.CHANGE OF LOCATION. Mil. GEORGE RITER has mored his office furniture from 311 Per kins building to 123 Oak street, this room will be occupied until the new office and store building now being erected by the Provid ent Trust Company, of Portland, at the corner of Oak and Rose streets Is completed, where special plans have been prepared for the Interior of his new REAL ESTATE OFFICE Ranches, Farms, Orchards, City Property, Timber Ijnnils, SEE US FOR HOHES AND INVESTMENTS $1,100 IIUVS A nice 10 acre tract close In and half In cultivation. Now bungalow and other buildings, 200 fruit trees. Oood location, fine chicken and fruit ranch. A Bnap. For Bargains in Farms, Stock and Fruit RanceB, Investments. PERR1NE a MARSTERS, 401 Cass Street l(M)0 liUYS 115 aero ranch 4 miles from town on R. P. D., 25 acres in cultivation, 6 acres in alfalfa, set farm buildings, fine creek, springs and well, 2 teams, 2 cows, 3 hogs, tools, machinery, household goods, provisions and feed. The Lord or anyone else ever made, our flavored boltled beverages are composed of absolutely pure filtered water sweetened and flavored with cane sugar and the best extracts that money can buy and will be come the most delicate stomach. ROSEBURG SODA WORKS PHONE ONE-EIGHT-SIX Ask For Douglas County Creamery Butter And "Patronize a Home Industry" DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY 'WE HAVE IMITATORS' But No Equals in Selling Good Groceiies For Less Money, Let us Figure Your Bill and We Will Save You Money. "THE CASH STORE" WK SAVIC YOU MONKV 11M CASS STHKUT Take Your Choice! Cooking and heating Schedule For Elttctrlc ItnnKos, Irons, ClmMiiK Dishes, and other Mis cellaneous Moating Device or smnll Domestic Tower Devices. METER RATE Three cents (3) per Kilowatt Hour Minimum Charge.... f 1. 00 per mouth ILAT RATES Electric Range for Domestic Purposes 55.00 per month ' Electric Water Heater fur Domestic Purposes 50 per month The fthovo rti are (or permanent service only, niul provides for the InatMlRtton. by the- Company, of a socnrAto motor for nte&s uromeut of current urih! for cooking nntl ht'tidng purpose. DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT & WATER COMPANY FOK COUNTY TREASURER " O.V ItEl'UULlCAX TICKET In seeking re-election to trie office of county treasurer, I feel that I am fltteil by long training and exper ience, to continue to give the people efficient service. During uiy terms of office the j work ha been largely Increased by the legislature without a single ad vance in salary and by the natural Increase caused by changing economic conditions. And the county court has been asked to pay out but one bill of $15.00 for deputy hire during this time, and that ou account of having to refund Bpecial road tax held by the court to be Illegally collected. Each year when taking vacations, I have paid the office help left In charge, out of uiy own personal funds. The last legislature transferred the tax collecting department from the sheriff's office to the treasurer's office thereby making it desirable for the taxpayers to keep a "trained man on the job." I have conducted this office on strict business principles. In tho in terest of all tho people, and If you want that kind of a county treasurer for the succeeding term I will be very grateful for your Influence and I vote. I (Paid Adv.) J. E. SAWYERS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. I hereby anounce myBelf as a can didate tor Justice of the Peace of Deer Creek District, subject to the will of the voters at the republican primaries to be held on May 15, 1914. '(pd. adv.) IRA B. RIDDLE. JUSTICE OK THE l'EACE. I'Oll COUXTV Jl'IKil- I hereby announce myself as a candidate for tho republican nomi tlon for the office of county Judge of Douglas county, BUbJect to the will of the votora at the primary to bo held May 15th, 1914. (pd. adv.) D. J. STEWART. I'OR COUXTV CLERK. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to the the office of County Clerk subject to the will of the voters of th0 Democratic party at the primary election to bo held May 15, 1914. dsw-myl4 K.H.LENOX. I'OR COUXTV CLERK. Ladles and Gentlemen: I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to tho office of County Clerk Bttbjoct to the will of the voters of the Republican party at the Primary Election to bo held May 15, 1914. BENJ. HUNTINGTON, Jr. I'OR JUSTICE OK THE PEACE I hereby nnnounce myself as a candidato for the republican nomi nation for the office of Justice of tho ixiace for Deer Creok District, Douglas county, Oregon, at the pri mary election. May ir, 1914. (pd. ndv.) JULIKN JOSKI'llSON. If you want a square deal, place your order for wood with Economy Wood Yard. Phone 123, corner Short and Sylies slreelR, tr I hereby announce myself a re publican candidat': for the office of Justice of the Peace of Deer Creek District. If I am tl-jned the office will have no favotites and no ene mies. Have had ihlr y years exper ience In the practice of law. CHAS. F. HOPKINS, (pd. adv.) 420 Perkins BIdg. