CATHOLIC M-XTl'liUS. A course of lectures on Cuthollc Boctrlne will bo given during the woek commencing on Sunday, Feb ruary 15, in the Catholic church, cor acr Oak find Kane streets. First lecture will bo delivered un Sunday at 10:30 a. ni. Second lecture on the following evening at 7; 30 p. m. The lecture on the following even ings of the week will be at 8 p. m. The lectures will bo given by Uov. Wim. J. Kane, D. I. M. A., chaplain OPEN FOR BUSINESS ROOM 1. BELL SISTERS' BUILDING W. A. ACKLEY, TAILOR You Are Entitled to the Best AND THE Roseburg Steam Laundry Is where you get the best. Try us and be convinced. 438 N. Jamon Streef Phone 79 l'uooe 2-10 Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds ol all Kinds Furnished Moncy'to Loan on Improved Farm Property Rear First Trust Having" Uldg KOSHIlCltG, OltHtiON BEAR SEZ: "No trouble to pop if you have a good popper." Get a poppei ami a sack of pop corn. On the ear or shelled, either way. The best is the sort we sell 111 ust be perfectly dry to non full and snow white. Lots of jjood wholesome amusement and a good-to-eat result. T -cf Vanr'c Prnn Is what we offer, the LtloL 1 Cell o VIUp"m0re age, the more pop. Sold by pound and in bulk. Keep'em popin'. MARSHALL'S "TIIIC l'l'RB 1'ODD STOKE" PHONIC 184 53 Roseburg 53 PREMIUM 6 PREMIUM parlors Trading Checks pariors Are the only Trading Stamps or Checks that'Jdo not take a large amount of money OUT OP ROSEBURG Every dollar invested in them remains AT HOME There are at this time $60,000 worth in circulation All Cash Savers to the Consumer Think Carefully What This Savings Means And trade where you get stamps that are good in exchange at 53 stores. PREMIUM JJ011 premium parlors stamp 10. j PARLORS St. Anthony Chapel Car. cordially Invited. All are fl8 Coll at HmmMiiiik Nursery Co.'s yurds and five the fine lot of fruit . ... ..II .llu uitiuli fintt. simile trees and roses. Corner Oak I und .Main. tf I wish to Inform the public that my new line of samples has arriv ed and I am prepared to suit tin rood fastidious tastn in a unit cl clothes. Our ability to turn our work In fit, form and finbh if veil knowr Don't forget the No., 11!' N. Jackson ItoMcburi;, Ore., mchlp a; y i"a i m i All work first-class Buy bread made in Rosetiurg- none better. You could do your, banking in Portland: laundry could if) sent tnere: dry goods bought there but It Is not good business policy. Spend your money at ' home. tf Roseburg Cleaning & Pressing Parlors At thta establishment you can get anything cleaned from a pair of Holled Kloves to the most elabor ate silk gown without injury to color or fabric, both for ladies and gentlemen. Also repair work. Also Coats, Vests, Overcoats and Ladles Jackets rellned. Altering of all kinds. First door west of Umpqua Hotel. SlltS. .M.UtV XKIIj walkek lrprit?toi LOOK US UP RICE & RICE i REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS REFERENCE: ANY BANK Insurance brokers. Bonds, war rants, loans negotiated. Houses for rent and business exchange Advice on any part of Douglas county and its adaptness. Stock, fruit and general farms for sale. Iluslness of all kinds. Some very select Btock ranches. City prop erty and businesses for sale. Long time insurance at very low rates, all old line companies; no chance Tor special assessments as In mu i tub. companies. Always fuy the - a iuu e u en pear., notary Public. Lower floor Masonlo bldg. Roseburg, Oregon. 