The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, February 17, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    For the Children
Made to Order
Miss Louise Isslin
Walking In the Park.
"The Furniture Man"
It" 'j 3
VsV E-V f
by Amerli-uii Press Association.
February Is usually the coldest month
of the year iu tho northern portion of
our laud. Then the north wind blows
Its fiercest blasts, and Jack Frost
gets busy making ice for young folks.
Nobody clsy seems to appreciate his
efforts In this line, but what good are
a pair of skates and nowhere to use
them? So It bus happened this year
that Mr. Frost bus won u great many
friends in New York city. He has
provided good skating iu Central purk.
and the roller skates so often seen
on its concrete walks have been ban
ished, and Ice skates are the thing.
Crowds f children have made the old
trees shiver with their merry shouts,
and of course King Winter is pleased.
The little girl In the picture was on
the way to the ico when the photog
rapher snapped her the other day.
She is Miss Louise Iselln. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Iselln.
A Queer Expression.
As most of you know, wild geese
whn they fly away In the fall of the
year form themselves into lines shaped
much like the letter V. the leader fly
ing at the Hliit and the others fol
lowing the two lines. In tills way they
noil far above the danger line, the dan
ger line being the hunter's gun. In
olden times, when the country folk
realized the happiness of these birds
In their safety 1 for their chorus of
"honk, honk, honk" floated down to
the cottagers and sounded joyoust,
they would look up and say. "Every
thing Is lovely and the goose lionlis
high." By nnd by It became natural,
when two persons met each other un
der peculiarly favorable circumstances
for this or that enterprise, for them to
say. "Kverything is lovely and the
goose honks high." and the expression
is still used. Now when you hear it
you can tell your friends its origin.
Hopscotch In India.
In the bnziinrs nnd public plnceB of
all tliu big cities from Simla to Cey
lon, tbe youthful Hindu mid Moham
medan enter enthusiastically Into tliu
excitements of hop scotch. They call
It "ekiirln dukiirln." which In certain
ly a more Imposing title. 'Jihe court
1h marked out luto seven squares, each
of which has n mime, us follows: Ekn
rln. dukaria. Ukurlu, kachkolon, sus
taiiawa, clmtkn and burku A round
lilece of tile (khapolloi Is thrown suc
cessively Into each or these squares
and kicked out by a player hopping on
one foot. In passim; the tlfth and
slith squares (sustanawn and chotkni.
the player has to Jump straight In and
then straight out npiltl from the chalk,
line without trending on uny of the
intervening squares. When the tile
has lieell kicked out of the last square
ibarkai without any roles having been
broken, the player scores u point.
Fresh, roasted coffee at Mar
shall's tf
Edward Ilillls went to Dolo this
morning to spend a few days.
Just arrived, another car load of
genuine Rock Springs coal at
Page's. tf
Miss Hagan left for Myrtle Creek
this morning where she will spend a
few days.
Home made sour Kraut at the
Economy Grocery. 10 cents a quart.
Try some. tf
Mrs. George Dradburn returned to
Winstons this morning after a day
spent hero.
Just arrived, another car load of
genuine Hock Springs coal at
Page's. tf
W. P. Gilliam has returned from a
trip to points in the northern part of
the state.
Just arrived, another car load of
genuine Rock Springs coal at
Page's. if
Henry Fleischer, of Myrtle Creek,
transacted business matters In the
city for a few hours today.
Chicken dinner Sunday at 'the
Lewis Restaurant, near depot 25c. J.
L. Boggs, prop. f28
Mrs. J, Brooks returned to Canyon
vllle today after visiting with Mrs.
W. H. Boyle in this city.
Now niiip of Douglas County, paer
$1.50; cl itl. $2.00, Jj. G. Hicks, V.
O. Ilox 47'., ItosctnirR Or. 59-f20
I. A, Neal left for his home at
Ashland this morning after visiting
with his son, Ellle Neal, of thlB city.
Go to J. & J. Restaurant, 137
Sheridan street for I, X. L. Chicken
Tamales and Mexican Chili Con
Carne. tf
Edna Martz, a member qf the
Draper's band, was entertained by
C. D. Maynard during her visit in
this city.
If you need wood tne Full Measur
yard can fill your order with dry
oak or fir. Phone 105. North
Roseburg. tf
C. O. Vore and wife left for Spear
fish, North Dakota, this morning
where they expect to reside perm
anently. Attorney Tom Bennett, of Marsh
field, who has been spending the
past .few days in Roseburg left for
Portland last night.
If you need wood the Full Measuro
yard can flH your order with dry
oak or fir. Phone 105. North
Roseburg. f
Patronize the Farmers Public Mar
ket Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro
ducers' and consumers' interest.
Prices always reasonable. tf
Rev. C. E. Short returned here
this morning from Oakland where
he Is holding a series of evangelistic
meetings. He reports much interest
manifested in the meetings and a
number of conversions.
Dressmaking nnd embroidery work
by the day or at home. The Misses
Lux, 113 W. Lane street. Phone
404. f23p
J. L. Koop, who recently arrived
hero from Minnesota, left this morn
ing for, San Francisco. After a few
days spent there he will continue his
journey East.
