Mm WEATHER Highest Temperature - - 55 Lowest Temperature - - 44 ljain Tonight & Weil. vol. v. UOSHUUltG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, Ol'.KGOX TI KSDAY, VKISIHWUY 17, 1IH. No. HK SLUGS HIS WIFE Unconscious Woman Pound In Gutter on Fowler Street. IS BEATEN BY' BRUTAL Ejected From Her Hume anil Told to Go .Mrs. Edward Noah Is tho Unfortunate Woman May Be Investigated. Beaten into unconsciousness and then ejected from her home by an irate husband, Mrs. Edward Noah, wife of a local blacksmith, was found lying on the sidewalk on 'Fowler street, near the corner of Douglas, by pedestrians shortly after seven o' clock this morning. When found, Mrs. Noah was scantily attired and was suffering from exposure. A son of Owen Osburn, the drug gist, was enroute from his home to the store of his father, when he no ticed what he thought was the body of a man lying on the sidewalk at a point about 100 feet north of the in tersection of Fowler and Douglas streets. Fearing that the form was that of a dead person, Osburn suc ceeded1 in attracting the attention of Jack Whltsett, janitor at the court "house, who was on his way to work. Together the men went to the scene with a view of investigating the In cident. The woman was unconscious, and not until she was half carried to the corner .of Douglas street did she revive. After partially regaining her senses she was taken to the court liause and later placed in tho cus tody of friends. In telling her story to the officers today, Mi's. Noah said she was attacked by her husband early this morning, beaten into semi unconsciousness and ejected from her home. How she reached the spot where she was later discovered by pedestrians is more than she can tell. Edward Noah, the man whom his wife accuses of the fiendish assault, was arrested here a few weeks ago on a charge of beating his wife and children. He was given a hearing In the Justice court and was placed under bonds to keep the peace. Now that he has exceeded the limit of decency he should be takeu before the grand jury now in session in order that he may explain his actions. Noah is a raw-boned man of large stature, while his wife is frail and delicate. Although somewhat improved this afternoon Mrs. Noah is in a bad con dition as a result of her early morn ing experience. She has several chil dren. COOLEY IS DEAD Brother of Accused Murderer Dies at Gold Beach. HEART DISEASE WAS THE CAUSE Mr. Owley Whs a Phmecr of The Clieteo Valley Whore Ho llutl Lived Among Friends Ijonvew Itig Family. GOLD BEACH, Or., Feb. 14. J. A. Cooley, one of the earliest pio neers of Harbor, was found dead In bed by his wife at their home. He was a brother of Riley Cooley, who was recently arrested in San Fran cisco, for the Van Pelt murder fif teen years ago. Heart disease Is be lieved to have been the cause and death came without a struggle. Mr. Cooley was one of the oldest . settlers of the Chetco Valley. He wag the eldest son of one of the early pioneer families or Curry county, and was about 68 years of age. Besides an aged mother, who resiles in the Chetco Valley, he leaves an aged wife and a large family, all of whom are grown, two brothers and two sis ters In California, Henry and Riley Cooley and Mrs. Harris jnd :Trs. Raleigh Scott, J. D. and W. J. Cooley and Mrs. J. W. Morrison, of this county. Jl DGIi CLKKTOX. Judge Cleeton, of Portland, who has been holding court here for' the past few days, has agreed to address the members of the Methodist Episcopal church at a banquet to be held tomorrow evening, "The law yer" will be his topic. liXGAGJEMKXT AXXOIWCKD. Fcrllicoinin Nuptials of Miss Har riett Barker and Mr. Louis Josse Made Known tit Pretty .Reception Mrs. Jt F. Barker and Miss Bar ker were at home to their friends Monday afternoon in honor of Miss Harriett Dudley Barker, whose en gagement to Mr. Louis William Josae, of Salem, was announced. The drawing room was lovely wiith pink roses and yellow daffodils transform ed1 the dining room into a bower of beauty. Mrs. Barker and Miss Bar ker were, assisted in receiving by Mesdames F. W. Haynes, James E. Sawyers, Clark L. Barger and Charles Wharton. Mrs. J. C. Hume served at the jmnch bowl and Mrs. S. S. Josephson and Miss McClallen pre sided in the dining room. Mesdames K. L. Miller, Harry Stapleton. J. W. Perkins and Carl D, Shoemaker Toured ot the exquisite yellow, and white tea table. Miss Elizabeth Abraham and Master Milton Shoe maker carried the announcement cardg in dainty flower trimmed bas kets and 'distributed them 'among the guests. . During the afternoon over one hundred ladies called. Claims to Represent the Sells Floto Company. WOULD MAKE FALSE CONTRACTS Chief-if-Iolice Williams Receives u Letter From .Si'lli-l'lotji Com puny Brumling Man An Impostor. The following information receiv ed