The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, February 18, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Editor and Publishers.
Subscription .tales Dall.
Per year, by mall ,3.00
Per month, delivered 60
Per year 2.00
tlx months 1.00
Kntered second-ass matter
November 6, 1010, at Roseburg, Ore.,
tuder act or March 3, 1879.
WEDNESDAY, KKItitl'AUY 1H, ltl 1
Another difficulty confronts the
ladles who happen to be married to
members of Congress or of the Cab
inet at Washington, in the Increasing
multiplicity of social duties made
necessary by the return of calls, and
tbey are formulating plans by which
it can be abated. lleing a mere man,
any HuggeHtlons we may offer can
have llttlo weight, but as a benedict
of long standing, we can vouch for.
the strenuouslty of formal calling in
smaller circles than the congression
al at Washington. Men meet haphaz
ard for chats at their office or the
clubs or favorite loafing places, ac
cording to their social and business
standing or occupation, and the
lines of eligibility are not so closely
conformed to. In home places no
sot rules are necessary for the worn
en to enlnrgo or curtail their list of
mere acquaintances, and this may be
large or small as the disposition of
the Individual may desire, but In
officinl circles, etiquette has exacted
much In the past, and Is demanding
Bo much more, that It has become
not only burdensome but onerous,
and close adherents to it have no
time for any of the othor many dutlos
of life, 'Every community has its
quota of well known women who
neither extend nor receive purely
formnl cnlls, but who are welcome
guests in every house at all times,
and whose own homo is ever open
to greet her friends and where af
fectation ,nnd stiffness are novor a
part. These are the Ideal calls and
home visits, whore friendships are
kept alive and confidences are ex
changed, and thoro nro few among
the fair sex hut cun tiring to mind
such plnccs where it Ib n real plcns
nro and relief to just d'op in und
chat after a sorlea of purely form
al calls have been ended, Such
places are a part of the great social
System not to be overlooked, hut
until the feminine natures and de
sires nro chnnged through Increasing
occupation and enlarged duties, It Is
io be double,', 'hat much difference:
will be nindo In preparations that
the ladlcB mn',o to nttetrl Mis. So-and-So's
afternoon at homo.
The Purest Make at a Price
Within Reach of All.
10 cents per Cake
25 cents per Box
This week with each purchase
of one box of
Rexall Toilet Soap
$1.00 Worth of Green
Trading Stamps
The JlXjal Store
NATHAN FrMiKltTOX, rrop. Prrkliu Uulldlng
We Give Green Trading Stamps
(S18.25 Per Yuri
Pays for
(At the Age of Twenty-nine)
Older age are only.a trine higher
New Low Rate Contract
Best for Oregonians
Certxll BulkUnc Cor. FU am. MorrUon. rmkni
I PritHiil StMril auftr
uotiKitu louiiLy agency, rerklni mug
"I don't know as I feel ju.'t like
h limiting for a government,' said
Undo Cry us, who had come to the
village poHtofflce to mail a letter and
had forgo'p to bring huv pocket
change with him, "that has got hun
dreds of millions of the people's
money locked up In Ua postal sav
ings banks and yet wct.'t trust one
of its worthy citfzen8 Tor the price
of a postage stamp.''
".My mother made me what I am,"
saltl tbe political speaker as be
proudly threw out his chos:,
"Well," sitid a small man at the
rear of the hall, "she must have put
In most of her time at other things."
Gasplt. Yes, I'm a BeH-made man.
Cynicus, Well, I must say you are
entitled to a groat de?i! of cred't for,
your charltuM? act.
Gasplt. What chari'tb!-! act?
Cynicus. Relieving Heaven nf the
FOK col XT Y Jl'lHiK.
1 hereby announce myself as a
candidate for tho republican noml
tion for the office of county judge
of Douglas county, subject to the
will of tho voterB at the primary to
bo held May lt'th, 1J14.
(pd. adv.) IX J. STEWART.
If you need wood the Full Measuro
yard can flH your order with dry
oak or fir. Phone 165, North
Roseburg, tf
JV .lady's
A Red Nose Is Mortifying,
The red nose is a I rite (hinder ttlguiil.
A Hlniple diet should be indulged In.
the feet uud ankle rubbed well every
day. To keep (he ankles warm it is
well to wear woolen bniidn under tbe
stocking. Itubhing the body from
-bin to toe with a hair mitten dipped
in alcohol will Improve the circulation
and prevent a rltill when going out on
a cold dtiy after a lith. In the open
afr always breathe deeply through the
nostril, and In this way many colds
will be prevented. If these rules are
followed the red nose will eveutuully
disappea r.
