The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, February 17, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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    "KODAKS" gsr Sraopg Roseburg Book Company
Frank L. Liliiur.v
Furniture, Carpets, Rugs,
Draperies, Chinaware,
Hardware, Stoves, Ranges
EverythingNecessary to Fuinishl
the j Home
.Mrs. Honuan Masters arrived.
crrv Mivs
J. U. Wright, uf (Hide, was a Unit-
or in Kusebiirg fur a few hours lo-
Just nrrlved, another car load of
ton ul no Rock. Springs coal nt
"go's. tf
Late Bugles, of I'oel, cnuio down
last evening to look alter various
buiilnexg matters.
Mayor Martin, of Myrtle Creek.
sient the day in Itoseburg attending
to various business matters.
Charles Null, jiiHtlco of tho peace
at Uleiulale, spent the day in Koso
turg looking afler business ul'falrs.
Harold Smith lias returned from
Eugene. Ills trial will probably be
held in the circuit court during tho
present term.
The Kkliarilson Art Embroidery
Cluh will meet with Mrs. Ed. Ncely.
869 Miller street. Wednesday, Feb
ruary 18.
It you need wood the Full .Measure
rard can fill your order with dry
oak or fir. lMiono 1115. North
Itoseburg. tf
John Mldldahl, or Staples, .Minn.,
Is spending a few days In ltoschurg
attending to business matters and
visiting with friends.
;T. H. .Sheridan le for Portland ,
last evening where his affairs are'
bolng Investigate! by the federal!
graud Jury.
Uoseburg Slump Co.'b Trading!
checks liave reduced lh cost of llv-
lug for many. Ask tor iiiuiu every-j
where you trade. vf j
Amos llurko. A. 11. Moore and II. I
K. Hayes were this innming appoint-!
ed nppnilneis or the estate of Vma-i
tilta ltonebrake. deceased. J
Wanted -Large view lot on paved j
street. Improved or unimproved, east
of Main or south of Cus.i and east
of Cobb. Will iay cash. Ilex III:',
city. H7-risp
Wo have JuM received n fine lot j
r I'iiuIIhIi walnut grafted on black I
mttnnt root. We are ollVring lluvsej
at very reasonable pi n es. I!i.clurg !
Xursery Co. Phono I.VJ. tf
There w ill ho no services at tho i
Christian church Wednesday oven-!
Illg. All teachers and offlcels of tlu
Sunday scliool are urged to lie at !
tho llaptlst church Friday pvenir.g. i
Parian Kani lier leaves here tonior-'
row for Tile Hallos where he has ac- j
copied u position with a Karate con-j
fern. Mr. Fan. her has lived here!
for live ears and has many friends
who rein-el to leani of his decision to'
Uiente elsewiiere, j
On Thursday evening the Hose
burg and Dallas high school basket!
ball teams w.ll meet In one of the'
fastest games of the season. The ;
icntne will no doubt be witnessed by j
a large crowd It will be pbned at!
Sjkes' rink. j
I.. P. Harrington, field worker in!
chire o' the orc.utl.iilnii of tliei
contests among the hoys' ami girls' j
industrial clubs of the state, address-j
rd the pupils of the local si hools
Monday, and aroused great entluisi-;
asm over (tie contests ttiat will tie'
conducted this season. tyrants Pass'
CourieT. j
Will. II. Jeffrey returned Mondavi
from Itoseburg, where he attended,
the dedication of the Methodist j
chui'rh Sunday. Mr, Jeffrey reports i
that the dedication drew a larse at-,
tendance, there being about t !
present. Plshop Cooke, of Portland, j
and President Human, of Willamette
anlverstty, were among speakers
there, besides Itev. Jeffrey. C. K.
Wharton, a Methodist pastor In the
Rogue Hirer district, returned with
Mr. Jeffrey, stopping off hero for a
short time. Grants Pass Courier.
Wm. F. Mursters, of Itoseburg, Is
n visitor on Coos Day. Marshfleld
J. W. llussell, of Dlxoiivllle, spent
tho day In Itoseburg transacting busi
ness niattors.
William Jackson, of Looking
Glass, wa,, a visitor In Itoseburg for
a rew liour8 today:
Hank Joiibh, ot Myrtle Creek, was
a business visitor In Roseburg for
a few hours today.
12. M. Ward, of Uoseburg, spent
Friday In Modford on business.
.MeiKord Sun.
Hilda Hawkins, of Portland, Is
spending a few days In Roseburg
visiting with friends.
Frederick T. Durdsell, of Portland
wa8 a business visitor In Itoseburg
for a few hours Unlay.
J. A. Carey and Wash Mooro, of
Canyonvillo, were visitors in Itose
burg for a few hours today.