here' today by Marshal Tom Wil liams will no doubt be of interest to local merchants who occasionally fall prey to the cunningnesg of some crook: "A person sometimes giving the name of Charles McDonald and sometimes, Charles McMorton, rep resenting himself as an agent of the Sells-Floto Shows company, has "worked" merchants In Pocatello, Idaho, and in Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah, as well as in other places, making purported contracts for supplies to he furnished the Sells-Floto Shows company during Flashlight taken In the Antlers clear Is the picture. CROOK ABROAD m t i jiimiy i wmmmivmwmi- i nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i 1 1 mm 1 1 ui jgnupm I , . ii.ijuH iiti.. I 11 ". MISli HAKKIKl'T Whose engagement to Mr. announced yesterday afternoon by Mrs. J. F. Barker and Miss the bride-to-be. the season of 1914. This man Is an imposter and is perpetrating a fraud upon the mer chants and others with whom he pretends to do business. He has no authority whatever to represent the Sells-Floto Shows company. "This is to advise you that all agents and representatives of the Sells-Floto Shows company, author ized to make contracts of any kind or character, are provided with proper credentials. j "You are requested to give warn-' ing to all merchants and others, who may have business dealings with the Selis-Floto Shows company, to require all persons claiming to be agents of the show, to exhibit their -credentials. Should any person be unable to exhibit such credentials, you are requested to detain him und wire particulars to the chief of po-! lice, Denver, Colorado. ' "The. Sells-Floto circus and Buf falo Bill, himself, will exhibit in your cty during the season of 1914, and it is o,u r earnest desire to fully protect all merchants and other per sons having dealings with the show) and thus preserve and protect their, own good name and reputation, and! with this in. view, we request that) you give their warning the utmost publicity. j "TUB SELLS-FLOTO SHOWS CO. I "By Ed. C. Warner, Gen. Agt."( A delightful evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, M. De vaney, on South Pine street, yester day, when a few of their friends gathered to celebrate the 30th anni versary of their marriage. Games, music and social converse were in dulged in until a late hour when de licious refreshments wore served. The guests presented Mr. and Mrs. Devaney with a set of beautiful pearl handle fruit knives. Those present, were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bowers. Theatre at the Housewarmlng of the E IHIH.F.Y liAKKKH IT Louis William Josso, of Salem, was at a most delightful party given Veil Barker, mother and sister of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Negley and Mr. nnd Mrs. Devaney, of Uoseburg, and William Salley, the oldest Southern Pacific engineer on the Pacific division. Mr. Salley lives at Portland. L. L. Lewis was today appointed administrator of he estute of his late mother, Mrs. Mary Lewis. The estate Is valued at approximately $3, 000, including personal and real property. Collide and Three Coaches go Into the Ditch. MISSISSIPPI RIVER STEAMER SINKS One Hundred nnd Ten Pa-Sst'iigoi's In Panic. When Craft Collllos With Wharf All Taken Oil In Mufety. Special to The Evening News.) SPUING FIELD, Mo., Feb. 17. East and west bound trains on the Frisco railway collided at an early hour this morning. The accident oc curred at Nicholas Junction, and sixty-five of the passengers were Injured, five of them being seriously hurt. The west bound train side wiped the other, hurling three of the coaches into the ditch. Itfver Steamer Sunk. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Feb. 17. The river steamer Queen City, bound from Pittsburg to New Orleans, and car rying 110 Mardl-Gras excursionists met wth an accident while atteniit- Iks' Club lam Friday night. Many p mm TRAINS PLEAD GUILTY Prisoners Arraigned in Court Late Yesterday. THREE INDICTMENTS ARE RETURNED Xo Civil Cases Scheduled for Hearing OuriiiK the Present Term of Court! ColdweU Pleads Not (inilty. .The grand jury, which began Its deliberations yesterday morning re ported two indictments in the circuit court lust evening. Another indict ment was relumed this morning. ,Tho defendants are WV E. Gutes, E. W. Dyer nnd William ColdweU, all of whom are charged with the crime of larceny. . Gates, who Is accused of stealing a handbag belonging to a lady pas senger on a Southern Pacific train a few nights ago, was arraigned lato yesterday. He entered a plea of guilty and Judge Cleetou announced he woud pass sentence 'Friday after noon.. Gates, It will be remembered, boarded a train at Glendale a few days ago under the pretense of com ing to Ftosebuvg. Watching the op portunity he grasped a handbag be longing to a passenger and alighted from the train as It readied Ruckles. News of the theft waB sent here nnd on the following day Gates was arrested by a Southern Pacific of ficer. His indlotmont followed yes torday. E. W. Dyer, also indicted yesterday Is charged with passing a worthless draft In the sum of $21 on Charles Stark, formerly connocted with the Ing to land this mornnlg and sunk. Jl'he swift current dashed the steamer against the pier, caving a hole In her side. All of the passengers were res cued, although they were In a pan nlcky condition. There wore no causaltlcs. Tribute to Southern Honnlor. