The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, February 26, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Editors and Publisher.
Subscription Jtau Dally.
Per year, by mall 3.00
Per month, delivered 60
Per year 12.00
Six months 1.00
Kntered as 8econd-t,afla matter
November 5, 1910, at RoBoburg, Ore.,
id dor act of March 3, 1879.
una i ste it, n i ; i st eh
Wo cannot cajl too atrongly the at
tention of all voters lo the Iinpor
an fact that they miiHt register, If
they wish to take part In the primary
elections this apriug and In the eusu
Ing election In the fall. Do not labor
under the delusion that any previous
registering will fiurfico. It is espec
ially Important that a full quota Of
1 the VotiiiK strength of Oils county bo
In a position to cast their ballots at
both primaries and general elecloh.
It Is a duty you owe to your party, a
duty that Is due to your rights of
franchise and, paramount and su
preme above till other conaUllerations,
It Is a duty you owe to your state and
government. On the republican elec
tors of this county special oblfgatous
aro placed, as they have a splendid
list of names from which to select the
candidates they should elect by an
old time rousing majority and this
means every one on the list. The first
move to effect this iu to give the pri
mary candidates a record toll of votes,
and this can only be accomplished
through complete systematic regis
tration. To the1 women voters of the
county, this call should meet with a
spontaneous, unanimous answer, for
to great extent, the eyes of our whole
country are ceittored upon them to
note What interest will be taken In
this, their first participation In an
election where county, state nud na
tional Issues are involved, and on the
strength of the vote that Is cut, will
rest In a great measure, the decision
In other states where the question of
the franchise to women is now being
agitated nnd promoted. If it Is shown
that the women of OreMou . simply,
asked the right to vote to soothe the
wounded vanity, or as a toy to be
played with, or as a menace to be
hold over the IhmuIh of men, and not
for Its proper line In guiding affairs
of municipality and Mate, lndlffnroucu
and apathy will be the nnult and
cause a Hot buck that will require
years to overcome. So to the women
of Douglas county wo would say, that
It Is now up to them to show by their
strong registration that they mean
to take advantago of the citizenship
duties that have 'been acquired by
thorn. Again we repeat, register to
day, tomorrow, or at your very first
In tho discussion going on re
garding a little difficulty tl.a oc
cured in Manila Harbor soni" flflcMi
years ngo, between Admiral Dewey
and tho German admiral, there is lli
tlo question which version will br nc
cepted by the public of this cii.utiy.
Tho grlxrled veteran of that notable
vont Is too firmly entrenched in the
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, Feb. 26, 27, 28, Mar. 1
The Rexall Store will ive one full
pound, net weight, of
A regular 50 cent package
For these four days only
29c per Box
Thi 3(gat store
NATHAN FVM.EHTOV. lrop. IVrkin Uulldlng
We Ch e Cram Trading Stumps
hearts of his countrymen to have his
veracity and memory of those stirring
days questioned or impeached at this
late day.
And now, apparently to add a cli
max to all the other things for which
this L'mpqua valley and Douglas
county Is blessed, comes the report
of hidden treasures of gold in its-rock-ribbed
hills and mountain de-
files. Now then, If some geologist will t
only locate some spot where a deposit j
of blue ground, or breeciated perioditej
may be found, our ladles here can all i
be wearing diamonds, hotnoi
grown ones at that,
Great Is Douglas
If any unusual force or vigor of
language is noted in his paper today
It must all be attributed to trie din
and noise made by the carpenters'
hammers and saws that are at work
Insldo, As the boy said, one can't
hear himself think in all thle racket,
and loud language is almost neceo
ary. The .Mexican situation has the at-
tention of the officials at Washington,
to the exclusion of everything else. It,
Is llio old mlnifd of procrastination
over ngaftl and the troubles that pile
Up when that course Is pursued,
whether by individual or nation.
doi;las cor.vrv social keky.
To the Editor or tho News:
Inquiry has been made about the
purposes and object of the Douglas
County Social Service League. These
are expressed In Article II of the con
stitution which reads as follows:
"The purposes for which it is
formed are as follows: To promote
the social welfare, to promote effi
cient and economical government, to
secure constructive publicity in mat
terH pertaining to governmental and
social conditions and to these en (1b
to collect, classify, analyze and Inter
pret and publish facts as to the oper
ation of governmental agencies, pro
posed legislative ineasurefl and social
conditions. To do all and every
thing necessary and proper for the
accomplishment of any of the pur
poses or the attainment of any of the
objects or tho furtherance of any of
tho powers herein Bet forth provid
ing the samo bo not Inconsistent with,
tho law under which this league Is,
formed." N
Article III of the constitution!
treats of membership and reads uh ,
"Any porson eighteen or more
years of ago may become a member of
this League upon the payment of the
annual dues of one dollar for' 'the
current year."