Bertha M. Thomas, or Saginaw,
Mich., was a visitor In Itoseburg to
day. Her parents are residents of
Mrs. A, llursell, of Riddle, nrrlved
yesterday for a few days' visit In
the city with Mi's, E. M. Cox. Mod
ford Sun.
Mrs. Robertson, who was cnlled
here on account or tho death or her
mother, will return to Portland to
morrow evening.
D. N. Snyder, tho Glendalo lum
berman, Is spending a couple or days
In Itoseburg looking alter business
A. Parks. Joseph Murphy and
Grafton Wortliington wero this
morning appointed appraisers or the
estate of J. 10. Kyker, deceased.
S. A. Phillips announces the arriv
al of tho new spring styles at his
new place In the Kohlhagen building
next door to tho Commercial
Cluh. tf
Mr, and Mrs. Ellis S, Dement, ot
Myrtle Point, who were married lour
days ago, were visitors in tile city yes
terday. They nre on their honey
moon. They slopped at the St. Fran
cis. Albany Democrat.
11, F. Jones, the prominent Rose
burg republican who lias his eye on
a seat In congress, was In Salem yes
terday. He Is getting ready to turn
over llio land office at Itoseburg to
his successor.-- Salem statesman.
The Francis E. Wlllnrd memorial
service of the W. C. T. F. will ho
hcbl Wednesday afternoon at SStO;
In the Presbyterian church parlors.!
A very Interesting program. lie-'
freshuients will he served. Every-,
body Invited. j
Mrs. Hlgglus, who has been spend-j
lug the past few days In Roseburg.'
left for the south this morning. She1
Is a daughter of Riley Cooley, who
is accused of the murder of Thomas
Ynn Pelt, In Curry county, IS years
ano. Mrs. Illggins lives at San Fran-,
Cisco. '
Recently near CanyonvUle two
prospectors started to dig for gold ,
on deeded laud, hut gave It up be
fore reaching paying dirt. Three'
others within a few days took up the
work where the first two hail left otf,
and winking the first day until dark
found big prospects, but were forc
ed to suspend operations for the
nlulit. One or the three, deserting
his two partners and Joining forces
with another man, rotlowed up the
prospect and lOtind a pocket that
vielded about $1,000, and now trou
ble Is threatening between the var
ious parlies over the ownership or
the gold, and It Is exp fl that the
owners of the land will tako a hand
In the dispute and claim the yellow
metal. Portland Telegram. i
here from Riddle this afternoon. j
Dr. Pearson, of Sutlierlln, spent '
the day In Roseburg with friends. j
II. A. Heavens, of Grceiiwcame up!
this morning to transact U.isines
Ana Hermann, of Myrtle Creek,
and her aunt, .Mrs. Kennedy, of
California, arrived here this alter
noon from the former place to spend
a few days. t
U. L. Uearllng, of Vancouver,
Wash., spent tho day In Ros-.-burg at
tending to various business matters.
Claud Cannon, who has been
spending the past few days' here ex
pects to leave lor Poiliand tcu.o; row
or Thursday.
Mrs. S. S. Josephson left for
Walla Walla, Wash., tills, afternoon
where sho will spend some time vis
iting with relatives.
Richard -Morris traveling engineer
for the Southern Pacific Company,
spent the day ill Roseburg looking
after official matters.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tuvis, of Myr
tle Creek, the latter a sister ot H. F.
Chilson, nrrlved in the city today to
attend the funeral of lira. Chilson
B. F. Jones, who is soon to retire
from the local United States land of-
rico, has leased offices on the third
floor of the Perkins building, where
he will resume the practice of law
During Mr. Jones' absence the of
fice will be in charge of F. L. Jones,
his son.
Constable Edward Singleton this
afternoon received a telegram from
Oakland, Califorulu, to the efrect
that Mrs. William Booth, of- Prlne
vllle, died there this morning tollow
Ing an operation. The body will
probably be taken to Prlnevlllo ror
burial. Mrs. Booth Is a sister-in-law
of J. II. Booth, of this city. Mr. and
Mrs. William Booth spent some time
in Roseburg a rew weeks ago, later
going to Calltornla in hope or bene
fitting Mrs. Booth's besl'h. She con
tinued to grow worse there and fin
ally an operation w-as deemed neces
sary. The children's hand, or the Draper
Homo, at Des Moines, Wash., played
to a capacity house nti the Antlers
theatre Inst night. The program was
ono or the best ever heard In Rose
burg, nnd ranked well with the pro-!
ductions ot many or the proressional !
companies visiting Roseburg. Each!
member ot the cast. Including 23 j
children rnnglng In age Ironi 8 to;
18 years, is nn artist, and appeared!
perfectly at homo in bundling his or
her Hues. The attraction might be j
termed a musical comedy, including:
choice musical selections and iinlini-l
Ited comedy. Tho nttractlon gave
general satisfaction here and should j
tho troupe ever return to Roseburg!
they can be assured or a packed !
house. At the depot this morning i
tho band entertained a large crowd j
pending the arrival or the train j
which was nn hour late For this'
the children received many dimes aastfa?!
