For the Children Society Littl Folks En joying Winter Sports. rf I JvVfJ r & by American Prims Association. With the rpount advent of .luck "Frost Hlods. Hkntes. toboKK'nm mid the oilier hIUh thiit miikv winter Joyous biive been wurkliijf overtime, impe rially In Now York city and Its en rlroiiN have the little ones been limit Intf the most of (lie whiter. It Home tlintfs happen that a whole win ter may by without producing enntiKh Ice to make skating poHslble. Bo when Mr. Vrtmt does come be Is welcomed wit li went glee , by the younger eontliwi.t. Tuxedo Park, In ilrniiKo county, N. Y.. about thirty-live MiiU-H from (lie biff city. Is the home of Hiiiny rich mid fiwliloiiable folks who pn-fer lis quiet country ways. to the bustle uf the blK town. It lias river, fctkpitnd forest In plenty, mid tlieretbe j vn tit folks revel. The picture shows l.ucy Whlllleld and Neddy Lee of that exclusive locality. They were skating Yhcii they coiiHented to pose. A Boy's Visit to Washington. Wfteu ft Colonel 11. of Vlrftlnln flmie was a boy of seven years IiIh tin t lie r took liliu to spend the day with dYncrti and Mi'h. Washington. The lut.r had heard so much of the ureal rerteral that lie was afraid to meet kirn, and Ik hoped that something -vttiild batipeu to prevent the visit Hut It didn't, and the only consolation the youngster had was the possession ! it new suit with brass buttons foi ffw occasion. While driving then In i touch the lad's mother remarked. "This V the general's birthday, and 1 want ym to Hay something pretty to him." Ttie bny looked alarmed, so his moth er hastily added. "You might say that jim hope the good Lord will spare til m to mir people uniny years to come." He repented this speech all the way tliere. Washington was standing near lite llreplace hi the library, bis hands behind his bark, when they hrst saw ktm that day. The hoy wns ultra' ted to his peuetratlnu eyes, end he after nunl remeuibered he was not as se tire looking ns Ills portraits. Mrs. Washington was knitting at the win 4uw, and the hoy liked her kind luce. After the greetings were over the gen ml patted the hoy on the head, and then the boy. In ronl'Mslon, stammered , Ills little speech thus: "I hope the good ! Lord will spare ine to the people!" A i kiugh fidlowed. and (he hoy run out of! the rwnn. while Ids mother tried to ex-! plain. Ills contusion was forgotten at tcti time by Mrs. Washington present- j 1 V 7 tag him with a little Inlaid box. Washington's First Letter. leur I Hi key-1 tliank you very much for the pretty picture book you xnvo me. Sam asked me to show him the pictures, and I showed him all the pictures in It, mid I rend him how the tame elephant took care of (he mas ter's little boy nod put him on his buck and would not let anybody touch Ills master's little sou. "I can read three or four pages wunet lines without missing a word. Mil Kays I may go to see you and stay all day with you next uek If It be wot rainy. She says I may ride my jMMiy . Hero. If Lucie I ton will go with Hie sad lead Mem "I have a little piece of poetry about Hie picture book yon gave me. but 1 auiHln't tell you who wrote the poetry: "U, W.a ciimehhH'MtM to n i i, l. Ami llk.'H hi tnuk (nil u,'!l. lli'iieerurtli will ooiint dim lilii frlt-nl And m.uiv tmi.iy J)- tit may Y.HIl fMO-1 f ;,,!, (iroii'lK ASlMN-iToN "I mil going to ( a whip top soon, and you may see It :hmI whip It A Wathington Anecdote. It H told of 'ti-hinmcii Hi. a durtm: the llevolutli'iiai' war a tl.ii: of t r't tuning in at New York brought a let ter from Ceiieral Howe addressed I "Mr. Washington' Our general took the letter frme tie tvhI coadst soldier tiiht. glancing at Hi Hihlrews. said: "Why. this letter h at for me It Is dirs led to a p'anie: in Virginia I'll ke-p It and give It to Iitut at the end of (tie war." While sH-aklng he Ihrust tli. letter '(. h's piH'ket. oi .let s the tlag of Jr-n-e out of (tie lines and dirts'ted the fiinneis io stand by. Itrforo another "Smirthe rvilnmt tvttinntl with another krtter mhlressiHl to "HI Kxcelleiicy K-neml