Krom the foregoing it will be ob
served that the scope of the under
takings of the League Is very broad.
The intentions of the organizers in to ,
be helpful In every way to the eom-i
inanity. The League wants to bo con-!
structlvo all the while and never dis-
tractive. It wants to assist the pub
lic officers in promoting good gove-;
eminent rather than be fault finding i
and critical about the way in whieh
public officials conduct public affairs.
Tho League wants to be a conduit i
throuub which the good organizations!
of the community may unite and
concentrate their efforts for the pub
lic good. Itis not the Intention to build
up an elaborate organization requir
ing a great deal of time as well as
money to maintain but simply suffl-j
clent organization to unite the efforts!
of all citizens desirous of making ,
better the social and civic conditions,
In which we live.
As concrete examples of the work!
of the League the directorate has
been Instructed by the League to en-
gage in three undertakings for the
good of the community. j
1st. A public library is one of
the moot desirable of all things in
any community. Kosebtirg Is one of I
the largest towns In all of the country ;
and In fact Is the largest town in thisi
state wlhout a public library. A vol-j
unteer committee has been at work
some time endeavoring to initiate aj
library for this city. Other Interests,!
like the '95 mental Culture Club have!
from tllllfi to time nrtreH th. mnflar!
upon the attention of the public.
Other good institutions have also
mentioned mis matter. The League j
hopes to unite and concentrate these
different and separate efforts Into an
effective force. Already one public
spirited citizen hac generouhly do
nated for as long a period as a year'
two good rooms for the purpjose of!
housing the public library. This is
the result of having the people In
terested organized and united in the;
effort to secure a public library,
3nfl. Oiie of the needs of this Com-1
disposed citizens to aid people actu
ally In need of help bus been very in-!
efficient because of a lack of concen-j
trated effort. The ;ieip extended has
been intermit tent and spasmodic.
Tho League proposes to have a com
mitee whose busine&s it will be to as-;
certain what is needed in families j
needing assistance and then be a
channel through which assistance
may be givetn In an intelligent and
helpful manner rather than in an im-1
pulsive and hurtful manner, j
3rd. One of the neers of this com
munity Is a place for transient and
Idle men lo procure a cup of coffee
and a sandwich at a small price, with
self respect. Such a place Is often
times called a coffee Iiouho. In ad
dition to affording an opportunity of
getting something to eat and drink
at a small price such a place Is In
tended to serve as a club or place for
spending a short time either in social
conference or in reading and writing
letters, for those who have no access
to homes of other clubs.
An employment agency also can
well bo conducted In connection with
such a place.- Such a club can afford
tho proper kind of assistance to those
out of work and give a lift to many
people who need It and actually suffer
without It. livery community should
have somo means for providing work
for thofr-o out of work and willing to
work. Spare forbids me to go further
into detail about these matters. They
are simply examples of tho objects
calling into existence this League.
Other objects discussed by the
League were the provision of proper
play grounds for young and old; the
promotion of tho purpose of the Parent-Teachers
associations; the secur
ing op parks for our cily, and the pro
motion of good roads. These different
objects will doubtless receive consid
eration as the League grows and In
creases in membership and strength.
The Intention of the League is to al
ways work In harmony with other or
ganizations anil public officials en
gaged in similar enterprises. One of
its main objects, if not its Main obi
ject, is to bring together in a concen
trated effort the efforts of disorgan
ized la n d d f on nee t etl bod ies 'a n d
forces working to any particular end
for the public good.
Everybody Is most cordially Invited
to unite with tho League. Opportunity
will bo given by the treasurer for ev
erybody to Join who will pay as much
ns one dollar a year for the support
of the Ioague.
Three Itlg limit at X. S. C.
NKW YOltK. Feb. l6. Johnny
Dundee and Pal Moore. Sapper O'Neil
of Kngland and Hilly llennett of Iro
land, nnd Jim Lambert and Johnny
Sbi'umaker of Pektn. II., wilt be the
big card offered tanlpht by Tom
O'ltourke. t the National Sporting
Club. The fighters, paired as given,
will start ten rounds in tho order
Kvii ltootli (Nnuluct Service
CLKVKIAN'D. Feb. LMI. Miss Kva
Month, commander of the Salvation
Army In the I'nited States, was ex
pected here today to conduct the for
mal dedication of the Martha Wash
ington Club for Girls the first organ
ization of its kind ever undertaken
by the Army In this country. The ob
ject of the home, lr. -an accomo
date over 100, Is to provide sh'elter
for working girls who have no home
and are earning only -a semty wage.