If you place one order with us for
wood, ou will become one of our
permanent customers. Full Measure
Wood Yard. North Roseburg. Phone
105. tf
Mrs. D. Murray and daughter,
Alice, left for Oakland, Cal., tbis
morning where they will join their,
husband and father who is located
there. j
William Van Buren went to!
Ruckles this morning to spend a few j
days with his aunt. Mr. Van Buren ;
lives at Portland and has been visit-!
ing with friends here. j
Douglas County Creamery butter j
is me nest on tne market . insist on
your grocer supplying you with this
borne product, which Is always strict
ly fresh and guaranteed. Two pound
roll 85 cents.
The Clock Tower of Berne.
A tower in the city of Berne. Swit
zerland. Is famous for its mechanical
clock, which, at the striking hours.
presents an Interesting display. Three
minutes before the hour a cock crows
mid (laps lis trlngs. nnd several bears
march round a seated figure or Time,
which thereupon reverses an liotir
glnss. raises its scepter nnd opens Its
month as often ns the clock strikes,
while the bear on the right bows Its
head. The cock once more crows and
the pantomime Is at an end. This fa
mous clock tower wns once a wntch
tower nnd stood nt the extreme east
em end of the town Now. however
It Is In the center of the town.
Feed, Feed, Feed
At Jack Dawson's Poultry Market
and Feed Store, 507 N. Jackson St.
We carry the following feeds at the
lowest prices possible, quality and
weight considered. Below are prices
for this week.
75 lbs Olympic Process Barley
none better .$1.2.1
00 lbs Jockey Club Rolled Oats $1.10
55 lbs Bran HOc
80 lbs Shorts $1.83
100 lbs Midds $1.83
100 lbs Shady Brook, Alfalfa
Meal and Molasses $1.53
120 lbs Pure Linseed Meal. . . .$2.73
100 lbs Cracked Corn, Meal
Screened Out $2.30
100 lbs Good Clean Wheat . ..$1,110
100 lbs Diamond Chick Feed . .$:!.23
Hard Wheat Flour, per bbl.. .$3.10
Hard Wheat Flour, per Back . .Sf.-IO
We carry a full line of poultry sup
plies. We can save you! money on
all kinds of seeds. We do not handle
Standard and Feed Barley. We sell
the Olympic Process Barley only. We
buy for cash and sell for cash only.
We are sure you can't find a second
grade article In the house. We guar
antee everything to be first class, or
your money back. We pay cash for
Poultry, Eggs, Veal, Pork and Hides.
We pay no rent and can Bell as cheap
as anyone, quality considered. We de
liver the goods.
! KKEI) STOKE, B07 X. Jackson.
I'd love to know my letters well.
That I mleht team to read end fpelL
I'd nnd them on my pretty card
If they were not so very hard.
Now. S 1 crrmked. don't you eee?
And O le msklnK mouthe at me.
And o Is sometntng- like a ball
It hasn't any end at alt.
And all the ral are. mr. o queert
They look like crooked Micks. Oh. dear)
Ota counted so and twenty more.
What do they have o many for?
Oregon Development League
Eugene, Thursday, February 19th
"The Exposition Line 1IG"
tickets will be Bold from Roneburg Feb. 18 and Vj and will be
good for return until February 20th
Low Round Trip Fares
all other points
Call on nearest S. P. Agent for full particulars, train schedules, etc
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
In order to get cash to pay our creditors we have decided to sell you Groceries
for practically cost for the next 30 days, as we must have money. Below is small
list of Groceries; never before have Standard Goods been sold for this money
in Roseburg. Call in and inspect the same. We know you will buy. Thirty
days only, commencing Monday, February 9. If you must buy Groceries, now
is your chance to lay in a stock at cost.
2J!&. Green Stamps Given on all Purchases
Extra Standard Corn, rcg 2 for 23c . . 10c
Extra Standard Tomatoes, 2 for 25c 10c
Extra Standard Peas, 15c straight 12c
Reg. 20c solid packed Corn, good
Peas and Tomatoes 15c
Large bot. Cal. Home Catsup, reg.