1ST THE WAY TO BETTER LIOHI" You are on the way to better, cheaper, winter light when you got MAZDA lamps In this car ton. Your hours of ease are easier and your bills for light are lighter. SHELBY; HAZDA No home can afford to waste cur rent In carbon lamps. They are the most expensive lighting de vice you can use, even when you get them free. MAZDA lamps give three times as much light at the same cost. Rdamp your entire house now, before the nights get longer. OSBURN PHARMACE Oppot Hntol Umpqua. What in tit difference between the I rofi dent's traveling expenses and a memi card? j issiSllmm Duo la tlie faro of Hill, the other a bill of fnr-1 COMK And took Over Our Hill Of Fare lU'fnre Arranging Yours! YOfIX I, IKK OIR MKATS Most tender our chops, our steaks are rare. Kxcellent our bams, salt meats the same. All cuts prepared with greatest care To serve and to please you, our aim! Phone (IS THE ECONOMY MARKET CiKO. KOI1I.HAGKN', Prop. 1 STOP AT noiei urana Cass St., Roseburg, Ore. ! GuaranteedEczemaRemedy We are often asked to recom mend a remedy for skin troubles. We have secured the exclusive agency for rOR THt HJBL1C HOUH J TRADE MARK Eczema Remedy which we highly recommend and sell on a positive guarantee. This liquid preparation contains MigreditJiits that could not be employed in salve form, and these have the most valuable healing properties. These advan tages of Meritol Eczema Remedy over all other skin remedies are of special value in the treatment of this distressing and stubborn disease. Johnson's Drug Store Exclusive Meritol Agency. PHONE 163 PHONE 163 Roseburg Feed & Fuel Company SAWED TIE BLOCKS DRV HLOCK FIR WOOD DRY SPLIT FIR WOOD DRY BLOCK OAK WOOD DRY SPLIT OAK WOOD PINE FOR KINDLING Roseburg Feed & Fuel Company W. C. SWANK, Manager. PHONE 163 PHONE 163 MORE THAN FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN REPAIR WORK Guns rebored, stocks made. etc. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Lawn Mowers. Locks and Umbrellas repaired. Also saws filed, keys made, razors, slssors or any other kind of grinding done here. All work guaranteed at Crouch'B Hardware Store, Pine streot entrance. H. E. SCHOENFELD Fern Island Greenhouse Mrs. F. D. Owen. Prop. Roscbnrg, Ore. Pbone 9FI2 Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Ilo queta, etc. JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OK FERNS OF ALL KINDS On Sale At The Rose Confectionery Let "Kelly" Do Your Moving, Hauling and Transferring Office Phone 128 Residence Phone 104-L H-J. DENN TKA.wrGlt AND STORAGE O- Office locaLDd In former store room of Churchill-Warner Elec trical Co. Prompt attention given all orders ROSEBURG, OREGON OUR RAPIDLY GROWING Busi ness, demanding more room, we have secured a lease on, and moved into, beautiful commodious quarters in the PerKins Annex CASS STREET All old and new customers will now find us better prepared than ever to give unexcelled service ..vii '.'i5it:i EVERYTHING FOR SPORTSMEN You will find in my store everything you will need for fishing and hunting from tackle & bait to cartridges & guns J. H. Syke's Gun Store OPPOSITE POSTOFICE D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North Jactison Street, WorKs. WorK Done on Short Notice niwiammiiimnfflTn i You Dont' Have PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement worK of any kind. I have Ave or six houses I will sell cheap, as I want to use the money In other business. See my burglar proof window lock, Its O. K. See Pat's Elastic root paint tor leaky roofs. We build, move or repair your bouses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience In building. , F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER O. JACOBSON Panitorium Dye WorKs All work fully guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. Prac tical dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of Ladies' and Genu' Cloth ing, Cravenettes and Portiers. UOO N. KK( T CORXER OAK. New Shoe- Shop 31iU X. Jackson St., Opposite Electric Lignt orrice. All kinds of repair work. Shoes Shined, Cleaned and Dyed. W.H.Boyle TV.W.Boyle ROSEBURG, OREGON adjoining Peoples Kerble Telephone 251. ROSEBURG, ORE 76 BUSY STORES A rrfiSUi "TTrffwirwiiMBririrn-iiwiwnri to Go to Sea to See Telephone 203 Roseburg, Ore The 2 French3 Transfer Company Phone 220