For $l.r0 a week ea'h g;rl Is provided
with room, use of bath, laundry ac
comodation, use of .tie to prepare
meal if she desires ami breakfast of
coffee nnd rolls. '"The girls are not
recipients of charity," said Matron
Nordlln. "They have the advantage
A Few
On the
Churchill Hardware Co.
of home-like surroundings nnd oppor
tunity to entertain their friends
If you pluce ono order with us for
wood, you will become ono of our
permanent customers. Full Measure
Wood Yard. North Roseburg. Phone
1G5. ' tr
At Hivorslde, Cal., where Mr.
Search played two recilnls, the Daily
Press said, "Ho nstonlshed his audi
ence." 8:30 p. m. under auspices of
the eholr. F-26
NOT1CK Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appointed
by tho County Court of the State of
Oregon for Douglas County, adminis
trator of the Estate of Mary F. Low
Is. deceased. All persons having
claims ngainst Bald estato are here
by required to present the same to
me, properly verified, as by law re
quired, at Roseburg, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof.
Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this
19th day of February, 1914.
Administrator of the Estate of Mary
F. Lewis, deceased. ni23
In tho Justice Court for Dee'
Creek District, Douglas County, Ore
gon. Douglas Creditors Association, a cor
poratlon, Plaintiff,
D. P. 'laddox, Dcfendan-.
To C. P. Hadfiojc, above named
ADULTS 25 cents
Suggestions Only
Advent of Spring
Not Poetical but Practical
look over your garden
tools. Remember, we
headquarters for hoes, rakes, forks, etc.
We have also a line of flower pots and
fine Jardineers, Anco ware, motle surface
green enameled, and also Hammered
Don't fail to get a sprayer in which to use
RED -1 -MADE. RED -1 - MADE is the
great rose bush Aphis Spray. Try it.
Highly recommended for destruction of all Kinds of
Insects, Worms, Moth, etc. Use it NOW for Scale.
Quart cans 35 cents.
OF OREGON, you are hereby ro
luired to appear nad answer the
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled Court and cause with
in six weeks from the dale of the
tirst publication of this summons, to
vit: on or before the 10th day of
March, A. D-, 1914, and if you fail
to so appear and answer, as herein
required for want thereof, the
plaintiff wlil take judgment against
you in tho sum of $157.94, and for
costs of this action.
Tliis summons is published once a
week for at least six successive
weeks, In "Tho Umpqua Valley
News," a semi-weekly newspaper of
general circulation, published at
Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
by order of R. W. Marstors, Justice
of the Peace for Deer Creek District,
Douglas County, Oregon, made on
this 23rdd ay of January, 1914. The
first publication of this summons Is
on the 26th day of January, 1914,
and the last will be on the 9th day
of March, 1914.
Justice of the Peace.
Attorneys for Plnlutlff.
Notice of .V.rMunmt ftr Construe-
tlon of Sidewalk
To whom It may Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of Rose
burg, Oregon, did, on the 14th day of'
July, 1913, by Ordinance No. 533, de-
clare tho assessment for the constntc-
Colonial Players
"The Traffic"
The Great White Slave Play
Children 15 cents Doors Open 7 P. M.
tlon of a sidewalk on the west sido
of Jackson sreet, along the east side
of Lot 1, Block 49 In the City of Rose
burg. Oregon, which lot was especial
ly benefitted thereby, as follows, to
wif. A. D. Bradley, Lot 1, Block 49,
A statement of the aforesaid assess
ment has been entered in the docket
of City Liens ami is now due and pny
at the office of tho City Treasurer,
in lawful money of he United States,
and If not paid within twenty days
rroni the date of this notice, such pro
ceedings will be taken for the collec
tion thereof as are provided by the
charter of the City of Roseburg.
By order of the Common Council.
Dated February 2(i, 1911.
Recorder of the Ciy of Roseburg, Ores'"1-
Mch 19
Iu the County Court of the State
of Oregon For Douglas County.
In the matter of tho Estate of
Harrison Huntlty, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned. Administrator .of the Es
tate of Harrison Huntley, deceased,
has filed In the County Court of
Douglas County, State of Oregon, his
Final Account as such administrator
or said Estate and that Monday, the
30th day of March, 1914 at the hour
of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said
day, has been fixed by 8ald Court as
the time for hearing of objection to
said report and the settlement there-r-
Administrator of the Estate of Har
rison Huntley. Deceased.