35c, now 25c
Peg. 35c. Pineapple, now 25c
Peg. 15c Shaker Salt, now 10c
Peg. 2 lb. Can 15c Campbells Pork
and Beans, now 10c
6 bars reg. 5c White Soap, now 6 for 25c
Peg. 6 bars Brown' Soap, now . . 8 for 25c
Peg. 15c pint bot. Bluing, now ... .6c
Reg. 15c pine bot. Amonia, now ... .6c
1 gallon Fancy Nector Syrup, now 60c
Reg. 121oc Bulk Cracker, now 10c
o-Pine bot. Sour or Sweet Pickles, 10c
Fancv Home Rendered Lard, 10 lb $1.50
Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, rcg $1.75 $1.65
Fancy Union Hams, rcg. 25e, now . .22c
K. C. Baking Powder, reg 25c, now 20c
Royal Baking Powder, reg. 50e, now 45c
Crescent Baking Powder, reg. 25c, 22c
Pure Fruit gran. Sugar, no stamps $5.40
Pure gran. Beet Sugar, no stamps $5.20
Golden Rod "Wheat Flakes, reg. 35c, 30c
Columbia "W. Flakes, reg. 35, now 30c
5 lb. package Liberty Oats, reg 35c, 30c
Kellogg 's Corn Flakes 10c
Ho Ho Buckwheat, pack. 2 lbs .... 15c
Quaker Corn Flakes, reg 10c 4 for 25c
Raisins 16 oz. package 10c
Arm & Hammer Soda 8c
Puffed "Wheat 11c
Puffed Rice 13c
Bulk Spites, per lb., reg. 60c, now. . ,40c
Reduction on all Canned Spices
2io lb. White Cherries, reg. 30c can 20c
212 "lb. Black Cherries, reg. 25c can 20c
5 lb. can Kraut, reg. 20c, now 15c
reg. 20c. 3 lb. can Hominy, now 15c
Reg. 35c. 2V2 lb. Pineapple, now . . .25c
Reg 3 for 25cToilet Paper, now 4 for 25c
Vinegar, per gal., 40c, now 30c
Cut on all Toilet Soaps . .10 per cent.
212 lbs. Strawberries, now 20c
Less 5 per cent on all case lots.
Fancy Hard Wheat Flour, rrtg.
$1.00, this sale $1.40
Fancy White Beans, per lb .6c
Broken Head Rice, per lb 5c
Fancy Head Rice, per lb .9c
Fancy Bayo Beans, per lb 64c
Fancy Jap Rice, per lb 7c
Fancy Flaked Oatmeal, per lb 5c
And everything in the store cut accordingly, as we must get the cash. Don't
forget the place and the time, 30 days only commencing Monday, February
9th. If you must buy groceries consider the quality and the price and call in
and examine our goods. We guarantee everything to be Extra Standard"
articles. These prices given to cverybndv. Yours for Business,
R. STUBBS, TheGrocer.
See Our Window Display
Oelos Uavonnort, of Couullle, Is
spendlnK a few days In Kosebnrg vis
iting with friends.
PntronizB uie r'armem Public Mar-
kflt Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro
ducers' and consumers Interest.
Prices always reaonable. tf
If you need wood the Full Measure
yard can fill your order with dry
oak or fir. Phone 165. North
Roseburg. tf
Mrs. M.'iddiix, of Green, spont yes
terday afternoon In Uosehurg at
tending a reception at the Barker
Patronize the Farmers Public Mar
ket Tuesdays and Sauiraays, Pro
ducers' and consumers' Interest.
Prices always reasonable. tf
If you place one order wlMi r.s for
wood, you wllb become one of our
permanent customers. Full Measure
Wood Yard. North IloBoburg. Phone
185. tf
If you placG one orSMr wi n us for
wood, ycu will become on-a of our
permanent customers. Full Measure
Wood Yard. North Itoseburg Phone
Art does not always mean beauti
ful picture or statute. It is often
used In connection with mechanica
labor, more often horseshoeing. Oo
to Klsncr & Marsh and you vUl learn
to merit the true art. of shoeing. tf
SLfi.A It.
Do you want t buy cane sugar
by the suck? 1. 110 Mr sack, cnxh.
VII you want. !o not luive to imy
aiiythliiK tLse. Free delivery. Hart)
wlK'iit flour or sack, froe fle-
Uwry. Any 'uitlclo 1n our storo
prlti'tl by the lrn, c-uno or sack at
price as low as any concern In town
or out. Free ilt-llvcry. Cush or ilo
iliiys dime. ('arvin-Kastiuan (trocory
Co. riione Hill. flH
no.sKiiUHG ricrriOiV miikary.
Support the library established In
Itoseburg about 9 years, which cod
tains ovor two thousand volumes.
You can obtain the latest and best
novels. There are many other books
besides fiction. History, travol, poetry
and other branches of literature are
represented, 123m7p
U. S. Weather Buroau, local of
fice, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours end
ing 0 a. m., February 17, 1811.
Precipitation In inches and hun
dredths: Highest temperature yesterday 65
Lowest temperature- last night 41
Precipitation, last 24 hours .. 0
Total preolp. since first of
month 41
Normal preclp. for this month 4. PC
Total preclp. from Sep, 1, 1913
to date 18.06
Average preclp. from Septem
ber 1. 1 877 22.G
Total deficiency from Sop. 1,
1913 4.D4
Averagr, precipitation for 36 wet
seasons, (Sep. to May Inclus
ive) 33.08
We need the nionoy. Will deliver
you a cord of 16 Inch dry body fir
for 17.00. This only I lis Is until 40
cords nro sold. The Economy wood
yard. Phone 123. tf
Rett located and moit popular
hotel in the City circulating ice
water in every room.
Especial attention to ladle
travelling alone.
Kxccllciit, reasonably priced (frill.
Meet your friemti at the Manx.
European Plan Ratat $l.SOnik
Managtmtnt, Cheater W KUmy