Tickets for the excursion to
be operated between Roseburg
and Eugene on Thursday are
selling rast, and It is believed
that fully 125 people will take
advantage or the trip." In the
event tills number ot tickets are
sold a special train will be char-
tered. Otherwise the excur-
sionists will travel on the local
trains. Eugene is making elah-
orate preparations ror the occas-
Ion, and it Is urged that every-
one who possibly can take ad-
vantage ot the opportunity to
display their interest in the fu-
ture development or the state.
and nickels which were thrown "In
tho ring." by generous bystanders.
Tonight & Tuesday
Who Will Mary
Being the Firth Story.
A Proposal Deferred. Th!s
is a dandy one. See it.
The Pay-As-You-Enter
In two Reels,
II. Calvert.
Featuring E.
"Nora's Boarders"
All Star Boarders Till Now
Landlady Came.
Always Leads in Correct Styles for
the woman who would be
Well Dresssed
Tailored and Fancy Suits in a variety of
beautiful shades and the finest materials.
Dashing effects in the new Sport Coats,
Rich, handsome designs in Dress Coats.
Splendid assortment of Silk Petticoats in
all the latest shades. Excellent in quality,
and moderately priced.
Newest models in Gossard and Goodwin
front lace Corsets for Spring of .1914.
A complete line of Stamped Embroidery
Materials, D. M. C. Thread and Art Goods
Mutt and Jeff
Original Comedy Drawn by
Hud Fisher.
Pathe's Weekly"
Its a Feature Itseir.
Big Show nt Small Price.
5 cents-10 cents
( '( ).M 1 XCS W K I X KS I . Y
A (irewt I'ndonvorld Play.
W. H. Vinson, or Coles Valley,
spent the day in Roseburg attending
to b'usinesa matters.
Miss Buxton, of Rrockway, was a
visitor in Roseburg for a few hours
this afternoon.
C. II. Arundel, or Myrtle Creek,
I speui me auernoon in Kosenurg witn
Roy Kurtz lert this morning for
points in California where he will
spend sometime.
J. J. Courtney and wfo, of Suth
erlin, spent the morning in Rose
burg with friends.
Mrs. Burchfleld returned to Win
chester this atternoon after a cou
ple or days spent here.
J. L. Singleton, lot Oak Creek,
spent the day in Roseburg attend
ing to business matters.
irs. Emma Weatherford left for
Portland this morning after visiting
with friends and relatives.
Mrs. D. R. Shanibrook left for Cen
tralla, Wash., this afternoon where
she will visit with her sister, Mrs.
C. C. Thompson.
Earl Koplin, of Camas, Wash., is
spending a rew days In Roseburg
visiting with friends and looking af
ter business matters.
Elmer Longbrake and wife left for
their homo at Portland this after
noon after a few days spent in Rose-
SALEM, Feb. 17. Holding
that firemen and policement of
Portland are not laborers, but
rather are officers, the supreme
court In a decision handed down
today declares that the eight
hour law does not apply to
them. Mayor Albee, who has
theoretically been confined in
jail on a complaint brought by
State Labor Commissioner Hofr,
was ordered released from cus-
burg visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Clark.
WANTED Girl or woman to do
housework. Inquire 202 Brock
way, or phone 202-J. 155-tf
FOR SALE 21 acre ranch, 1 mile
from Roseburg, 12 acres cleared,
part In cultivation, 2 acres Just
plowed ready lor planting, 9 acres
fine -timber, acre strawberries,
also raspberries, loganberries, etc.
Small bouse, barn and chicken
house, 2 springs on place. Fine
Jersey .cow, 8-year-old mare,
sound, gentle and true, 7 months
old colt, single wagon, 8et of sin
gle harness, 24 White Leghorn
hens. All lor $2,000.00. Apply
at News orfice for owner's name.
The Store
That Serves
You Best
New York Store
Green Trading
Stamps Are
Money Savers
On Wool Dress Goods, On Corsets, On Muslin Underwear, On Laces and on Kid Gloves
Yard Wide Percales Spec. 10c
New yaid wide Percales in light and dark
colors, remnant lengths, at JA fpnf c
special per yard " vtlllj
New Silk Petticoats at $1.98
New colored Silk Petticoats in all the new
and wanted shades and they are AO
dandies at special price of i)lyO
Boy's Bib Overalls Spec. 49c
Boys bib overalls in plain and striped
demin, full cut and just the AQ rprtc
thing for the youiQster, spec, tvlllj
Yard wide Black Sateea 19c
A very good qualUy of yard wide black
Sateen in a mercerized finish A pprtfc
at special price per yard y vtlllS