Make deep breathing a habit It
will improve the health as well as tbe
appearance. Men seem to be ashamed
to complain of cold and. oh a rule, face
tbe winter blasts bravely. They eat
a good breakfast, take long strides
and long, deep breaths, walk erect
with feet and body comfortably clad.
Of course they do not feel the cold us
a shrinking little woman In low shoes,
thin stockings and diaphanous waist
would feel it.
Care of the Hair
The hair often becomes unruly In
windy weather. Curly hair when uf-
fectetl by wind or dampness cau be
coaxed hack to Its natural stale. Wet
the hair with hot water. pub it up
into loose waves and stick a little One
side comb Into each wave, tie a soft
veil over the bead and allow It tt
dry. Never use hot Irons on hair that
is naturally curly.
If (he hair looks dull and lifeless It
requires oil and massage. The luitr
in us t be kept scrupulously clean to be
either healthy or good looking. There
Is tio danger nf cold after shampoo
ing if the hair Is dried at once with
hot towels, followed by a tonic and
massage, as there Is usually more or
less alcohol In the tonic, and the mas
sage causes good circulation, thus pre
venting a cold.
To give luster to the hair use five
drams of castor oil. four drams sweet
almond oil. six ounces of alcohol and
three of any extract preferred. Drop
a little In the palm of the hand aud
ou the brush, then brush the hair.
Homemade Nail Paste.
A good paste to use where the nails
ore dry Is made of sixteen grains each
of powdered res ill. table salt nnd pow
dered alum. Add a quarter ounce
sweet almond oil. forty grains white
wax and a grain of carmine. A little
of this should be well rubbed Into the
nails every night nnd soon relieves the
dry condition which causeH them to
break easily. As the manicuring
should only be done once a week, this
paste may be applied every night the
week previous, and effects will be very
apparent lu a short while.
After the process as given Is finished
tbe nails are ready for the polishing
process, nnd this requires care also, as
If the buffer Is used too long or ton
hard the nails will soon get very ten
der and too thin.
The Face In Windy Weather.
The face must often be exposed to
the spring blasts protected only by a
thin veil, which many times serves to
make the Hps and nose chap more than
If It had not been worn. It Is a very
excellent plan to use a little good mas
sage cream before facing the cold
winds, rubbing it in gently for only
five minutes, then wiping It off aud
using a good face powder. Literally
rub both In, for the powder and cream
will afford great protection to the skin
and not Injure It, as so many claim
Hut. of course, the face must be thor
oughly cleansed with a cream before
Dry the Hands Carefully.
Always dry the hands carefully after
washing them. A very healing, soften
lug lotion Is composed of glycerin and
one ounce of witch hazel. A few drops
nibbed Into the hands every time they
nro bathed before retiring will usually
keep them soft and white. Soft, white
cotton gloves two sizes larger than the
hands require can be worn at night If
the bauds should be badly chapped,
but If tbe lotton is nibbed In while tbe
hands are warm nnd moist after bath
Ing it will be absorbed nnd gloves will
not be necessary.
The Gfet Skin Tonic.
ExercUe Is a splendid skin tome. A
brisk walk, no matter If lu the rain,
will freshen the complexion, even
it freshens the dowel's, and a simple
aivrlent will do wonders for a imnMy
kin. It remains for all women to pie
serve such InMiuty as they hae and
cure the defects which are peculiar tu
them or that time tins wrought.
ery skin Is different and must be treat
r'd Mt-cordiimly, and It takes it reason
tin woman to experiment t.tivfnli.v
and llnd out the proper method of
treatment for her skin.
Spice Sachet.
Fuvptian spice (lower bugs an the)
newest of the sachet. The b:i.;-! aiv
made of ribbon ov.kro: lu.ltiiii; rlnti:
and are tilled wtt It tni-rnii.t ct
p'ials unit ortenfil pi-et. (!d r:th
lourd lavender flower, which mum
housekeeper cotweml are ntwolute!
necessary to gie tl require! fr.M,
ness and delicacy of tnr to hotc
hold Muen. may Ih put up In ltd- wi,y
hrlexl nH nnd violet leaves a Wo serve
the iniuc d.iiuty purpose.
Now is
Churchill Hardware Co.