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Final tribute -was paid to Senator Bacon, of Georgia, In the senate this after noon. The Episcopal funeral service waa read by Hlsbop Harding, of Washington, and prayer was orfered by Uev. Prettyman, the senate chap lain. The service were simple with out music or flornl offerings. Kutjil Powder Explosion. JOHNSTOWN, Pa., Feb. 17. Two men were killed at Tunnelton, nenr here today, in nn explosion which wrecked the plant of tho West Penn sylvania Powder Co. The mixing house was blown to atoms. The cause of the disaster Is not known. James Donahew, who Is employed by Hurry Poarce, the harnessmaker, received a telegram from Missouri this morning to the effect that his brother died there last night. I'liuto by ( lark & ('lark ersons are easily distinguished, so i McClallen hotel in thiB city. After passing the draft Dyer loft town and was later captured at Portland anil returned to Roseburg. Dyer entered a plea of guilty In the circuit court last night, and ho will' be sentenced by Judse Ciueton somo time Friday afternoon. William E. Codwell, who Is charg ed with robbing a Canyonville resi dent of ?50, while the two wore oc cupying the same room In a Glendale ; hotel, was arraigned In the circuit court this morning and entered a plea of guilty. Ills trial will probably bo called' some time tomorrow, Rollln Eilmundson, a companion oC Dyer, who is also accused ot passing a worthless check on the McClallen hotel, had not been Indicted by the grand jury at a late hour today. According to Information given out this morning, there will probably bo no civil case8 for trial during tho present term of court. Almost with out exception the 200 casos on the original docket were either continued for tho term or dismissed. Harold Smith, recently Indicted by a grand Jury on a charge of violat ing tho local option laws, entered a plea of guilty In the circuit court this afternoon and wa8 sentenced to pay a fine of $250 and 30 days In jail by Judge Cleeton. Sentence was Suspended by tho judge during the defendant's good behavior. DlBtrlct Attorney George M. Brown Interced ed for Smith, and asked that the court temper Justice with mercy. The trial or William E. ColdweU, who this morning ploaded not guilty to robbing Junius Perry, of Cnnyon vllle, or $80 while the two occupied the snnie room In o Glondale hotel, began berore a Jury In tho circuit court his aRernoon, W. W. Cardwoll was appointed by the court to rep resent Caldwell, but was objectod to by the dufondunt on the grounds that Wash Moore, one of the state's wit nesses, was a relative of Mr. Card well. Tile court then appointed At torney Albeit Abraham, hut be ask ed to be excused from Bervlng. At torney Elbert Hermann was next ap pointed, and the trial proceeded. ' It is probahlo that the caao will reach the jury lato this afternoon. District attorney George M. Brown has charge of the prosecution. nUNLtUPHNb Special Services Attract at Methodist Church. MUSICAL NUMBERS ARE A TREAT I. K. .MrCliittoi'k De-llvei's nn IntercsU liK Aihlross of Wolt'oitio SmicIoiih I'Mlflce Crowded To lt CuiuicIVy, "Home Coming" at the new Moth odlst church, which was formally dedicated hero Sunday wa8 the at traction last evening. A splendid program was arranged for the occasion, and wiib carried out as advertised. Tho program included vocal Heiections, addresses and oth er entertaining features. The program of tho evening fol lows: Welcome Homo I. E, McCllntock Piano Solo, WalU from "Faust" Gounod-Lls.t Mrs. Nadine Shupard Address Hnv. G. 11, Bennett, Pastor M. E. Church, Dallas, Ore. Solo Selected Mrs. Gurdon A, Fory Selection ... Ferguson Mandolin Club Address Rev. J. K. Hawkins. Paa- tor M. E, Church, Hellwoid, Ore. Chorus, "Awake With tho Lurk" , De Reef I First M. K. Choir Solo Selected M!s .Mildred Wi.Oil Address Rev. E. Olin Eldrldge, Pas tor M. E. Church, Medford, Ore. Duet, "Oh, That Wo Two Were Fly ing" Smith Mr, and Mrs. Qurdon A. Fory Address Rev. 11. K. Dunlap, Pastor M. E. Church, Forest Grove. Piano Solo (a) Last Smith Woolenhaupt Hallelujah from Messiah Handel Miss Gladys Strong Selection .. Ferguson Mandolin Club Chorus, "Home, Sweet Home" FirBt M. E. Choir