Washington" L'eiieral Howe had taken the hint MTV NEWS. May belle Wilson, a local teacher,) spent Sunday with her parents at) Yoaculla. Just arrived, another car load el genuine iloek Springs coal ut Pago's. it Dora. Canimoud wont to Oakland this morning to spend a few days visiting with friends. Just arrived, another car load of genuine Rock Springs coal a. Page's. if Mrs. James Ellison went to Wil bur this morning to spend a few dayt visiting with friends. Jutst arrived, another car load of genuine Hock Springs coal at Page's. tf It. P. Matson, of Portland was a business visitor In Koseburg for a few hours today. Chicken dinner Sunday at the Lewis Restaurant, near depot 25c. J. L. Hoggs, prop, f28 Mosslo Tended returned here last evening after a couple of days spent at Kugeno with friends. Home made sour kraut at the Economy Grocery. 10 cents a quart. Try somo. tf Uessio Bond returned here this morning after spending Sunday with her parents at Myrtle Creek. Just arrived, another car load of genuine Rock Springs coal ut Page's. tf Mrs. Record, wife of a Portland railroad employee, arrived here last evening to visit with friends. District Attorney Cleorgo M. Brown returned hero yesterday alter a few days spent at Salem and Portland. Patronize the Farmers Public Mar ket Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro ducers and consumers' Interest. Prices always reasonable. U Mrs. C. W. Perkins returned hero I last evening after a few days spent at Kugeno visiting with Mrs. C. W. Clark. If you need wood tne Full Measure yard can fill your order with dry oak or fir. Phone 165. North Rosoburg. tf Mrs. Logan, a member of the Kil ties hand, was entertained hero yes terday by Mrs. D. II. Mitchell, an old time friend. If you need wood the Full Measure yard cau fill your order with dry oak or fir. Phone 165. North Roseburg. tf May Baldwin left for her home at Kugeno this morning after a couplei of days spent in Rosoburg visiting with her sister, Mrs. II. C. Darby. If you need wood the Full Measure yard can fill your order with, dry oak or fir. Phone 105. North Roseburg. tf Mrs. W. C. Tipton returned home yestorday after an nbseneo of a month. She whs called to the bed Bio of hor father, the Into A brum May, who died at his homu in North Bend, Wash., on January 17, 1914. Douglnn County Creamery butter Ib tho best on the market . Insist on your grocer supplying you with this homo product, which is always strict ly fresh mid guaranteed. T'.vo pound roll Sft cents. Frances Alley and Mrs. H. B. Church left, for Salem tills morning where they will attend tho conven tion of the Christian Sunday schools of tho state. Mrs. Church nnd Miss Alley go as delegates from tho local Christian church. "Safety First" Our Molto ON Shasta Route Trains OF (0 MUN5ET 0 I "'routCS) ' I The KHslthll Mm- t i 1 .1 Anil now is the time to aee California; to live outdoors and enjoy the sunshine, flowers nnd summer sports. H is a trip you can't hffird to miss. Three Fine Trains Daily including SKista Limited TiiK train of modern service with ail steel up-to-the-minute equipment. T11K 0 AI.ll'OUNIA and SAN FRANCISCO F.XI'RKSS Tr lins with Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and din iii)j service that w ill please. full on inii'0t S. V. Agent anil let film outline a trip, quote fares nnd flint)..!! Outiiij; liternturc on fnUforula'a faiiiotw report-. JOHX M. SOWr, tiKNKU.U. I'ASsKXtiKU ACiKXT, l'ortlaml Or. I wish to Inform the public that my new line of samples bas arrl- j ed and I am prepared to suit the j moH fastidious taste in a unit of' clothes. Our ability to turn our work In fit, form and finish in vol! known. ; Don't forget the No., 127 Jackson ; Roseburg, Ore., mchlp. TRAPPERS!! If you want the highest prices for all kinds of furs bring them to mo. I am buying for an East ern house again this season. IS. K SHIELDS, OTfice 405, Cass Street, Roseburg, Oregon. ffik mmm i,v.v '11- THE WAY TO BETTER LIGHT You are on the way to better, cheaper, winter light when you get MAZDA lumps in this car