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby unnounce my candidacy i for nomination to the office of Bher- j Iff of Douglgas county subject to the I will of the voters of the republican ; party at the primary election to be! held .May 15, 1914. (pd. adv.) GEORGE K. QUINE. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of sheriff subject to the will of the demo cratic voters at the primaries to be held May 15, 1914. (pd. ad.) T. E. SINGLETON. FOR COMMISSIONER. I hereby anounce my candidacy for nomination to the office of commis sioner of Douglas county subject to the will of the voters of the repub lican party at the primary election to be held .May 15, 1914. (pd. adv.) BEN NICHOLS. FOR COMMISSIOXEH. I hereby announce myself for the nomination for the office of county commissioner of Do'.:g us county sub ject to the will of t!ie republican electors at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. J. S. WILEY, (pd. ad.) Myrtle Creek, Ore. FOR COUXTV SURVKVOR I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to the office of County Surveyor subject to the will of the voters of the republican part at the primary election to be held May 15. 1914. FRANK CAIN. FOR t'OXSTAHI.K. I hereby nnnounco my candidacy for the nomination to the office of I constable for the Deer Creek dis-1 trict, Douglas county, Oregon, sub ject to tho will of the voters of t .0 republican party, at the primary j election to be held cn the 15th day j of May, 1911. i pd. nd.) P. M. MATH I0WS. jiwinMiiiniiiwHii iii urn mi iii mi tmassua We Are Independent Dealers in Photographic Supplies, not only in amateur but professional supplies. We are now furnishing several professional photographers with their supplies. Therefore we are not bound by any trust. We are able to buy from anyone whose goods are meritorious. We carry a full line of Ansco cameras and photo supplies as well as a good many other articles made by other fac tories, namely, the Defender, the Seneca, the Haloid, and the Eastman companies. So you see being an Eastman agent amounts to nothing. We can furnish anything made by Eastman or any Independent dealer or manufacturer. Having' spent the best part of our lives in this business we thintt we are thoroughly conversant with all the best goods manufactured in this country. We buy, sell or trade in second hand cameras. See us in any case, whether you wish to buy, sell or trade. We are also maKing frames. Nothing" old and out of date. Everything new and up to date. Clark's Framing and Kodak Shop 12 Cass Street, Ground Floor Photo Studio Upstairs "Ten First Prizes at Salem In the Past Two Tears" WEST KOSFBURG GROCERY We can Bave'you money on your grocery bill. Oar stock is FRESH and COMPLETE. Phone your need. Prompt delivery and satisfac tory assured. AM our goods guaranteed. "We Give Rosehurg Tradlru! Checka" DOWELL & BENEDICK PHONE 29. "$50,00;0.00iiDOLLARS" Umpqua Power, Ice Q Development Company Inc. Desires to inform the citizens of Roseburg that the Company is issuing 15 ear 6 per cent Gold Bonds. The money will be spent in Roseburg the coming Spring and Summer for improvements in Umpqua Park Addition. Mechanics of all kinds are kindly invited to investigate the different improvements, imformatition will be furnished by addressing Box 475 Roseburg, Oregon Umpqua Power, Ice Development Co., Inc. For Cleanliness bv the State Food and Dairy Inspector Roseburg Sanitary Market Xowliurt Druthers, Proprietors. Meats, Lard, Poultry, Fish 315 Cass Street We Giye Green Trading Stamps GREEN VEGETABLES A Good Variety Bakery Cakes, Cookies and Bread Boiled Ham Sliced, Chipped Beef HAMS AND BACON STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES THE NORTH SIDE GROCERY North Jackaon and Winchester Streets PHONE THREE-TWO-FOUR BEAR SEZ: "Truth is mighty andiwill crop out." The new crop of big sweet juicy Oranges, unboxed from the best groves of America, is here. Bet ter than we ever had and 30 and 50c. per dozen. A TEMPTING FRUIT We wouldn't be surprised if the apple tree of the Garden of Eden would turn out to be a Navel Or ange tree. Some temptations are hard to resist and eating California Oranges at 30 and 50c. per dozen we consider one of them. Trv it on those we have just unpacked. EVERYTHING GOOD AT MARSH ALL'S "the pure food store" PHONE 1S4 nignest rercentage! COOK WITH GAS It's The Modern;Way Clean, Quick. Ecqnomicalo Ranges Installed at $21.00 up Oregon Gas $ Electee Co.