ.DENN TRA-xoi-Ell AM) STORAGE Ct. Office locaL?d in former stone room of Churchill-Warner Elec trical Co. Prompt attention given all orders KOSEBVRG, OREGON New Shoe Shop 320 X. Jackson St., Opposite Electric Llgtit OfTico. All kinds of repair work. Shoes Shined, Cleaned and Dyed. W.H.BoyIc V.W.Boyle ROSEBURG, OREGON Go to Sea to See Telephone 2S3 Roseburg, Ore and Transferring The French Transfer Company Phone 220