ton. Your hours of ease are easier and your bills for light are lighter. SHELBY HAZDA No home can afford to waste cur rent In carbon lamps. They are the most expensive lighting de vice you can use, even when you got them free. MAZDA lamps give three times as much light nt the same cost. Relamp your entire house now, before the nights get longer. OSBURN PHARMACE Opposite lintel Uinpqua. What is tho difference between tho President's traveling expenses and a menu card? Ono I8 I lio furu uf lllll, tho other a bill of fare! COM K And IH.k Over Our Hill Of Fare Itafore Arranging Yours! YOU'IX UKG OIK MEATS Most tender our chops, our stoaks are rare. lOxcctlont our hams, salt meatH the same. All cuts prepared with greatest care To serve nnd to plense you, our ulm! Phone OH THE FXONOMY MARKET GKO. KOIIMIACKX, ITop. ! THE STOP AT Hotel Grand Cass St., Roseburg, Ore. IRADC MAN K Edgewood, 111., Oct. 10, 1913 Mr. Paul Kiche, Effingham, 111., Dear Sir: I herewith enclose $1.00 for which please Bend me two pack ages of Alerltul Rheumatism Pow ders. I purchased a package about wiis ago, took them, am they proved to he very satisfac tory. I have taken many differ ent kinds of medicines for more than a year. That 50c package of powders did me more good than all tho other remedies com bined, I think one more pack age will cure nie entirely. Yours truly (Signed) n. O. Wharton. Johnson's Drug Store Exclusive Merltol Agency. PHONE 163 PHONE 163 Roseburg Feed & Fuel Company SAWED TIE BLOCKS DRY BLOCK FIB WOOD DHY SPLIT FIR WOOD DRY BLOCK OAK WOOD PRY SPLIT OAK WOOD PINE FOR KINDLING Roseburg Feed & Fuel Company W. C. SWANK, Manager. PHONE 163 PHONE 163 MORE THAN FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN REPAIR WORK Guns rehored, stocks made, etc. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, Locks and Umhrellas repaired. Also saws filed, keys made, razors, sissors or any other kind of grinding done here. All work guaranteed at Crouch's Hard ware Store, Pine street entrance. H. E. SCHOENFELD Fern Island Greenhouse Mrs. F. D. Owen. rrop. Roseburg, Ore. Phone 9PI2 Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bo quets, etc. JVST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF FERNS OF ALL KINDS On Sale At The Rose Confectionery Let "Kelly" Do Your Moving, Hauling OOice Phone 12S Residence Phone 104-L H.J. DENN TRAia, fcli. AND STORAGE Cl. Office locat-M In former etone room of Churchill-Warner Elec trical Co. Prompt attention given all orders ROSEBURG, OREGON 76 BUSY STORES r OUR RAPIDLY GROWING Busi ness, demanding more room, we have secured a lease on, and moved into, beautiful commodious quarters in the PerRins Annex CASS STREET All old and new customers will now find us better prepared than ever to give unexcelled service EVERVTHING FOR SPORTSMEN You will find in my store everything you will need for fishing and hunting from tackle & bait to cartridges & guns J. H. Syke's Gun Store OPPOSITE POSTOFICB D. H. MARSTEE5' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North Jactison Street, Worts. WorK Done on Short Noticp You Dont' Have PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement worh of any Hind. I have five or six houset I will sell cheap, as I wnnt to use the money In other buBlness. See my burglar proof window lock, Ita O. K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, move or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience in building. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER O. JACOBSON Panitorium Dye Works All work fully guaranteed. Good's called for and delivered. Prac tical dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladies' and Genu' Cloth lng, Cravenettes and Portlers. MM N. ROHB 8T CORNER OAK. New Shoe Shop S20 N. Jackson St., Opposite Electric Lignt Office. All kinds of repair work. Shoos Shined, Cleaned and Dyed. W.H.Boylc W.W.Boyle ROSEBURG, OREGON adjoining Peoples Ktrble Telephone Z51. ROSEBURG, ORE to Go to Sea to See Telephone 208 Roseburg, Ore and Transferring The French Transfer Company Phone 220