George Kleine's superb production
of the marvelous photo drama Quo
Vadls adapted from Henry Sienk
iewlcz's world famous romance, will
be revealed In Roseburg for the first
time t the -Majestic Tor a two
day's engagement commencing Fri
day night with matinees every day
including Friday and Saturday. Be
yond a question of a doubt this is
the most marvelous achievement up
to date In photo drama and visualizes
a story with tbe broadest appeal Im
aginable, Lovers of history will revel
in the reproduction of the gorgeous
pictures of ancient Home with us
magnificent palaces, it8 catacombs,
the Arena and host of other Inter
esting scenes and will enjoy the life
like Impersonations of the famous
historical characters, Nero, Tigellln
us and others. Those who lean to
ward romance can absorb the beau
tiful story of the great love of Vin
ltiu8 for the sweet I.ygla which turn
ed htm from a selfish pagan Into a
faithful Christian nnd the horoic
parrlfie of the beauteous slave Eu
nice for lu'r brilliant master lvtron
ius. Those who take their pleasure
in excltetnrnt will fM( ample satis
faction in the chnrlot races in the
Arena, the combats of the itlatliators.
tho stir'-lng scene where the Chris
tian martyrs are thrown Into the
arena with the ilons, and also In the
marvelous picture showing the
the Time to Get Busy
Is the outfit you need. We can furnish
you anything from hand to power. This
shows you a dandy little pump built on
honor, that you can use for white wash
ing or spray and it will cost you only $10.
Saluable Sulpher The great advance in
spray material superceding lime and sul
pher. No heavy barrel to return or pay
for, no leakage no freezing, no crystaliz
ation. 100 lbs. makes 57 gal. of 33 Ban
ner solution or at 10 to I, 627 gal. of spray
Jf. Itock, SiMMial Agent
Hotel UmiKiiia 1(1
burning of Rome, one of the most
gorgeous spectacles ever thrown up
on tho 8Ci-"en. And those familiar
with church history will enjoy the
visualization of the trials and suffer
ings of the early Christians, will
strengthen their faith with the ob
ject lessons of Peter and Paul and
the appearance of the Savior unto
Peter as he is about to desert Rome
and the Christians. . Taken ins a
whole, this production does more
for the Bcholar, the churchman and
the amusement seeker than any en
tertainment that hns ever been pre
sented upon the stage.
Divorce Headquarters of West
Other Tmns Feel Phenomena
Must Fluht Mother Jones
In Unver Courts 11US
Dec la ration.
(Special to The Evening News.)
RENO, Feb. 18. A sharp earth
quake shock was felt here at 10:17
o'clock this forenoon and the vibra
tions from north to south lasted for
half a minute. The trembler seems
to have been particularly noticeable
at Reno, but was felt at Virginia!
City, Carson nnd Verdi. A few walls
were cracked and some windows
broken here by the severity of the
IIcImms Corpn, Denied.
DENVER. Feb. IS. The supreme
court, In a decision handed down tv
day. refused to take original Juris
diction of the Mother Jones case. In
which application was made for her
a writ of habeag corpus.
She Is held by the state military au
thorities at Trinidad. The decision
compels her lawyer. If he wishes to
press the proceeding, to do so
and the
through the lower courts.
I!. V. Jones Candidate
SALEM, Feb. 18. B. F. Jones, ot
Roseburg, for the Inst four years reg
ister of the U. S. land office at that
city, today filed a declaration of his
candidacy for the republican nomi
nation for congressman from the.
first district.
Vanilerlillt Home Ilurned.
XEW YORK, Feb. 18. Msr. W. K.
Vanderbilt's half million dollar home
at Jerico, Long Island, with all o
Its furnishings, which were worth as
much more, burned to the ground
early today. The caretaker attribut
ed the fire to an overheated furnace
Investigate Associated Press.
HARTFORD, Feb. 18. Asserting
that the Associated Press is con
trolled by a clique of bond holders,
and that It Is mutual In name only
William Dudley Foulke, head of the
National Municipal League, and
former head of the United States
Civil Service Commission, appealed
to Attorney General McReynolds to
day to act on the recent appllcatloh
of the New York Sun for an investi
gation. (ill Popular Again.
SEATTLE, Feb. 18. Hiram Gill,
formerly mayor of Seattle, but who
was recalled, at noon today hnd 10,
000 lead over his nearest competitor
in the mayorallty race. The nom
inating primaries occurred yesterday.
J. D. Trenholm stands second in the
race by 350 votes, and Gill and
Trenholm will fight out the battle
on March 5. Judge Richard Win
sor, socialist, stands third In thet
Madam. Read McCaK'g
The Fashion Vnthority
''CALL'S ! . It,., .rtbtic, l,d
"m.l, loo.p.t. monlhl,
Mnann. that it .ddin, i0 ,h, happi
nd efficiency of 1.100.U0O
women month.
me. I. l.rlmrul nr fli.hlom. Inner-
: ..- IntfrttiU' liort fir, nl sri-
T MVUlS And niOtl'V-ivt;R 1,1.
'" "'"in. Tli.-r. urn men, u, .V. o,
111" ll u"t of lt rrtohr.!,..!
MrCAt.t. r-ATTKRS-S nr. f!m,. hr
'. ni, lmpn,-ity .nd e,uomy. oajy
Wamt IScvnuc u.
Th W!lt. of Mrt-AMS Wit
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